精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情



1.What did the woman want to do?

[  ]

A.To buy a camera.

B.To have the films developed.

C.To look for her photos.

2.What is the weather like in Hong Kong now?

[  ]


3.Where is Martin going?

[  ]

A.To the library.

B.To the lecture hall.

C.To the teacher's office.

4.Why is Bill writing to his aunt?

[  ]

A.It is her birthday.

B.He wants to thank her for her gift.

C.He forgot to send her a birthday gift.

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

[  ]

A.The woman is asking the men for help.

B.The woman will go to the airport by taxi.

C.The woman's car has broken down.




6.When will the party be held?

[  ]

A.At the beginning of the school year.

B.At the end of the school year.

C.At the end of the year.

7.What will they start the party with?

[  ]

A.Folk songs.
C.Dance music.

8.What are the speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.The arrangements (安排) for dinner.

B.The arrangements for music.

C.The arrangements for dances.


[  ]

9.What has happened to the patient?

[  ]

A.He broke his leg.

B.He fell and couldn't walk.

C.His back is badly hurt.

10.How long will the patient stay in hospital?

[  ]

A.A month or two.

B.Two or three weeks.

C.Ten or twelve days.

11.What should the patient do before getting better?

[  ]

A.Have a complete bed rest.

B.Sit up all the time.

C.Get up twice a day for some exercises.


12.Why is the man making the phone call?

[  ]

A.He is inviting Mr Brown to go to Australia.

B.He is giving information about Mr. Brown's flight.

C.He is fixing a time to meet Mr. Brown at the airport.

13.When does Mr Brown have to be at the airport?

[  ]

A.By 8:30
B.By 9:30
C.By 10:30

14.What number can Mr. Brown call if there's a problem?

[  ]



15.What is the probable relationship of the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Policeman and witness (目击者).

16.At what time did the accident happen?

[  ]

A.At 2:45
B.At 3:15
C.At 3:00

17.What color was the traffic light when the truck began to cross the street?

[  ]



18.What is the speaker's nationality?

[  ]


19.Why was she excited?

[  ]

A.Because she liked to teach children.

B.Because it was her first visit to China.

C.Because she was paid to be a teacher for the first time.

20.How did she feel about the students' questions?

[  ]

A.She felt uncomfortable.

B.She felt angry.

C.She was moved.



  Text 1

  W: I went to the camera shop just now. I wanted to get some color films developed, but it was closed.

  M: Of course. It's always closed on Thursday afternoon. Don't you know that?

  Test 2

  M: Hello, I'm flying to Hong Kong. Is it raining there?

  W: Well, it was cloudy in the morning, but it is fine now.

  Text 3

  W: Hi, Martin. Are you going to the library or the lecture hell?

  M: Well, I am wanted at the English teacher's office.

  Text 4

  W: What are you doing, Bill? Writing a letter?

  M: Ah, yes, and it's no easy job. My aunt Mary sent me a gift for my birthday. I can't which gift was hers, but I want to thank her for it.

  Text 5

  M: How are you getting to the airport?

  W: Well, I haven't really got any choice—I have to take the bus. My car is at the garage getting repaired, and a taxi is just too expensive.

  Text 6

  W: Nice to see you, Mike. M: Hi, Jane. Pleased to see you, too.

  W: Have you decided what music to play at our school's New Year's party?

  M: Well, I think we can have some folk song; to start with.

  W: I agree with you. Some quiet and peaceful music.

  M: Then after dinner some dance music so that friends can dance.

  W: Great! How about karaoke?

  M: I hate karaoke.

  W: So, forget it.

  Text 7

  W: How serious is my husband's back, doctor?

  M: No need to worry too much about it, but he has to stay in bed for a complete rest.

  W: What do you suggest he do?

  M: Well, he shouldn't walk at all or sit up, not even to eat. He really has to lie down all the time.

  W: When can he go home?

  M: In two or three weeks.

  W: Hm. That seems quite a long time.

  M: Well, it's a slow process. He has to stay in bed for ten or twelve days. After that, he can get up twice a day for ten minutes. Finally he will start to do some easy exercises. When he can walk around for an hour, he may go home.

  Text 8

  W: Good morning. Crawley Chemicals. How can I help you?

  M: Good morning. I'd like to speak to Mr. Brown, please.

  W: I'm sorry. He is not in at the moment. Can I take a message?

  M: Ok. My name is Dick Morton. That's M - O - R - T - O - N. I'm phoning from Everbright Travel about Mr. Brown's trip to Australia. He's booked on flight number BA1279 to Sydney on Monday. That's April 17th. The flight leaves at Gate 4. Oh no, sorry, it leaves from Gate 1 at half past ten.

  W: Uh.

  M: That's 10:30, but he must be there at least two hours before to check in.

  W: And how will he get his tickets?

  M: Oh, we'll send them around this afternoon but if there's any problem he can call me at 33486220.

  W: Ok, I'll make sure he gets your message.

  M: Thank you. Goodbye.

  W: Goodbye.

  Text 9

  M: Now, Alice, did you get a good view of the accident?

  W: Oh, yes, I was standing outside the bank building and I saw it all quite clearly.

  M: Do you know what time it was?

  W: Yes. I checked my watch. It was a quarter to three exactly.

  M: Good. Now, how fast was the truck moving?

  W: Well ,quite slowly—about 10 miles an hour. It was coming up Garden Road. I suppose the truck driver knew the lights were going to change. But they were still red when he went over them.

  M: I see. What about the car? Was it also driving slowly?

  W: It was coming along South Street about 30 miles per hour. It was a blue Toyota. The driver stopped his car when he sew the truck crossing the street.

  M: Did you see what colour his traffic light was?

  W: Yes, it changed to yellow just before he crossed it.

  Text 10

  I taught in Changsha, Hunan Province in China and I thought I had prepared myself very well with all the necessary travel books and my helpful Chinese Canadian roommate. I was really excited about teaching. It was my first paying job. I began each class by introducing myself. I could see the excitement in my students' faces as they have a real, American girl. Their warm welcome made me feel comfortable, and so I let them ask me some questions. To my surprise, I was asked questions like“How old are you?”“Are you married?”“Why aren't you married?”“Why did you come to China?”I was really surprised. I couldn't believe that the students could ask such personal questions and expect honest answers. After this happened in several classes, I stopped giving the students chances to ask me these questions. I later found out that these questions are acceptable in China, and this is not information that is considered too personal. Once I realized that the students didn't mean to be impolite and actually cared about me, I felt much mote comfortable about my first experiences.


科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈新内参·高考(专题)模拟测试卷·英语 题型:001



1.When will the man use the bike?

[  ]

A.Next Monday  B.Next Tuesday  C.From today on

2.What did they want to buy?

[  ]

A.A pair of shoes  B.A cheap shirt  C.An expensive coat

3.What did the man want to do?

[  ]

A.He offered help  B.He asked for help  C.He didn't help

4.What did the man feel sorry for?

[  ]

A.Breaking the table  B.Being late  C.Getting the tablecloth dirty

5.How will the woman leave?

[  ]

A.By car  B.By plane  C.By train




6.Where is Mum?

[  ]

A.In the garden.  B.In the kitchen.  C.By the door.

7.What did Sue do then?

[  ]

A.She went in to ask.

B.She waited there.

C.She asked Sandy to ask Mum.

8.What's wrong with their mother?

[  ]

A.She is feeling unhappy.

B.She's tasting vinegar.

C.She's cut her finger.


9.What did the man want to do?

[  ]

A.To get on board the plane.

B.To take a large thing on to the plane.

C.To travel without a passport.

10.Why did the man refuse to put the thing in the hold?

[  ]

A.It would be lost.  B.It would be stolen  C.It would be broken.

11.What is the most probable result of the conversation?

[  ]

A.The man got on board with his present.

B.The man had to put his pesent into the hold.

C.The man had to pay off more money.


12.What did the woman go to the office for?

[  ]

A.To ask for a job.

B.To see her friend.

C.To make fun of the man.

13.Why did the woman dislike working in the Middle East?

[  ]

A.She hated living there.

B.It was far from home.

C.She'd lived there for years.

14.Which place did the woman want to go?

[  ]

A.A larger country.

B.A nearer country.

C.A new and different country.


15.Who was the woman most likely?

[  ]

A.Tom's sister.  B.Tom's mother.  C.Tom's wife.

16.What did Paul go to Tom's house for?

[  ]

A.To have some tea.

B.To find out where Tom was.

C.To ask Tom to go to a party.

17.With whom would Paul go to the exhibition?

[  ]

A.Tom.  B.His sister.  C.His father.


18.What do people call the hospital?

[  ]

A.The model hospital.

B.The village hospital

C.The husbandandwife hospital.

19.Why was the hospital set up in Chen village?

[  ]

A.There was no hospital nearby then.

B.The village was the home of the founders.

C.The villages wanted a model hospital.

20.How many doctors and nurses work in the hospital now?

[  ]

A.Just two.  B.Thirty.  C.Over fifty.


科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈新内参·高考(专题)模拟测试卷·英语 题型:001



1.What did the man's brother do yesterday afternoon?

[  ]

A.He saw a film  B.He went to work  C.He went shopping

2.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are at a hospital.

B.They are in the classroom.

C.They are in an office.

3.How much is a ticket for the film?

[  ]

A.Ten yuan  B.Five yuan  C.Fifteen yuan

4.What time is it now?

[  ]

A.It's 7:00  B.It's 8:00  C.It's 7:30

5.What is the man going to do tomorrow?

[  ]

A.He will write some letters.

B.He will visit some friends.

C.He will do some shopping.




6.What did the man do yesterday?

[  ]

A.He visited his brother.

B.He called on his teacher.

C.He saw a film.

7.Why was he late?

[  ]

A.Because his brother came to his house.

B.Because his mother was ill.

C.Because he had to finish his work first.


8.Where does the woman want to go?

[  ]

A.She wants to go to the post office.

B.She wants to go to the hospital.

C.She wants to go to the railway station.

9.Which bus does the woman decide to take?

[  ]

A.She decides to take the No. 5 bus.

B.She decides to take the No. 10 bus.

C.She decides to take the No. 12 bus.

10.How long will it take the woman to get to the railway station by bus?

[  ]

A.Ten minutes.  B.Five minutes  C.Twenty minutes

11.Where does the dialogue most likely take place?

[  ]

A.In the street  B.In the hospital  C.In an office.


12.Why doesn't the woman take the last plane in the evening?

[  ]

A.Because it's fully booked

B.Because it is too late.

C.Because it is too expensive

13.Which plane does the woman decide to take?

[  ]

A.He decided to take the 10:15 plane.

B.He decided to take the 11:15 plane.

C.He decided to take the 8:15 plane.

14.What does the woman want to know about the plane?

[  ]

A.She wants to know the arriving time.

B.She wants to know the number.

C.She wants to do some reading.


15.How is the woman speaker now?

[  ]

A.She is badly burnt.

B.She is well again.

C.She is still in hospital.

16.What happened to the woman's room?

[  ]

A.It caught fire last week.

B.It was robbed.

C.It was pulled down

17.What did Alice do after the light was turned off?

[  ]

A.She lit a candle and went on reading in bed.

B.She fell asleep soon after the light was turned off.

C.She still didn't come back to the room.

18.How many people got burnt in the fire?

[  ]

A.3    B.2    C.4


19.Who knocked at the speaker's door?

[  ]

A.The speaker's mother.

B.The speaker's friend.

C.A beggar.

20.What did the speaker give the visitor?

[  ]

A.The speaker gave the visitor some money

B.The speaker gave the visitor a meal.

C.The speaker gave the visitor some bread.


科目:高中英语 来源:高中英语听力题 题型:001




 1. What is the man going to do?

   A. He is going to have dinner.   B. He is looking for a hotel.

   C. He is trying to find the nearest street.

 2. Does the woman agree to the idea of learning Chinese?

   A. Yes. She will come to China to learn Chinese.

   B. Yes. She is planning to learn Chinese.

   C. No. she doesn’t think it is a good idea.

 3. What is the relationship between the speakers?

   A. They are neighbors.  B. They are friends. C. They are strangers.

 4. What are the two speakers talking about?

   A. Paintings.  B. Rivers and mountains.  C. Hobbies.

 5. What did the woman see in the yard?

   A. She saw something.  B. She saw nothing.  C. She saw a yard.




 6. Where does the conversation take place?

   A. In the store.  B. In the lab. C. In the playground.

 7. What is the most probable result of the conversation?

   A. The man will play tennis with the woman on Thursday.

   B. The man will go to the game alone.

   C. The woman will go to the game with the man.


 8. Where are the man and the woman?

   A. In the airport.  B. In the railway station.  C. In the company office.

 9. When does the train leave for Montreal?

   A. At ten to nine.  B. At eight fifteen.  C. At ten past seven.


 10. What does the woman ask the photographer to do?

   A. She asks him to take a photo of her mother.

   B. She asks him to take a photo of himself.

   C. She asks him to take a photo of herself.

 11. How much does one copy cost?

   A. Eighteen dollars. B. Three dollars.  C. Five dollars.

 12. How does the photographer take her picture?

  A. He asks her to stand there and say“cheese”.

  B. He asks her to sit on the chair and say “cheese”.

  C. He asks her to sit down and keep silent.


 13. Who feels disappointed?

   A. Mary.  B. Jack.  C. Both of them.

 14. How did Jack play in the game?

   A. He tried his best but he failed.

   B. He didn’t try his best so he failed.

   C. He gave up trying so he failed.

 15. Who is Mary?

   A. A stranger.   B. Jack’s mother.  C. A classmate of Jack’s.

 16. What does Mary ask Jack to do?

  A. She invites him to go to the playground.

   B. She invites him to come to her house.

   C. She invites him to go to the coffee-house.


 17. Who is the speaker?

   A. A photographer.  B. A college student.  C. A college teacher.

 18. What is the class like?

   A. It’s fun, but it takes very much work.

   B. It’s interesting,and it does not take any work.

   C. It’s boring,and it needs a lot of work.

 19. How does the speaker find that his pictures come out better?

   A. When he uses the new camera.

   B. When he uses the very old camera.

   C. When he takes his teacher’s advice.

 20. When will the course be over?

   A. After the final exam.

   B. Before the final exam.

   C. After the students’ graduation.


科目:高中英语 来源:高中英语听力题 题型:001




 1. Where does the woman want very much to go?

   A. The Neil.  B. The Pyramids.   C. Egypt.

 2. What does the woman think of the restaurant prices here?

   A. Fair   B. Cheap.   C. Expensive.

 3. What is the relationship between the speakers?

   A. They are strangers.

   B. One is a teacher and the other is a student.

   C. They are members of the family.

 4. What are the two speakers talking about?

   A. Tom.   B. The photo.   C. The card.

 5. What will the woman do this evening?

   A. Meet her Dad at the railway station.

   B. Say good-bye to her Dad at the railway station.

   C. Go to another city together with her Dad.




 6. Where does this conversation take place?

   A. In a bookstore.   B. In a factory.   C. In a library.

 7. What is the most probable result of the conversation?

   A. The man got“English For Today”Book Ⅲ.

   B. The man got“New Concept English”Book Ⅲ.

   C. The man got nothing.


 8. What’s the weather like in Mexico?

   A. It’s cold and rainy. B. It’s hot and sunny. C. It’s hot but rainy.

 9. When will the man be back?

   A. He’ll be back on Saturday.

   B. He’ll be back on Sunday.

   C. He’ll be back on Tuesday.


 10. What does Helen do now?

   A. She is an assistant.  B. She is a secretary. C. She is a teacher.

 11. Why does she look for a new job?

   A. She wants a new job that is nearer from her home.

   B. She wants a new job that pays her 50 dollars a week.

   C. She wants a new job that gives her more holidays.

 12. When will Helen start her new job?

   A. She can start it right away.

   B. She can start it the next day.

   C. She can start it only after the test.


 13. Where are Kate and Tom?

   A. In Tom’s office.   B. In Kate’s home.   C. On the farm.

 14. What has been built on the beach?

   A. A modern factory.  B. A new theatre.  C. A huge tower

 15. What was Tom going to do that evening?

   A. He was going to the theatre.

   B. He was going to stay at Kate’s home.

   C. He was going beach.

 16. What did he say when he heard that the theatre had been torn down to make a parking lot?

   A. That’s progress!  B. That’s wonderful!  C. That’s terrible!


 17. What happened to the man on the first day of his new job?

   A. He got up early as usual.

   B. He took the wrong way.

   C. Everything was wrong.

 18. When did the man reach the factory?

   A. At eight-thirty.   B. At nine-thirty.   C. At nine.

 19. How many sandwiches did the boss ask the man to buy for him?

   A. One sandwich.   B. Two sandwiches.

   C. Three sandwiches.

 20. Why did the man feel very hungry and tired at the end of the afternoon?

   A. He worked very hard without rest.

   B. He didn’t want to see another bottle of perfume again.

   C. He didn’t have lunch and he had to work all the day round.


科目:高中英语 来源:高中英语听力题 题型:001




 1. What does the woman mean by saying so?

   A. English is very useful in our life.

   B. English is hard to learn.

   C. Learning English costs much money.

 2. Why does the woman look tired?

   A. She has already written 15 letters.

   B. She has been reading letters.

   C. She is busy with writing letters.

 3. Where are the man and the lady?

   A. In a shop.   B. In a museum.   C. In a classroom.

 4. What are they talking about?

   A. An examination.  B. An experiment.  C. A driving test.

 5. How often does the woman go swimming?

    A. Twice a month.    B. 3 times a month.    C. 4 times a month.




 6. Where does the flight go?

   A. To London.   B. To Paris.   C. To Heathrow.

 7. How much is the one-way flight?

   A. $420.   B. $320.   C. $210.

 8. What time can the woman get the ticket?

   A. Tomorrow.   B. Anytime she likes to.   C. The day after tomorrow.


 9. What would the man like to have here?

   A. Something for his study.

   B. Something for his letters.

   C. Something for his show case.

 10. How many stamps does the man buy?

   A. Five.   B. Fifty.   C. Six.

 11. How much is the change?

   A. One dollar.   B. Sixty cents.   C. Forty cents.


 12. How often does the writer go to see his dentist?

   A. Half a month.   B. Two weeks.   C. Every six months.

 13. This time the writer’s teeth are ____.

   A. a little yellow B. very powerful  C. both good and white

 14. Why did Dr Williams laugh?

   A. Because he found the writer’s teeth are all right this time.

   B. Because he was always kind to his patients.

   C. Because he heard the writer’s words.


 15. In the beginning, Dorothy trained German dogs ____.

   A. to be movie stars

   B. to be the eyes for the blind

   C. to serve the public

 16. Morris first learned about the guiding dogs ____.

   A. from reading newspapers

   B. indirectly from Dorothy’s article

   C. by writing a letter to Dorothy

 17. Which of the following statement is true about Buddy?

   A. Buddy came from Germany.

   B. Buddy was trained by Morris.

   C. Buddy was frightened by the heavy traffic of New York.


 18. Dijon is the name of ____.

   A. a place in France   B. a place in America   C. the conductor

 19. The conductor didn’t wake Mark Twain up because ____.

   A. he didn’t know where Dijon was

   B. he mistook another American for Mark Twain

   C. he was afraid of Mark Twain

 20. Mark Twain was very angry because ____.

   A. another American was his friend

   B. he thought the conductor should have waken him up

   C. the conductor put him off the train

