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People from every corner flooded into the streets that Christmas Eve. "Frosty the Snowman," and "Jingle Bells" ________ in stores; on the pavements, the street singers performed happily. Everyone, was ________ by someone else, delighted and cheerful. I was alone.

As one of 8 kids of a Brazilian family, brought up in America's crowded apartment, I'd spent several years searching for aloneness. Now, ________, at 27, a college student after the ________ with my girlfriend, every cell inside me wanted to be alone, ________ not at Christmas. My family had ________ to Brazil and my friends were ________ with their own lives. Dusk was approaching, and the fact that I had to return to my ________ home made me sad. Lights from windows blinked, and I hoped someone would ________ from one of those homes to invite me inside with a Christmas tree decorated with shiny fake snow and ________ presents.

At a market, I felt more ________ when people were buying lots of goods, which ________ the gifts we received as children in my mind. I missed my family and wanted to cry for wanting to be alone and for having achieved it.

Outside the church, a manger(小耶稣) had been set ________. I stood with others watching the scene, some of them ________ themselves, praying. As I walked home, I realized that leaving Brazil was still a ________ experience as I struggled with what I had become in 15 years in America. I'd mourned the ________, but for the first time, I recognized what I’d gained. I was independent, ________ and healthy. My life was still ahead, full of ________.

Sometimes the best gift is the one that you give yourself. That Christmas, I gave myself ________ for what I'd obtained up to now and promise to go forward. It is the best gift I've ever got, the one that I most ________.

1.A. sharedB. playedC. servedD. held

2.A. accompaniedB. employedC. attendedD. supported

3.A. usuallyB. extremelyC. reallyD. eventually

4.A. breakupB. dateC. sympathyD. concern

5.A. soB. butC. andD. or

6.A. movedB. slippedC. cameD. returned

7.A. pleasedB. satisfiedC. occupiedD. bored

8.A. shabbyB. emptyC. warmD. cozy

9.A. turn upB. hang outC. go awayD. break in

10.A. dealtB. discountedC. wrappedD. donated

11.A. tiredB. nervousC. excitedD. upset

12.A. called upB. called forC. called onD. called in

13.A. downB. upC. asideD. about

14.A. huggingB. bowingC. crossingD. bending

15.A. greatB. joyfulC. painfulD. potential

16.A. casesB. limitsC. lossesD. worries

17.A. lonelyB. educatedC. shyD. wealthy

18.A. possibilityB. sightC. sadnessD. hardship

19.A. surpriseB. defeatC. prizeD. credit

20.A. selectB. valueC. saveD. admit


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东泰安一中高三5月高考拉练模拟(一)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In a touching story, a family was shocked to find that a stranger had secretly paid for more than half of their Christmas gifts.

When Ayers went to make a payment toward the $283 balance for her family’s Christmas gifts at Walmart, her money was refused. According to a Walmart employee, a woman had paid a part of Ayers’ bill after seeing her shopping in the store. The unknown woman also left Ayers a touching note, which left the mother of two in tears.

Ayers, whose sons are 11 and 3, says the stranger’s great generosity came at the perfect time for her family. Before the anonymous payment was made, Ayers had worried she would not be able to get her kids’ toys in time for Christmas.

Ayers is still looking for the woman who helped pay for their Christmas gifts for her kids. She took a picture of her receipt with the headline: This stranger paid 4 gifts for us. I wish I could thank her for helping give our kids a Merry Christmas!

For thousands of families like Ayers’, feeling this financial pressure around Christmastime is nothing new. These families who still have a roof over their heads and food on their tables often slip through the cracks — they can afford all the necessities, but the “extras” are harder to come by. Considering that Americans are estimated to spend $882 on Christmas gifts this year, it makes sense that a family with a few financial problems would have a hard time filling the stockings for their kids.

Realizing how common this Christmas problem really is makes Ayers’ story even more special. These random acts of kindness around the holidays, often from nameless strangers, can determine what a family’s Christmas looks like. Christmas may not be all about the material stuff, but for families, and especially for kids, it’s the little things that can make the biggest difference.

1.Why did the Walmart employee refuse Ayers’ money?

A. She was too poor to afford it.

B. Her money was not enough.

C. Someone had paid for her.

D. The charismas gifts were free.

2.Why is Ayers still looking for the nameless woman?

A. To say thanks to her.

B. To pay her money back.

C. To praise her online.

D. To make friends with her.

3. Which of the following best describes families like Ayers’?

A. They value Christmas very much.

B. They try their best to buy kids gifts.

C. They hate to spend Christmas.

D. They live from hand to mouth.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the acts of kindness?

A. Praiseful. B. Helpful.

C. Troublesome. D. Useless.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河南郸城县一中高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


The jobs of the future have not yet been invented. 1. . By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.

1. Curiosity

Your children need to be deeply curious. 2. . Ask kids, “What ingredients (配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time ?” and then try them out. Ingredients make the pancakes better? What could we try next time?

2. Creativity

True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new from it. 3. . There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity.

3. Personal skills

Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know what’s going on inside our own head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kid from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions. 4. . “Why do you think she’s crying?” “Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?” “If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?”

4. Self expression

5. there are many ways to express thoughts and ideas—music, acting, drawing, building, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another.

A. Encourage kids to cook with you.

B. And we can’t forget science education.

C. We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.

D. So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that don’t yet exist?

E. Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.

F. We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.

G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届广东佛山一中高三上期第一次月考考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The doctor said, “The usual flu s__________ include a high temperature, headache and so on.”

2.I was told that Bill Traylor died in poverty in 1947, but his art was worth a f__________.

3.Our d__________ was delayed because of bad weather, so we had to stay at the airport waiting for the announcement.

4.As a result, all three teams a__________ different approaches to solve the problem.

5.It is said that Mike has just been a__________ as director of the publishing division.

6.The police did a __________(彻底的) research of the area but found nothing.

7.She taught her son to read and even to sing two or three little ballads, __________(陪同) him on her old piano.

8.He had to overcome the difficulty of __________(适应) himself to different climates.

9.To our surprise, the weather is very __________(多变的)in the mountains at this time of year.

10.She performed the most __________(挑战)task without a mistake, making us impressed.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届广东佛山一中高三上期第一次月考考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Robots make me nervous — especially the ones which seem to think for themselves. I was embarrassed to admit this till I heard that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, felt the same way.

Gates said in an interview with the social networking and news website Reddit: “I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence. First the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super intelligent. That should be positive if we manage well. A few decades after that though the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern.”

Well, maybe I don’t have to worry about my computer and kitchen equipment yet. After I use them I can always pull the plug. But in the future, machines might find a way to prevent us from switching them off. There’s a terrible thought!

Maybe the problem with computers too clever for us is not that they are evil like some we’ve seen in sci-fi movies. What could put us in danger is that they might be too efficient. That’s what philosopher Nick Bostrom from Oxford University believes. He says that machines are indifferent to humans and in pursuit of their own goals, the destruction of people might be just additional damage. Bostrom gives us an example: A machine which might have as its only goal to produce as many paperclips as possible might look at human bodies as extra material for paperclips and go after you. Because it is, well, a machine, it would not take pity on you.

It’s a good thing that American writer Isaac Asimov thought about how far robots can go and left us his three rules of robotics. They state that a robot may not hurt a human being or allow the human being to come to harm.

I’m glad my machines at home are “dumb”. All my cleaner wants to take over is the carpet in my living room. Let’s hope they don’t create an appliance which wants to take over the world!

1.The author quoted Bill Gates’ words in Paragraph 2 in order to make the text ________.

A. better-known

B. more persuasive

C. better-organized

D. more interesting

2.An intelligent paperclip machine would harm us because ________.

A. it is much cleverer than us

B. it would take over the world

C. it would see us just as material

D. it has the strong feeling of destroying us

3.How does the author feel about Isaac Asimov’s rules of robotics?

A. Optimistic.B. Sympathy.C. Disappointed.D. Regretful.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届广东中山一中高三上期第一次统测英语卷(解析版) 题型:听力第三部分

When you're on the go, your best friend and resource can be your phone. In the age of smart phones, apps are like guiding stars: They can point you in the right direction for a hotel, list expenses, send postcards, and much more. When used together, these apps can be the basic travel tool, placing a wealth of information at your fingertips no matter where you are on the planet. U.S. News Travel has picked the essential travel apps, known for their utility and reliability. Best of all, they cost absolutely nothing.

Trip It

Your Personal Travel Agent

Be your own travel agent and plan every detail of your trip—from car rental to accommodating restaurants—with Trip It. You can make travel schedule by hand, or simply forward the email confirmations of your flight, rental car, train tickets, and hotels to plans.

Weather Free

Your Go-To Meteorologist(气象学者)

Stop trying to explain the weather forecast on the evening news (particularly when it's in a foreign language). The Weather Free app informs you (in English) of the climate in various locations. It features the local weather, and other key factors that will inform your decision about what to wear before stepping outside.


Your Event Guru

When you're in a foreign city, you sometimes look around and ask: Where are all the people? Goby has the answer. This app pinpoints the neighborhood hot spots (including museums, hotels, eateries, and more) in your neighborhood. But its true value comes in finding nearby events. You'll discover concerts, plays, and more right around the corner.

1.What is the advantage of using travel apps picked by the U.S. News Travel?

A. They can solve any problem you come across.

B. They reduce your travel budget.

C. They exercise your fingertips.

D. They are reliable and free of charge.

2.With the help of the travel apps used together, travelers can do the following things EXCEPT ________.

A. rent a car

B. decide what to wear

C. look for a friend while traveling

D. find the nearby museums

3.Where are the readers likely to read the passage above?

A. In a geography textbookB. In a science fiction

C. On a popular websiteD. In a business report


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届黑龙江牡丹江一中高三9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The 1920s was a decade of wealth, decadence(堕落) and social changes. They were known as the Roaring Twenties, and the best place to experience this exciting time was New York City. But what was it really like?


In 1919, a new law in the US known as Prohibition made it illegal to buy and sell alcohol. But Prohibition didn’t stop people drinking; it just drove the sale of strong alcoholic drink underground. Bootleggers(走私贩) waited off the coast of New York after dark and brought illegal alcohol into the city.


Jazz was the music of New York in the 1920s. In fact, the decade is called Jazz Age. The best place to listen to this new form of music was the Cotton Club in Harlem. All the great jazz musicians played at the Cotton Club, including Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie and Duke Ellington. Also, in 1942 George Gershwin composed the jazz—influenced Rhapsody in Blue. The piece has been called “a musical portrait of New York” and was used by Woody Allen in his film Manhattan.

Art Deco

Art Deco was the most popular style of the 1920s, with bright colors and geometric designs; it can be seen in the art, architecture and inside designs of the period. New York is full of Art Deco buildings, but the most famous ones are the Chrysler Building (built between 1928 and 1930) and the Empire State Building (built between 1930 and 1931).

The Great Depression

On 29th October, 1929, the Roaring Twenties came to a dramatic end. On that day (known as “Black Tuesday”), the US stock market crashed, causing the Great Depression. The economic downturn lasted ten years and affected most of the Western world. Unemployment in America reached 25% and the country didn’t recover until after World War II.

1.We know from the passage that in 1919 people ________ alcohol in the US.

A. began to buy and sellB. stopped producing

C. completely stopped tradingD. secretly bought and sold

2.The 1920s is called _________.

A. Country Music TimeB. Jazz Age

C. Folk Music AgeD. Pop Age

3.We infer from the passage that the US _________ in the year 1930.

A. was in a bad economic state

B. was in good economic condition

C. developed at a rapid speed

D. had many dramatic plays


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届山东枣庄三中高三9月质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It has always been thought that alcohol causes people to put on weight because it contains a lot of sugar, but new research suggests a glass a day cold form part of a diet. Looking at past studies they found that, while heavy drinkers do put on weight; those who drink in moderation can actually lose weight.

A spokesman for the research team at Navarro University in Spain says, “Light to moderate alcohol intake, especially of wine, may be more likely to protect against, rather than promote, weight gain.” The International Scientific Forum on Alcohol research reviewed the findings and agreed with most of the conclusions, particularly that data do not clearly indicate if moderate drinking increases weight.

Boston University’s Dr. Harvey Finkel found that the biologic mechanisms(生物学机制) relating alcohol to changes in body weight are not properly understood. His team pointed out the strong protective effects of moderate drinking on the risk of getting conditions like diabetes(糖尿病), which relate to increasing obesity. Some studies suggest that even very obese people may be at lower risk of diabetes if they are moderate drinkers.

The group says alcohol provides calories that are quickly absorbed into the body and are not stored in fat, and that this process could explain the differences in its effects from those of other foods. They agree that future research should be directed towards assessing the roles of different types of alcoholic drinks, taking into consideration drinking patterns and including the past tendency of participants to gain weight.

For now there is little evidence that consuming small to moderate amounts of alcohol on a regular basis increases one’s risk of becoming obese. What’s more, a study three years ago suggested that resveratrol, a compound present in grapes and red wine destroys fat cells.

1.The passage is mainly for those_________.

A. who produce wine

B. who have a drinking habit

C. who go on a diet

D. who are eager to lose weight

2.The underlined phrase“ in moderation” in the first paragraph means _________.

A. excitedlyB. carefullyC. frequentlyD. properly

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Current data clearly show that moderate drinking increases weight.

B. Resveratrol is proved to increase the risk of becoming fat.

C. The research found moderate drinking has a strong protective effect.

D. The specific roles of different types of alcoholic drinks are very clear.

4.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. How to do some easy experiments.

B. How to reduce the calories contained in wine.

C. How to prove the finding mentioned above.

D. How to make wine in a healthy way.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届甘肃兰州一中高三9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


There is an old Spanish Proverb which states, "Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week". How many times have we ________ dreams until tomorrow? I’d say too many. Our dreams should not, and cannot ________. We have to go for them now! Here is why.

As you know, tomorrow is not promised. Nobody likes to talk about death, but the ________ is: everybody is going to die at one point. ________ of us know the day, or the hour. ________, today is all we have. Don’t go to your grave with ________ dreams. Make the ________ to go after every dream, big or small right now.

Unless you take the first step, your dreams will never ________. You can ________ about writing the great American play, but it’s never going to happen unless you actually put pen to ________. You can dream about finding a cure ________ cancer, but it will never happen unless you actually go to school to become ________ with the necessary tools to find that cure. In other words, dreams don’t work unless you do. They ________ you to get your head out of the clouds, and actually do the work to make them happen.

You can’t let fear win. One of the biggest dream ________ is fear. There are so many people who could ________ amazing things if only they weren’t afraid. Just think about all the things you’ve wanted to do, but allowed fear to ________ you of the fact that you weren’t capable, or good enough. In the movie After Earth, Will Smith’s character says, "Fear is not ________. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is what exists. But fear is a choice." Choose not to let fear ________ you from achieving your dreams.

Imagine how much ________ you’ll be if you’re living the life you always dreamed about. The only thing that is stopping you is you. There are so many amazing ________ and people waiting for you. So don’t keep your dreams waiting. Go after them today!

1.A. put offB. take offC. set offD. see off

2.A. stopB. disappearC. showD. wait

3.A. theoryB. puzzleC. realityD. concern

4.A. NoneB. NobodyC. AllD. Neither

5.A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. InsteadD. Otherwise

6.A. unfulfilledB. unsatisfiedC. undoneD. unreasonable

7.A. choiceB. decisionC. mistakeD. difference

8.A. realizeB. recognizeC. come trueD. come out

9.A. thinkB. talkC. walkD. dream

10.A. woodB. paperC. bookD. iron

11.A. ofB. asC. toD. for

12.A. equippedB. matchedC. filledD. compared

13.A. requestB. orderC. requireD. command

14.A. supportersB. friendsC. killersD. opponents

15.A. achieveB. have achievedC. loseD. have lost

16.A. tellB. convinceC. persuadeD. remind

17.A. lovelyB. acceptableC. falseD. real

18.A. saveB. shelterC. stopD. protect

19.A. excitedB. happierC. upsetD. more crazy

20.A. advantagesB. informationC. opportunitiesD. dangers

