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10.Amiya Olden could have been a poster child for a reading crisis that affects nearly 2 million Michigan residents older than 1 6:They read below a sixth-grade level,which makes it difficult to  find jobs and to improve their lives.Among them,Amiya is one.
 Amiya Olden remembers well the day she graduated from Denby High sch001.She handed her diploma to her mother,who read it to her."Then when someone asked me to read it,I could remember the things she read,and I knew what I had to say,"recalled Amiya Olden."When we would go out to restaurants with my aunts,and that,S when I really would get upset.1 would see words on the menu but I couldn,t read!"
 But don‘t feel sorry for herI She changed her life by reaching a point where shel d read enough.Two summers ago,she took charge of her life when she walked into Pro Literacy Detroit to improve her reading.Nineteen months ago,she was reading at a second-grade level;now at a fifth-grade level.
 Olden now splits her days between her classes at Pro Literacy and the library,where she checks out books and reads them.She says she hopes her improved reading skills will help her find a good job.
 And she has advice for others,who have trouble reading.
"Don't give up on it,"she said."Even though it can be challenging and you might get frustrated sometimes,practice does help.If you really want to be able to go somewhere,go out to a restaurant and you have to read signs and things like that,you want to know what you want to eat and where you want to go…If you want to succeed in life and grow,you have to read.More  important,you have to feel confident that you can."
56.Amiya'mother read the diploma to her so thatB.
  A.she could encourage her daughter to improve her reading
  B.her daughter could remember the content of the diploma
  C.they both could remember the particular moment
  D.she could show off before her daughter
57.Amiya attends Pro Literacy Detroit toB.
  A.get another diploma
  B.improve her reading level
  C.find a good job in the training center
  D.be a poster child for the reading crisis
58.From the passage we can see in MichiganA.
  A.many people can't find good jobs due to poor reading
  B.the job market pays too much attention to reading
  C.most students can't graduate from high school
  D.the reading crisis affects only poor people
59.Which of the following is true of Amiya?D
  A.She is 16 years old now.
  B.A good job has been offered to her.
  C.She is an adviser for those with reading difficulty.
  D.Most of her time is divided between her classes and the library.
60.With the study at Pro Literacy,Amiya is nowC.
  A.puzzled    B.discouraged    C.confident D.1earned.

分析 文章主要讲述密歇根州存在的一个社会问题:16岁以上的孩子在阅读方面存在很大障碍,毕业后找不到好工作.

解答 56.B 细节理解题.从第二段第三句Olden说的话可知,由于阅读能力低下,她不得不让她的母亲给她读毕业证上的字以便她记住内容.
57.B  细节理解题.从第三段第三句Two summers ago,she took charge of her life when she walked into Pro-Literacy Detroit to improve her reading.可知,她去这个学校是为了提高自己的阅读水平.
58.A  细节理解题.从第一段可知,密歇根州很多16岁以上的孩子因为阅读能力太差而找不到好工作.
59.D  细节理解题.从第四段第一句Olden now splits her days between her classes at Pro Literacy and the library可知她大部分时间都是在上课或在图书馆,故D项正确.
60.C 推理判断题.从最后一段Amiya的话尤其是最后一句More importantly,you have to feel confident that you can可知Amiya现在很自信.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Renee had been married for a long,long time.Her favorite part of being married was the weekend,when she was with her two horses.On the weekend,Renee was at the stables(养马场) from morning until dark.She fed,groomed,and rode her horses.She was an excellent rider.She would ride the horses bareback on Saturday,and then she would saddle(给马装鞍) them up on Sunday.
Renee loved parades.She used to say,"A parade isn't a parade without a horse."Renee loved parades almost as much as she loved her horses.She belonged to an email list of volunteers for parades.She regularly visited the state website list of parades to see if there were any new parades that she didn't know about.All the state parades were organized in her computer.In the parades file,she listed the date,drive time and distance,parade time,contact people,and other details she felt were important.
She knew the parade director of every town within a four-hour drive.She never stayed overnight.She always left the parade in time to get her horses back to the stables before"bedtime".She had to feed them before they turned in.Her horses seemed to like parades,too.They knew a few tricks that always impressed the children.
Renee was very generous with her time and her horses.But owning horses wasn't cheap.You had to rent the stables,and there were always vet(兽医) and feed bills.Renee knew how to cope with expenses,though.Her vet always gave her a 10-percent discount for paying cash.She always bought the no-name,generic food for the horses.Her vet had told her it was just as healthful and tasty as the brand name material.She always bought economy gasoline.And on parade days,Renee always packed her own lunch and ate with her horses.

56.What did Renee regularly do on the weekend?C
A.She visited the state website list of parades.
B.She took part in parades.
C.She fed,groomed,and rode her horses at the stables.
D.She spent with her family.
57.Which one did Renee like better,horses or parades?D
A.She liked horses better than parades.
B.She liked parades better than horses.
C.She didn't love her horses as much as she loved parades.
D.She loved her horses almost as much as she loved parades.
58.Renee never stayed overnight when she took part in parades becauseB.
A.she didn't like to sleep together with horses
B.she had to get her horses back to the stables before"bedtime"to be fed
C.her horses didn't agree to stay overnight
D.she couldn't sleep well outside
59.How did Renee cope with expenses of owning horses?The following ways were used except thatA.
A.she always bought the brand name food for the horses
B.she had a 10-percent discount for paying cash offered by her vet
C.she always packed her own lunch and ate with her horses on parade days
D.she always bought the no-name,generic food for the horses
60.Which of the following words can't be used to describe Renee?D
A.caring    B.money-saving     C.careful     D.mean.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-Tomorrow is Tim's birthday.What ______ we buy him as a present?
-How about a book?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-I received one more message on my cell phone,telling me that I had won a big prize.
-Do you believe it?You_______.(  )
A.should be cheatedB.are being cheated
C.are cheatingD.must have cheated


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-Jenny ________the room for me when I returned home.
-Such is her character.She is always thinking of others!(  )
A.was cleaningB.is cleaning
C.has cleanedD.had been cleaned


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.The population of China      to many times what it was in 1949,and most of its population      farmers.(  )
A.have grown; areB.have grown; isC.has grown; isD.has grown; are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.When Russell Lyons volunteered for the first time,he read Goodnight Moon to a class of San Diego preschoolers.And it wasn't reading-he'd memorized the book and was reciting it out loud.He was 4.Still,he said it felt good up there,in front of the other kids,lending a hand.He wanted more of that feeling.
Thirteen years later,he's getting a lot of it.He's on a five-month road trip across America-not sightseeing,but volunteering.
The University City resident has spent time at an animal reserve in Utah,a women's shelter in St.Louis,a soup kitchen in New York,a retirement home in Tucson.This week he's in Los Angeles,at a program that supports disabled youth.
"I just like helping people and feeling that something I do is making a difference,"he said.He resists the idea that his"Do Good Adventure"is all that unusual.It bothers him that the media often describes young people as lazy,self-centered and materialistic.So he sees his trip as a chance to make a statement,too."About 55percent of teens do volunteer work,higher than the rate of adults,"he said,according to a 2002study."Not everybody knows that."
Of course,some teens do volunteer work because it looks impressive on their college applications.Lyons said he mentioned his trip on his submissions.But charity work is a habit with him.Even before the cross country trip,he was volunteering abut 200hours a year at various places.He's made sandwiches for homeless families in Washington D.C..He's taught math to fifth-graders in Cuernavaca,Mexico.
He gets some of that drive from his mother,Leslye Lyons,who has been involved in nonprofits for much of her life.She was there when her son"read"to the preschoolers-a memory of hers"that will never go away."

56.What did Russell Lyons think of his first volunteering?C
A.Creative.    B.Persuasive.
C.Impressive.  D.Imaginative.
57.The third paragraph is meant toA.
A.indicate Russell Lyons is working as a volunteer
B.introduce some tourist attractions across America
C.appeal to volunteers to offer help to those in need
D.show volunteers are needed in all parts of America
58.According to Paragraph 4,Russell Lyons is against the idea thatC.
A.what he has done is common
B.most teens do volunteer work
C.young people don't work hard
D.adults prefer to be volunteers
59.Russell Lyons has been doing volunteer work becauseB.
A.it is necessary for college applications
B.it has become a natural part of his life
C.he likes the feeling of being praised
D.he ought to keep his promise to Mom.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.I am afraid that it ________ when we arrive in London.(  )
A.is rainingB.is to rainC.rainsD.will be raining


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.She tried two different methods,yet ______ of them seemed to work very well.(  )

