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人们完成工作的方式通常有两种:独立完成与合作完成。两种方式各有特点。请你以“Working Individually or Working in a Team”为题,按照以下要点写一篇英语短文:
Working Individually or Working in a team
There are basically two ways to get work done._______________________

Working Individually or Working in a team
There are basically two ways to get work done. One is to work individually. In this way, people can decide for themselves when to start work and how to do it. What’s more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own.
People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each other. Besides, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.
Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experiences with them. As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently. Teamwork is always important.



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省20092010学年度高一下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:其他题




86. 为何不放松下来享受这种氛围呢?

Why _________  __________  and enjoy the atmosphere?

87. 他们花了很多钱给这个学校配备新电脑。

They spent a large amount of money ________ the school ________ new computers.

88. 他行动起来就像他认识你很久一样。

He acted as though he ________  ________ you for long.

89. 他宁愿站着死也不愿跪着生。

He __________ to die standing  __________ than live kneeling down.

90. –去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡怎么样?   - 行!

- ______  ________  having a cup of coffee in the nearby coffee shop?

- All right.

91. – 你到家时一定给我电话!   - 一定。

- ______  ______ to ring me when you get home.

- Certainly I will.

92. 他今晚可能来参加我的生日聚会。

He ______  ______ to join in my birthday party tonight.

93. – 他既聪明,又勤奋,还喜欢提问。

- 难怪他总是班上最好的学生之一。

-He is clever and hardworking. Besides, he is fond of asking questions.

- ______  ______ he is among the top students of his class.

94. 只有当人们看见河面上的死鱼时,他们才意识到污染是多么严重。

Only when people saw the dead fish in the river ____ they ____ how serious the pollution was.

95. 据说下周他要去美国。那样的话,我就不能像以前那样经常见到他了。

It is said that he will go to America next week. ____  ____ , I won’t see him as often as before.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届吉林省龙井市高二11月月考英语试题 题型:书面表达


人们完成工作的方式通常有两种:独立完成与合作完成。两种方式各有特点。请你以“Working Individually or Working in a Team”为题,按照以下要点写一篇英语短文:

1. 独立完成:自行安排、自己解决问题

2. 合作完成:一起讨论、相互学习

3. 我喜欢的方式及理由


Working Individually or Working in a team

  There are basically two ways to get work done._______________________



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第四部分 写作(共2节,满分25分)

第一节 完成句子 (共10小题,满分10分)


86. 为何不放松下来享受这种氛围呢?

Why _________  __________  and enjoy the atmosphere?

87. 他们花了很多钱给这个学校配备新电脑。

They spent a large amount of money ________ the school ________ new computers.

88. 他行动起来就像他认识你很久一样。

He acted as though he ________  ________ you for long.

89. 他宁愿站着死也不愿跪着生。

He __________ to die standing  __________ than live kneeling down.

90. –去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡怎么样?   - 行!

- ______  ________  having a cup of coffee in the nearby coffee shop?

- All right.

91. – 你到家时一定给我电话!   - 一定。

  - ______  ______ to ring me when you get home.

  - Certainly I will.

92. 他今晚可能来参加我的生日聚会。

   He ______  ______ to join in my birthday party tonight.

93. – 他既聪明,又勤奋,还喜欢提问。

   - 难怪他总是班上最好的学生之一。

   -He is clever and hardworking. Besides, he is fond of asking questions.

   - ______  ______ he is among the top students of his class.

94. 只有当人们看见河面上的死鱼时,他们才意识到污染是多么严重。

   Only when people saw the dead fish in the river ____ they ____ how serious the pollution was.

95. 据说下周他要去美国。那样的话,我就不能像以前那样经常见到他了。

   It is said that he will go to America next week. ____  ____ , I won’t see him as often as before.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第II卷 非选择题部分

第四部分: 写作(共三部分, 满分35分)

第一节: 第一节: 词汇 .

A) 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。(每空0。5分,满分10分)


People_________________________him because he wears such a strange hat.

2. 尽管他的工作很忙,他还是会留出一些时间和孩子们在一起。

Although he is very busy, he still _________________________some time to stay with his kids.


Many rivers in Africa have _________________________recently.


After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, Chinese astronauts______________________walk in space.


_____________________________________________________, you can do what you like.

6 .我一直忙于学习,以致于没有时间去搞社交活动。

I have been so _________________________study that I haven’t had time for social activities.


When the teacher _________________________ , they began to whisper.

