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81.Does the small animal have two _____ ( 胃 )?

82. We should keep the b _____ of nature.

83. He is a man of great ______ (决心).

84. I r______ him although I hadn’t seen him for 10 years.

85. This new model is of high q_____ and is not expensive either.

86. _____(想必) you locked the door? I would be surprised if you hadn’t.

87. They got into quite a heated ______ (争论).

88.The _____ (化学) teacher told us something interesting in his class.

89. O_____ food is more and more popular with people.

90. These discoveries are of no c_____ value, though they are highly praised.

81.stomachs     82. balance      83. determaination   84. recognized   85. quality

86. Surely       87. argument    88. chemistry       89. Organic      90. commercial


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省湖州市南浔中学高二第二次模块测试英语试卷 题型:填空题

单词拼写(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)
【小题1】Generally speaking, snow announces the a__________ of winter.
【小题2】The students can’t enter the lab without the chemistry teacher’s a___________.
【小题3】 What can you do to c____________ to the poor?
【小题4】The twins are s__________ to each other in appearance, but they have nothing in common in nature.
【小题5】Charlie Chaplin, a famous actor, often appeared on the stage, s________ his stick in the air.
【小题6】Unfortunately, he was d_________ in the last election.
【小题7】The soldiers fought bravely to d________ against the enemies for their homeland.
【小题8】The news that our team won spread t_________ the whole school.
【小题9】In my opinion, parents should be s________ with their kids about table manners.
【小题10】Children have a natural c_________ about the world around them.
【小题11】When he came to life, he found himself lying on the bed, s_________ by many people.
【小题12】Learning English as a second language can be a big c__________.
【小题13】The pigeon r________ peace, which is the most important thing for human being.
【小题14】Whenever he is late, he always has v_______ reasons for his being late.
【小题15】Everyone was silent as he a__________ the winner of competition.


科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年广东省高二上学期期末联考 题型:单词拼写


Ⅳ 写作(共四节,满分45分)


86 He was expected to give the police a s_______ (确切的) and detailed account of the accident. 

87. He likes this job for its f___________ (弹性的)working hours.

88. To deal with this, our government should take a__________ (合适的)measures.

89. The new government has b_____ (禁止) strikes (罢工行动) during the festivals.

90. There is a lot of a_______ (焦虑) among the staff about possible job losses.

91. Our new factory is turning out large q_________ of goods.

92. Under no c_______________ (情况) can their marriage be approved by their parents.

93. We had a____________(绝对地) no intention of stopping our business

94. You should be a_________(羞愧) of yourself for telling such lies.

95. You’ve done well; is there any efficient way a________(采用) to improve the work?

96. To defend against diseases, we should lead a healthy life, s_________(加强) our immune


97. In autumn, the temperature in this city v_______(变化) from 10℃to 30℃ in a day.

98. No employer was willing to g__________(保证)the workers regular employment at that time.

99. The rise in carbon dioxide is causing a s________(持续) increase in global warming.

100.The sound legal system effectively prevents those officials from a_______(滥用) their power.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


81.Does the small animal have two _____ ( 胃 )?

82. We should keep the b _____ of nature.

83. He is a man of great ______ (决心).

84. I r______ him although I hadn’t seen him for 10 years.

85. This new model is of high q_____ and is not expensive either.

86. _____(想必) you locked the door? I would be surprised if you hadn’t.

87. They got into quite a heated ______ (争论).

88.The _____ (化学) teacher told us something interesting in his class.

89. O_____ food is more and more popular with people.

90. These discoveries are of no c_____ value, though they are highly praised.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

V. 单词拼写 (共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)

81. His bad health is a great ___________(不利之处) to him .

82. He showed little ___________(欣赏) of good music .

83. We must try to _________(分析) what went wrong.

84.She started to ________( 鼓掌)  and the others joined in .

85. As we know , Churchill was a ______________(有争议的) figure .

86. In the study , families are ________(分类) according to their incomes.

87.The ________(内容) of the document remain secret.

88. I am not quite sure how to get there. You’d better _________(查阅) the map.

89.The address you said in on this block ; can you be a bit more ___________(具体)?

90. In foreign a_________ , we follow the principle that all countries , big or small , are equal.

91. Recently , our attention is being focused on the earthquake which o__________ in Yushu ,Qinghai Province .

92. Some people want to acquire another degree or d_______ to get a better job.

93. Because of the p________  of MP5 players , music and video websites have sprung up all over the Internet .

94. As far as I am concerned , the biggest d______ to living on a main road is the constant noise.

95. It is still believed by most people that it is one’s efforts rather than a____________ that make him or her succeed.

