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A.Google Currents searches the web and delivers information to your computer or smart phone for online and offline reading.
•Specify your own topic and it will regularly bring all that information to your phone without you doing a thing.
B.Astrid is a task manager that helps you stay Prepared and get more done.
•Create to-do lists,add tasks,set due dates or times and track task progress.
•Get email reminders so you never forget appointments or meetings.
C.This all-in-one solution lets you get real work done online and offline.
•View,create and edit Microsoft Office documents,spreadsheets,and PPT presentations,as well as PDF files.
•Create,modify and add professional quality pictures with your finger tips.
D.Slide Rocket is a great new way to create and share amazing presentations.
•Professional  design  tools  help  you  to  create  PPT presentations that will impress your audience.Store presentations online to let your workmates,customers and others view,share or modify their content.
E.Dolphin Browser is the fastest and easiest mobile web browser currently available.Enjoy features such as:
•Voice search on the Internet.
•Tabbed browsing lets you open and switch between web pages fast as lightning.
F.Aqua is the most advanced smart phone communication software on the market.
•Use different messaging systems (qq,skype,yahoo,etc.) by using a single window.
•Built-in email management system allows you to receive,view and store all emails and attachments from different accounts in a single place.
46.Manage appointments with customers and record progress on work projects and tasks he has been given by his employer.B
47.Automatically receive the latest online information on available houses and other market trends that he can review without having to manually search through the web himself.A
48.Conveniently read emails from his multiple accounts (both work and private) and get access to important files already emailed to him.F
49.Edit photos of customers'homes which will be added to promotion material (word documents,PPTs,spreadsheets) he must prepare for the company's website.C
50.Surf the web to search for customers'details (address etc.),and browse different websites for his general interests.E.

分析 本文介绍了几个手机软件.
A项中介绍的Google Currents 软件可以让你定制自己的话题,它会定期的向你发送所有这种信息.
B项中介绍的Astrid 软件可以让你管理和顾客约会信息,记录工作进程的软件.
C项中介绍的软件可以让你在手机上进行各种编辑活动,包括Microsoft Office documents,spreadsheets,PPT presentations和 PDF files等等.
D项中介绍的Slide Rocket 软件可以让你在手机上进行创建,发表并且分享PPT的行为.
E项中介绍的Dolphin Browser  软件可以让你在手机上快速进行网页浏览.
F项中介绍的Aqua 软件可以让你在手机上一个窗口收发浏览所有的邮件.

解答 46 B.根据46题中的Manage appointments with customers and record progress on work projects and tasks 可知他需要一个能管理和顾客约会信息,记录工作进程的软件,所以选择B项,因为其中提到Astrid is a task manager that helps you stay Prepared and get more done(Astrid可以帮助你管理任务)和Get email reminders so you never forget appointments or meetings(提醒你不会错过约会和会议).
47.A.根据47题中的Automatically receive the latest online information on available houses and other market trends 可知他需要一些特定的信息,所以选择A项,因为其中提到Specify your own topic and it will regularly bring all that information to your phone without you doing a thing(定制自己的话题,它会定期的向你发送所有这种信息).
48.F.根据48题中的Conveniently read emails from his multiple accounts 和get access to important files already emailed to him可知他需要来自多个账号的重要文件发送给他,所以选择F项,因为其中提到Built-in email management system allows you to receive,view and store all emails and attachments from different accounts in a single place(植入的邮件管理系统可以让你在一个窗口收发浏览所有的邮件).
49.C.根据49题中的which will be added to promotion material(word documents,PPTs,spreadsheets) 可知他需要把照片编辑加入到其他文件里,所以选择C项,因为其中提到View,create and edit Microsoft Office documents,spreadsheets,and PPT presentations,as well as PDF files.
50.E.根据50题中的Surf the web to search for customers'details (address etc.),and browse different websites for his general interests可知他需要根据自己的兴趣浏览不同的网页,所以选择E项,因为其中提到Dolphin Browser is the fastest and easiest mobile web browser currently available.

点评 考查配对阅读.这是配对题,属于阅读理解题型中较为简单的一种,无论对于题目和选项都应该在阅读时抓住关键词,这是找出答案的关键,同时在选完答案后进行回读,已确保正确.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.A new generation addiction is quickly spreading all over the world.Weboholism(网瘾),a twentieth century disease,affects people from different ages.They surf the net,use e-mail and speak in chat rooms.They spend many hours on the computer,and it becomes a compulsive habit.They cannot stop,and it affects their lives.
Ten years ago,no one thought that using computers could become compulsive behavior that could affect the social and physical life of computer users.Such behavior has seriously affected teenagers and college students.They are likely to log(写日志) on computers and spend long hours at different websites.
They become hooked(着迷) on computers and gradually their social and school life is affected by this situation.They spend all free time surfing and don't concentrate on homework,so this addiction influences their grades and success at school.Because they can find everything on the websites,they hang out there.Moreover,this addiction to websites influences their social life.
They spend more time in front of computers than with their friends.The relation with their friends changes.The virtual life becomes more important than their real life.They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms and it causes cultural changes in society.
Because of the change in their behavior,they begin to isolate themselves from society and live with their virtual friends.They share their emotions and feelings with friends who they have never met in their life.Although they feel confident on the computer,they are not confident with real live friends they have known all their life.It is a problem for the future.This addictive behavior is beginning to affect all the world.

14.According to the passage,a person with weboholism isD.
A.a sick person                  B.a lonely man
C.an unimportant people          D.an addict
15.The main idea of the passage is aboutD.
A.the cause of weboholism          B.the advantage of weboholism
C.the popularity of weboholism     D.the effect of weboholism
16.We can infer from the passage thatB.
A.weboholism has the greatest effect on teenagers
B.students can hardly balance real and virtual life
C.people are addicted to games on the Internet
D.virtual life is more vivid and attractive than real life.
17.Which of the following is NOT true of weboholism?A.
A.It contributes to the development of the web.
B.The chat room language may change social culture.
C.The problem will be getting more and more serious later.
D.People addicted to the web often become inactive in real life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Sitting at a desk in a classroom all day can be pretty boring.
The teachers at Ward Elementary in Winston-Salem,North Carolina,picked up on that and traded in their students'desks for exercise bikes as a part of their Read and Ride program!
The Read and Ride program began five years ago.One classroom has enough bikes for every student in any given class,and throughout the day teachers bring in their students to the room to ride them and read their books.
Even regular classrooms have one bike in the back of each room for students who just can't sit still to use to help them burn energy in a good way.
Students love being more active!Teachers enjoy seeing students eager to read.Parents appreciate stronger,smarter children.Headmasters value this effective and cost-free program."Riding exercise bikes makes reading fun for many kids who get frustrated(挫败的)when they read.Thus,they have a way to release that frustration while they ride,"said Scott Ertl,who started the program."As we can see,everyone wants to promote literacy and lose weight!But many students who are overweight struggle with sports and activities since they don't want to always be the last or lose with others watching on the playground.On exercise bikes,however,students are able to exert(发挥)themselves at their own level-without anyone noticing when they slow down or take a break."
As it turns out,not only are the bikes helping the students burn calories,they're also helping them learn better and stay focused.At the end of the school year the school analyzed testing data and found that students that spent more time reading and riding did more than twice as well on reading tests than their fellow students who spent the least time in the program.
21.Why did the teachers start the Read and Ride program?C
A.To get the students out of the classrooms.
B.To make the students more active in sports.
C.To read effectively in an active way.
D.To help the overweight students keep fit.
22.According to Scott Ertl,riding exercise bikesB.
A.is the least expensive way for exercise
B.call benefit overweight students in both ways
C.is the best way to build up students'body
D.is a good way to avoid being watched by teachers
23.The program helps the students in the following ways exceptB.
A.help them learn better    
B.reduce their reading difficulties
C.build up their bodies    
D.improve their learning concentration.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The company has got       from many users both at home and abroad for top-quality products and services.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.The Christmas season is often considered the season of giving.Many of us spend a lot of effort and money in an attempt to give our friends and loved ones the best possible gift.But what is the best gift you could possibly give?
Imagine that your bank gave you an account with $86,400every morning of every day.You could use this amount of money for anything you want.But at the end of every day,the bank tells you that money in the account can only be used within that day.How would you choose to spend this money?
This is the attitude we should take towards the time.Time can never get back.It is the only resource that no one can get more than another person.
Around the holiday season,we find ourselves very busy.It is a point in the year where how you spend your time is crucial.Spending this valuable time to help another human being in need is one of the greatest gifts we can give.We never know when even giving a short amount of time to help or listen to a stranger,could make the rest of their day much more pleasant.
However,the saying that money is time is one of the truest statements ever made.By the act of donating money to a non profit organization which helps-for example,you are allowing that single mother to spend more time looking after her children,instead of being forced to spend time looking for a temporary second job.By donating some money,you have helped someone else use their time for a better cause.
One organization I personally would encourage you to consider spending your time and/or money would be Eva Initiatives,an organization created for the homeless.I have volunteered there twice.It was a very positive experience,and being able to learn more about who lived there really gave me a perspective on the real struggles of the people around us.

33.What is the function of the first paragraph?B
A.To imply choosing the proper gifts for others.
B.To introduce the theme of the passage.
C.To arouse attention from the readers.
D.To show giving gifts is a common practice.
34.What can we conclude from the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs?A
A.Lost time never returns.
B.Time is sure to tell the truth.
C.Time tries friends as fire tries gold.
D.Time can create great wonders.
35.What do you think of the author in the passage?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.Everybody knows how to learn.Learning is  a natural thing.It begins the(41)Bwe are  born.Our first  teachers are our f amilies.At  home  we  learn  to talk and to(42)Dand feed ourselves.We learn these and other skills by (43)C
      Then we go to school.A teacher tells us (44)Ato learn and how to learn.Many teachers teach us, and we pass many tests and exams.Then people say we are 45)B.
Are we really educated?Let's(46)Dthe real meaning of learning.Knowing facts doesn't (47)Abeing  able to solve problems.Solving  problems requires creativity,not just a good(48)C.Some people who don't know many(49)B can also be good at solving problems.
    Henr Ford is a good (50)C.He left school at the age of 15.Later,when his company culd ot build cars(51)Benough,he solved the problem.He (52)Dof the assembly line.Today the answer seems (53)C.Yet,just think of the many university  graduates who (54)Asolve any problems.
    What does a good teacher do?Does he (55)Dstudents factct remember?Well,yes,we must sometimes remember facts.But a good teacher (56)Bhow to find answers.He brings us to the stream of knowledge so we can think for ourselves.When we are (57)A,we know where to go.
  True learning combines intake with output.We take information (58)Dour brains.Then we use it.Think of a (59)B; it stores a lot of information,but it can't think.It only obeys commands.A person who only remembers facts hasn't really learned.Learning takes (60)Conly when a person can use what he knows.

42. A.wearB.put onC.have onD.dress
43. A.askingB.listeningC.followingD.drilling
46.A.pick upB.turn awayC.set outD.think about


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.We human beings need to stay in touch with nature-many studies show how much better people feel when in sight to trees.Yet even more importantly,nature itself needs us to stay in touch.Many politicians and scientists have told us that we can"conquer(征服)"nature,but in reality nature will always be beyond our control-we do have the power to destroy it.The fate of all the animals and their habitats depends largely on our attitude towards them.Whether or not we ourselves survive depends on how well we look after the rest.For our sake as well as theirs,we need to consider it seriously.
But how can we give a damn if we spend our lives indoors?Born South London at the end of the Second World War,at least I knew what a sparrow was (they're rare now) and you couldn't put a spade into our tiny garden without cutting a worm in half.We knew,too,that milk comes from cows and that old men can grow amazing carrots on poor land.Ultra-urban (极度城市化)we may have been,but at least we were in touch.
Now we have a generation who frankly are not.So how can they care if the countryside is sold off to the highest bidders,and used to park helicopters,and our crops come courtesy of Monsanto and our livestock lives in factories?They will know no other way.
But if we settle for the ultra-urban life,if we allow all wilderness to be compromised and hand our farming over to industrial chemists then,quite simply,the world will fall apart-as it is doing already.We have to rethink what agriculture is really for,and why,and why conservation matters-to us,as well as to other creatures.Changes of strategy begin with attitude and attitude begins with awareness.

66.Which of the following opinions will the author be for?C
A.Technology will help humans control nature completely.
B.Conquering nature is the pltinote of human socicty.
C.Humans have to find a way to live in harmony with nature.
D.We will lose control of nature with the development of society.
67.The second paragraph is intended to tell us that city people in the pastA.
A.were in close touch with nature
B.managed to survive in the war
C.killed the worms in the earth cruelly
D.had a healthier diet than us
68.The new generation show no concem about the ultra-urban pattern just becauseC.
A.modern agriculture don't need hard work
B.high profits can be made by selling city land
C.they are completely cut off from nature
D.livestock living in factories is cheaper and tastier
69.From the passage we guess that Monsanto is likely to beD.
A.a chemical fertilizer plant
B.a scientist good at farming
C.a construction corporation
D.a big agricultural company
70.Towards the end of the passage,the author reminds us toB.
A.move to the countryside
B.reflect on our past b behaviors
C.leave space for wild animals
D.turn farms into big factories.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.They may be just passing your office,computer bag slung (悬挂) over one shoulder.Or they may be sitting in a car outside it,causally tapping away at a laptop.They look like innocent passers-by.In fact,they are stealing your corporate secrets.
Drive-by hacking is the trendy term given to the practice of breaking into wireless computer networks from outside the buildings that house them.A recent study in the UK,sponsored by RSA Data Security,found that two-thirds of organizations with wireless networks were risking their data in this way.Security experts patrolled (巡逻) several streets in the City of London seeking evidence of wireless networks in operation.
Of 124 that they identified,83 were sending data without encrypting(加密) them.Such data could readily be picked up by a passer-by armed only with a portable computer,a wireless modem and a few pieces of software that can be freely downloaded from the Internet.
The data could include sensitive company documents containing valuable information.Or they could be e-mail identities and passwords that could be used by hackers to log into corporate networks as if they were legal users.
Most companies using wireless networking technology do not take even the simplest of measures to protect their data.Nearly all wireless network technology comes with some basic security features that need only to be activated (激活) in order to give a minimum level of security,for example,by encrypting the data being passed over the network.
Raymon Kruck,business development manager at Check Point Software,a security technology specialist,believes this could be partly a psychological problem.People see the solid walls of their building as safeguards and forget that wireless networks can extend up to 200 meters beyond physical walls.
Companies without any security at all on their wireless networks make it ridiculously easy for hackers to break in.Switching on the security that comes with the network technology should be automatic.Then there are other basic steps a company can take,says Mr.Kruck,such as changing the passwords on the network from the default (默认) setting.
Companies can also install firewalls,which form a barrier between the internal network and the public Internet.They should also check their computer records regularly to spot any abnormal activity,which might betray the presence of a hacker.
41.According to the study sponsored by RSA Data Security,two thirds of the subjectsC.
A.had most of their company data stolen   
B.depended on wireless computer networks
C.were exposed to drive-by hacking       
D.were unaware of the risk of wireless hacking
42.Whichof the following is NOT considered in the study?A
A.The number of computer hacking incidents.
B.The number of wireless computer networks identified.
C.The way in which data are sent and received.
D.The way in which data are hacked and stolen.
43.Most wireless network technology has.A
A.data encryption program    
B.password security programs
C.illegal-user detection        
44.Raymond Kruck most probably agrees that wireless network security involvesB
A.wireless signal administration  
B.changes in user's awareness
C.users'psychological health     
D.stronger physical walls
45.The passage is lost likely to be seen in aD
A.book review    B.science fiction   C.textbook   D.computer magazine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.English is an important global language,but that doesn't mean it's easy to learn.Many experts have tried to make English easier for students to learn-but they weren't always successful.
In 1930,Professor CK Ogden of Cambridge University invented Basic English.It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours.The problem was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages,but they couldn't understand the answers in"real"English!It was also impossible to explain a word if it wasn't in the Basic English word list.For example,if you wanted a watermelon,you asked for"a large green fruit with the form of an egg,which has a sweet red inside and a good taste"!
RE Zachrisson,a university professor in Sweden,decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling,so he invented a language called Anglic.Anglic was similar to English,but with much simpler spelling."Father"became"faadher","new"became"nue'and"years"became"yeerz".Unfortunately for some students of English,Anglic never became popular.
Even easier is the language which ships'captains use:it's called"Seaspeak".Seaspeak uses a few simple phrases for every possible situation.In Seaspeak,for example,you don't say,"I'm sorry what did you say?"or"I didn't understand,can you repeat that?"It's just"Say again."No more grammar!
In the age of international communication through the Internet who knows?…a new form of English might appear.A large number of the world's e-mails are in English and include examples of"NetLingo"like OIC (Oh,I see) and TTYL (Talk to you later).In another fifty years,English might not exist…we will probably all speak fluent Internetish!
36.The best title for the passage would beD.
A.Seaspeak      B.Basic English       C.Internetish       D.Easy English    
37.It will take a person aboutCweeks to learn Basic English if he spends two hours learning it every day.
A.six           B.four               C.two             D.three
38.According to Professor Zachrisson,what was the biggest problem for learners of English?D
39.Which of the following is likely to be Anglic?B
A.IOU  B.A graet batl.C.Long time no see.D.Two five,no lights.
40.What might happen to English in another fifty years?A
A.It might be replaced by Internetish.
B.It might become a global language.
C.It might take the place of all other languages.
D.It might become more and more difficult.

