精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情



1.What is the woman going to do?

A.Feel cool.

B.Start soon.

C.Stay there for five minutes.

2.How do you think of the man?

A.He is the happiest man.

B.He is very rich.

C.He is poor.

3.Which is true according to the dialogue?

A.The woman is not satisfied with her daughter’s engagement.

B.The woman is worried about her daughter’s sickness.

C.The man suggests that she should give more apples to her daughter.

4.What does the man mean?

A.He will be away for a long time.

B.He is willing to do everything for her.

C.He will take the woman to another world.

5.What does the man mean?

A.He tried to call the woman.

B.He was too busy to call the woman.

C.He spoke to the woman on the phone last night.



6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Parent and children.

B.General and soldiers.

C.Doctor and nurses.

7.What will the soldier get?

A.Completely new clothing.

B.Nothing new.

C.Good news.


8.Where did the conversation probably take place?

A.At Mr.French’s office.

B.At Miss Maggie’s house.

C.At Mr.Robinson’s office.

9.What was the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Manager and secretary.

10.Which of the following statements is true according to this conversation?

A.Miss Martin’s boyfriend lived near the office where she worked.

B.Mr.French asked Miss Maggie to bring him a cup of coffee.

C.Mr.French’s office might be in any country but France.


11.What are they talking about in the dialogue?

A.Basketball stars.



12.What is the true according to the dialogue?

A.Michael Jordan won the value player last Saturday.

B.Yaoming is superior to the others.

C.Jordan is the best one in the woman’s opinion.

13.How many basketball stars have been mentioned in the text?





14.What is main topic of this dialogue?




15.Why is Polly worried?

A.He failed his last test.

B.He missed his teacher.

C.He's taking examinations soon.

16.Why does Polly turn to Sally for advice?

A.She is older than he is.

B.She has been through a similar experience.

C.She is a medical student.

17.What does Sally suggest Polly do?

A.Turn to the teacher.

B.Have a good sleep.

C.Stop taking the exam.


18.What were the boys doing?

A.They were having a contest with the dog.

B.They were deciding who would have the dog.

C.They were playing games with the dog.

19.What did the man want the boys to do?

A.To take the dog home.

B.Not to tell lies.

C.To give the dog to him.

20.Who told the biggest lie?

A.The man.

B.The smallest boy.

C.The dog.



  Text 1

  M:Hurry up!Or we’ll be late.

  W:Play it cool!There are still five minutes.

  Text 2

  W:I think the poorest people are the happiest.

  M:Then marry me and we'll be the happiest couple.

  Text 3

  W:I'm worried about my daughter.She keeps being chased by the doctor.

  M:As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.Has she tried an apple?

  Text 4

  M:I would go to the end of the world for you!

  W:Yes, but would you stay there?

  Text 5

  W:Why didn't you call me last night?

  M:I did.Your line was busy.

  Text 6

  M:My men, we have been marching and fighting for a whole day.I have some good news and some bad news for you.Which one would you like first?

  W(众声):The good news!

  M:OK, The good news is that you will each be receiving a complete change of clothing.


  M:And now for the bad news.Jack, you will change with John.John, you will change with Tom.Tom, you will change with Robert.Robert…

  Text 7

  M:Miss Maggie?

  W:Yes, sir?

  M:Did you speak to Mr.Robinson?

  W:Yes, I did.I asked him to call later.He said he would call again in about an hour.

  M:That’s fine.By the way, has Charlie photocopied my report yet?I need it this afternoon.

  W:Not yet.I told him to finish it by 11 this morning.

  M:Good.Did you tell Miss Martin not to call her boyfriend from here?

  W:Oh, yes?I told her not to use the office phone for personal calls.She says she won’t do it again.

  M:I hope she won’t?Her boyfriend lives in France!

  W:I’m sure she won’t.Is there anything else, Mr.French?

  M:Hmm.Could you bring me a cup of tea?


  Text 8

  W:Excuse me, can you tell me what the letters NBA stand for?

  M:It’s short for“National Basketball Association”.

  W:I’m very sorry for the famous NBA star-Michael Jordan’s being out of service.

  M:So am I.

  W:But anyhow, I like the NBA.After all it is an admiring place for all famous basketball stars all over the world.

  M:YA.I think so.Now some new stars like O'Neal and Yaoming light up the stadium again.Last Saturday, in the East VS West National Star competition, O'Neal won the value player, and Yaoming is also the bright star in the world now.He is so tall.

  W:I watched the whole competition.They really played wonderfully.But in my personal opinion, in skill none of them is superior to Michael Jordan.

  M:He’s really a myth in basketball.

  Text 9


  M:Hi, Sally.This is Polly.

  W:Great to hear from you, Polly.How have you been doing?

  M:To tell the truth.I'm very worried about our final examinations next month.For one thing, I can't sleep.

  W:I am sorry for that.I went through the same thing last year

  M:That's exactly why I'm calling you.Do you have any suggestions for dealing with anxiety?You know how I hate exams.

  W:Well, last year the teacher offered a lesson about it.Have you been in contact with the teacher?

  M:No.I haven't had time.

  W:Funny, isn't it?Just when students need help most we can't afford time to get it.

  M:Well, perhaps I should turn to the teacher.

  W:I suggest you call the teacher tomorrow.He may give you some advice.

  M:Thanks, Sally.I'll let you know how it goes.

  W:Best of luck.And have a good night sleep.

  M:That's easier said than done.

  Text 10

  A man was walking down the street when he came upon a group of a few boys about 10 years of age, surrounding a dog.Concerned that the boys were hurting the animal, he went over and asked them what they were doing.

  One of the boys replied,"This dog is a lost one.We shall take him home with us, but only one of us can take him home.So we’re having a contest:whichever one of us tells the biggest lie can take him home today."

  Of course, the man was shocked."You boys shouldn’t be having a contest telling lies!"he exclaimed.He then gave 10-minute talk against lying, beginning,"Don’t you boys know it’s no good to lie?"and ending with,"Why, when I was your age, I never told a lie."

  There was complete silence for about a minute.As the man smiled with satisfaction, the smallest boy gave a deep sigh."All right,"he said,"give him the dog."


科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈重点作业 高二英语(下) 题型:001




1.What time is it now?

[  ]





2.When will the man's bus leave?

[  ]





3.What do we learn from the conversation?

[  ]

A.The train may arrive at 9:15.

B.The woman isn't sure when the train will arrive.

C.The train will not arrive.

4.At what time will the man probably meet the woman?

.[  ]


B.7: 15



5.When did the game finally start?

[  ]



C.7: 15





6.Where does this conversation take place?

[  ]

A..At a restaurant.

B.At a tailor's shop.

C.At a department store.


7.How much is the red skirt?

[  ]

A.$ 50.55

B.$ 15.15

C.$ 55.15


8.Which skirt will the woman take?

[  ]

A.She'll take the red one.

B.She'll take a more expensive one.

C.She'll take the cheaper one.


9.Where does Mike want to go for his holiday?

[  ]





10.How will he probably go?

[  ]

A.By air.

B.By bus.

C.By sea.


11.Why can't Mike decide the trip?

[  ]

A.Because he has no experience.

B.Because his wife worried about the dog, the house and so on.

C.Because the fare is expensive.


12.Which of the following is true about the summer course?

[  ]

A.Students only need to study part-time.

B.Each course lasts for four weeks.

C.Students need to work 23 hours a week.

13.When will the first course end?

[  ]

A.On 3 July.

B.On 20 July.

C.On 24 July.


14.If the woman chooses to live with an Oxford family and to have breakfast, how much does she need to pay each week?

[  ]

A.20 pounds.

B.27 pounds.

C.50 pounds.



15.How does the man feel this evening?

[  ]


B.quite happy

C.quite tied


16.Why doesn't the man like his present job?

[  ]

A.Because his boss is unkind

B.Because he has to work at night

C.Because he feels lonely

17.What's the main reason why the man intends to work in a hotel?

[  ]

A.There are all sorts of people to make friends with

B.He can make more money

C.The day goes so slowly


18.Where can you read about the football games?

[  ]

A.In the sports pages.

B.In world news section.

C.In financial page.


19.What does the financial page contain?

[  ]


B.Economic matters.

C.Public matters.


20.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the women's page?

[  ]


B.Advice about food , clothing and health.

C.Care for children.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省黄冈中学2007届上学期高三年级十月月考、英语试卷 题型:001




1.How much time will they have to enjoy a drink?

A.An hour.

B.Three quarters.

C.Fifteen minutes.

2.Who is Chris Paine?

A.A computer engineer.

B.A book seller.

C.A writer.

3.What did the two girls do yesterday?

A.They went to the English Evening.

B.They went to meet Jeff.

C.They became friends at the English Evening.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.She's already visited the museum.

B.The man could probably go with Linda.

C.Linda will take him to the office.

5.What does the man want to do?

A.To return a ticket to the woman.

B.To stay in London.

C.To buy a plane ticket.




6.What are the English people famous for?




7.What do the English people prefer to do?

A.Ask you to do anything inconvenient for them.

B.Wait for such service to be offered.

C.Make any offers readily.


8.What has happened to the man?

A.He has been stolen.

B.He has locked himself out.

C.He forgot to lock the front door.

9.When did he lock all the windows?

A.On Saturday.

B.On Friday night.

C.On Friday.

10.What is the woman most probably going to do?

A.To look round.

B.To talk to others.

C.To ask more questions.


11.Where did the man live before?

A.In Oak Creek apartments.

B.In a student dorm.

C.In a house he rented.

12.Where do two of the man’s roommates come from?

A.Italy and Japan.

B.Hong Kong and America.

C.Brazil and Japan.

13.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is friendly.

B.She likes to cook.

C.She wants to meet his roommates.


14.Why are the man and woman in the restaurant?

A.It is inexpensive.

B.They are celebrating a birthday.

C.It was recommended by a friend.

15.How long does it take the woman to make an order?

A.A year.

B.Only a moment.

C.A long time.

16.Why do they not order snails?

A.Snails are not on the menu.

B.The restaurant doesn’t have any left.

C.They are afraid of getting sick.

17.What will the woman order as a main course?

A.French cheese and white wine.


C.Salad and French cheese.


18.Who is the man probably speaking to?




19.Where is the speaker?

A.In the classroom.

B.In the library.

C.In the office.

20.How does the man treat his job?

A.He doesn't care about it.

B.He is serious about it.

C.He is tired of it.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省常州市第一中学2006-2007学年度第一学期高三英语期中考试卷 题型:001



1.What number does the man want?




2.What are the two persons going to do?

A.To buy some things for cooking.

B.To find a place for opening a restaurant.

C.To find a place to have dinner.

3.How much does the dialogue tell us about Elliot’s trip to Kuala Lumpur?

A.She will go there at the weekend.

B.She has already gone there.

C.She will go there next week.

4.What are these people complaining about?

A.The noise in the library.

B.The heat in the room.

C.The crowded room.

5.What does the man mean?

A.He thinks they should stop working.

B.He wants to consider half a day’s work as a full day.

C.He is unhappy to work so long without a rest.




6.What kind of table does the man want to have?

A.A table far away from noise.

B.A table near the window.

C.A table for three persons.

7.What kind of soup does the woman recommend to the man?

A.Tender meat soup.

B.Fresh fish soup.

C.Just some vegetable soup.

8.What pie does the man ask for?

A.A pie with vegetables in the middle.

B.A pie with chicken in it.

C.A pie with ice cream on its top.


9.How often do the buses run?

A.About every fifteen minutes.

B.About every ten minutes.

C.About every five minutes.

10.What do you know about the woman?

A.She is new in New York.

B.She is on her way to Venezuela.

C.She comes from South Africa.

11.About what does the woman sometimes get mixed up?

A.Getting to the Broadway and 62 Street.

B.Travelling around the city.

C.Going down Tenth Avenue.


12.How long can the man take for his vacation in a year?

A.Two weeks.

B.Three weeks.

C.Four weeks.

13.Why does the woman say the man is lucky?

A.Because he can have a vacation at the beach.

B.Because he can swim every day and lie in the sun.

C.Because he doesn’t need to worry about finding a hotel.

14.What does the man advise the woman to do on how to spend her holiday?

A.Spend her vacation in the summer this year and next in the next winter.

B.Spend her vacation in the winter this year and next in the next summer.

C.Spend her vacation separately part in the summer and part in winter.


15.What do we know from the conversation?

A.The woman will still work in the correspondence section.

B.The woman’s future work is to train new employees.

C.The woman is going to start her new job soon.

16.What is the new employee going to be?

A.To be a typist.

B.To be a secretary.

C.To be a reporter.

17.Why can’t Sylvia train the new comer?

A.Because she is very busy at the moment.

B.Because she is busy preparing a report for her class.

C.Because she is not feeling well.


18.Who did the garden probably belong to?


B.The gardener.

C.Carlton’s neighbour.

19.What did Carlton intend to do in the garden?

A.To steal some apples.

B.To sell his ladder.

C.To have a close look.

20.What did the gardener think of Carlton’s reply?

A.He gave up the doubt immediately.

B.He refused to believe it.

C.He believed him doubtedly.


科目:高中英语 来源:2007年北京黄冈启东临川高考试卷预测(1)、英语 题型:001




1.Where did the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a plane.

B.In a coffee shop.

C.In a restaurant.

2.How much does one shirt cost?

A.$ 4.50.

B.$ 5.00.

C.$ 9.00

3.Where are the two speakers talking?

A.In the garden.

B.In the living room.

C.In the garage.

4.Which of the following is true?

A.The man didn’t like any ice cream.

B.The man wanted chocolate ice cream.

C.The man didn’t want any ice cream.

5.According to the conversation, which of the following best describes the usual weather here in May?

A.Cooler and drier.

B.Warmer and drier.

C.Warmer and rainier.




6.What did the woman want to buy?

A.A cheap shirt.

B.An expensive shirt.

C.A cheap skirt.

7.How much did the woman spend?

A.65 yuan.

B.60 yuan.

C.130 yuan.

8.What is the two speakers’ relationship?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Salesman and customer.


9.What does Susan have to do on Saturday morning?

A.Walk the dog.

B.Clean the house.

C.Go to the doctor’s.

10.What time is Susan going to meet Julie?

A.12∶00 pm.

B.1∶00 pm.

C.2∶00 pm.

11.Why can’t they watch a video at Susan’s house?

A.They can’t decide on a video.

B.Susan’s mother is going to the cinema.

C.The machine doesn’t work.


12.Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A.At school.

B.At home.

C.In the office.

13.How many hours will the girl work a day?




14.How much could she get in a week?

A.24 dollars.

B.80 dollars.

C.120 dollars.


15.What does Dr.Wilson teach?




16.Which class will Fred probably get an“A”in?




17.What will Dr.Wilson do in order to help Fred have a good chance to get an“A”?

A.She will give her students two more tests.

B.She will give her students two less tests.

C.She will ask her students to write a composition in English.



Religious practice in the U.S.A.

Ceremonies in churches:1)  18  2)funerals

Percentage of religion believers:  19  

Characteristics:wide variety of religious groups emphasis on social problems   20   of church and state


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省沈阳二中2006-2007学年度高三年级阶段测试、英语 题型:001




1.Who enjoyed the film yesterday?

A.All except John.


C.Everyone including John.

2.Who broke the window?

A.The boy.

B.The girl.

C.Someone else.

3.What are they talking about?

A.The new gardens.

B.The new friends.

C.The new house.

4.Who is the owner of the book?

A.The man himself.

B.The woman’s brother.

C.The man’s brother.

5.Where are they talking?

A.In a park.

B.In a house.

C.In a library.




6.What’s wrong with the first speaker?

A.He’s got a headache.

B.He’s got the flu.

C.He’s got running nose.

7.When did he start feeling uneasy?

A.The day before yesterday.


C.Four days ago.


8.Why does Mrs Green call Dr Jones?

A.So she can come and see the doctor.

B.Because she is ill.

C.To ask him to come and see her son.

9.When do you think the doctor will be free?

A.This afternoon.

B.This evening.



10.Why does the man book the seats upstairs?

A.Close to the stage.

B.More comfortable.


11.How long is the play?

A.Two hours and a half.

B.An hour and a half.

C.More than three hours.

12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.Around a hotel.

B.In a museum.

C.At a theatre.


13.What does Jack think of the snow?




14.What will the weather be like in the afternoon?

A.A bit colder.

B.Very warm.

C.Less cold.

15.What is the woman most probably going to do in the afternoon?

A.Go skating

B.Go out by car.

C.Throw snowballs.

16.What can we know about the woman?

A.She’s a native.

B.She’s from Australia.

C.She’s Chinese.


17.What are the people busy with before Christmas?

A.Doing Christmas shopping.

B.Calling at their friends.

C.Doing general cleanings.

18.What is Elizabeth going to buy for her elder brother?

A.A record.

B.A watch.

C.A toy.

19.Why did Elizabeth feel sorry for Christmas last year?

A.She was ill.

B.Her elder brother didn’t come.

C.She didn’t get any presents.

20.Who do you think Elizabeth is writing to?

A.Her brother.

B.A classmate.

C.A pen friend.

