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Dear Rudyard Kipling,

Father has consistently tried to instill(灌输) a sense of being a man in me ever since I was very young. When I reached the age of twelve he began taking me to his auto body shop. He told me this tough job would build me into a man of character. But this all changed a year ago when my mother passed away and stumbled upon your poem, If.

My mother was the person who could understand me. If I ever got tired during my work hours at the shop I could call her to come and pick me up. It was my mother who instilled the love of literature and languages in me. My mother spoke six languages fluently and had thousands of books, which still sit in the attic of our house. It was in this “library” of hers that I picked up a book of poetry from a cold metal shelf and found your poem, If.

   Because of the death of my mother I felt alone, as if I belonged to no family. The image of a man was completely shattered when I saw him break down and cry, which looked so pathetic(凄惨的)and “unmanly” compared to his usual stoic(禁欲主义者)and emotionless countenance. Yet I remained silent remembering the golden words: “If you can keep your head when all about you/ Are losing theirs and blaming it on you… you’ll be a Man, my son!”

If reminded me to remain calm and “keep my head” because I wanted to be a man and wanted to be the one supporting my family. I sacrificed my ability to compete in a winter sport so that I could stay home and cook for my family and clean the house. My father saw this and our relationship has grown much stronger. He finally respected me for who I was and told me he was proud to have a man for his son. Through this poem, I realize that to be a man is not about putting weights on a barbell(杠铃)but rather putting the weight of others on your back.

  Your poem was so much more than just a simple list of guidelines or morals that some see it as; it really changed my life and my relationship with my dad.

41. According to the passage, what kind of person does the author’s father expect him to be?

A. A person who will shoulder responsibilities.

B. A person who knows how to earn a lot of money.

C. A person who knows how to do housework.

D. A person who respects his parents.

42. Who does the underlined word “him” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. the character in the poem                     B. the author’s father  

C. the author                                          D. an unknown person

43. According to the passage, a man in the author’s mind would have the following qualities EXCEPT _________.

A. responsible             B. calm               C. caring             D. enthusiastic

44. We can learn from the passage that ___________.

A. the poem has helped to improve the relationship between the author and his father

B. the author would not know how to help his family without the poem

C. the author’s father must have read the poem as well

D. the author’s mother had told him about this poem before

45. The author has written this letter to ___________.

A. share with Rudyard Kipling his sadness resulting from the death of his mother

B. show his appreciation for the positive influence the poem has brought to him

C. share his opinion on the poem

D. tell Rudyard Kipling how he got the poem


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

-I'd like to go to the cinema with you, Dad?-Sorry, my dear, but the film is ________ for adults only.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Mr. Johnson,

I’ve learned from a newspaper that some clerks are wanting in your company. I am eager to being one of them. So I am writing the letter. My name is zhang Hua. I was born in the Hebei Province and I am in good health. I’ve just graduated in the Computer Department of Wuhan University. I did very good in all subjects and I am especial good at computer studies and English. I can read science books in English and doing some writing in English as well.

Beside, I know a little French. And in my spare time, I enjoy playing basketball. As is said that your company is very famous and I’ll very glad if you let me work for it. My telephone number is 027-89276628.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届四川省资阳市高三第一次诊断性考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

______, dear! Things won’t be as bad as you think. There will be chances for you!

A.Hurry upB.Look up C.Cheer up D.Make up


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省杭州地区七校2009--2010学年高一下学期期中联考试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Cassy,
Thanks for reminding me by e-mail that you want to baby-sit our children. Although you are only 12 years old, my wife and I would be willing to consider your application(申请)if you can meet(满足) a few requirements:
1)Send us three letters from teachers who will prove that you have never failed to follow instructions perfectly in class and never failed to hand in your homework on time.
2)Send us a note from two doctors who will prove that you are in perfect health, have never been sick, and never will be sick.
3)Send us a document from your physical education teacher or team coach that proves that you can do each of the following: Run two miles in less than four minutes, climb an oiled rope to a height of twenty feet in thirty seconds while balancing a glass of water on your nose, and walk in bare feet over hot coals and broken glass without injury.
4)Send us notarized(得到公证的)letters from at least two mental health experts saying that you have never had an envious thought towards other people.
5)Play and defeat five expert chess players while blindfolded(蒙着眼睛)after going without sleep for 48 hours.
6)Wait patiently(耐心地)for two years while we have investigators(调查)certify(确保)that all your documents(文件)are real
Your loving and trusting friends,
The Smiths
40. The Smiths send their message to Cassy by     .
A. e-mail       B. a letter        C. a newspaper    D. a report
41. According to the first paragraph,        .
A. the Smiths must have had an advertisement made, saying that they want someone to look after their children
B. the Smiths have informed Cassy that they need some children
C. the Smiths have promised to provide what Cassy asked for
D. the Smiths would be very glad if Cassy can meet their requirements
42.What is the attitude of the Smiths about hiring the 12-year old girl to look after their baby?
A. The Smiths try to tell her how to baby-sit children.
B. The Smiths don’t think a girl is good for the job.
C. The Smiths don’t want to hire her.
D. The Smiths are willing to offer her the job.
43. Which of the requirements mentioned by the Smiths do you think Cassy can meet?
A. All of them               B. Half of them  
C. None of them             D. Most of them

