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____ to a university in the USA, international students must have a strong ability in spoken and written English.

    A.To admit        B.To be admitted    C.Having admitted   D.Having been admitted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

After he failed in everything he had tried, he turned to ________.

  1. A.
    grow rice
  2. B.
    plant rice
  3. C.
    growing rice
  4. D.
    planting rice


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents. The next day she drove her old car home along the road.    21  she found she got a flat. The 22-year-old student   22   to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk. No   23    tire.

At this time, a car    24   . Paul and Diane told Clay to   25   them to a service station near their   26   .They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to   27   with her car. “Follow us home,” said Paul. The couple called around to find a tire. No     28  . They decided to let her use their own car. “Here,” Paul said, handing Clay a   29   of keys, “Take our car. We   30   be using it over the holiday.”

Clay was   31   .“But I’m going all the way to South Carolina, and I’ll be gone for two weeks,” she   32   them.

“We know,” Paul said. “We’ll be   33   when you get back. Here’s our number if you need to   34  us.”

Unable to believe her eyes, Clay watched as the   35   put her luggage into their car and then   36   her off. Two weeks later she   37   to find her old car cleaned inside and outside with three new tires and the radio     38  .

“Thank you so much,” she said. “How much do I   39   you?” “Oh, no,” Paul said, “we don’t want any money. It’s our   40   . ” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure, it was now her duty to help others who need help.

A. Suddenly          B. Finally        C. Immediately          D. Fortunately

A. afforded               B. wanted          C. allowed               D. managed

A. spare                B. free             C. full                 D. empty

A. passed               B. stopped          C. paused                  D. started

A. help                 B. push             C. take                   D. follow

A. garage                B. house            C. shop                   D. hotel

A. agree                B. match           C. go                  D. deal

A. way                 B. message          C. success                D. luck

A. set                  B. number          C. pair                   D. chain

A. can’t                 B. shouldn’t        C. mustn’t                   D. won’t

A. satisfied                B. worried          C. astonished               D. disturbed

A. persuaded           B. advised          C. reminded            D. promised

A. happy                 B. here             C. away                 D. busy

A. get in touch with   B. keep in touch with

         C. be in touch with    D. put in touch with

A. repairmen          B. cleaners          C. friends                 D. couple

A. sent                   B. shook             C. watched                D. drove

A. shocked              B. happened      C. returned             D. came

A. loaded                 B. fixed              C. tied                  D. rebuilt

A. owe                   B. lend            C. give                        D. offer

A. wish                     B. job                  C. duty                   D. pleasure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Let Harry play with your toys as well,Clare— you must learn to __________.

A.support              B.care            C.spare           D.share


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Material Girl no more? Madonna says writing children’s books is more satisfying than being a movie star.

Her book, The English Roses, wen t on sale on September 15th, appearing in 100 countries and in 30 languages as the first in her series of tales for children. The pop diva (女歌唱家), whose only book until now was the 1992 photo essay titled “Sex”, said she wrote the books to teach children some of the life lessons she’s learned over the years.

“The most fun that I’ve had of all the things I’ve done successfully has been to write these books. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I’m not doing it to become more famous, and I’m not doing it to become richer. I’m doing it because I want to share something I know with children.”

Hours after its release, the 43?page book was already No. 3 on Amazon, com’s sales list. The first print is 1 million copies worldwide, with more than 750,000 in the United States. The English Roses is about a friendship shared by four girls and their mutual (共同的) envy of a beautiful classmate, with illustrations (插图) by fashion artist Jeffrey Fulvimari.

“There is one life?giving force in the world,” Madonna declared. “When we disconnect from this lifegiving force, that’s when we bring pain and suffering into our lives. Each of the stories has to do with different ways you disconnect from God. ”Madonna also said she was deeply affected by the experience of raising two children, Lourdes, 6, and Rocco, 3. The English Roses is the latest among a growing number of celebrity?written children’s books.

The next book in the series, “Mr Peabody’s Apples,”will be out in November.Each tale is set in a different time and  place and has new characters and different illustrators.

1.How many books does Madonna’s series of tales include?

A.At least 3.             B.4.             C.At least 2.               D.6.

2.According to the idea of Madonna, the underlined phrase “life-giving force”in Paragraph 5 refers to       .

A.The English Roses.      B.God            C.Mr Peabody’s Apples.   D.her life

3.When Madonna said writing children’s books was more satisfying than being a movie star,she meant that        .

A.she was more satisfied with her writing children’s books

B.she was more satisfied as a movie star       C.being a movie star was not really successful

D.she was not a Material Girl any more

4.According to the passage,Madonna wrote the book The English Roses in order to        .

A.provide children with fun                       B.teach children some life lessons

C.teach children how to become famous             D.share her success with children


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Walking across the campus of Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon

Univers ity one delightful spring day, I came upon a table filled

with young people chatting and enjoying the fine weather.Several

 had identical blue T-Shirts with 'Trilogy @CMU" written across them —Trilogy being an Austin,

Texas-based software company with a reputation for recruiting (招聘) our top students.I walked over to the table."Are you guys here to recruit?" I asked."No, absolutely not," they replied firmly."We're not recruiters.We're just hanging out, playing a little Frisbee (飞盘) with our friends." How interesting, I thought.They've come to campus on a workday, all the way from Austin, just to hang out with some new friends.

As I later learned, they were gifted students who had inked the highest-paying deal in the history of their department.

I asked one young man why he was going to a smaller city in Texas."The company is excellent", he told me."There are also terrific people and the work is challenging".Though he had several good job offers from Pittsburgh's high-tech firms and knew the city well, he said he felt the city lacked the lifestyle options, cultural diversity, and tolerant attitude that would make it attractive to him.As he summed it up: "How would I fit in here?"

What a change from my own college days, just a little more than 20 years ago, when students would put on their dressiest clothes and carefully hide any counterculture tendencies to prove that they could fit in with the company.Today, apparently, it's the company trying to fit in with the students.

These young men and their lifestyle represent a lively new force in the economy and life of America.They are members of what I call the creative class: a fast-growing, highly educated, and well-paid part of the workforce on whose efforts corporate profits and economic growth increasingly depend.They do not consciously think of themselves as a class.Yet they share a common belief that values creativity, individuality, difference, and advantage.

59.What would be the best title for the passage?

       A.The rise of the creative class         B.New ideas about recruitment

       C.Changed working cultures                 D.A tale of two cities

60.Why were the young people on the university campus?

       A.To get recruited in Pittsburgh.

       B.To celebrate their successful recruitment.

       C.To relax themselves away from work.

       D.To meet their old schoolmates.

61.The underlined word "inked" in paragraph 2 probably means "____".

       A.fulfilled             B.obtained              C.settled            D.signed

62.Which of the following best describes the author's attitude towards the young people?

       A.Criticizing                                    B.Approving              

       C.Disappointing                                 D.Disgusting

63.From the passage we can infer that ____.

       A.the young people prefer to work in a small quiet city

       B.the high pay is the main attraction to the young people

       C.Pittsburgh has many advantages over Austin

       D.Pittsburgh doesn't have enough attractions to the young people

