精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


A:He is very good, isn't he?

B:Sorry, what did you say?

A:I(1)s________ the singer was great.

B:Yes, and interesting to watch.

A:Have you seen him here(2)b________?

B:Oh, yes.He's always at(3)e________ the same place on Saturdays when I come into town.I think he probably(4)w________ the music and words by himself,(5)b________ I've(6)n________ heard any of the songs before.

A:It's not fair

B:What do you(7)m________?

A:People with musical ability(8)l________ him have to stand around here to make a living.

B:Perhaps he enjoys(9)i________ or more money than you think.

A:I(10)h________ so.


1.said 2.before 3.exactly 4.writes 5.because 6.never 7.mean 8.like 9.it 10.hope


科目:高中英语 来源:必修二训练译林英语 译林版 题型:030


A=airhostess P=passenger

A:What can I do for you, sir?

P:Yes, I(1)w ________ if you could bring me another bottle of beer.

A:Certainly.Would you like anything else?

P:Well, my grandson is(2)s ________ to meet me in London at the airport.Do you think he’ll be able to find me?

A:I’m sure he will.You don’t have to worry about that.Are you going to be(3)v ________ him?

P:Yes, I haven’t seen my grandson for long.

A:I think you will have a(4)w ________ time in London.It’s beautiful.Is this your first time(5)a ________?

P:No, I have seen quite a bit of(6)E ________ before, Rome, Berlin, Paris…places like that, but never London.

A:Oh, then you have(7)f ________ before too.

P:No, that was(8)d ________ the Second World War and I went on a large ship carrying soldiers.

A:Things are quite(9)d ________ in Europe now.

P:I’m sure they are.I’m really(10)e ________ to go there.

A:Well, we’ll be there in two hours.Wait a minute, I’ll go and get your beer.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修一导学英语译林 译林版 题型:030


A:Are you OK?

B:I think(1)s________.I’m just a little frightened.

A:I think you are.That looked(2)l________ a pretty bad accident.

B:It was.I guess I was lucky.

A:You bet you are.What(3)h________?

B:Well, I was just(4)d________ around that corner back there and I lost control of my car.I must have hit an icy patch.

A:I can’t believe you survived.

B:What happened to the driver of the(5)o________ car?

A:I’m not sure.

B:I saw him being carried away to the(6)h________ in an ambulance.He didn’t look(7)g________

A:I don’t think he was as(8)l________ as you were.

B:How terrible! I can’t believe this is happening.?

A:Calm down.You are OK.We don’t know(9)a________ the other man.He might be just fine.

B:I should call my family.

A:Take it(10)e________.Don’t try and do anything too fast.You’ve just been through a bad time.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修一导学英语译林 译林版 题型:030


A:Are there any typhoons in the(1)a________ where you live?

B:There are, sometimes, but not many.

A:Were you afraid of it?

B:Yes.It was a bit scary, but I wasn’t really(2)a________.I saw the tops of trees moving in circles, and sand and pieces of wood were(3)s________ up into the air.What about you? Have you ever(4)e________ one?

A:No, but I know about a friend whose parents lived in Guangdong.One day a real typhoon(5)h________ their village.It was very(6)f________ and destroyed most of the houses.My friend said he was scared to(7)d________

Some people got into a total panic when the typhoon pulled the roofs(8)o________ their houses and cars went up in the air.


A:Yeah, man.Now that kind of thing would(10)r________ frighten me.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修一高手英语译林 译林版 题型:030


A:Are you OK?

B:I think(1)s________.I’m just a little frightened.

A:I think you are.That looked(2)l________ a pretty bad accident.

B:It was.I guess I was lucky.

A:You bet you are.What(3)h_______?

B:Well, I was just(4)d_______ around that corner back there and I lost control of my car.I must have hit an icy patch.

A:I can’t believe you survived.

B:What happened to the driver of the(5)o_______ car?

A:I’m not sure.

B:I saw him being carried away to the(6)h_______ in an ambulance.He didn’t look(7)g_______

A:I don’t think he was as(8)l_______ as you were.

B:How terrible! I can’t believe this is happening.

A:Calm down.You are OK.We don’t know(9)a_______ the other man.He might be just fine.

B:I should call my family.

A:Take it(10)e_______.Don’t try and do anything too fast, You’ve just been through a bad time.

