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14.Exercise seems to be good for the human brain,with many recent studies suggesting that regular exercise improves memory and thinking skills.But an interesting new study asks whether the apparent cognitive benefits from exercise are real or just a placebo effect-that is,if we think we will be"smarter"after exercise,do our brains respond accordingly?The answer has significant implications for any of us hoping to use exercise to keep our minds sharp throughout our lives.
While many studies suggest that exercise may have cognitive benefits,recently some scientists have begun to question whether the apparently beneficial effects of exercise on thinking might be a placebo effect.So researchers at Florida State University in Tallahassee and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign decided to focus on expectations,on what people anticipate that exercise will do for thinking.If people's expectations jibe (吻合) closely with the actual benefits,then at least some of those improvements are probably a result of the placebo effect and not of exercise.
For the new study,which was published last month in PLOS One,the researchers recruited 171people through an online survey system,they asked half of these volunteers to estimate by how much a stretching and toning regimens (拉伸运动) performed three times a week might improve various measures of thinking.The other volunteers were asked the same questions,but about a regular walking program.
In actual experiments,stretching and toning program generally have little if any impact on people's cognitive skills.Walking,on the other hand,seems to substantially improve thinking ability.
But the survey respondents believed the opposite,estimating that the stretching and toning program would be more beneficial for the mind than walking.The estimates of benefits from walking were lower.
These data,while they do not involve any actual exercise,are good news for people who do exercise."The results from our study suggest that the benefits of aerobic exercise are not a placebo effect,"said Cary Stothart,a graduate student in cognitive psychology at Florida State University,who led the study.
If expectations had been driving the improvements in cognition seen in studies after exercise,Mr.Stothart said,then people should have expected walking to be more beneficial for thinking than stretching.They didn't,implying that the changes in the brain and thinking after exercise are physiologically genuine.
The findings are strong enough to suggest that exercise really does change the brain and may,in the process,improve thinking,Mr.Stothart said.That conclusion should encourage scientists to look even more closely into how,at a molecular level,exercise remodels the human brain,he said.It also should encourage the rest of us to move,since the benefits are,it seems,not imaginary,even if they are in our head.

62.Which of the following about the placebo effect is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.It occurs during exercise.
B.It has cognitive benefits.
C.It is just a mental reaction.
D.It is a physiological response.
63.Why did the researchers at the two universities conduct the research?C
A.To discover the placebo effect in the exercise.
B.To prove the previous studies have a big drawback.
C.To test whether exercise can really improve cognition.
D.To encourage more scientists to get involved in the research.
64.What can we know about the research Cary Stothart and his team carried out?B
A.They employed 171people to take part in the actual exercise.
B.The result of the research removed the recent doubt of some scientists.
C.The participants thought walking had a greater impact on thinking ability.
D.Their conclusion drives scientists to do research on the placebo effect.
65.What might be the best title for the passage?D
A.Is it necessary for us to take exercise?
B.How should people exercise properly?
C.What makes us smarter during exercise?
D.Does exercise really make us smarter?

分析 本文是一篇议论文,文章讨论了运动是否真的能提高大脑的认知.一些科学家们质疑:运动对思维有益的显著效果是不是一种安慰剂效应.因此,佛罗里达州立大学和伊利诺伊大学的研究人员做了实验.实验结果表明:运动对思维有益的显著效果不是一种安慰剂效应,运动真的能改变大脑,提高认知.

解答 62.C 细节理解题.由第一段that is,if we think we will be"smarter"after exercise,do our brains respond accordingly?,可知如果我们认为我们做完运动后会聪明,大脑会做出相应反应吗?由此得知,这种情况是积极的心理暗示带来的效应.It is just a mental reaction仅仅为一种心理反应,故选C.
63.C 细节理解题.由第二段recently some scientists have begun to question whether the apparently beneficial effects of exercise on thinking might be a placebo effect,可知最近一些科学家开始质疑,运动对思维有益的显著效果是不是一种安慰剂效应.因此,论证运动是否真的能提高认知是两所大学实验的目的,故选C.
64.B 细节理解题.由第六段 The results from our study suggest that the benefits of aerobic exercise are not a placebo effect,可知实验结果表明运动对思维有益的显著效果不是一种安慰剂效应.因此便移除了那些科学家质疑的念头,故选B.
65.D 主旨大意题.由全文的论述可知全文围绕Does exercise really make us smarter?运动使人聪明吗?这一观点展开讨论,举出两所大学合作实验的成功案例来作为论据.故选D.

点评 本文考察学生的理解推断能力,抓住文章的关键词,采用寻读的方法查找细节,能根据已知的结果推测导致结果的可能原因.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Mary,I                John of his pomise to help you.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.After a long absence,I went back to college,______ to pick up where I'd left off.(  )
A.hopingB.hopeC.to hopeD.hoped


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.The World Health Organization reports a number of people have died of the Ebola virus in central Africa during the last few months.Ebola,also known as Ebola hemorrhagic (出血) fever or Ebola viral disease.is a rare and deadly illness with high death rates in humans and primates.The natural source of Ebola virus remains unknown,although bats seem to be the most likely source.
The Ebola virus began spreading after victims were discovered in northeastern Cabon.So far,it is the third time Ebola has spread through Cabon since 1994.Health officials believe people moving across the border spread the disease from Cabon co Congo Ebola is highly infectious and kills up to 80% of its victims.Researchers do not know the method with which the virus first appears in humans,but they believe it is through infected animals.The disease then spreads from person to person through blood and other body liquids.
Ebola victims treated early have the base chance of survival.Signs of Ebola include a high temperature,diarrhea,muscle pains and bleeding inside the body.in severe cases,victims experience chest pains and death.There is no known cure for the disease and no way yet to prevent it.
Scientists at the American National institutes of Health are working to develop a vaccine(疫苗) to prevent Ebola.Doctor Cary Nobel is leading the research effort at N-l-H testing center in the eastern state of Maryland.He says that during the past two years,the vaccine has been tested on small animals and monkey a for safety and effectiveness.
In the most recent study,four monkeys who had been given the vaccine were completely protected from a deadly injection of the Ebola virus.the study was described in November in Nature magazine.Doctor Nobel says the tests appear to have moved scientists one step closer to a vaccine for humans.
28.Where does the Ebola virus come fromD?
A.Bats.B.Monkeys.C.Infected humans.D.Something unknown.
29.When infected with Ebola virus,people may experience the following exceptA.
A.heart attack B.a rise in temperature
C.chest pains D bleeding inside the body
30.What can we learn from the passageB?
A.Once infected with the Ebola virus.people can never survive.
B.Half of the Ebola victims will lose their lives.
C.No cure has been found for the disease.
D.Scientists have succeeded in preventing Ebola.
31.What is Doctor Nobel's attitude towards the testsB?
A.Discouraged.B.Positive.C.Doubtful.D.Not mentioned.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Coral reefs(珊 瑚 礁)are not just beautiful to look at,but also very useful.They shelter nearly 25% of ocean life and provide food for billions of people.However,like many other species,this amazing ecosystem(生态系统)is in danger of dying out!
There are two main reasons for the destruction-the rising carbon dioxide levels caused by global vdarming as well as human influences like bottom operation.hile not much can be done about the former,the loss caused by the latter can be reduced.
Bottom operation involves dropping nets to the ocean bed and then dragging them up when filled with fish.This action damaged te ocean floor,causing the coral branches to separate from the reefs.While that is very discouraging,the good news is that if these branches are found quickly,they can be saved.At present,that work is being performed by volunteer divers.But the method has only limited sccess because they cannot stay long underwater,nor reach depths of over 200meters where some of the deep-sea coral grows.
However,this is not the case for Coralbots-mthe robots that can constantly seek out broken branches.A team of‘coralbots',each individually working to simple rulesl will piece together'damaged bits of coral,allowing them to regrow.They are programmed to be able to distinguish between other things and the coral.The robots work together in groups,similar to bees.If one coralbot is damaged then the others will still be able to complete the task.
Dr Lea-Anne Henry said:"The project of using coralbots offers us the possibility to restore(修复)the function of reefs.It is in the final stage of testing.Once ready,the researchers hpe to build hundreds of them and use them effectively in the waters off Scotland and then hopefully in the oceans across the world."

24.Which of the following is a cause of the danger that coral reefs are facing?D
A.The appearance of new creatures.
B.The seriously polluted sea water.
C.The activities of volunteer divers.
D.Human activities like bottom operation.
25.Compared with volunteer divers,coralbotsA.
A.can stay longer underwater    B.must work as bees do
C.can distinguish what is coral D.can never be damaged
26.What does the underlined word"them"in the last paragraph refer to?A
A.Coralbots.    B.Broken branches.
C.working bees. D.Bits of coral.
27.We can infer from the passage thatB.
A.bottom operation has affected most underwater creatures
B.broken branches of coral can regrow if saved in time
C.hundreds of the coralbots have worked well in the oceans
D.with the coralbots all damaged coral reefs can be restored.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.The rescuers were forced to       the search for survivors due to the worsening weather.(  )
A.cut offB.call offC.give offD.turn off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.energetic(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-You know I dropped medicine and _____ physics?
-You made a right decision.(  )
A.took upB.took inC.took apartD.took off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.The schools are supposed be run on the     principle that each child should develop its full potential.(  )

