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25.His daughter is always shy in_____ and she never dares to make a speech to_____.

A.the public; the public B.public; the public
C.the public; pubic  D.public; public


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年广西玉林育才中学高一下学期3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were sitting on the sand, reading their magazines. Mr. Gordon was too stingy(吝啬)to rent a chair. Their twelve-year-old daughter,Sandra, was playing at the water's edge. Suddenly a huge wave lifted Sandra up and carried her out to sea. Fortunately, a lifeguard was on duty and he saw the wave carry Sandra away. He ran along the beach and dived into the sea. He swam quickly to where the girl, with her head only just above the water, was shouting for help. She was very frightened. When the lifeguard reached her,? she struggled with him, as drowning people often do. However, he was a skilful lifeguard and quickly took hold of her and swam with her back to the beach. By the time he reached it, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon had realized what had happened. They had run down to the water's edge. Neither of them could swim. They just stood in the shallow water, and worried about their daughter. Had the lifeguard reached her in time? Fortunately, he had. “That was quick work,young man,”Mr. Gordon said. He turned to his wife, “Give the lifeguard a dollar.” “A dollar!” Sandra cried. “Dad,how can you give him a dollar! He saved my life. I was half dead.” “Quite right, girl?” Mr. Gordon said, pleased by his daughter's awareness(知道) of the value of money. He turned to his wife again and said, “She's right. She was only half dead. Give him fifty cents. ”
【小题1】What happened to Sandra?

A.She ran into the sea.
B.Her life was saved by a lifeguard.
C.She was drowned.
D.She died.
【小题2】What did Mr. and Mrs. Gordon do when Sandra was carried out to sea by the wave?
A.They shouted to the lifeguard.
B.They dived into the water.
C.Perhaps they were reading magazines.
D.They offered the lifeguard money to save Sandra.
【小题3】Why was Sandra angry with her father?
A.He did not give the lifeguard any money.
B.He did not swim out to save her.
C.He did not show the lifeguard hearty thankfulness.
D.He gave the lifeguard too much money.
【小题4】Why was Mr. Gordon pleased with her daughter?
A.She was safe again.
B.She was polite to the lifeguard.
C.He thought she did not want him to give the life-guard too much money.
D.She gave the lifeguard fifty cents.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届湖北孝感高级中学高三9月调研考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.He made a few friends soon after he transferred to the new school, _________________ he had no difficulty in fitting in. (help)


2.If Emma likes something, she will buy it ___________________________. (cost)


3.Statistics show that for every mile they drive men have ________________________ as women do.  (many)            


4. “____________________ and get good grades, and you will find a high-paying job with great benefits,” my parents used to say. (study)   


5.As a consequence of the sandstorm, three fourths of the bridges in the area ___________. (require)


6.We ___________________ for fifteen years, but believe it or not, I recognized him the moment I saw him. (meet)


7. I’ve tried hard to improve my English. But by no means _______________ my progress. (satisfy)


8. If it hadn’t been for the accident, his daughter ______________________ now. (alive)


9.Do you still remember ___________________ that you mother showed you around the Great Wall? (when)你还记得你母亲究竟是何时带你参观长城的吗?

10.So much time and money ____________________, the project is only half done. (spend)




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省协作体高三领航高考预测(七)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mr. Green didn’t understand ________made his daughter so absent-minded.

A. how that was      B what was it        C. why it was that      D. what it was that



科目:高中英语 来源:西藏拉萨中学2009-2010学年高二第一次月考(藏文班)试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


   It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle. As Christmas drew nearer, her desire for a bicycle seemed to fade(消退), or so we thought. We bought her a lovely doll, and a doll house. Then, much to our surprise, on December 23rd, she said that she “really wanted a bike more than anything else.” But it was just too late. With such a lot of preparations to do for the Christmas dinner we did not have the time to buy our little girl a bike. So, here we were Christmas Eve around 9:00 p.m., with Almie and her six-year-old brother, Dylan, sleeping in their beds. Now we could only think of the bicycle and the disappointment of our child. “What if I make a little bicycle out of clay (泥) and write a note that she could trade(交易,交换 ) the clay bike in for a real bike?” her dad asked. So he spent the next four hours making a tiny clay bike. On Christmas morning, we were excited for Almie to open the little gift box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud. “Does this mean that I can trade in this bike that Daddy made me for a real one?”  I said, “Yes.” Almie had tears in her eyes when she replied, “I could never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me. I'd rather keep this than get a real bike.” At that moment, we would have moved heaven and earth to buy her every bicycle in the world!

1.Choose the right time order of the following events.

a. The girl asked for a new bike.

b. The girl opened the little gift box.

c. The parents bought the girl a modern and popular doll.

d. The father made the girl a bike with clay.

e. The girl would rather keep the clay bike than get a real one .

A.a, b, c, e, d              B.a, c, d, b, e

C.a, c, b, d, e              D.a, b, d, c, e

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.The parents wanted the girl to have the clay bike for ever.

B.Tears were in the girl's eyes because she didn't like the present at all.

C.The girl never lost her desire for a bike.

D.The parents paid little attention to the daughter's desire for a bike.

3.Why did Dad make the clay bicycle?

A.He wanted his daughter to buy a real one .  B.He didn't want to disappoint his daughter.

C.He thought his daughter would like it .       D.He wanted to give his daughter a surprise.

4.What can we know from the last sentence?

A.The parents were sad and encouraged.

B.The parents felt neverous and shy.

C.The parents were moved and felt proud of the girl

D.The parents felt unhappy for the girl.

5. Which do you think is the best title (标题)for the story?

   A. A lovely little girl        B. A great and serious father

C. A clay bike           D. Christmas shopping



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省09-10学年高一下学期期中考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

    When a close friend dies, it often forces you to consider your own death. The more you have in common with the friend, the more his death will make you wonder about your own. Sometimes you will naturally say to yourself, "It could just as easily have been me." Such a death has a way of reminding us how fragile life is, and it may cause you to reassess(重新评价) the direction of your own life.

Jack's story is a good example. A successful businessman making a lot of money, Jack didn't spend as much time with his family as he wanted. His job required him to work long hours. But three years ago one of his best friends, a man who worked in the same office, had a heart attack. He died while celebrating his daughter's eighteenth birthday in a restaurant. He was only fifty years old.

Not long after his friend's death, Jack started to have a chest pain. Finally he had a good physical check-up. He received a clean bill of health. But the chest pain continued. He kept thinking of the death of his friend. Jack thought about how much his friend missed in life and he saw how hard it was for his friend's family to manage after he passed away.

Jack realized that he didn't want to end up his life that way. He talked his feelings over with his wife and children, and decided to change his way of life. The family moved to a small town where he started a simple life. Now he is running a small art gallery(画廊). He is relaxed, and says he has never been so happy in his life, and he has got no more chest pain.

63. Your close friend's death is __________________ to you.

A. a warning           B. common            C. a direction of life     D. an example

64. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph means "________________".

A. The doctor didn't write a word on his bill

B. The doctor didn't want Jack to pay for the bill

C. The doctor didn't find anything wrong with him

D. The doctor didn't want to treat his pain

65. His friend's death made Jack ________________.

A. lose much interest in life

B. realize that he missed the friend very much

C. doubt his way of life

D. ill for some time

66. While living in the small town Jack ________________.

A. earns less money    B. gets more time  K^S*5U.C#O%

C. has a happier life    D. does all these mentioned above


