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【题目】 As the temperature approached as high as 90 °F last July 4th, three police officers went into a Foods Market to get something _______ to drink. Once inside, they were asked by a security guard to help with a _______ woman. The woman in question was obviously _______, and her cheeks were wet with tears. The officers looked inside her bag. All they saw were containers of _______.

“I’m hungry,” she explained _______. Caught red-handed, the woman no doubt expected to be treated as a _______. But the police had other _______. “We’ll pay for her food.” One of them told the _______ security guard. She would not be _______.

Drying her wet __________, the woman repeated, “Thank you, thank you.” She wasn’t the only one touched by this act of __________. Customers at the store were so impressed by what they’d __________ that some even posted a photo on Twitter. __________, attention was never what the officers sought. They were __________ by a far more common emotion. When we look at someone’s face and see that they need you, it’s pretty __________ as a human being to walk away from something like this.


































1考查形容词词义辨析。句意:去年74日,当气温接近华氏90度时,三名警察进入一个食品市场去拿一些冷的饮料。A. safe安全的;B. sweet甜的;C. clean干净的;D. cold寒冷的。根据上文as high as 90 °F可知,天气很热,他们进来拿一些冷饮。故选D

2考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一进去,一名保安要求他们帮助处理一名有嫌疑的妇女。A. wounded受伤的;B. suspected有嫌疑的;C. reported报告的;D. wronged被冤枉的。根据后文警察在妇女包里看到了食物可知,这名妇女有偷窃的嫌疑。故选B

3考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那个女人显然很害怕,她的脸颊被泪水打湿了。A. scared害怕的;B. disappointed失望的;C. puzzled困惑的;D. annoyed恼怒的。根据后文her cheeks were wet with tears.可知,女人很害怕。故选A

4考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们看到的不过是盛着食物的容器。A. clothes衣服;B. medicine药物;C. toys玩具;D. food食物。根据后文We'll pay for her food.可知,女人包里装的是她拿的食物。故选D

5考查副词词义辨析。句意:“我饿了,”她无可奈何地解释说。A. politely礼貌地;B. loudly大声地;C. seriously严肃地;D. helplessly无助地。根据上文 “I’m hungry,” she explained.可知,女人饿了,没办法才去偷窃,因此很无助地解释说。故选D

6考查名词词义辨析。句意:那个女人被当场抓住,无疑会被当作小偷对待。A. thief小偷;B. beggar乞丐;C. victim受害者;D. customer顾客。女人拿东西被当场抓住,肯定会被当做小偷。故选A

7考查名词词义辨析。句意:但警方另有想法。A. facts事实;B. secrets秘密;C. ideas想法;D. reasons理由。结合后文警察为她付钱可知,警方另有其他的想法。故选C

8考查形容词词义辨析。句意:其中一人告诉了吃惊的保安。A. rude粗鲁的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. patient耐心的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。保安没想到警察会为她付钱,因此很吃惊。故选B

9考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不会被逮捕。A. arrested逮捕;B. employed雇用;C. kept保持;D. doubted怀疑。警察为妇女拿的东西给了钱,因此她不会因为偷窃而被逮捕。故选A

10考查名词词义辨析。句意:女人擦干湿润的脸颊,重复道:“谢谢,谢谢。”A. bag包;B. hands手;C. packet小捆;D. cheeks脸颊。根据上文her cheeks were wet with tears.可知,此处指擦干了湿润的脸颊。故选D

11考查名词词义辨析。句意:她并不是唯一一个被这种同情行为感动的人。A. caution小心;B. sympathy同情;C. justice司法;D. faith信仰。根据上文可知,警察是出于同情为饥饿的妇女付了钱。故选B

12考查动词词义辨析。句意:商店里的顾客对他们所看到的景象印象深刻,有些人甚至在推特上发布了一张照片。A. ignored忽视;B. expected预料;C. witnessed目击;D. recognized辨认。根据上文Customers at the store可知,当时在商店里的顾客被他们所目击到的景象留下了深刻印象。故选C

13考查副词词义辨析。 句意:然而,警察们从来就不想引起注意。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Besides而且;D. Instead而不是。根据上下文语境可知,此处为转折关系。故选A

14考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们被一种更为普遍的情感所驱使。A. attracted吸引;B. controlled控制;C. required要求;D. driven驾驶,驱使。警察的行为是受到一种帮助有困难的人的人之常情的驱使。其它选项不符合语境。故选D

15考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们看着别人的脸,看到他们需要你的时候,作为一个人,很难从这样的事情中抽身而去。A. typical典型的;B. amazing令人惊异的;C. difficult困难的;D. silly愚蠢的。面对有人需要你的帮助,作为一个人,会很难从这样的事情中抽身离去。其它选项不符合语境。故选C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The joey—what Australians call a baby kangaroo—stays in this built-in baby _______ until it can survive independently.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Influenza is an infection caused by flu viruses travelling through the air and entering the body through the nose or mouth. From October 2018 to early May 2019, up to 61,200 people died due to flu complications, while up to 647,000 people were hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Despite similar symptoms, a cold is milder than the flu while flu symptoms develop more suddenly and severely and can impact your body above and below the neck. 1

Several factors can lead to Influenza. 2 You can catch the flu, breathing in these droplets, or touching objects such as doorknobs or keyboards that are contaminated with the virus and then touching your nose, or mouth. People under 4, or above 65 or with a weakened immune system are at greater risk of catching the flu.

Treatment without delay plays a dominant role. If you promptly see your doctor upon noticing symptoms, he or she may give you an antiviral drug, oseltamivir. 3“The best way to treat the flu is to rest, drink fluids and use any other remedies that best relieve your symptoms such as pain reliever for headaches and achy muscles.” says a professor of infectious diseases at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

Prevention is better than defense.4 Experts widely agree that the single best way is to get the vaccine (疫苗) each year, which is appropriate for anyone 6 months and older. 5 Moreover, practicing good hygiene can prevent flu germs from spreading. Highly recommended are washing your hands, coughing or sneezing into a tissue, avoiding touching your nose and mouth, cleaning surfaces and objects like keyboards and telephones and avoiding crowded areas.

A.Approaches to flu vary from expert to expert.

B.You can escape catching influenza with some common-sense health practices.

C.When someone with the flu coughs or sneezes, droplets carrying the virus enter the air.

D.These can include fever, achy muscles, sore throat, cough, headache, chills, fatigue or vomiting.

E.The flu shot protects against the most common three or four flu viruses research indicates that year.

F.If taken within two days, the medicine can lessen symptoms and shorten the length of time you are sick by about a day.

G.To determine if you have the flu or a cold, your doctor will do a physical exam, ask about your symptoms, and possibly do a lab test.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Was it in 2008 ______ he was still at middle school _____ the boy became expert at computer?

A.that; whereB.when; whereC.that; whenD.when; that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Yesterday our club held an English speech contest, which theme is “Challenge Myself”. A large number of students attended to the contest and showed their wonderful performances. In the stage, though face great pressure, the speakers bravely overcame it and challenged them to achieve great success. What’s more, they impressed us deep with their unusual confidences and performances.

Through such activity, we know a lot more about our students. But we have gained much, such as self-confidence and honor. Besides, our club was growing stronger.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 由于冠状病毒病爆发,假期被迫延长;

2. 寒假生活(在线上课、读书、锻炼身体等);

3. 期盼开学。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信的开头已为你写好。


Dear Frank,

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Wanna soften the blow of a hangover?

A hangover refers to the headache and sick feeling that you have the day after drinking too much alcohol. If you are looking for something to nurse your hangover, you will find the following right ideas.


Have some extra Asian pears at home? Run them through your juicer before your next night out. According to researchers at Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, just 7.4 ounces of Asian pear juice is enough to soften the blow of a hangover. The scientists say that the juice interacts with enzymes that break down alcohol, speeding up your metabolism and leaving less surplus alcohol for your body to absorb. There’s just one catch: The juice must be consumed before you drink anything else in order to be effective.


Anyone who’s ever suffered through a massive hangover knows that sound is the enemy. But while your roommate’s 9 a.m. tap dancing practice might exacerbate (加剧) your symptoms, music may have the opposite effect. Research has shown that listening to music can provide relief to migraines, which are similar to hangover headaches. As long as the music is pleasant and suits your taste, it should help to drown out the chorus of pain laying in your mind. Head sensitivity isn’t the only symptom music helps with. According to researchers at the University of Edinburgh, listening to your favorite music also eases pain.


The best way to tackle a hangover with food is to eat while you drink. Chowing down after the damage has already been done may distract you from your turmoil for a short while, but it won’t soothe your physical symptoms. There are a few exceptions: Eggs, for example, have hangover-fighting potential thanks to a special ingredient. The food is packed with cysteine, an amino acid that breaks down the drinking byproduct acetaldehyde (乙醛). So whether you prefer to enjoy brunch out or at home, make sure your meal includes eggs in some form.

1According to the passage, the author may agree with the following EXCEPT______.

A.Asian pear juice can help soften the blow of a hangover if you drink it before anything else.

B.Your roommate can make you suffer less from a hangover by practising tap dancing at 9.

C.Eggs are said to contain a special ingredient that may soothe the symptoms of a hangover.

D.Enjoying your favorite piece of music is an efficient way to fight the pain of a hangover.

2The passage is most probably taken from ______.

A.a textbookB.a science fiction

C.a health magazineD.an advertisement


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你们班留学生 Jim 现在美国居家学习,请给他写一个电 子邮件,内容如下:1.告诉他你们学校即将举行在线运动会(运动会形式,内容……);

2. 邀请他参加。

注意:1.词数不少于 50


Dear Jim,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Hello, Jim! I’d like to share mine voluntary work with you this summer vacation, when I worked for a guide in the museum of my city. The work was interesting and tiring. It was the first time that I have learnt the origin of my city, which made me understood its amazing history. There were also other student volunteer in the museum. I’ve been learnt how to get on well with them. Besides, I’ve gained some social experience can’t be learnt from textbooks. In the word, I’ve got a wonderful and extreme valuable summer vacation.

