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【题目】 Not too big, not too small. Not too hot, not too cold. A newly discovered planet looks just right for life as we know it, according to an international group of astronomers.

Circling a star about 500 light years away, the planet called Kepler-186f is about the same size as Earth. It goes round its star at the right distance for liquid water on the surface. That is a necessary condition for life. But it is not exactly like Earth, it’s more of an Earth’s cousin. It’s not an Earth’s twin. It shares the same characteristics as Earth, but their parent stars are very different.

Kepler-186f circles a star that is smaller and cooler than our sun. But the planet appears to be a closer relative than most of the hundreds of others discovered so far. Some are huge gas-covered giants with thick atmospheres. Others circle too closely to their stars and are too hot for life. For the first time, we can actually say we now have a planet that is both Earth-sized and circles in its star’s livable zone.

The next step would be to look for signs of life in the atmospheres of these distant world. That would take a more advanced telescope. But budget cuts threaten that task, says University of California at Los Angeles astrophysicist Ben.

“In theory, we could do this in the next couple of decades. But in practice, because there’s no money, it’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen in my lifetime, for example, ”said Ben. However, NASA’s Elisa Quintana believes that when the next-generation space telescope is used, it will find that we are not alone in the universe. In the meantime, the search continues for other worlds where life may find a home.

1What do we know about the newly discovered planet?

A. It was discovered by chance.

B. It has some form of life on it.

C. It has suitable conditions for life.

D. It is an ordinary planet like others.

2The difference between Earth and Kepler-186f is that   .

A. they circle different parent stars

B. they came into being at different times

C. they move in space at a different speed

D. they orbit their stars at a different distance

3The discovery of Kepler-186f is remarkable because   .

A. man has discovered a new home

B. it caused people’s interest in the universe

C. man has found a familiar planet like Earth

D. it can help man know more about Earth

4What does Ben worry about in the future research?

A. Lack of money. B. No cooperation.

C. His coming old age. D. His weak influence.








1细节理解题。答案定位在第一段Not too big, not too small. Not too hot, not too cold. A newly discovered planet looks just right for life as we know it, according to an international group of astronomers. 可知新发现的星球很适合生命生存,故选C。

2细节理解题。答案定位在第二段It shares the same characteristics as Earth, but their parent stars are very different. 可知地球和Kepler-186f的不同之处在于它们环绕的恒星不同,故选A。

3细节理解题。答案定位在第三段For the first time, we can actually say we now have a planet that is both Earth-sized and circles in its star’s livable zone.可知Kepler-186f的发现非常的举世瞩目是因为人类发现了一颗和地球很类似的星球,故选C。

4细节理解题。答案定位在最后一段“In theory, we could do this in the next couple of decades. But in practice, because there’s no money, it’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen in my lifetime, for example, ”said Ben.可知Ben对于未来的研究很担忧是因为资金短缺,故选A。



2.按文章的体裁,作者写作的组织模式及有关的信息词。如for example, first, second…等预测应该到何处寻找自己所需要的事实。

3.将精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上。快速通篇跳读,全文扫视,找到细节出处,待找到含细节句子时,放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直至找到答案。如小题1根据第一段Not too big, not too small. Not too hot, not too cold. A newly discovered planet looks just right for life as we know it, according to an international group of astronomers. 可知新发现的星球很适合生命生存,故选C。小题2根据第二段It shares the same characteristics as Earth, but their parent stars are very different. 可知地球和Kepler-186f的不同之处在于它们环绕的恒星不同,故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Why go to Madrid

There may be a slight chill(寒冷) in the air, with temperatures staying around 15 in March, but Spain’s handsome capital is slowly starting to warm up. Even more attractive are the cultural events.

A new exhibition on the living and working spaces of Spain’s greatest artist, Picasso, has just opened in the studio at the Fundación Mapfre at Paseo de Recoletos 23. It runs until 11 May with rarely seen pieces borrowed from his family.

Later this summer, the 400th anniversary of the death of the Renaissance(文艺复兴) painter El Greco will be marked with an exciting exhibition at the Museo del Prado at Paseo del Prado from 24June to 5 October.

How to go?

The widest range of flights is offered by EasyJet—from Bristol, Edinburgh, Gatwick, Liverpool and Luton. British Airways and its sister airline Iberia combine forces from Heathrow and London City. Ryanair flies from Manchester and Stansted; Air Europa flies from Gatwick.

Barajas airport is 13km north-east of the city centre and is served by frequent trains on Metro line 8, but the shortest underground journey is a bit complex with at least one change at Nuevos Ministerios station and takes about 30 minutes. The fare to any station in the city centre is 4.50. The airport express bus runs every 15 to 35 minutes around the clock; 5 one way. It takes 40 minutes to reach the city centre. A taxi takes half the time. A flat rate of 30 covers most of central Madrid.

1When will the exhibition about Picasso close?

A.On 23 March.B.On 11 May.C.On 24June.D.On 5 October.

2Which airline operates flights from Manchester to Madrid?

A.EasyJet.B.Ryanair.C.Air Europa.D.British Airways.

3What is the fastest way to reach central Madrid from Barajas airport?

A.Take a taxi.B.Take a city bus.C.Take Metro line 8.D.Take the airport express bus.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


There are various advertisements in our lives and we can see them wherever we go. Mostly, advertisements try to persuade people 1 (buy) a product or service, or to believe in 2 idea. But PSAs are meant to educate people about health, safety, or problems 3 affect public welfare .

When it comes to advertisements, we must use our 4 (intelligent) and we shouldn’t 5 ( cheat) by them. Many of them use 6 (attract) pictures and clever languages to advertise their products, 7 (bring) huge profits for those businessmen.

8 (fortunate), not all ads play tricks 9 us though, China began a nationwide campaign in 1996, and since then all kinds of PSAs 10 (appear) around the country. You have probably seen or heard some of them and they can be learnt by us .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

In order to help foreign students promote their understanding of traditional Chinese culture, our school is going to provide a course naming Chinese Classic Poems Singing for them.

Any foreign student who is studying at our school and interested in Chinese poems are welcome to choose it. It would be a golden opportunity to enjoy the beautiful of Chinese poems or show a talent for singing. If interesting, do sign up for the course before the next Saturday. Don’t miss it. General speaking, to apply for the course, foreign students are required to hand an individual application form. They can be got either from the Students’ Union directly and be downloaded from the school website.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1He got so seriously ill that he had no alternative but ________ (follow) the doctors’ advice.

2________ has caused this severe accident is still a mystery.

3________(stick) in the traffic congestion for 2hours, Jack was late for work this morning.

4We can’t enter the amusement park now as it is still under ________ (construct). It will be open in 2 days.

5The price of diamond rings has risen sharply ________ the price of gold rings has gone down.

6Don’t get ________ (frustrate) with your exam. Study harder, and you will make progress.

7Take mobile phones ________ instance and you can see how our science and technology is advancing at an alarming speed.

8Plants grow better ________ there is much sunshine and water.

9Teenagers are not permitted ________ (smoke) as cigarettes will cause damage to their health.

10I’m sorry that I can’t answer your phone call at 3:00 this afternoon because I ________ (teach) a class at that time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The study of the Silk Road actually became popular following the trips of the Swede Sven Hedin in 1895,1was a skilled mapmaker and linguist, and became one of the most well-known2(explore) of that time period.In his later trips,he found out a few3(destroy) cities in the south side of the desert, and his4(great)discovery of all, the city of Loulan, from which he took away many ancient handwritten documents.

Right after Hedin, the archaeological(考古学的) competition5(begin).There followed a period of crazy digging around the edges of the Taklamakan Desert,to find out as many documents as possible6(concern) the old Buddhist culture. One of the most important discoveries was7walled-up“library”, the so-called “Library Cave”, inside the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. This covered thousands of old documents, Buddhist paintings and silk temple banners.Among all these8(be) what is considered to be the world's earliest printed book.

The particular treasures of the ancient Silk Road are9(separate) stored in museums in a dozen countries.

The biggest collections are in the British Museum and in China.But the majority of the original handwritten documents are actually in the British Library, but not accessible10the public.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What was the man doing at the beginning of the conversation?

A.Reading a book.B.Looking at his phone.C.Talking to his classmates.

2Who might the woman be?

A.A teacher.B.A doctor.C.A librarian.

3What will the man do next?

A.Go to see a doctor.B.Give the lesson.C.Call a taxi.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 () Not that Charlie’s own life was easy! He was born in a poor family 1 1889. His parents were both music hall 2 (perform). You may find 3 astonishing that Charlie 4 (teach) to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. Such training was common in acting families at this time, especially 5 the family income was often uncertain. 6 (luck), his father died, 7 (leave) the family even 8 (bad) off, so Charlie spent his childhood looking 9 his mother and his brother. By his teens, Charlie had, through his humour, become one of the 10 (popular) child actors in England. He could mime and act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks. No one was ever bored watching him – his subtle acting made everything entertaining.

() As I get to know more about international friends, I learn more about this 11 (culture) “body language”. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, 12 are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance 13 people. In the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings using 14 (speak) “language” through physical distance, actions or posture. English people, for example, do not usually stand very close to 15 or touch strangers as soon as they meet. However, people from places 16 Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others 17 (close) and are more likely to touch them. Most people around the world now greet each other 18 shaking hands, 19 some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the Japanese, 20 prefer to bow.

