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It happened many years ago, and I was in high school then. Being a student from a 1family, I had to work on weekends to make some extra money that my family couldn’t really2to give me, and one day after work I lost my wallet.
My old car3 gas in the back. I paid for the gas and then put my wallet on the bumper(保险杠),and drove off. I hadn’t even had time to4 it when my phone rang and an old man asked me 5 I had lost my wallet. I checked the 6 of my jacket and to my horror, I had. He asked me to tell him how much money was7 it, and I told him. He then told me where to 8 my wallet.
As I drove into his driveway, I 9 that his car was for the 10. I was thinking that there was no way this man could11 get out of hid car and get my wallet off the12. He had to pull over, 13in his wheelchair, lower the lift, and then pick it up, I was 14.
I knocked on the15 and he told me to come in. I thanked him like 10 times for16 my wallet. While I didn’t want to make him angry by offering him17, I really felt like offering something. So I asked him if there was anything I could do to repay his 18, and he said, “Just pass 19 on.” I really wanted to thank him, so I20 promised I would.

  1. 1.
    1. A.
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    3. C.
    4. D.
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    4. D.
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    4. D.
  7. 7.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  8. 8.
    1. A.
      pick up
    2. B.
      look for
    3. C.
      think about
    4. D.
      set up
  9. 9.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
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    3. C.
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    4. D.
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    4. D.
  20. 20.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
1.考查形容词:A. strange奇怪的B. poor可怜的C. happy 高兴的,D. small小的,从后面的句子:I had to work on weekends to make some extra money 可知是来自于穷人家。选B
2.考查动词:A. decide 决定B. win赢得C. afford 买得起D. keep保持,我家庭不能负担得起给我足够的钱。选C。
3.考查动词:A. threw扔,B. needed需要,C. cost花费D. had有,我的旧车需要油了。选B
4.考查动词:A. miss错过,想念,B. take带C. open打开D. share分享,我还没时间想到它。选A
5.考查疑问词:A. why为什么B. how 怎样C. if如果D. when当…时候,一个老人打电话问我是否丢了钱包。选C
6.考查名词:A. corners角落B. parts部分C. sides 边缘D. pockets口袋,我检查了口袋。选D
7.考查介词:他问我钱包里有多少钱? 用in,选D
8.考查词组:A. pick up捡起B. look for寻找C. think about想到D. set up建立,他告诉我在哪儿找到我的钱包的。选A
9.考查动词:A. noticed注意B. said说话C. meant意味着 D. wrote写,当我开到他的车道的时候,我注意到…,选A
10.考查形容词:A. young年轻的,B .old老的, C. disabled残疾的,D. rich富有的,从后面的in his wheelchair 可知这是残疾人专用的车。选C
11.考查副词:A. sadly难过地B. easily容易的C. slowly 慢地D. bravely勇敢地,我想他不能轻松的下车。选B
12.考查名词:A. house房子B. park公园C. street街道D. garden花园,从街上捡起我的钱包。选C
13.考查动词:A. get得到B. rush匆忙C. pull拉D. fall落下,进入轮椅,用get in。选A
14.考查形容词:A. angry生气的B. pleased 高兴的C. disappointed失望的D. surprised惊讶的,对上面描写老人艰难的捡钱包的过程,作者感到很惊讶。选D
15.考查名词:A. floor 地板B. door门C. board板D. car汽车,这里是敲门,选B
16.考查动词:A. enjoying享受B. disliking不喜欢C. finding 发现D. hiding躲,我感谢他找到我的钱包,选C
17.考查名词:A. money钱B. thanks感谢C. invitations 邀请D. help帮助,我不想给他钱冒犯他。选A
18.考查名词:A. carefulness仔细B. teaching 教学C. understanding理解D. kindness善良,我想报答他的善良。选D
20.考查副词:A. suddenly突然,B. worriedly担心,C. calmly冷静的,D. sincerely真诚地,我真诚的答应会这样做的,选D

科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省大庆市第三十五中学高三第三次月考(期中)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

One day I came home from school, changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a local restaurant in town as a cashier and waiter.
I went to work feeling   36  . And to make matters worse, I was busy that evening. It' s the same thing over and over again.  37 with customers who complain about their food andwhere they are  38 is too big or too small. Little things like that tend to  39 a lot of us  40 but we manage to deal with it.
Three elderly ladies walked in and sat by the windows. It happened to be the very   41  near where I keep the dirty   42 in the boxes. Trying to keep up with all the dirty tables, customers leaving and coming in and   43 running all over the house, it was crazy.  44  these elderly women were watching   45  I was working to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers.
When they   46  their meals, I took their plates back to the kitchen. They talked to me for a while about school, how I was doing, what   47  I was in and what I planned to do in the future.
 48 they were leaving, they walked past me and one of them said to me in a  49  and gentle voice, “You are going places.(你前途无量) And that was it.” They left the  50 and I had tears in my eyes, because they gave me  51 to believe in myself.They   52  my spirit from being down and gave me a   53 to keep on working hard.
People used to tell me that I couldn’t have a career in    54  until I had a degree. I'm now a co-anchor (联合主持人) of a student-produced television  55 . And the best thing is: I'm only 17 years old and I am a senior in high school.

A.seatedB. satC.laidD.seating
A.attractB.avoidC.annoyD. adjust
A.tableB.boxC.kitchenD. spot
A.put downB.picked upC.took overD.pointed out


科目:高中英语 来源:2009-2010学年黑龙江省哈师大附中高一下学期模块考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

BUKHANNON, West Virginia—Two rescue teams slowly moved along a two-mile path on Monday night to the site of a coal mine explosion that trapped 13 miners, who had not been heard from since the early morning accident.
Meanwhile, at a nearby church, more than 250 family members and friends gathered, waiting for updates(最新报道)on the rescuers’ progress.
The miners were trapped at about 6:30 and many families weren’t informed of the accident until about 10 a.m-more than three hours after it happened. “It’s very upsetting, but you’ve got to be patient, I guess,” said John Helms, whose brother, Terry, was trapped in the mine.
The trapped miners were about 260 feet underground and about 10,000 feet from the Sago Mine’s entrance, said Roger Nicholson, general counsel from International Coal Group.
At a late night news conference, Nicholson said one team had advanced about 4,800 feet in the four hours since entering the mine just before 6 p.m. Another team entered the mine about 30 minutes later.
He said the crew was very experienced, with some members having worked underground for 30 to 35 years. The miners were equipped with about one hour of breathable oxygen each. The company has not released the names of the miners.
The teams test the air about every 500 feet, and have to disconnect (remove) the power to the phones they use to communicate with the surface before doing that. “We don’t want to be energizing anything if it’s in an atmosphere with burnable gases,” Kips said. The cause of the explosion was not immediately known. High levels of carbon monoxide were detected shortly after the explosion, which delayed rescue efforts, but those levels have since subsided(减退), authorities said.
53. According to the passage, we can infer that ______.
A. all the miners who were trapped underground were still alive
B. communication with the trapped miners was cut off
C. the two rescue teams entered the mine at the same time
D. the rescue started as soon as the accident happened
54. If the first team advanced at an average speed, they could dig about ______ per hour.
A. 1,000 feet          B. 2,400 feet           C. 1,200 feet                D. 4,800 feet
55. Where can the passage be seen?
A. In a magazine.                                     B. In a newspaper.       
C. In a science book..                            D. On an advertisement.
56. Which of the following shows the position where the miners were trapped?


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省乐亭一中2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:填空题

第二节:短文改错(共10 小题,每小题1.5 分;满分15 分)
该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并且也用斜线划掉。
It happened in a morning that I was walking in the street .      76.___________
I ate up a banana and threw its peel on the corner of the road    77.___________
Shortly after that I hear a scream behind .I looked back to      78.___________
see what was happened .A little girl about 8 years old fell       79.___________
down and the banana peel was exactly under his left shoe       80.___________
She stood up without cry .Then she picked up the banana peel    81.___________
and ran toward the dustbin .
On that moment ,I realized my fault , and went to             82.___________
apologize her for that ,but my vanity (虚荣心)prevented me .   83.___________
The little girl had taught me a good lesson by her action .       84.___________
And now, after I do everything , I'll think carefully whether    85.___________
it's right or wrong . I'll do my best to be in good habits and qualities.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省高三第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When my grandfather died, my 83-year-old grandmother, once so full of life, slowly began to fade. No longer able to manage a home of her own, she moved in with my mother, where she was visited often by other members of her large, loving family. Although she still had her good days, it was often hard to arouse her interest.

But one chilly December afternoon three years ago, my daughter Meagan, then eight, and I were visiting her, when she noticed that Meagan was carrying her favorite doll.

“I, too, had a special doll when I was a little girl,” she told a wide-eyed Meagan. “I got it one Christmas when I was about your age. I lived in an old farmhouse in Maine, with Mom, Dad and my four sisters, and the very first gift I opened that Christmas was the most beautiful doll you’d ever want to see.”

“She had an elegant, hand-painted face, and her long brown hair was pulled back with a big pink bow. Her eyes were blue, and they opened and closed. I remember she had a body of kidskin, and her arms and legs bent at the joints.”

GG’s voice dropped low, taking on an almost respectful tone. “My doll was dressed in a pretty pink gown, decorated with fine lace. … Getting such a fine doll was like a miracle for a little farm girl like me — my parents must have had to sacrifice so much to afford it. But how happy I was that morning!”

GG’s eyes filled and her voice shook with emotion as she recalled that Christmas of long ago. “I played with my doll all morning long. And then it happened. My mother called us to the dining room for Christmas dinner and I laid my new doll down gently on the hall table. But as I went to join the family at the table, I heard a loud crash.”

“I hardly had to turn around — I knew it was my precious doll. And it was. Her lace skirt had hung down from the table just enough for my baby sister to reach up and pull on it. When I ran in, there lay my beautiful doll on the floor, her face smashed into a dozen pieces. She was gone forever.”

A few years later, GG’s baby sister was also gone, she told Meagan, a victim of pneumonia(肺炎). Now the tears in her eyes spilled over — tears, I knew, not only for a lost doll and a lost sister, but for a lost time.

Silent for the rest of the visit, Meagan was no sooner in the car going home than she exclaimed, “Mom, I have a great idea! Let’s get GG a new doll for Christmas. Then she won’t cry when she thinks about it.”

My heart filled with pride as I listened to my sympathetic little daughter. But where would we find a doll to match GG’s fond memories?

Where there’s a will, as they say, there’s a way. When I told my best friends, Liz and Chris, about my problem, Liz put me in touch with a local doll-make. From a doll supply house I ordered a long brown hair and a kidskin body to copy the outfit GG had so lovingly described. Liz volunteered to put the doll together, and Chris helped me make the doll’s outfit. Meagan wrote the story of the lost doll by giving examples.

Finally our creation was finished. To our eyes it was perfect. But there was no way it could be exactly like the doll GG had loved so much and lost. Would she think it looked anything like it?

On Christmas Eve, Meagan and I carried our happily packed gift to GG, where she sat surrounded by children, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. “It’s for you,” Meagan said, “but first you have to read the story that goes with it.”

GG no sooner got through the first page than her voice cracked and she was unable to go on, but Meagan took over where she left off. Then it was time to open her present.

I’ll never forget the look on GG’s face as she lifted the doll and held it to her chest. Once again her tears fell, but this time they were tears of joy. Holding the doll in her frail arms, she repeated over and over again, “She’s exactly like my old doll, exactly like her.” 

And perhaps she wasn’t saying that just to be kind. Perhaps however impossible it seemed, we had managed to produce a close copy of the doll she remembered. But as I watched my eight-year-old daughter and her great-grandmother examining the doll together, I thought of a likelier explanation. What GG really recognized, perhaps, was the love that inspired the gift. And love, wherever it comes from, always looks the same.

1.GG moved in with her daughter because____.

A.she wanted to live with a large family

B.she was not able to live on her own due to her weakness

C.her husband passed away

D.she thought it was the children’s obligation to take care of her

2.Why did GG become very emotional on a December afternoon?

A.Because she saw her great granddaughter’s doll.

B.Because she recalled her dead parents.

C.Because she was surrounded by her offspring.

D.Because she felt lonely during the Christmas season.

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 5? 

A.GG’s doll was important and was a symbol of many things.

B.GG showed great respect for his husband’s love.

C.GG missed the great old days she spent with her family.

D.GG was grateful for her long life.

4.What happened to GG’s baby sister?

A.She envied her sister all her life.

B.She felt guilty for breaking GG’s doll and decided to go.

C.She left home at a young age.

D.She died of some disease at a young age.

5.Why did Meagan’s mum feel proud of her daughter?

A.Because she was clever.                  B.Because she was loving.

C.Because she was sensitive.                D.Because she was imaginative.

6.The main idea of the passage is that ____.

A.treating the elderly well is moral

B.it is impossible to copy the exact doll for the elderly

C.love, the permanent rhythm of life, will always remain in the elderly’s heart

D.physical comfort from children rather than psychological care is important



科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市2010届高三下学期第二次质量检测试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解




It happened to me recently that I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of the current US President. The person I was talking to agreed with me that it was, in his words,“a wonderfully written book .”However, he then proceeded  to talk about Mr Obama in a way that suggested he had no idea of his background at all. I sensed that I was talking to a book liar.

And it seems that he is not the only one. Clearly two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven’t . In The World Book Day survey, Dreams From My Father is at number 9. The survey lists top ten books, and various authors, which people have lied about reading. As I’m not one to lie too often, I’ll admit here and now that I haven’t read the entire ten books. But I am pleased to say that I have read the book at number one, George Orwell’s 1984. I think it’s absolutely outstanding.

Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to impress someone they were speaking to . This could be difficult if the conversation became more in-depth !

The World Book Day survey also has some other interesting information in it. It shows that many people lie about having read classical works by Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens and so on. But when asked which authors they actually enjoy, they named JK Rowling, Jilly Cooper, and Stephen King (ah, the big sellers, in other words). Forty-one percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story.

So which books have you lied about reading—if any—and which is your favourite?

1.The main reason why people lie about reading is to         

A.make fun of the listener     B.impress the listener

C.please the listener          D.interest the listener

2.The underlined word“proceeded”in the passage probably means“         ”

A.wanted   B.happened    C.continued    D.stopped

3.What does The World Book Day survey show?

A.Nearly half of the people surveryed didn’t read through a whole classical book.

B.People don’t like Dreams From My Father and George Orwell’s 1984

C.Few people lie about having read classical works by Jane Austen.

D.People usually enjoy reading books by Charles Dickens.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Are You A Book Liar?    B.Readers Are All Liars

C.World Book Day        D.Dreams From My Father,



