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 Our latest model should meet your ____ exactly.

A.require                     B. requirements                    C. satisfied                  D. satisfy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Here is a poster on a middle school web site. Read the web-site poster. Then do Numbers 1 to 4.

Going, Going, Gone!

The Haynes Middle School Parent—Teacher Organization

invites you to attend our latest fund(基金)-raiser,

The Fourth Annual(每年一次的) Haynes School Auction(拍卖)!

Saturday, May 10

6:00 pm — 11:00 pm 

in the school hall

6:00 pm — 6:30 pm: All items for auction are previewed.

6:30 pm — 7:00 pm: Silent auction begins.

7:00 pm — 7:30 pm: Highest bidders(出价人) from silent auction are determined.

7:30 pm — 11:00 pm: Main auction begins.

Items up for bid in the silent auction range in value from $ 5.00 to $ 30.00.

Items up for bid in the main auction include the following:

●Airline tickets to a place of your choice

●Weekend getaways at first-class hotels

●Season tickets to the Chicago Bears football game

●$ 50 gift tickets to local gift shops, restaurants, and salons

●Theater tickets to The Merchant of Venice

Don’t miss the boat! Book your tickets today.

Last year, tickets sold out in five days!

Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

$ 15.00 per person

All the money from the auction will be given to the Haynes School computer lab.

Which of the following is not mentioned as being up for bid at the auction?

A. A movie pass to the local cinema.

B. A weekend stay at a hotel.

C. A ticket to a restaurant.

D. Airline tickets.

The more items that are given or bought for auction, _______.

A. the less money that will be charged for the tickets to the auction

B. the more money that can be raised to support the computer lab

C. the faster the ticket will be sold to the auction

D. the higher the value that will be placed on the items in the silent auction

Which of the following is most likely to happen at the year’s auction?

A. The airline tickets will receive higher bids than any other item.

B. All items up for bid will be sold for at least twice their value.

C. More money will be raised this year than in any other year before.

D. Tickets for the event will be sold out in less than one week.

The phrase “first-come, first-served” tells you that _______.

A. people can buy the tickets on the first day only

B. the person who is first to arrive will receive a ticket at no charge

C. food and drinks will be served at the auction

D. tickets are sold in the order of who arrives first to buy them


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届安徽省池州一中高三第三次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In the next few years, battery technology is going to grow rapidly.
No more charging your smart phone every day...
No more “range anxiety” for electric cars, as new lithium batteries (锂电池)allow them to drive hundreds of miles on a single charge, just like a tank of gas.
And a tiny Chinese company is to be the leader of it all.
It already counts Motorola, Nokia, and Samsung as customers for its advanced batteries.
But the real money is going to come when it starts selling electric cars.
Right now, the stock is trading at an extreme discount, offering in-the-know investors a chance to get in and make a killing.
You need to know all the details about this opportunity today — and not a day later.
To do that, and to gain access to all the information you'll need to invest confidently, simply sign up for the free e-Letter from Energy & Capital by entering your email address below...
Once you do, we'll rush you our latest report, China's $2.00 Lithium Linchpin.
After getting your report, you'll begin receiving the Energy & Capital e-Letter, delivered to your inbox daily.
Become a member of Energy & Capital today. It is free and there is absolutely no obligation (责任), ever.
NO-JUNK: By no means will we EVER rent, sell or give away your email address for any reason. Unsubscribing from Energy & Capital is quick, easy, and painless... with just a few clicks. View our Privacy Policy.
【小题1】What does the underlined part “make a killing” in Paragraph 7 mean?

A.Beat all other businesses.
B.Make a lot of money in a short time.
C.Force other batteries to withdraw from market.
D.Be the business leader in battery making.
【小题2】What is the possible problem with online subscribing?
A.The giving-away of privacy.
B.Getting lots of junk emails.
C.Becoming a member of some organization unwillingly.
D.Not being able to unsubscribe.
【小题3】Where is this material probably from?
A.A magazine.B.A newspaper.C.A website.D.A booklet.
【小题4】This passage is mainly to ______.
A.advertise new batteriesB.find potential investors
C.promote Energy & CapitalD.sell new technology


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河北省衡水14中高二9月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

What brings a nation together? Of the four choices — shared values, language, history, and religion, it’s shared values. In our latest poll (民意调査), seven out of 16 countries chose values as the greatest factor (因素)bringing a nation together, and six preferred language. Both choices scored high in the poll, suggesting that our values and how we express them are closely linked .Still, history was not forgotten in some countries, particularly in Mexico and Russia. Even Canada and the United States chose national histories as the second-most important factor uniting their people. The biggest surprise? Not one country picked religion as its top choice.

Respect your elders
In most countries, the oldest generation considered values more important to a nation than did those who are under 45 years old.
Do you speak Canadian?
Language scored lower in Canada than in all other countries polled, perhaps because the country speaks two official languages, French and English.
Church and state
Most people polled do not connect their religious beliefs to their national pride. Religion ranked last in 13 countries — with France scoring it at 1%, the lowest of all.
【小题1】According to the poll, what was the most important factor in bringing a nation together?
【小题2】In which country did language score the lowest in their national pride?   
【小题3】According to the charts, shared values and language were considered equally important in         .  


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


Here is a poster on a middle school website. Read the website poster.

         Going, Going, Gone!

         The Haynes Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization invites you to attend our latest fund-raiser, the Fourth Annual Haynes School Auction (拍卖)!

         Saturday, May 10

6:00 p.m. ~ 11:00 p.m.

In the school hall

         6:00 p.m.~ 6:30 p.m.: All items for auction are previewed.

         6:30 p.m.~ 7:00 p.m.: Silent auction begins.

         7:00 p.m.~ 7:30 p.m.: Highest bidders (出价人) from silent auction are determined.

         7:30 p.m.~ 11:00 p.m.: Main auction begins.

         Items (物品) up for bid in the silent auction vary in value from $ 5.00 to $ 30.00.

         Items up for bid in the main auction include the following:

         ●Airline tickets to a place of your choice

         ●Weekend getaways at first-class hotels

         ●Season tickets to the Chicago Bears football game

         ●$ 50 gift tickets to local gift shops, restaurants, and salons

         Don’t miss the boat! Book your tickets today.

         Last year, tickets were sold out in five days!

         Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

         $ 15.00 per person

         All the money from the auction will be given to the Haynes School computer lab.

1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as being up for bid at the auction?

         A. A movie pass to the local cinema.

         B. A weekend stay at a hotel.

         C. A ticket to a restaurant.

         D. Airline tickets.

2.The more items that are given or bought for auction, ________.

         A. the less money that will be charged for the tickets to the auction

         B. the more money that can be raised to support the computer lab

         C. the faster the ticket will be sold to the auction

         D. the higher the value that will be placed on the items in the silent auction

3.Which of the following is most likely to happen at the year’s auction?

         A. The airline tickets will receive higher bids than any other item.

         B. All items up for bid will be sold for at least twice their value.

         C. More money will be raised this year than in any other year before.

         D. Tickets for the event will be sold out in less than one week.

4.The phrase “first-come, first-served” tells you that ________.

         A. people can buy the tickets on the first day only

B. the person who is the first to arrive will receive a ticket at no charge

C. food and drinks will be served at the auction

D. tickets are sold in the order of who arrives first to buy them



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江西省、遂川中学高一上学期1月联考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Here is a poster on a middle school website. Read the website poster.

         Going, Going, Gone!

         The Haynes Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization invites you to attend our latest fund-raiser, The Fourth Annual Haynes School Auction (拍卖)!

         Saturday, May 10

☆6:00 p.m. ~ 11:00 p.m.

☆In the school hall

         ☆6:00 p.m.~ 6:30 p.m.: All items for auction are previewed.

         ☆6:30 p.m.~ 7:00 p.m.: Silent auction begins.

         ☆7:00 p.m.~ 7:30 p.m.: Highest bidders (出价人) from silent auction are determined.

         ☆7:30 p.m.~ 11:00 p.m.: Main auction begins.

         Items (物品) up for bid in the silent auction vary in value from $ 5.00 to $ 30.00.

         Items up for bid in the main auction include the following:

         ●Airline tickets to a place of your choice

         ●Weekend getaways at first-class hotels

         ●Season tickets to the Chicago Bears football game

         ●$ 50 gift tickets to local gift shops, restaurants, and salons

         Don’t miss the boat! Book your tickets today.

         Last year, tickets were sold out within four days!

         Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

         $ 15.00 per person

         All the money from the auction will be given to the Haynes School computer lab.

1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as being up for bid at the auction?

         A. A movie pass to the local cinema.           B. A weekend stay at a hotel.

         C. A ticket to a restaurant.                  D. Airline tickets.

2.The more items that are given or bought for auction, ________.

         A. the less money that will be charged for the tickets to the auction

         B. the more money that can be raised to support the computer lab

         C. the faster the ticket will be sold to the auction

         D. the higher the value that will be placed on the items in the silent auction

3.Which of the following is most likely to happen at the year’s auction?

         A. The airline tickets will receive higher bids than any other item.

         B. All items up for bid will be sold for at least twice their value.

         C. More money will be raised this year than in any other year before.

         D. Tickets for the event will be sold out in less than one week.

4.The phrase “first-come, first-served” tells you that ________.

A. people can buy the tickets on the first day only

B. the person who is the first to arrive will receive a ticket at no charge

C. food and drinks will be served at the auction

D. tickets are sold in the order of who arrives first to buy them


