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15.At the same time President Bush took the unusual step of sending a message of condolence(吊唁) ____ to the families of the seven labourers killed at Rishon Le Zion ___ to the families of those killed in the rioting (骚乱)afterwards.(  )
C.not only,but alsoD.more,than

分析 同时布什总统采取不同寻常的措施,既不发送吊唁给被害七位劳工的家人,也不发送吊唁给在骚乱之后那些被害者的家人.

解答 答案:B 根据前面的"the unusual step"可知总统不发吊唁,neither…nor,表示两者都不.either…or…指两者选一,not only…but also表示不但…而且…,

点评 了解句意,分析选项中各个连词短语的含义.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Our lives were supposed to be more flexible and family-friendly thanks to the technology at our fingertips.But in this age of BlackBerrys,recession pressures,working at home after hours and on weekends,family time may not be working out the way we thought.
    Busy parents who expected more time with the kids are Finding that more work hours at home don't necessarily translate into quality time with them.
    A new generation of parents needs to discover the meaning of"quality time,"researchers say."Personally,just given the life I lead,I think there is something to this idea of quality time-spending productive time with children vs.just being around,"says Peter Brandon,a professor at Carleton College.He says engaging or interacting with a child in activities such as reading or playing counts as quality time rather than"passive monitoring,"such as washing the dishes while the child is watching TV.
"This time with children pays off,"Brandon says.He notes that good parent-child relationships result in children being happier and more successful,including at school.
As parents struggle to be more availabie to their kids,new research on work and family  schedules to be presented Friday at the meeting in Dallas includes a study that shows parents'availability is on the decline because more parents are in the workforce.Although parents today may be spending more time on child care,they are less available overall.
     Working parents who spend less time with their children should try to make sure the time they do spend is communicating with them,vs.doing the dishes or spending more time on themselves,Brandon says"The trade-off is not necessarily taking away time from your kid,"he says"You're taking away time from other things".
71.The first paragraph mainly intends to tell us thatD.
   A.technology lets parents work at home
   B.parents are satisfied with their work
   C.technology makes our lives much easier
   D.the family time is not always satisfying
72.We can learn from the third paragraph thatA.
   A.some families are not experiencing quality time
   B.it's enough for parents to stay with their children
   C.parents enjoy engaging in work-at-home activities
   D.working hours at home can transform into quality time
73.According to Brandon,the quality time meansC
   A.just,being around with children
   B.work time is separate from family time
   C.spending instructive time with children
   D.letting the children do whatever they want to do
74.The underlined sentence"This time with children pays"off meansC
   A.the time with children is of little value
   B.the time with children costs quite a lot
   C.the time with children leads to good result
   D.the time with children has a bad effect on them
75.What will the author most probably talk about in next part of the passage?D
   A.How to spend more time at home
   B.How to do the dishes in a proper way..
   C.How to spend more time on working at home.
   D.How to take away time in a much proper way.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.---Where's the little elephant?
---It's said it ___ in the hospital.(  )
A.was examinedB.will be examined
C.is being examinedD.has been examined


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

3.Samuel was back at the thrift shop(旧商店).He had walked into the shop with only one(36)Din mind-to find a book that he had NOT bought yesterday.The book was one of seven that he had (37)Ayesterday.He was going to buy all of them.But at the last moment,he changed his mind.He put(38)Cseven back on the shelf.
Samuel had a personal library of more than 1,000books at home-almost all unread.He subscribed(订阅)to seven magazines and one daily newspaper.Samuel had more reading material in his small apartment than he could(39)Bin two lifetimes,yet his urge to buy more books was still(40)A.
He(41)Dput his foot down.Not one more book,he told himself,(42)Dit was really special.Yesterday's book fit the bill.It was a biography of one of his favorite fiction authors in America-Stephen King.But it wasn't easy for King early in his(43)B.Samuel wanted to be a great writer.King was his model.
Samuel immediately found one of the books he had(44)Cyesterday,and then another one.In minutes,he found all the books that he had held in his hands yesterday,except the biography.Samuel took a walk throughout the store,knowing that people often (45)Bmerchandise(商品)in one place and then leave it in another place.The book was a thick paperback(平装本)with a red cover.But it was nowhere to be found.But only when he let it go did he realize its(46)C.When he found it again,he would place the book prominently(显眼地) (47)A.

37.A.piled upB.cleaned upC.looked upD.made up
45.A.focus onB.pick upC.learn aboutD.leave out
47.A.on his bookshelfB.under his pillowC.in the storeD.in his drawer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Bangkok has become the world's top tourist destination,with 15.98 million visitors projected to visit Thailand's capital city this year,according to the third annual Global Destination Cities Index released by MasterCard on Monday.Based on data MasterCard collected from governments,central banks,related public agencies and airlines so far this year,the projection for the entire year says Bangkok is surpassing (超过) London,the previous holder of the top place,by a very narrow margin.
    Monday's report marked the first time an Asian city has been projected to be the top-ranked tourist destination.London came in second,with 15.96 million visitors expected in 2013,and Paris,third,with 13.92 million visitors.Mas terCard looked at 132 cities.
    Other Asian cities that made it to the Top-20 Global Destination Cities in 2013 include Singapore at number four,with 11.75 million visitors; Kuala Lumpur at number eight,with 9.2 million visitors; Hong Kong at number nine,with 8.72 million visitors; Seoul at number 11,with 8.19 million visitors; Shanghai at num ber 14,with 6.5 million visitors,Tokyo at number 16,with 5.8 million visitors,and Taipei,with 5.19 million visitors.
    The study found that Bangkok is experiencing a large increase in its number of tourists in 2013,up 9.8% from 2009.That compares to New York's increase at 5.0% and London's at 3.8%.Paris,meanwhile,saw a small dip in its number of tourists (negative 0.7%).
    Caroline Lledo,who was visiting Bangkok from France,said Thailand has many offerings."We like culture and the people are so nice.We also love shopping here,"Ms.Lledo said.MasterCard Worldwide's global economic adviser Yuwa Hedrick-Wong cited (引用) overall value for money spent for why Bangkok is attractive.That is true for Thailand overall as well.
33.From the passage we can know thatD.
A.Bangkok defeated London by a wide margin
B.there are 15.96 million visitors visiting London in 2013
C.Paris is experiencing an increase in its number of tourists
D.London topped List of World's Tourist Destinations in 2012
34.What attracts visitors to Thailand?C
A.People and buildings.
B.Shopping and environment.
C.Cul ture,people and shopping.
D.Culture and natural scenery.
35.What can we know about MasterCard?D
A.MasterCard surveyed 131 cities.
B.Caroline Lledo was MasterCard's adviser.
C.MasterCard collected data from private agencies.
D.It is the third time that MasterCard has released the Index.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.The _______ of the students in our class _______ in favour of recycling textbooks,which can help to build up people's awareness of protecting the environment.(  )
A.majority; areB.most; areC.number; isD.amount; is


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.James lives in Hawaii and his mother lives in Korea.James speaks English (he never learned Korean),and his mom only speaks Korean.They communicate perfectly.
Eric is from Honduras,but he lives in the U.S.Eric just started learning English and speaks very little.But,everyday Eric reads the latest local US news on the Web,with no problem.
What these people (and close to 60million others around the world) share is a remarkable,free software program called Babylon.
Babylon may well be the most advanced translation software in the world; and it's a must-have for anyone whose life goes beyond the borders of their own language or those who want it to.
Once you download it,you can simply highlight(选中) the part in practically any format,and it's I instantly translated into the language of your choice.You can use it to translate a website,email,word doc,pdf,and actually any document in.any format you can think of.
You can write a document in your native language,and Babylon will instantly translate it into another before you send it.
The program translates 75languages,including Spanish,Chinese,Arabic,Indian,and Russian.It also includes up-to-dateencyclopedias(百科全书),dictionaries,and spell checkers.
Babylon is a long way from early translation software that would,more often than not,make an unreadable text with grammar errors that was better suited for making laughs than comprehension.Babylon's ability to understand and translate is perfect.In fact,businesses are adopting Babylon as the standard when it comes to translating commercial communications and other important documents.
Babylon is also a great tool for people who are learning another language.Use it anytime you come across a word or passage you don't understand.
What users enjoy most is the program's ability to open up a different world to them.Whether it's
surfing a news site in a different country,or being able to properly communicate with a family member or friend overseas,Babylon can make it happen.
Best of all,Babylon is free!To get your free copy,visit Babylon.com.

39.Why does the writer mention James and Eric at the beginning of the passage?B
A.To tell us how to communicate with family.
B.To introduce the topic of this passage
C.To show us how important it is to learn English.
D.To inform us that people often ignore cultural diversity.
40.While using Babylon.D
A,you should pay to download the program
B.you need to send the text to the program directly
C.you must change the text into a format you need
D.you just need to highlight the part that wants translating
41.From the passage,we can probably learnC.
A.Babylon is just as practical as any other software.
B.Babylon can translate al/the languages in the world.
C.former translation software was not perfect in use.
D.one should use Babylon to surf a news site or webpage.
42.Which of the following is more likely to use Babylon?C
A.Students learning their languages.
B.A man working as a secretary~
C.A company doing international trades.
D.People who often chat on line.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错


After school,I was about to enter my apartment while I saw a little dirty dog lie beside a dustbin.He looked extremely weak.Immediately the homeless dog filled me with sympathy.So I decided to take him home.I gave him some food and a bath.After the bath he looked energy and refreshed.What a lovely dog!When my parents got to home,I asked that I could keep the dog.To my surprised and joy,we agreed.Up to now,he has become member of our family and everyone had enjoyed his company(陪伴).
Looked at the cute and happy dog today,I realize that I was right to help him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.The party will be held in the garden,weatherpermitting (permit).

