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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

   Wild rice is not 61.(actual) a member of the rice family,although it is a grain-producing grass. Native to North America,this grain 62. (find) growing wild in the ponds and lakes of Wisconsin,as well as in neighboring states. Like rice,wild rice grows in water,but it requires much 63. (deep) water.

Wild rice is very difficult to harvest because -its stalks (秆) are so crispy 64. many types of equipment cannot be used. It takes patience and hand work 65.(harvest) wild rice. As a result,this grain is expensive and often difficult to get.

Like other grains,its chaff(谷壳) must be separated 66. the grain. It is harvested green,and after being separated,it may be set out to dry to prevent it from 67. (go) bad.

   Wild rice is quite sensitive to changes in the environment. With the widespread use of dams in the United

States,many areas 68. it formerly grew have not been able to keep their former populations of the grain. This is 69. pity for people who enjoy the crop. Many native people hold the grain in high respect and they support the

70.(produce) of this special rice.

61. actually。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语 is ,故填词 actually。

62. is found。考查一般现在时的被动语态。grain与find之间是被动关系,且此处妄示客观情况,故填is found。

63. deeper。考査形容词的比较级。由语 境及much可知,设空处所在句意为 “和稻米一样,菰米也是水生的,但是 它需要生长在较深的水域中”,故填 deeper   

64. that。考查连词。so ... that ... 意为 “如此……以致于……”。

65. to harvest。考査固定结构。“It takes ... to do sth."意为“做某事需要……”。

66. from。考查介词。separate ... from ... 意为“使……与……分离”。

67. going。考查动词-ing形式作宾语p 用法。 prevent …from doing sth.意为 “阻止……做某事”。

68. where。考查关系词。设空处引导 定语从句,修饰areas且在从句中作-地点状语,故填where。

69. a 考查不定冠词。 pity在此意为“遗 憾的事”,是可数名词,且在此表泛指,故填a。

70. production。考查名词。由the可知, 设空处应填名词production (生产) 。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第47期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     Our new house in Venice is by the side of the little San Cassian canal and a small square of the same name. We have a door which leads onto the street and two entrances from the water. One runs under a rounded arch(供门) into the ground floor of the house,which,as is customary in the city,is used instead of a cellar(地下室) for storing things. The second is used for our business activities and jt is located in another building,which has three floors.

    The house is almost 200 years old. It has beautiful arched windows and green-painted shutter(百叶窗) to keep out the cruel summer heat. When I lie in bed at night,I can hear the songs of the passing gondoliers(威尼斯的船夫) and the conversations in the square nearby. I understand why Uncle Leo runs his business here. The prices are not too high. The location of the house is near the city centre and easy to find. Besides,the printing trade has many roots in this area of Venice,even if some of the old publishers from the area are no longer there.

    Venice is like a large copy of our old library at home in Spain,full of dark comers and unexpected surprises,some very close to me. Last night,while searching in the comers of the house,I found a single copy of Aristotlefs Poetics,published in the city in 1502. I raced to Uncle Leo with my discovery and a smile almost appeared on his face. ‘A find,boy!This’ 11 fetch good money when I sell it down in the market. ’

     'May I read a little first,sir?' I asked,feeling worried. Leo has a frightening manner at times.

     ‘Books are for selling,not reading” he replied immediately. But at least I had it for the night,since the dealers were by that time closed.

24. What does the underlined word a itw in Paragraph 1 refer to?

   A. A cellar.        B. An arch.

   C. A floor.         D. An entrance.

25. What do we know about the author's house in Venice?

   A. It has a long history.

   B. It's in a very bad location.

   C. It has an underground storeroom.

   D. It can be very hot in the summer.

26. What does the author say about his uncle's printing business?

   A. It's the only printing business left in the area.

   B. It lies in a historic publishing area.

   C. It's less expensive than others.

   D. It has attracted many tourists.

27. What does the discovery of the book show about Uncle Leo?

   A. He has problems with money.

   B. He has a good sense of humour.

   C. His main interest is making money.

   D. His manner of dealing with people is frightening.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task I. Read the text and fill in the blanks in the chart.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   As a student in my final year of high school,I am very concerned about college. I spend most days thinking about the 41 ,hoping that I' m on the right path.

    I'm interested in a career in 42 ,so I decided to volunteer for service at the local hospital. I thought it would be the best of both worlds: 43 people while getting valuable on-the--job experience!So I went to the business office. 44,the hospital director was quite willing to let me help out,and he said I could 45 that summer as soon as I finished my finals. I accepted his 46 immediately,thinking to myself that here lay all the 47 I could ever want!

    Soon enough,I 48 for my first day at the 49 . The director gave me a brief tour of different departments (科室) 50 we stopped right in front of the maternity ward (产科病房) .“This is where you’ re going to 51 ,” he said. I was overwhelmed (受不了的) by the spunds. Women shouted and newborns 52 . I got nervous and wondered if I had been ima hurry when I 53 to go for such a 54 job.

     My 55 must have shown clearly on my face because the director said, “Don’t worry. You are going to help in the misery.w 56 that,we walked down a hallway filled with balloons,beautiful flowers and into the 57 room V ve ever seen. The soft colors provided a quiet backdrop to the sleeping babies. The nurse in charge of the nursery 58 me,thanked me for 59 ,and asked me to start putting some baby things away in the drawers. The director gave me a 60 look,which I returned with a quiet nod. I got right to work.

41. A. score   B. test   C. family   D. future

42. A. teaching   B. nursing   C. dancing   D. acting

43. A. helping   B. moving   C. encouraging   D. visiting

44. A. Finally   B. Fortunately    C. Suddenly   D. Immediately

45. A. start   B. sign   C. learn   D. ask

46. A. gift   B. rule   C. offer   D. advice

47. A. possibilities   B. responsibilities   C. choices   D. chances

48. A. went over   B. showed up    C. turned out   D. kept on

49. A. high school   B. business office   C. college   D. hospital

50. A. as   B. when   C. until   D. before

51. A work   B. study     C. live   D. research

52. A. played   B. slept   C. cried   D. laughed

53. A. stopped   B. continued   C. refused   D. decided

54. A. difficult   B. boring.   C. small   D. dangerous

55. A. fear   B. anger   C. pain   D. surprise

56. A. For   B. Like   C. With   D. Before

57. A. most peaceful   B. most convenient  C. largest   D. cleanest

58. A. replaced   B. remembered   C. welcomed   D. trusted

59. A. waiting   B. returning   C. listening   D. coming

60. A. questioning. B. quick   C. serious   D. familiar


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. You’ re too m ! You’ve been a huge help to us.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1.It was all a great success — because of a lot of hard work.

It was all a great success -     a lot of hard work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. It is said that olive trees have deep (根).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her o clothes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3.     (直到现在) doctors have been able to do very little to treat this disease.

