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His son will _________him as chairman of the commission after his retirement.

A. continue B. succeed

C. follow D. learn


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春十一高中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One Test for Graduate and Business School.

Getting an advanced degree can create many opportunities. The GRE revised General Test—the most widely accepted graduate admission test worldwide—can bring you one step closer to achieving your career goals.

There has never been a better time to take the test that gives you more opportunities for your future. The GRE revised General Test features question types that closely reflect the kind of thinking you'll do in graduate or business school.

Who Takes It?

Prospective graduate and business school applicants from all around the world who are interested in pursuing a master's , MBA, specialized master's in business or doctoral degree take the GRE revised General Test. Applicants come from varying educational and cultural backgrounds and the GRE revised General Test provides a common measure for comparing candidates' qualifications.

GRE scores are used by admissions or fellowship panels to supplement(补充) your undergraduate records, recommendation letters and other qualifications for graduate level study.

When and Where Do People Take It?

The GRE revised General Test is available at more than 700 test centers in more than 160 countries. In most regions of the world, the computer delivered test is available on a continuous basis throughout the year. In Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea, the computer delivered test is available one to two times per month. In areas of the world where computer delivered testing is not available, the paper delivered test is available up to three times a year in October, November and February.

Who Accepts It?

The GRE revised General Test is accepted at thousands of graduate and business schools as well as departments and divisions within these schools.

1.If you want to study for a master's degree in the USA, you'd better_______ .

A. achieve your career goals

B. earn as much money as possible

C. vary educational and cultural background

D. take the GRE revised General Test

2.In a less developed area with very few computers, test takers probably can't take

the GRE revised General Test in ________ .

A. February B. August C. October D. November

3.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To sell test papers.

B. To introduce a kind of test.

C. To get new students for schools.

D. To compare two kinds of tests.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西晋城一中高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Children who are spanked (挨打) have lower IQs worldwide, including in the United States. All parents want smart children. Avoiding spanking and correcting misbehavior in other ways can help that happen.

A new research by Professor Murray Straus found that children in the United States who were spanked had lower IQs four years later than those who weren’t spanked. Straus and Mallie Paschall, a senior research scientist, studied nationally examples of 806 children aged 2 to 4, and 704 aged 5 to 9. Both groups were retested four years later.

The IQs of children IQs aged 2 to 4 who weren’t spanked were 5 points higher four year later than the IQs of those who were spanked. The IQs of children aged 5 to 9 who weren’t spanked were 2.8 points higher four years later than the IQs of children at the same age who were spanked. How often parents spanked made a difference. The more spanking, the slower the development of children’s mental ability. But even small amounts of spanking made a difference.

Straus also found a lower national average IQ in nations in which spanking was more popular. His analysis shows the strongest link between physical punishment and IQ is for those whose parents continue to use physical punishment even when they are teenagers.

Straus also found a lower national average IQ in nations in which spanking was more popular. His analysis shows the strongest link between physical punishment and IQ is for those whose parents continue to use physical punishment even when they are teenagers.

Straus and colleagues in 32 nations used data on physical punishment experienced by 17,404 university students when they were children. According to Straus, there’re two explanations for the relation of physical punishment to lower IQ.

First, physical punishment is extremely stressful and can become a long-lasting stressor for young children, who typically experience punishment three or more times a week. For many it continues for years. The stress of physical punishment often leads to being fearful that terrible things are about to happen and being easily shocked. They’re associated with lower IQ. Second, a higher national level of economic development leads to both fewer parents using physical punishment and a higher national IQ.

The good news is that the use of physical punishment has been decreasing worldwide, which may signal future gains in IQ across the globe. The United Nations has called on all member nations to forbid physical punishment by parents. Nevertheless, there’s evidence that attitude favoring physical punishment and actual use of physical punishment have been declining even in nations which haven’t forbidden physical punishment.

1. From the passage we can know that physical punishment will make______.

A. no scientist

B. a well-behaved child

C. a bad parent-child relationship

D. a child feel nervous continuously

2.It can be concluded from Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 that______.

A. long-term spanking will cause children’s mental disorder.

B. low national average IQ limits the mental development of children

C. young children have more chances to suffer from physical punishment.

D. high frequency of spanking results in slow development of children’s intelligence

3. According to Straus’s research, children’s being spanked is probably related to parents’______.

A. low income

B. little education

C. long-lasting pressure

D. passive personalities

4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that______.

A. the improvement of global average IQ is out of the question

B. physical punishment becomes less popular in the world

C. most countries have realized the negative consequence of punishing in its member nations.

D. the UN has succeeded in banning physical punishment in its member nations


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁东北育才学校高一上第二阶段考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Attack on September 11th

New York: When the first jet struck Tower 1 at World Trade Center at 8: 48 am on Tuesday, the people in Tower 2 at World Trade Center with a view of the instant damage across the divide had the clearest sense of what they too must do : get out fast.

Katherine Ilachinski, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast of heat exploding from the neighboring tower, was one of those. Despite her 70 years of age, Ms Ilachinski, an architect working on the 91st floor of Tower 2 at World Trade Center, the south tower, went for the stairs. Twelve floors above her, Judy Wein, a manager, screamed and set off too.

But others up and down the 110 floors, many without clear views of the damage across the way and thus unclear about what was happening, were not so sure. And the 18 minutes before the next plane would hit were ticking off.

Among the uncertainty about what was the best thing to do, formal announcements inside the south tower instructed people to stay put, assuring them that the building was sound and the threat was limited to the other tower.

Some left, others stayed, some began to climb down and, when met with more announcements and other warning to stop or return, went back up. The decisions made in those instants proved to be of great importance, because many who chose to stay, were doomed (注定) when the second jet crashed into the south tower killing many and stranding (使…某物留在) many more in the floors above where the jet hit.

One of those caught in indecision(犹豫不决) was the manager at Fuji Bank USA. Richard Jacobs of Fuji Bank left the 79th floor with the other office workers, but on the 48th floor they heard the announcement that the situation was under control. Several got in the lifts and went back up two minutes or so before the plane crashed into their floor.

1.From the passage , we know that the south tower was hit by the plane __________

A. at 8: 30

B. 18 minutes earlier than the north tower

C. at around 9: 06

D. at 8: 48

2.The underlined words “stay put” mean _________

A. stay in the building B. leave at once

C. put everything back and then leave D. keep silent

3.Which floor was hit by the second jet?

A. The 91st floor. B. The 71st floor.

C. The 60th floor. D. The 79th floor.

4.Few people would have died if __________

A. more announcements had been made

B. people hadn’t used the lifts

C. the incident had happened on a weekend

D. people chose to stay


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建师大附中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.Only ___________ who have reached the ___________ standard for their event will be ___________ as competitors.

2.It’s a great ___________ but also a great honour to be chosen. There’s as much __________ among countries to host the Olympics __________ to win Olympic medals.

3. Over time my memory has developed so much __________, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told! ...... But I was always so lonely __________ there by myself, until in the early 1960s they gave me a family connected by a _________.

4.Farmers hunted elephants without __________. They said we __________ their farms, and money from tourists only went to the large tour companies. So the government only allowed tourists to hunt only a __________ number of animals if they paid the farmers.

5.“I’m __________ myself from mosquitoes, it replied. “When I find a millipede __________, I rub it over my body. It __________ a powerful drug, which __________ mosquitoes.”

6. Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or __________? Have you ever __________of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, ___________which everyone is clapping and __________ your music?


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽安庆一中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


The Internet is an1.________ (amaze) information resource. Students,teachers,and researchers use it as 2.________ investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the 3.________ (late) medical development. Ordinary people use it4.________ shopping,banking,bill­paying,and communicating with family and friends. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from 5._______ countries and cultures. However, while there are many positive developments6._______ (associate) with the Internet,there are also certain fears and concerns. One concern relates to a lack of control over7.________ appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programmes,and with television there are8._______ (restrict) on other aspects,for example,what kinds of programmes can9._______ (broadcast) and at what time of the day. With the Internet,parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable for their children 10._______ (see).


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届吉林吉林大学附中高三上学期摸底1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I am a sophomore (大二学生) at Princeton University, where I am majoring in chemical engineering. I chose to study at UCD in the spring of 2015 primarily because I have always been interested in Ireland and Irish culture, but also to take advantage of UCD’s courses in pharmacology (药理学), a field not offered at my home school. I also chose UCD because of its Introduction to Scientific Research module, which matches visiting students with professors for a term-long research project, and because of the Science office’s friendliness and helpfulness. I am convinced that I made the best possible decision!

While at UCD I lived on campus, which allowed me to throw myself into everything the university has to offer. I was given the opportunity to work with Geraldine Butler’s lab. I loved it so much that I ended up heading to the lab almost every weekday, whenever I wasn’t attending my always-interesting classes in pharmacology. After lab, I enjoyed a variety of after-school activities—that was certainly a new experience for me.

Living in Dublin provided a great opportunity for seeing the rest of Ireland and Europe. I spent my weekends and spring break traveling to every corner of the island, amazed at all of the history and natural beauty. I was also able to visit the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden. After every trip, it was nice to return to friendly Dublin and head out with my roommates to one of our favorite pubs.

I would highly recommend studying abroad at UCD. I learned so much from my courses and my research project and had a wonderful time exploring Ireland. I can’t wait to come back!

1. Where is the author when he is writing the passage?

A. At Princeton University. B. At UCD.

C. In the UK. D. In Sweden.

2.Which is NOT the reason why the author chose UCD ?

A. He was attracted by Ireland and Irish culture.

B. There was a chance for him to change his major.

C. It offered visiting students a guided research project.

D. The staff in the Science office were friendly and helpful.

3. What does the author feel at the moment?

A. Excited. B. Upset.

C. Worried. D. Tired.

4.What probably can be the best title of the passage?

A. A Scientific Project. B. Colorful School Life.

C. Live on Campus. D. Study Abroad at UCD.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建师大附中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A terrifying example of the sea’s power saw 125,000 people die in 12 different countries. The destruction(破坏) was caused when a very big sent tsunamis smashing into Indian Ocean coastlines.

Communities in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Malaysia and East Africa have been by the huge waves. Whole towns were simply swept aside by the power of the water. Cars, trains and buildings could not , let alone the people who stood .

The earthquake 9.0 on the Richter scale(里氏震级) and occurred the coast of Indonesia. It was as the fifth strongest since 1900. Scientists said the quake was as as a million of the atomic bombs that were onto Japan during World War Ⅱ. It may be the worst natural disaster in recent history it is affecting so many heavily populated coastal areas.

Because such waves happen in the Indian Ocean, there is no system in place to coastal communities they are about to be hit.

Tsunami is Japanese for “harbor wave”. They are usually caused by a sudden or fall of part of the Earth’s crust(地壳) under the ocean. Tsunamis often happen in oceans and they are most in the Pacific.

Tsunamis can be very long—as much as 100 kilometers—and be as far as one hour apart. They are able to entire oceans without losing much energy. One of the most striking about tsunamis is that an earthquake on one side of the Pacific Ocean can cause giant waves and destruction on the other side. When the ocean is deep, tsunamis can travel unnoticed speeds of up to 800 kilometers per hour.

The wave may only be a few meters high in the ocean. when it is near the shore and reaches shallow (浅) water, the wave very quickly in height. Witnesses(目击者) in some areas of Indonesia reported seeing up to 10-metre high waves crash into the shore.

Tsunamis travel in all directions from the center of an earthquake and attack coastlines. They can easily suck people out to sea, cause flooding and destroy property.

1.A. storm B. hurricane C. wave D. earthquake

2.A. threatened B. shaken C. destroyed D. transformed

3.A. remain B. survive C. exist D. achieve

4.A. in the way B. in a way C. on the way D. by the way

5.A. equaled B. ranged C. measured D. evaluated

6.A. on B. in C. off D. at

7.A. adopted B. noticed C. marked D. recorded

8.A. powerful B. big C. huge D. great

9.A. found B. consumed C. aimed D. dropped

10.A. if B. though C. when D. as

11.A. never B. frequently C. rarely D. ever

12.A. convince B. warn C. protect D. remind

13.A. exchange B. rise C. increase D. growth

14.A. usual B. common C. ordinary D. general

15.A. spread B. extend C. cross D. reach

16.A. facts B. data C. stories D. accidents

17.A. in B. on C. at D. for

18.A. And B. But C. Therefore D. Or

19.A. goes down B. comes about C. runs out D. builds up

20.A. outward B. forward C. upward D. downward


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东湛江第一中学高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Sam lives in a small ______ (dust) village on the edge of the desert.

2.For him, this will be an ______ (entire) new hobby.

3.His project is wonderful but the cost is too high, so almost everyone ____________ (agree) with him.

4.My brother is__________(rely)and you can follow his words.

5.She’s _________ (gradual) recovering from the deadly disease.

6.You’d better recite these words, because they are___________(frequent) used.


It was the first time _______ I’d seen the night face to face.


After _________ from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.


I stayed awake _______ ________ until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.


She insisted that she _______ ________ the trip properly.

11.Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane ______ _________(take) off .


The country _______ _________ _______ too many wars.


My father always asks me how I ____________ ____________ ____________ my study.


As a student, we should learn to _______ _______ _______ our time to study.


It ______ _______ more _______ German than the English we speak at present.

16.She said, “My brother left home three years ago.”(改为间接引语)

She said __________ brother __________ __________ home three years __________.

