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_______ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.

A. Whoever B. Whatever C. Whichever D. Wherever



【解析】考查名词性从句。主句谓语为will have to pay,之前为主语从句,根据句意,无论你们其中哪个人弄坏窗子都得为之赔偿。whichever“无论哪一个”,故选C。



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年译林牛津版高中英语必修五第三单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

People hope that measures will be taken to________house prices rising.

A.keep B.prevent C.protect D.support



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年外研版高中英语选修十模块六练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The latest research suggests that the key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not I.Q., a generally bad predictor of success. Instead, it’s purposeful practice. Top performers spend more hours practising their craft. It you wanted to picture how a typical genius might develop, you’d take a girl who possessed a slightly above average language ability. It wouldn’t have to be a big talent, just enough so that she might gain some sense of distinction. Then you would want her to meet, say, a novelist, who coincidentally shared some similar qualities. Maybe the writer was from the same town, had the same family background, or shared the same birthday.

This contact would give the girl a vision of her future self. It would hive her some idea of a fascinating circle who might someday join. It would also help if one of her parents died when she was 12, giving her a strong sense of insecurity and fuelling a desperate need for success. Armed with this ambition, she would read novels and life stories of writers without end. This would give her a primary knowledge of her field. She’s be able to see new writing in deeper ways and quickly understand its inner workings.

Then she would practise writing. Her practice would be slow, painstaking and error-focused. By practising in this way, he delays the automatizing process. Her mind wants to turn conscious, newly learned skills into unconscious. Automatically performed skills. By practising slowly, by breaking skills down into tiny parts and repeating, she forces the brain to internalize a better pattern of performance. Then she would find an adviser who would provide a constant stream of feedback, viewing her performance form the outside, correcting the smallest errors, pushing her to take on tougher challenges. By now she is redoing problems—how do I get characters into a room—dozens and dozens of times. She is establishing habits of thought she can call upon in order to understand or solve future problems.

The primary quality our young writer possesses is not some mysterious genius. It’s the ability to develop a purposeful, laborious and boring practice routine; the latest research takes some of the magic out of great achievement. But it underlines a fact that is often neglected. Public discussion is affected by genetics and what we’re “hard-wired” to do. And it’s true that genes play a role in our capabilities. But the brain is also very plastic. We construct ourselves through behaviour.

1.The passage mainly deals with .

A. the function of I.Q. in cultivating a writer

B. the relationship between genius and success

C. the decisive factor in making a genius

D. the way of gaining some sense of distinction

2.By reading novels and writers’ stories, the girl could .

A. come to understand the inner structure of writing

B. join a fascinating circle of writers someday

C. share with a novelist her likes and dislikes

D. learn from the living examples to establish a sense of security

3.In the girl’s long painstaking training process, ________.

A. her adviser forms a primary challenging force to her success.

B. her writing turns into an automatic pattern of performance

C. she acquires the magic of some great achievement

D. she comes to realize she is “hard-wired” to write

4.What can be concluded from the passage?

A. A fuelling ambition plays a leading role in one’s success

B. A responsible adviser is more important than the knowledge of writing.

C. As to the growth of a genius, I.Q. Doesn’t matter, but just his/her effort.

D. What really matters is what you do rather then who you are.



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年外研版高中英语选修九模块4练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Until a few months ago, he was a butler(管家) in one of the more expensive residential buildings in Manhattan. But now, Nepal-born Indra Tamang is the owner of two multi-million dollar apartments in the same building.

The former owner - his former employer, Ruth Ford - died last year and left the apartments to Mr Tamang in her will.

Mr Tamang is happy but quickly points out that his good fortune did not come easily. "I am happy and have been touched by the generosity of the Ford family," he says. "I never expected that I will be given the ownership of these apartments. But I have been working for the family for the last 36 years, devotedly, with honesty and dedication(奉献). So my hard work has been rewarded."

Mr Tamang was 21 when he was brought from Nepal by Charles Ford, a writer and a photographer. Mr Ford died in 2002; his sister, actress Ruth Ford, then took charge and told Mr Tamang that he was like a brother to her after Charles's death.

Mrs Ford died aged 98. During the last five years of her life, she lost her eyesight and also developed speech problems. Mr Tamang looked after her most of the time and took care of her medicines and food.

He also worked with Charles Ford on various photography projects, which he now wants to keep as the photographer's legacy(遗产). He hopes to organize exhibitions of Mr Ford's photographs and edit a book of his works.

Mr Tamang plans to sell the bigger, three-bedroom apartment to pay the taxes he owes to the government on his legacy. He says: "The rules of the building might be a problem, as they require a minimum monthly income to qualify to live as owner of apartments. I have my small house here but I am happy with it,"

Mr Tamang has learnt his lesson from the life of his employers and plans to use his money with great caution. "I think one should save money for old age. That's when you need it the most to get care," he says.

1.Mr Tamang treated the legacy as __________.

A. a reward B. a punishment C. business D. a gift

2.What DIDN’T Mr Tamang do in the Ford family?

A. Show Mr Ford's works in the exhibition.

B. Look after Ruth Ford when she was ill.

C. Work on kinds of photography projects

D. Experience deaths of Charles Ford and Ruth Ford

3.Mr Tamang wants to sell one apartment to _______.

A. buy the small house

B. pay the government the tax of the apartments

C. edit a book of Charles Ford's photographs

D. move into the expensive apartments as soon as possible

4.What lesson does Mr Tamang learn from the Ford family?

A. To find a good butler.

B. To spend money thoughtfully.

C. To save money for children.

D. To get good care when people get old.

5.What can we know from the passage?

A. Charles Ford gave the apartments to Mr Tamang.

B. Charles Ford couldn't see or speak before his death.

C. Mr Tamang treated Ruth Ford much better than her brother.

D. Mr Tamang will still live in his small house in the near future.



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年外研版高中英语必修四模块7练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

On a hill 600 feet above the surrounding land, we watch the lines of rain move across the scene, the moon rise over the hills, and the stars appear in the sky. The views invite a long look from a comfortable chair in front of the wooden house.

Every window in our wooden house has a view, and the forest and lakes seldom look the same as the hour before. Each look reminds us where we are.

There is space for our three boys to play outside, to shoot arrows, collect tree seeds, build earth houses and climb trees.

Our kids have learned the names of the trees, and with the names have come familiarity and appreciation. As they tell all who show even a passing interest, maple(枫树)makes the best fighting sticks and white pines are the best climbing trees.

The air is clean and fresh. The water from the well has a pleasant taste, and it is perhaps the healthiest water our kids will ever drink. Though they have one glass a day of juice and the rest is water, they never say anything against that.

The_seasons_change_just_outside_the_door. We watch the maples turn every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars’(杨树) putting out the first green leaves of spring. The rainbow smelt fills the local stream as the ice gradually disappears, and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter. A family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake.

1.What can be learned from Paragraph 2?

A.The scenes are colorful and changeable.

B.There are many windows in the wooden house.

C.The views remind us that we are in a wooden house.

D.The lakes outside the windows are quite different in color.

2.By mentioning the names of the trees, the author aims to show that ________.

A.the kids like playing in trees

B.the kids are very familiar with trees

C.the kids have learned much knowledge

D.the kids find trees useful learning tools

3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A.The change of seasons is easily felt.

B.The seasons make the scenes change.

C.The weather often changes in the forest.

D.The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons.

4.What is the main purpose of the author writing the text?

A.To describe the beauty of the scene around the house.

B.To introduce her children’s happy life in the forest.

C.To show that living in the forest is healthful.

D.To share the joy of living in the nature.



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年外研版高中英语必修二模块6练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I am not familiar________these new words,but I will learn them________heart soon.

A.to;in B.with;in C.to;by D.with;by



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年外研版高中英语必修二模块5练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning, he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise. All day Andrew felt nervous and anxious as he thought about the upcoming showdown. What if Mr. Larchmont refused to grant his request? Andrew had worked so hard in the last 18 months and landed some great accounts for Braer and Hopkins Advertising Agency. Of course, he deserved a wage increase.

The thought of walking into Larchmont’s office left Andrew weak in the knees. Late in the afternoon he was finally courageous enough to approach his superior. To his delight and surprise, the ever-frugal(一向节俭的)Harvey Larchmont agreed to give Andrew a raise!

Andrew arrived home that evening—despite breaking all city and state speed limits—to a beautiful table set with their best china, and candles lit. His wife, Tina, had prepared a delicate meal including his favorite dishes. Immediately he figured someone from the office had tipped her off!

Next to his plate Andrew found a beautiful lettered note. It was from his wife. It read: “Congratulations, my love! I knew you’d get the raise! I prepared this dinner to show just how much I love you. I am so proud of your accomplishments!” He read it and stopped to reflect on how sensitive and caring Tina was.

After dinner, Andrew was on his way to the kitchen to get dessert when he observed that a second card had slipped out of Tina’s pocket onto the floor. He bent forward to pick it up. It read: “Don’t worry about not getting the raise! You do deserve one! You are a wonderful provider and I prepared this dinner to show you just how much I love you even though you did not get the increase.”

Suddenly tears swelled in Andrew’s eyes. Total acceptance! Tina’s support for him was not conditional upon his success at work.

The fear of rejection is often softened and we can undergo almost any setback or rejection when we know someone loves us regardless of our success or failure.

1.What was Andrew’s plan that Friday?

A. To request a wage increase from his boss.

B. To get a job with the Braer and Hopkins Advertising Agency.

C. To celebrate his success with his wife at home.

D. To ask his boss to come for dinner.

2.On his way back home, Andrew _________.

A. felt weak in the knees B. was punished by the traffic policeman

C. was too eager to share the news D. couldn’t wait to enjoy a meal

3.Which of the following statements about the story is FALSE?

A. Andrew was afraid that his request would lead to disaster.

B. Andrew had worked very hard and done his part for the company.

C. Andrew’s boss agreed to his request.

D. One of Andrew’s colleagues had told his wife the good news.

4.Why did Tina prepare a grand dinner for Andrew that day?

A. She was confident of his getting a pay raise.

B. She meant to show her support whatever the result would be.

C. She believed that her husband was the best in his company.

D. She wanted to express her gratitude for his devotion to the family.

5.We can conclude from the text that ______.

A. we should never be afraid to ask for what is due to us

B. work hard and you will be rewarded

C. many fears turn out to be unfounded

D. unconditional love brings courage and strength



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十第三十单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The specialist at the meeting will give us a lecture next week.

A. referred B. referred to C. referring D. referring to



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十一第三十三单元练习卷4(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Betty’s English is _______ than _______ in the class.

A. much better; anyone else

B. far better; anyone else’s

C. a lot better; anyone’s else

D. a great deal better; anyone’s else’s


