精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
4.A.economy    B.dated     C.relationship    D.event      E.achievement
F.applied      G.global     H.regularly      I.financial    J.promote

The World Expo (short for"exposition") is known as World's Fair.And it is a large,(41)global,non-commercial exposition that has been held since the mid-19th century.
The World Expo is the third largest(42)event in the world in terms of economic and cultural impact,after the FIFA World Expo Cup and the Olympic Games.In fact,the World Expo is regarded as the"Olympic Games of the (43)economy,science and technology."
The hosting of the World Expo must be (44)applied for by a country and approved by the international World Expo committee.Expo aims to(45)promote  the exchange of ideas and development of the world economy,culture,science and technology,to allow exhibitors to publicize and display their (46)achievement  and improve international (47)relationship.
Exhibitions are not a recent invention.They (48)dated back to the times when large-scale markets were (49)regularly  held in cities which attracted visitors and brought prosperity because they were located at major trade route intersections.

分析 本文主要介绍了世博会的一些情况,从定义,功能以及起源方面.

解答 41.G  42.D  43.A  44.F  45.J  46.E  47.C  48.B  49.H
41.G 考查形容词.根据前面的介绍可知,世博会是一个世界性的组织,global 意思是全球的,符合题意.
42.D  考查名词.event为名词,意思是项目是,赛事.世博会是世界上第三大有关经济和文化的赛事.
43.A  考查名词.由前句提到世博会是关于全球经济和文化的赛事,所以此处需用economy意思是经济.
44.F  考查动词.根据后句and approved by 可知,此处需要一个表示被动的动词形式,结合句意可知,applied意思是申请.
45.J 考查动词.promote此处是动词,意思是促进.这句话介绍的是世博会主要的目的是促进观点的交换.
46.E   考查名词.display意思是展现,后面需接一个名词作宾语,achievement是名词,成就,在世博会上展现的各自取得的成就.
47.C  考查名词.根据前文的介绍可知,世博会是全球国家之间的经济和文化的交流,可以促进国家间关系.
48.B  考查动词. 由前句Exhibitions are not a recent invention不是现代的活动.所以后面叙述的是历史,date back to为固定短语,意思追溯到.
49.H 考查副词.分析句式可知,此处需要用一个副词来修饰动词held.regularly为定期地,有规律地.

点评 语法填空题主要是考查对文章句子结构和词汇搭配的用法.通常的考查点有:动词(时态,语态,非谓语形式);名词(单复数);形容词和副词(转换);连词(复合句,并列句);介词(搭配结构)等.偶尔也会出现逻辑判断题,例如考查代词的指代对象.在平时练习时多注意归纳总结,考试时自然游刃有余.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

3.假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华.你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做评委.请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信.
Dear Ms.Smith


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

15.Students in American schools learn from an early age to give presentations as part of their regular classroom activities.Children as young as five years old often give brief talks about(1)Athey bring in to school─called"show and tell,"this training is a(2)Dfor later public speaking.
Even so,many native English-speaking adults are(3)Cto speak or give  presentations in front of a large group.
Speaking English in public meetings is(4)A for many students and employees.The best way to improve is to practice public speaking in a(5)Benvironment.Learners need to receive feedback about what they are doing well and about their(6)C.
Charles LeBeau is a public(7)B professor and consultant.He began his career in Japan in 1982.Currently,he teaches at two universities and at the Toshiba International Training Center.He has also written books on the subject.
English language(8)Daround the world use his book Speaking of Speech.
Speaking of Speech tells about a method of teaching public speaking for non-native speakers.Mr.LeBeau says a simple approach(9)CEnglish learners.
"The(10)Athat I've taken is to simplify and break it down.First if we look at presentation,what's going on,there are basically three messages that the presenter is giving the(11)D,all simultaneously.There's what I call the(12)B message.Physical message is basically body language.And then there's also the visual message.The visual message(s)are the slides that we now make and(13)Cthe audience.The(14)Bmessage is the story message,which is the content of our presentation.It also(15)Ahow we organize our ideas to present to the audience,"LeBeau said.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

12.All of us communicate with one another non-verbally,as well as with words.We gesture with eyebrows or a hand,meet someone else's eyes and look away,shift positions in a chair.These actions we assume are random and incidental.But researchers have discovered in recent years that there is a system to them almost as consistent and comprehensive as language.
Every culture has its own body language,and children absorb its difference along with spoken language.A Frenchman talks and moves in French.The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it.In talking,with a future-tense verb,Americans often gesture with a forward movement.
There are regional idioms too.An expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation.Your sex,moral background,social class and personal style all influence your body language.
Usually,the wordless communication acts to qualify the words.What the non-verbal elements express very often,and very efficiently,is the emotional side of the message.When a person feels liked or disliked,often it's a case of"not what he said but the way he said it."Psychologist Albert Mehrabian has come up with this formula:total impact of a message=7% verbal+38% gestural+55% facial.
Experts in kinesics-the study of communication through body movement-are not prepared to spell out a vocabulary or gestures.When an American rubs his nose,it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something.But there are other possible interpretations,too.Another example:When a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man's eyes a little longer than is usual,it can be a sign of respect and affection; it can be a challenge to the professor's authority; or it can be something else entirely.The experts look for patterns in the context,not for an isolated meaningful gesture.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81.What idea does the author aim to convey in paragraph 2?Every culture has its own body language.
82.Besides moral background,sex,social class and personal style are the other three factors affecting people's body language.
83.From Albert's formula,we learn that the body languageplays a more(most) important role in communication.
84.What can you conclude from the examples given in paragraph 5?The same body language/gesture has different meanings./The same body language/gesture can be given several interpretations..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.61.Jiang Wei has a three-week vacation from next Monday.He wants to go to Shanghai by bus and then go home by train.He wants to find a hotel near the railway station,for he plans to spend two days vesting Nanjing Road and the Chenghuang Temple in Shanghai.B
62.Mr.Sun is a manager of a big company in Beijing.Next month.Thomas,an American consultant,will pay a visit to his company.Mr.Sun is responsible for looking after Thomas.This will be Thomas'fist visit to Beijing.Mr.Sun decides to choose a hotel which is very typical of China and is convenient for him to get a quick tour of the capital.E
63.Mr.Lee is a sales manager in a company in Shanghai.Last year he got married and this Saturday will be his wedding anniversary.He met his wife while he was taking a walk along the West Lake.He has decided to celebrate their first anniversary at the place that saw the beginning of their love.A
64.Mr.Xu is a mathematics professor.Next Sunday,the International Mathematics Annual Meeting will be held in Renmin University of China.Mr Xu was invited and has asked his assistant to book a room.A hotel near the university is preferred.F
65.Ms.Wang is a mother of two children.Running a shoe shop,she lives a comfortable life.They live in Hangzhou,and have never seen the sea with their own eyes.The summer vacation is coming and Mr.Wang wants to take her children to Yantai to see the sea.C

A.Xinqiao Hotel is an international four-star hotel in Hangzhou.The hotel is perfectly located in the business center of Hangzhou City with the West Lake only a few minutes away.It is the tallest building near the West Lake.The hotel has 409rooms and suits in different styles.
B.Home Inn is next to the North Square of Shanghai Railway Station and is near the Hutai Road Bus Station.It provides standard rooms,business rooms,and superior rooms.Twenty-four-hour hot water,TVs,telephones,free broadband Internet and free parking are all availabele.
C.Yantai Hongkou Hotel is located at the center of the new coastal scenery area.The hotel is just 2.5kilometers from the train station,and 26kilometers from the airport.After a short walk,guests can enjoy the fresh sea breeze and the soft sandy beach.It offers different classes of guest rooms,such as standard rooms and business suits.
D.The Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai is a five-star hotel and is located in downtown Shanghai.Nanjing Road and Huaihai Road are only a five-minute walk from the hotel.It is four kilometers away from the railway station.All the rooms are well-designed.Room service is available at all hours.
E.Beijing Hotel is located on East Chang'an Avenue,the heart of Beijing.It has a long history of more than one hundred years.It made history as the Olympic Family Hotel by hosting distinguished guests from all over the world during the 2008Summer Olympic Games.Its services included dinging,business,tickets and entertainment.
F.Yanshan Hotel is located in the Zhongguancun High-tech Zone of Beijing.It is a business hotel and is surrounded by a number of famous universities including Peking University,Renmin University of China and Tsinghus University.Besides superior rooms,it also offers standard rooms.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

9.In the old days of publishing,getting your manuscript into the hands of an editor often meant mailing the unsolicited finished product to the offices of literary agents or editors,where it would receive a cursory look from an editorial assistant-or none at all.
A modern version of the slush pile is the online"writing community,"a Web site where aspiring novelists can post their ideas,writing samples or manuscripts and open them to comments and reviews from strangers.On Tuesday Penguin Group USA,the publisher of Tom Clancy,Kathryn Stockett and Nora Roberts,will unveil its own venture,Book Country,a Web site for writers of genre fiction.In its initial phase Book Country will allow writers to post their own work-whether it's an opening chapter or a full manuscript-and receive critiques from other users,who can comment on points like character development,pacing and dialogue.Later this summer the site will generate revenue by allowing users to self-publish their books for a fee by ordering printed copies.(The books will bear the stamp of Book Country,not Penguin,and the site is considered a separate operation from Penguin.) The site will also explain the business of finding an agent,marketing and promoting a book,using social media and handling digital and subsidiary rights.
Penguin hopes the site will attract agents,editors and publishers scouting for new talent,and allow writers to produce work with more polish and direction than they could otherwise.The project has been spearheaded by Molly Barton,the director of business development for Penguin and the president of Book Country."One of the things I remember really clearly from my early editorial experiences was this feeling of guilt,"Ms.Barton said in an interview."I would read submissions and not be able to help the writer because we couldn't find a place for them on the list that I was acquiring for.And I kept feeling that there was something we could do on the Internet to really help writers each other."
(Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 15WORDS)

81.How did an author send unsolicited finished products to editors in the old days of publishing?By mailing.
82.The online"writing community"is where aspiring novelists post their ideas andopen them to comments and reviews from strangers.
83.The site uses social media and digital and subsidiary rights toexplain the business of finding an agent;/market and promote a book.
84.What's the real purpose of Penguin creating the web site?To really help writers each other..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

 Friendship falls apart for many reasons-a huge fight,distance,loss of interest,and some other personal reasons.But if both parties are interested to be friends still,there is no reason why die friendship shouldn't be saved.If you want to breathe life on a dying friendship,here are some tips.
 Find ways to communicate.Whether you are miles apart or living in the same building,make sure to have an open line of communication.These days,almost all modes of communication are widely available.Cell phone.Email.Chat.Snail mail.In fact,the means of communication is not an issue at all; the time to communicate is.So if you are serious about bridging the gap,make time and use all possible ways to keep in touch.
 Forgive the offense.If an offense broke the friendship apart,it is time to forgive,forget,and move forward.If you were the offended party,openly tell your friend that he has already been forgiven.Of course,do this only if you really have forgiven the person.
 Apologize.If_______,let go of your pride and ask for forgiveness.Remember that reconciliation (和解) starts with a word of apology.Make sure to apologize in person,but if that it is not possible,like when you are living in a different country or state,you can do it by some other means.
 Show your concern.Even if you are not as close as you once had been,show your friend that you still care for him.You can show your concern in different ways.If one of his family members is sick,you can send him a short thoughtful note.Send him a gift on his birthday.And wish him well if he is starting a new project.
76.What is the text mainly about?(no more than 8 words)
How to save a friendship
77.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?
But as long as both of you are still longing to keep the friendship,you should try to make it up.But if both parties are interested to be friends still,there is no reason why die friendship shouldn't be saved.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 6 words)
you were/are the offended party
79.List three modes of communication that are available nowadays.(no more than 6 words)
①Cell phone②Email③Snail mail
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.如果一个家庭成员病了,那么你可以给他寄一个简短的深思熟虑的便条..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

13.A.China's best tourist attractions are spread out across the country.So how can you pick  which one to go to?You don't have to make a tough decision,just head to the Chinese Folk Culture Village near Shenzhen.Here you can see miniatures of almost all of the major  tourist attractions in China.
B. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park,containing more than 218,000 acres,is open daily and  offers guided tours and more.It has both the world's most massive volcano and the world's  most active volcano.It also offers the best place to view the beautiful sunrise and sunsets  sceneries.
C.Crete,a small island in Greece,is not too romantic,but in terms of history and variety it has  more to offer and fewer tourists than any of the others.You can relax on the beach and  enjoy the sunshine comfortably.
D.Beijing Botanical Garden is home to more than 1.5 million plants that belong to over 10,000 species.It's a botanical research laboratory as well as a place for the public to enrich  their knowledge about plants,enjoy the scenery and relax.
E.Traveling in Thailand is as much enjoyable as it is tiring because Thailand has lots of places to visit,lots of nice people to meet,lots of uniqueness,lots of activities and of course lots of new experiences and moments to capture.
F.India is actually a‘Jewel in the Crown'as far as tourism is concerned.India is a vast country with people of many different ethnic backgrounds,religions,customs,languages  and lifestyles.
71.Walrus is from France.He'd like a trip to live in a"third-world"place for a month to  experience the different  local customs and lifestyles from Europe.F
72.Garry and Peter,quite outgoing,have a wide range of interests,enjoy mixing and a wide  variety of amusements.They want to go to a place that has all kinds of things to do this summer.E
73.Cindy is very interested in Chinese tourist attractions and wants to experience Chinese culture,but the time is too limited for her.It's only about a week before she leaves China.A
74.Mr.and Mrs.Hunter are looking for a beach-based holiday in southern Europe,to a quiet beach location where there are not too many tourists.C
75.Arthur is a college student who majors in geography and wants to admire wonders of nature in the world this summer vacation.B.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.We are glad to see the suggestions _____ by the Students'Union have turned out to be working rather well.(  )
A.put outB.put upC.put forwardD.put down

