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4.-Where did you get to know her?
-It was on the farm _______ we worked.(  )

分析 -你是在哪里认识她的?

解答 答案:C
本句为定语从句;先行词是the farm,由于从句中缺少地点状语"on the farm",所以应使用关系副词where引导该定语从句;故选C.

点评 做本题时,首先应正确判断出本句是强调句"It+be+强调部分+that (who)+主谓句"还是定语从句:由于去掉"It was+空白处"结构之后,"on the farm we worked"不能表达完整的意思,所以可判定本句为定语从句,故排除A;其次应掌握定语从句的结构特点以及各关系词的用法.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

I'm now staying at Mrs.William's.         .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.---Would you permit me ______ here?
---Sorry.We don't permit ______ here in the reading room.(  )
A.smoking,smokingB.to smoke,to smoke
C.smoking,to smokeD.to smoke; smoking


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The young man worked as_________ volunteer during the rescue of victims of the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008,which had had__________ profound effect on his life.(  )
A.a;/B./;/C./; aD.a; a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Yes,it's still 2015,but as USA Today says,"it's never too early to plan your 2016travels".With so many hot destinations (目的地) around the globe,"where should I go?"can be difficult to answer.According to Lonely Planet,though,Brazil is a fine choice-on April 29,the travel guide named that country the top one to visit in 2016.
"As if endless strands of coast and mountains splashed with rainforest didn't already add up to an unfair share of heaven (天堂),Brazil held one of the greatest sporting events in the world,the 2014FIFA World Cup,and the 2016Summer Olympics,another greatest one,will be followed,"explained Lonely Planet.
Brazil is the largest and most populous country in South America.It boasts (自豪拥有) the Amazon,the world's largest jungle (丛林),which is home to a variety of plants and animals.But the great landscape (景色) is not the only thing Brazilians take pride in.
The colors green and yellow might make most people think of Brazil's soccer team even more than its national flag.Soccer is more than a sport in Brazil; it's a way of life.In fact,the World Cup brings Brazilians together.It is interesting to note that the general elections (大选) in Brazil are usually held during the same year as the World Cup.Political parties try to take advantage of the patriotic enthusiasm (爱国热情) created by soccer to inspire political energy.
Alongside soccer,samba is another emblem (象征) of Brazil.The country's most traditional dance is highlighted every February at the Rio Carnival,which is one of the world's biggest.
"Brazil has left its second-class nation status (地位),"said former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in 2009after Rio de Janeiro was awarded the 2016Olympics.
Brazil's growing economy,fueled (刺激) by oil and aircraft factories,has made it more than just a nation of samba,soccer and beaches.These days,it might just be the best tourist destination in the world.

21.Which of the following aspects are mentioned about Brazil in the article?D
a.military      b.Economy     c.language and culture    d.geography and population
A.bc     B.bcd         C.acd          D.bd
22.We can tell Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva isD his country from his words.
A.honest about        B.ashamed of        C.modest about       D.proud of
23.Which is TRUE about Brazil?C
A.It is the largest country with the longest history in South America.
B.It will hold the FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympics in 2014.
C.Soccer and samba are two symbols of the country.
D.Its Amazon is the world's largest jungle with the most beautiful landscape.
24.The author's purpose in writing the article is toB.
A.explain why Brazil will be holding the two sporting events
B.give an introduction of Brazil as a tourist destination
C.give an objective review of Brazil as a nation
D.prove that Lonely Planet's recommendation is right.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Humans might be the most highly-evolved species on the planet,but most animals possess skills we can only dream of having.Imagine how much electricity we could save if we could see in the dark the way cats do.Imagine leaping from tree to tree like a monkey.Giraffes,which are otherwise calm and good-natured,sleep only 4.6hours a day.
We realized a long,long time ago that nature provides the best blueprint for invention.We've borrowed canals from beavers and reflectors from cat's eyes.Although the words"bionics"(仿生学) became popular only after the 1960s,history shows that nature has always provided ideas on solving everyday problems.Our archives(档案) don't go back to the time of Leonardo da Vinci and his bird-like flying machines,but we can take you to the late 19th century,where we applied those same principles for building our first practical airplanes.
To prepare for their flight at Kitty Hawk,the Wright brothers studied the movements of pigeons to figure out how they stayed high up when they were heavier than air.Their success inspired scores of successors to improve on the airplane by studying various aspects of nature.One of Orville Wright's pupils caught and stuffed seagulls to examine their wingspan.Meanwhile,two French inventors examined spinning sycamore(梧桐) seeds in an effort to apply those same motions,reversed,to a helicopter.
Some examples are more obvious than others.The outside of the airplane designed by the Wright brothers looks like a minimalistic(简单抽象艺术) structure.On the other hand,Barney Connett's fish submarine actually looks like a fish.
Some bio-inspired concepts have yet to be invented.In the 1960s,the US Army commissioned several university professors to conduct research on the motor skills animals in hope of applying those same abilities to tanks.Tanks that run like horses or jump like grasshoppers(蚂蚱)-sounds shocking,doesn't it?But imagine how life would change if we could achieve that.
63."Cats","monkeys"and"giraffes"mentioned in paragraph 1are examples to showB.
A.they are highly-evolved species as humans
B.animals have skills that humans do not possess
C.humans can learn animals'skills
D.they are skillful in different ways
64.What happened after the Wright brothers'success?B
A.People carried out a systematic study on pigeons.
B.People studied more animals and plants to develop the airplane.
C.People could fly their airplane for fun.
D.People kept their airplane at a French gallery.
65.Which of the following is true about the research carried out by the US Army?D
A.It has cost a large sum of money.
B.It has changed our life.
C.It has improved the abilities of tanks           
D.It has not succeeded yet.
66.What does the writer want to tell in the passage?A
A.many inventions get ideas from nature.
B.Some animals possess unique skills.
C.People should protect nature.
D.Bionics is far from perfect.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.According to theofficial (官方的)figures,over one thousand people died during the revolution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.It was Thanksgiving morning.I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang.I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together on the top step.
"Any old papers,lady?"asked one of them.
I was busy.I wanted to say"no"until I looked down at their feet.They were wearing thin little sandals(凉鞋),wet with heavy snow.
"Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa."
They walked over and sat down at the table.Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor.I served them cocoa and bread to fight against the cold outside.Then I went back to the kitchen and started cooking.
The silence in the front room struck me.I looked in.The girl held the empty cup in her hands,looking at it.The boy asked in a flat voice,"Lady,are you rich?"
"Am I rich?Pity,no!
I looked at my wornout slipcovers(椅套).The girl put her cup back in its saucer(茶碟)carefully and said,"Your cups match your saucers."They left after that,holding their papers against the wind.They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful.
Plain blue china cups and saucers were only worth five pence.But they matched.
I tasted the potatoes and stirred(搅动)the meat soup.Potatoes and brown meat soup,a roof over our heads,my man with a regular job,these matched,too.
I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room.The muddy marks of little sandals were still wet upon my floor.Let them be for a while,I thought,just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.
56.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?B
A.Lady,are you rich?
B.A story of Thanksgiving Day
C.Don't forget how rich you are  
D.Does cups and saucers match well?
57.The writer let the two children come in and served them well becauseC.
A.she wanted to sell old papers to them
B.she wanted to invite them to her Thanksgiving party
C.she showed great pity and care on them
D.she had the same experience as them in the past
58.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A
A.The girl thought the writer was rich just because she wanted to make the writer happy.
B.The writer had thought she wasn't rich because her supplies were not expensive.
C.If cups and saucers match well,they are a best pair even though cheap.
D.After hearing what they said,the writer seemed to understand what a rich life was.
59.The writer left the muddy marks of little sandals on the floor for a while toB.
A.show that she was a kindhearted lady
B.remind her that she shouldn't forget how rich she was
C.leave room for readers to think about what being rich is
D.prove that she had understood what meant being rich.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.The traffic in our city is already good and it   _______  even better.(  )
A.getsB.gotC.has gotD.is getting

