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A new planet-hunting technique has detected the most earth-like planet yet around a star other than our sun, raising hopes of finding a space rock that might support life, astronomers (天文学家) reported recently.

“This is an important discovery to answer the question ‘Are we alone?’” said Michael Turner of the National Science Foundation.

“The team has discovered the most earth-like planet yet, and more importantly, has proved the power of a new technique that is sensitive (灵敏的) to detecting planets that are fit for people to live on,” Turner said in a statement.

In the last decade, astronomers have detected more than 160 planets moving around stars outside our solar system. Most of these have been gas giant planets like Jupiter, which are unfit for life.

But an international team has detected a cold planet about 5.5 times more massive than the earth — still small enough to be considered earth-like — moving around a star about 20,000 light years away, close to the center of the Milky Way.

To find this new planet, the team used a technique called gravitational microlensing (引力微观透镜法). When a planet is circling the closest star, the planet’s gravity can add its own signature to the light. This kind of light signature was observed on July 11 by a group of telescopes in a project known as OGLE, short for Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment.

“The main advantage of microlensing is the signals for low-mass planets: They’re not weak signals. They’re just rare,” Bennett of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana said by telephone. “If there happens to be a straight line between a foreground star with its planet and the background source star, then you’re able to detect that planet.”

1.The underlined word “detected” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_________”.

A. discovered B. destroyed

C. created D. searched

2.The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to ____.

A. prove that scientists have a lot of difficulties in doing scientific research

B. explain why this planet moves around a star like our sun

C. teach the readers some basic knowledge about the universe

D. tell people about a new technique that finds the most earth-like planet moving round another star

3.From the news report we can infer that _________.

A. the planet is like the earth because it is close to the center of the Milky Way

B. it is quite possible that life may exist on other planets in the universe

C. people have no interest in finding a planet that might support life

D. the question “Are we alone” is too difficult for scientists to answer

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The signals coming from low-mass planets are too weak to be noticed.

B. Most of the discovered planets are not fit for people to live on.

C. If a star with its planet happens to be in line with the source star, then the planet can be found.

D. The power of the new technique is proved by the discovery of the earth-like planet.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南郑州市高三第二次质量预测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


When I began planning to move to Auckland to study,my mother was a little worried about the uncertainty of living in a place that was so different from India,where we lived. She worried particularly about the lack of jobs,the cultural differences and the chance that I would face racism.

Despite these worries,I came to New Zealand in July 2009. I have found the place and people very nice and supportive. Soon after I arrived,I realized the importance of getting a job to supply my living expenses.

Determined to do this on my own ,I spent a whole day going from door to door asking for a job. However,I received little or no response. This became my routine every day after college for a few weeks.

One afternoon,I walked into a building to ask if there were any job opportunities. The people there were very surprised,and advised me not to continue my job search in that manner.

As I was about to leave,a clerk in the building,who had been listening to what the others had said, approached me and asked if I would wait outside. Fifteen minutes later,he returned. He asked me what my plans were and encouraged me to stay confident. He then offered to take me to the Royal Oak area to search for a job.

I was a little surprised,but had a good feeling about him,so I went along. Along the way, I realized that I had run out of copies of my resume(简历).The man stopped at his business partner's office to make me 15 extra copies. He also gave me tips on dressing and speaking,and added that I should give him, a call if I ever needed anything. I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very satisfied. The following day,I received:call from。store in Royal Oak offering me a job.

It seems that the world always gives back to you when you need it. And this time,it was a complete stranger who turned out to be a real blessing.

1.What wasn't the author's mother worried about?

A. People might look down on the author.

B. The author couldn't speak the local language.

C. The author wasn't familiar with local customs.

D. It might be difficult for the author to find a job.

2.After staying in New Zealand for a short time, the author

A. decided to go back to his own country

B. felt the local people were not very friendly

C. had to find a job to cover his living expenses

D. wanted to get a job that needed practical skills

3.When the author went into a building to look for a job, ·

A. a clerk gave him encouragement and advice

B. he was confident that he would find a good one

C. he found many college students like him already there

D. a clerk recommended him to the company he worked for

4.What is the story mainly about?

A. How a stranger offered the author a job.

B. How a stranger turned out to be a real blessing.

C. How the author adapted himself to a new situation.

D. How the author was helped to get a job by a stranger.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届辽宁大连第二十高级中学高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The world is changing so fast that English, perhaps the most worldly of languages, is struggling to keep up.

Learners in the future are likely to be much younger. Young children are often said to be better at language learning than older learners but they also have special challenges. Young children don’t usually have the kind of instrumental motivation and determination for learning English that older learners often have. English lessons must therefore be fun and rewarding.

The reasons why people learn English are also changing. Globalization is bringing together more people than ever who speak different languages and who are turning to English as the means of communication. The English learners of the future may be less worried about sounding exactly like a native speaker and more concerned about how to use English effectively in cross-cultural communication. We may be hearing more non-native speakers in dialogues and a wider range of the “New Englishes” now used around the world.

Technology will allow English to come to you, rather than you having to go to a special place to learn English.

Learning English has always involved both pain and pleasure, private effort and social activity. Traditional learning provided take-it or leave-it mixes of these as well as of content but in future learners will be able to choose a plan which suits their cultural and psychological dispositions(性情), or their particular needs at that moment. They, rather than their teachers, will decide how, what and when they will learn.

Above all, learning English is about communication and an important benefit of learning English is being able to exchange views and make friends with people all over the world. Despite the growing independence of learners, trusted institutions and brand names will remain important.

1.Compared to older learners, young English learners .

A. are more active in learning

B. are more hard-working in learning

C. have more difficulties in learning

D. have less lasting determination in learning

2.What can we learn about the future English language?

A. British English will be more popular.

B. American English will be more popular.

C. Most people will speak standard English.

D. Many different kinds of Englishes will appear.

3. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Future English lessons will be more interesting.

B. Old people won’t have to learn English in the future.

C. People will pay more attention to English pronunciation.

D. Teachers will play a more important role in one’s English learning.

4. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Learning English means no pain in the future.

B. English training schools will not be popular with young people in the future.

C. English learners will become less independent in the future.

D. More attention will be paid to personal needs in English learning in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东清远第一中学实验学校高二10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Urban inhabitants have to live with the _________(典型的,特有的) noises of cities.

2.He i_______(要求,命令) me to deliver it to a customer.

3.The scientist often _________(做贡献)to an academic journal.

4.The board _________(拒绝)all our ideas.

5.The boss is _________(小心谨慎的) about making promises.

6.It seemed the water was to ________(责备)

7.The old man was utterly ________(吸收) in the book.

8.He was compelled to join the ________(工会) as a condition of getting the job.

9.He remained___________(始终如一的) in his opposition to anything new.

10.The situation suddenly became ________(紧张)

11.There's an _________(错误)in your calculation.

12.A golden w__________ is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage.

13.Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer __________(观光).

14.The S________ of Liberty stands in New York Harbor.

15.Students in No.2 middle school should wear school u_________.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届陕西咸阳武功县高三摸底考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

What a nice bike! Where ____ you ____ it?

A. do ; buy B. have ; bought

C. will ; buy D. did ; buy


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东茂名市高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


For pet owners, the hundreds of pet food recalls taking place each year has raised a lot of alarm. “Most people are caring pet owners, and they want to do what helps protect their pet,” explains Will Post, founder and CEO, Hound & Gatos Pet Foods Corporation. “Yet the problem is that most are not sure what that means and how to go about it. The more they learn about pet food, the better able they will be to make an informed decision that will keep their pet healthier and safer.”

Here are several tips that consumers may want to keep in mind when it comes to choosing a pet food that will help reduce the risks.

Get to know the company. Most people may know a company name simply because they spend millions on advertising. But that doesn’t mean they know much about the company or their morals. Research companies to find one that offers high standards, quality products, and great customer service.

Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to get in touch with a pet food company and ask them where something was made, where ingredients(原料) came from, or any other questions. They should have no problem answering questions about their products, or with being able to provide proof of their quality standards.

Read reviews. Do some searches to read some reviews about various brands of pet food. Keep in mind that some reviews can be one-sided and even planted by the company itself, so look for fair third-party sources giving the review.

Investigate(调查) ingredients. The source of ingredients is of major concern when it comes to reducing the risks of pet food recalls and keeping pets healthy. Read the labels and ask questions to determine where the ingredients are coming from.

Understand pet foods. Cat and dog food should contain 100 percent protein, which will supply them with the nutrients their bodies require. The problem with many commercial pet foods is that it is full of numerous fillers, such as cheap fillers and grains.

1.How can people provide a safer and healthier environment for their pet?

A. By giving more food to their pet.

B. By getting a better understanding about pet food.

C. By accompanying their pet more.

D. By knowing more about their pet.

2.How many pieces of advice on choosing a pet food are given by the author?

A. Three. B. Four.

C. Five. D. Six.

3.As for reducing the risks of pet food recalls, what should be mainly taken into consideration?

A. Where the ingredients come from.

B. Whether the company has good reputation.

C. Whether the food supply enough nutrients.

D. Whether most people choose the food.

4.The passage is mainly about __________.

A. the increasingly serious problem about food safety

B. the ways to choose a safer pet food

C. the opinion about food safety

D. the advice on caring pets

5.Who are the intended readers of the passage?

A. People in general.

B. Food companies.

C. Pet shop owners.

D. Pet owners.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市西城区高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达








参考词汇:教师证Teacher Identity Card

Dear Tom,




科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市海淀区高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Weighing the Options

Making decisions when shopping is often a tough call.Even if you’re satisfied with the first dress you try on, would you go on looking for alternatives, comparing styles and prices, until you literally dropped dead?

Psychology researchers have studied how people make decisions and concluded there are two basic styles.“Maximizers” like to take their time and weigh a wide range of options—sometimes every possible one—before choosing.“Satisficers” would rather be fast than thorough.

1. So even if they see what would seem to meet their requirements, they can’t make a decision until after they’ve examined every option to make sure that they’re making the best possible choice.Researchers followed 548 job-seeking college seniors at 11 schools from October through their graduation in June.They found that the maximizers landed better jobs.2.

“The maximizer is kicking himself because he can’t examine every option and at some point had to just pick something,” they say.“Maximizers make best decisions and end up feeling bad about them.3.

Satisficers also have high standards, but they are happier than maximizers.Maximizers tend to be more depressed and to report a lower satisfaction with life, his research found.

Faced with so many choices in our lives, we need to learn how not to waste time and energy on our decision-making.

4. For instance, if you’re picking a restaurant for a lunch meeting, first deciding on a certain part of town or type of cuisine can narrow your options.

Once you’ve arrived at a decision, stick with it.5. To limit the number of options you can consider, you can set a time limit for decision-making.Say you are buying a new bag, you could spend an amount of time studying features, price and value—but if you give yourself only five minutes to make a decision, and there are only these bags you can consider, you’ll save time.You’ll be happier with your decision, too.

A.Maximizers are people who want the best.

B.First of all, decrease your range of options.

C.Comparing is often a must when you make a decision.

D.Just accept that no decision is ever completely perfect.

E.Satisficers make good decisions and end up feeling good.

F.The other is to make decisions more accurately at the beginning.

G.Their starting salaries were 20 percent higher but they felt worse about their jobs.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市海淀区高三一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

When I was pushed onto the stage, I felt all the eyes in the hall _________ me.

A.through B.across

C.into D.on

