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【题目】 It’s reported that half of around 7,000 languages on the earth are in danger of disappearing by 2100.There are many reasons for such disappearance. Sometimes younger generations stop learning a language because parents want children to fit in modern society. 1 For instance, native American children of the late-19th century were required to attend boarding schools where educators forbade them from speaking their native languages.

Endangered languages are ranked according to their risk level by the United Nations. A "critically endangered" language is one that even grandparents don't speak often. New York's Onondaga language is an example with only 50 speakers left. An "extinct" language has no speakers, which means it is gone forever. 2 The last person who spoke it died in 2008. So this language doesn’t exist any longer.

Various animals and plants benefit our environment. 3 Saving these languages benefits our understanding of other cultures. Languages can show how a society looks at the world and what it values. The Endangered Language Alliance, a non-profit group, wants to save languages from disappearing. 4 However, its efforts are limited. If an endangered language is going to make a real comeback, it'll probably get its start in schools. Now students in Hawaii can keep learning Hawaiian from elementary schools to college and beyond.

5 At least one did. In 1881, a Jewish linguist named Eliezer Ben-Yehuda brought the 3,000-year-old language Hebrew back to life. Today it is one of the official languages of the country of Israel, with more than 4 million speakers.

A. Alaska's Eyak language is one example.

B. Why should we save endangered languages?

C. With just five speakers left, it is absolutely endangered.

D. Can a language with zero native speakers come back to life?

E. Similarly, different languages contribute to cultural diversity.

F. Sometimes societies force minorities to give up their language.

G. The organization finds native speakers and records their stories.









1下文For instance, native American children of the late-19th century were required to attend boarding schools where educators forbade them from speaking their native languages.(举个例来说,在19世纪晚期美国土著儿童被要求去上寄宿制学校,在那儿,教育者禁止他们说他们的母语)与F. Sometimes societies force minorities to give up their language.(有时,社会强迫少数民族放弃自己的语言)承接自然,下文是社会强迫少数民族放弃自己语言的例子。故选F项。

2A. Alaska's Eyak language is one example.(阿拉斯加语就是一个例子)与上文An "extinct" language has no speakers, which means it is gone forever.(灭绝的语言没人说,这就意味着它永远地消失了)以及下文The last person who spoke it died in 2008. So this language doesn’t exist any longer.(最后一个说它的人死于2008年,所以这种语言不再存在了)逻辑严密,承接自然。故选A项。

3上文Various animals and plants benefit our environment.(各种各样的动植物对环境有益)与E. Similarly, different languages contribute to cultural diversity.(相同地,各种各样的语言对文化多样性有好处)承接自然,且两句句式相同,其中variousdifferent属于同义词复现,benefitcontribute to也属于同义词复现。故选E项。

4前文The Endangered Language Alliance, a non-profit group, wants to save languages from disappearing.(濒临灭绝语言联盟希望挽回这些即将消失的语言)与G. The organization finds native speakers and records their stories.(这个组织找到说母语的人然后记录他们的故事)承接自然,答案是语言联盟组织所采取的具体措施。故选G项。

5下文At least one did. In 1881, a Jewish linguist named Eliezer Ben-Yehuda brought the 3,000-year-old language Hebrew back to life. Today it is one of the official languages of the country of Israel, with more than 4 million speakers.(至少有一种语言做到了。在1881年,一名叫Eliezer Ben-Yehuda的犹太语言学家使这个有3000年历史的希伯来语复活了。现在,它是以色列官方语言之一,拥有400多万使用者)与D. Can a language with zero native speakers come back to life?(一个没人说的语言可以复活吗?)承接自然,下文是对答案问题的回答,也是其中的一个例子。故选D项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


John Snow was a well-known physician in London in the 19th century. 1 famous was he that he even attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies. However, he decided to defeat cholera, a 2 (dead) disease at that time when he saw thousands of people 3 (expose) to it died every time there was an outbreak.

In 1854 when cholera broke out, he began to gather information and marked on a map 4 all the dead people 5(live). He found many people who had drunk 6 dirty water from the pump died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He found a woman and her daughter who had the water 7(deliver) from the pump every day died of cholera after drinking the water. 8 this extra evidence John Snow announced that the polluted water was 9(blame). He suggested the source of all water supplies should be examined and new methods of 10(deal)with water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Shane Gero, a scientist at Aarhus University in Denmark, spent 6 years studying sperm whales (抹香鲸), which communicate through very loud clicks. He found that sperm whales in the Caribbean Sea had different clicks from those in the Pacific Ocean. He even “translated” the clicks from a group of Caribbean sperm whales, believing them to say, “I’m from the Caribbean, are you?”, reported National Geographic. As well as being used for communication, the clicks also allow whales to develop a relationship with one another, according to Gero.

Apart from sperm whales, other animals like wolves and apes also have different regional accents. Researchers analyzed the howls of different species of wolves. They found that red wolves, Arctic wolves and other wolves have howls that vary in pitch (音调). In other words, they have their own dialects.

According to Darcy Kelley from Columbia University, most animals learn their accents naturally. For example, macaques (猕猴) start speaking their dialect as soon as they are born. Scientists placed some macaques in a new environment where their playmates all spoke a different dialect. But the macaques still spoke their own dialect. Their environment had no influence on their communication, according to the Washington Post.

“In most species, communication appears to have a genetic basis,” Kelley explained in the Washington Post. “However, among a small number of species, animals can learn from others and develop their own accents.”

Fruit flies are a good example. According to Science Daily, they send messages through their wing movements. Scientists found that fruit flies can only communicate efficiently with others of the same species. However, they can learn new dialects by spending time around other species.

“A proper accent is vital to mating and warning the coming of enemies, which is the basis of protecting themselves,” Kelley told the Washington Post. A species can’t risk changing their own dialect and learning a new one.

1What does the author want to show by talking about the sperm whales at the beginning?

A.Animals have different dialects.

B.Sperm whales live in different oceans.

C.Animals can speak different local languages.

D.Whales communicate through clicking noises.

2Why do researchers believe that wolves have their own dialects?

A.Wolves are wild animals using language.

B.Wolves live in different areas of the world.

C.There are different kinds of wolves in the world.

D.Wolves of different kinds howl at different pitches.

3According to Kelley, what can dialects help animals to do?

A.Have a better chance of survival.

B.Fight with other species for food.

C.Communicate with other species better.

D.Pass on information to the next generation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I was lucky enough to attend the sixth UN Economic and Social Council Youth Forum, 1 was held in New York in January. At the opening ceremony, I was so impressed after meeting more than 500 fellow young people from over 200 countries and regions. I felt things I used to worry about, such as my exams or performance at school, were so small 2 (compare) to the global problems they were trying to solve. 3 young people, we should focus more on major problems, like poverty, environmental problems and healthcare facing all human beings.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Feeling Phone-overwhelmed?

Many people are feeling “phone-overwhelmed”, longing for a “simpler time” when smart -phones didn’t exist. Actually you don’t necessarily need to flush your brand-new iPhone down the toilet or vow to never, ever tweet again. Things don’t have to be that black or white.1Here are a few simple steps.

Make a plan. To earn a college degree, you select specific classes happening at specific times and you attend them. This keeps you on track, moving steadily towards your goal.2 Choose specific times to check texts, social media updates, and so on, and then do your best to stick to the plan. Create phone-routines that help you to create the kind of day (and life) that you want.

Enjoy the sound of silence to the fullest. If your phone is continually bleeping and pinging every time “something happens,” it’s going to be tough for you to stay focused- you’ll be tempted to check in and see what's up! It may seem obvious to turn off those noisy notifications.3 You can also create a “call filter” so that certain people's calls come through even if your phone is on “silent. ” That way you can rest easy, knowing you won't miss something truly urgent.

4. For many couples and families, dinnertime is the only time of the day when everyone is gathered together in one place Make dinner a special, sacred time without techie distractions. No phones at the table. If people get restless or bored, strike up an interesting conversation by playing a question game.

Ask yourself, What am I desiring right now? “When you feel the urge to check your phone, and you don’t really “need” to, pause for moment.5Do you seek out company, entertainment or inspiration? Whatever you want, see if you can find a non-phone-related way to satisfy yourself Go for a jog, listen to music or pop by a friend’s house to say "hi "Feeding your spirit in the “real world”, you may discover that the “phone world” just isn't that appealing anymore.

A. Take some phone- free time

B Make dinnertime a phone-free zone

C. Check in with yourself and see what you want.

D. See how it feels to move freely without your phone.

E. You can apply that same logic to your smartphone usage

F. You can take specific steps to create healthier, more balanced relations of technology

G Better yet, turn the volume on your phone down to zero or power down your phone complete


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


如何理解成功,不同的人有不同的看法。请认真阅读下面的引语( quotation),按要求用英语写一篇短文。

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.(热情)

Sir Winston, Churchill


1. 你对该引语的理解;

2. 你的相关经历;

3. 恰当的结尾。


1. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 文中不能出现考生的具体信息;

3. 词数:120左右。

This quotation from Winston Churchill tells us that





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Last year at Christmas time, my wife, three children and I were on our way from Paris to Nice. Somehow everything went wrong. Our hotels were “tourist traps” and our rented car broke down. On Christmas Eve, when we checked into a dirty hotel in Nice, there was no Christmas spirit in our hearts.

It was raining and cold when we went cut to eat. We found a small restaurant poorly decorated for the holiday. Only five tables in the restaurant were taken. There were two German couples, two French families, and an American sailor, by himself. They were eating in stony silence except the sailor. He was writing a letter, and a half-smile lighted his face. In the comer a piano player was listlessly (无精打采地) playing Christmas music.

All of us were interrupted by an old French flower woman through the front door. She had a worn overcoat and her old shoes were wet. Carrying her basket of flowers, she went from one table to another. No one bought any. Exhausted and frustrated, she sat down at a table.

The sailor finished his meal and got up to leave. Putting on his coat, he walked over to the flower woman’s table.

“Merry Christmas,” he said, smiling and picking out a handful of flowers. “How much are they?”

“Two francs, sir.”

The sailor put a twenty franc note in the woman’s hand.

“I don’t have change, sir,” she said. “I’ll get some from the waiter.”

“No, ma’am,” said the sailor, leaning over and kissing the ancient cheek. “This is my Christmas present for you.”

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Then the sailor headed for our table with the flowers in his hand.


Paragraph 2:

The piano player came alive and pleasant music filled the whole room. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】You can apply for a foreign university on the Internet by yourself, or you can turn to a special agency which can do it for you.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When John was growing up, other kids felt sorry for him. His parents always had him weeding the gardencarrying out the garbage and delivering newspapers. But when John reached adulthood, he was better off than his childhood playmates. He had more job satisfaction, a better marriage and was healthier. Most of all, he was happier.Far happier.

These are the findings of a 40year study that followed the lives of 456 teenage boys from Boston. The study showed that those who had worked as boys enjoyed happier and more productive lives than those who had not. “Boys who worked in the home or community gained competence (能力) and came to feel they were worthwhile members of society”said George Vaillant, the psychologist (心理学家) who made the discovery. “And because they felt good about themselves, others felt good about them.”

Vaillant's study followed these males in great detail. Interviews were repeated at ages 25, 31 and 47. Under Vaillant, the researchers compared the men's mentalhealth scores with their boyhood activity scores. Points were awarded for parttime jobs, housework, effort in schooland ability to deal with problems.

The link between what the men had done as boys and how they turned out as adults was surprisingly sharpThose who had done the most boyhood activities were twice as likely to have warm relations with a wide variety of peoplefive times as likely to be well paid and 16 times less likely to have been unemployed. The researchers also found that IQ and family social and economic class made no real difference in how the boys turned out.

Working—at any age—is important.Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility, independence, confidence and competence—the underpinnings (基础) of emotional health. They also help him understand that people must cooperate and work toward common goals. The most competent adults are those who know how to do this.Yet work isn't everything. As Tolstoy once said“One can live magnificently in this world if one knows how to work and how to love, to work for the person one loves and to love one's work.”

1What do we know about John?

A.He enjoyed his career and marriage.

B.He had few childhood playmates.

C.He received little love from his family.

D.He was envied by others in his childhood.

2Vaillant's words in Paragraph 2 serve as ________

A.a description of personal values and social values

B.an analysis of how work was related to competence

C.an example for parents' expectations of their children

D.an explanation why some boys grew into happy men

3Vaillant's team obtained their findings by ________

A.recording the boys' effort in school

B.evaluating the men's mental health

C.comparing different sets of scores

D.measuring the men's problem solving ability

4What does the underlined word “sharp” probably mean in Paragraph 4?

A.Quick to react.B.Having a thin edge.

C.Clear and definite.D.Sudden and rapid.

