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Alex asked the policeman          he worked to call him whenever there was an accident.

A. with him                 B. who                               C. with whom                     D. whom


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省兰州一中2011-2012学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:016

Alex asked the policeman ________ he worked to call him whenever there was an accident.

[  ]

with him




with whom




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省南安一中高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Alex Wood began fundraising when he was four years old. He sold lemonade and cookies to raise money for a school in Haiti. Later, Alex sent 15 bags of food he collected from his neighbors to a food store near his home which asked for donations(捐赠).
Alex wanted to help more people. He decided to donate to Heifer International, an organization that gives farm animals and farm training to poor people around the world. His goal: $5,000 for a “gift ark”. That amount would mean that 15 pairs of animals would be given to people in need. Those families would agree to give one of their animals’ young to other needy families.
Alex decided that baking was the best way to raise money. He started a business, named it Clean Hands Bakery, and now sells his baked goods year round. In his family’s kitchen, he created all kinds of cookies and cakes. He says his top sellers are lemon pound cakes and chocolate cupcakes. Alex likes the baking as much as the fundraising. “I like it that you can take so many ingredients(原料) that don’t taste good on their own and come up with something amazing,” he says.
In September 2011, Alex reached his goal of $5,000 and bought a gift ark. “I feel absolutely overjoyed that I got to my goal,” he says. “I can’t help everybody by myself, but I can do my part, which I hope will inspire other people to do their part, too.” One of the people Alex has already inspired is his younger brother. “He had people donate to me, instead of giving him a birthday present.” Alex explains. “In the end he donated $200 toward my goal.”
So now that he’s met his goal of a gift ark, will Alex keep baking and fundraising? He says yes. He wants to end world hunger, one cupcake at a time.
【小题1】What did Alex Wood donate to Heifer International?

A.$5.000 in cashB.Farm animals
C.A gift arkD.Lemon Hands Bakery
【小题2】 According to the passage, Clean Hands Bakery ______.
A.was set up in September 2011
B.uses many unusual ingredients
C.belongs to Heifer International
D.sells food cooked by Alex himself
【小题3】 What’s Alex’ younger brother’s attitude towards his fundraising idea?
A.DoubtfulB.CuriousC.Supportive D.Uncaring
【小题4】 What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A charity helping the poor.
B.Feeding the world by baking.
C.The best way to raise money.
D.Cooking with different ingredients.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省康杰中学2010届高三5月模拟(英语) 题型:阅读理解

When it comes to intelligence, human beings are the top dogs of the animal kingdom. But in recent years, scientists have been documenting surprising intelligence and emotional depth in animals ranging from honeybees to elephants. Here are some amazing examples.
Artistic Monkey Business
Jannet Schmid, director of the Little River Zoo in Norman, Oklahoma, learned a lot about the intelligence of capuchin monkeys. She and her busband adopted a young male, named Bailey. The capuchin particularly liked taking car rides, insisting that he insert the key and ride in the front passenger’s seat.
Now Bailey has become a devoted painter. He uses brushes to create colorful, abstract paintings, and prefers not to be disturbed.
Prairie Dog Sound
Through a variety of birdlike sounds, prairie dogs warn each other of approaching creatures. They demonstrated a surprisingly complex communication system. In his 25 years of study, Slobodchikoff, a professor of biology, has recorded them pronouncing ten nouns including hawk, deer and coyote, a number of adjectives to identify color, size and shape, and even some verbs to indicate speed.
In an ongoing study, Slobodchikoff learns that their brain contains a very extensive vocabulary. He once used his best prairie dog sound to say coyote, and they just looked at him in anger as if he had said a bad word.
Ivy League Parrot
One African grey parrot Alex is said to have the cognitive abilities of a five-year-old child. Alex can identify 50 different objects, seven colors, five shapes, quantities up to six, and the concepts of bigger, smaller, same and different.
Also Alex is considered to make reasoned decisions. During an experiment, researchers gave Alex different-colored blocks in sets of two, three and six. When asked which color group had five blocks, Alex replied, “None.” And he answered the same in repeated tests. Obviously, he interpreted the concept of “none” as an absence of quantity all on his own. That’s a lot like a high school student answering questions on a quiz show.
56.Which of the following is true?
A. Bailey is as clever as a child of five.
B. The prairie dog loves taking car rides.
C. The capuchin monkey is fond of painting.
D. Alex develops a communication system.
57.The underlined word “coyote” in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A. a verb                     B. an animal              C. a warning                       D. an adjective
58.The African grey parrot Alex can ________.
A. answer questions on a quiz show
B. understand the figure “7”
C. identify five colors and seven shapes
D. apply the concept of “none” correctly
59.What is the passage mainly about?
A. Animal communication                           B. Animal research
C. Animal intelligence                                  D. Animal information


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省铁岭市六协作高三第一次合考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Over the last 70 years, researchers have been studying happy and unhappy people and finally found out ten factors that make a difference. Our feelings of well-being at any moment are determined to a certain degree by genes. However, of all the factors, wealth and age are the top two.

Money can buy a degree of happiness. But once you can afford to feed, clothe and house yourself, each extra dollar makes less and less difference.

Researchers find that, on average, wealthier people are happier. But the link between money and happiness is complex. In the past half-century, average income has sharply increased in developed countries, yet happiness levels have remained almost the same. Once your basic needs are met, money only seems to increase happiness if you have more than your friends, neighbors and colleagues.

“Dollars buy status, and status makes people feel better,” conclude some experts, which helps explain why people who can seek status in other ways-scientists or actors, for example-may happily accept relatively poorly-paid jobs.

In a research, Professor Alex Michalos found that the people whose desire-not just for money, but for friends, family, job, health-rose furthest beyond what they already had, tended to be less happy than those who felt a smaller gap(差距). Indeed, the size of the gap predicted happiness about five times better than income alone. “The gap measures just blow away the only measures of income.” Says Michalos.

Another factor that has to do with happiness is age. Old age may not be so bad. “Given all the problems of aging, how could the elderly be more satisfied?” asks Professor Laura Carstensen.

In one survey, Carstensen interviewed 184 people between the ages of 18 and 94, and asked them to fill out an emotions questionnaire. She found that old people reported positive emotions just as often as young people, but negative emotions much less often.

Why are old people happier? Some scientists suggest older people may expect life to be harder and learn to live with it, or they’re more realistic about their goals, only setting ones that they know they can achieve. But Carstensen thinks that with time running out, older people have learned to focus on things that make them happy and let go of those that don’t.

“People realize not only what they have, but also that what they have cannot last forever,” she says. “A goodbye kiss to a husband or wife at the age of 85, for example, may bring far more complex emotional responses than a similar kiss to a boy or girl friend at the age of 20.”

1.According to the passage, the feeling of happiness __________.

A.has little to do with wealth                B.increases gradually with age

C.is determined partly by genes              D.is measured by desires

2.Some actors would like to accept poorly-paid jobs because the jobs ____________.

A.make them feel much better               B.improve their social position

C.provide chances to make friends            D.satisfy their professional interests

3.Aged people are more likely to feel happy because they are more _________.

A.optimistic         B.successful         C.practical          D.emotional

4.Professor Alex Michalos found that people feel less happy if __________.

A.the gap between reality and desire is bigger

B.they have a stronger desire for friendship

C.their income is below their expectation

D.the hope for good health is greater


