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18._____he failed in English a third time,he had no doubt about his gift for foreign languages.(  )

分析 直到我又一次英语考试不及格,我才怀疑我学习语言的能力.

解答 答案:B
解析:A除非;B直到;C在…之后;D它.本题只是把until的句子提前到句首了,正常语序应该为:He had no doubt about his gift for foreign languages until he failed in English a third time.

点评 not…until…直到…才…在使用时要注意其中的not否定的形式可以用其它的一些方式表达出来.如hardly,no等等.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Which pop starare youfond of in Running Man?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.____ you call me to say you are not coming,I will see you at the theatre at five this afternoon.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.I have to go to work on foot because my car_____ at the garage.(  )
A.is being repairedB.is repaired
C.will be repairedD.has been repaired


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.学生的学习习惯和学习方法很重要,因为缺乏良好的学习习惯和方法会影响今后的学习.(lack)Students'learning habitsand learning methods are very important,because lack of good leaning habits or learning methods will have an effect on the study infuture./future study..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-Do you have a minute?I've got something to tell you
-OK,_ you make it short.(  )
A.now thatB.if onlyC.so long asD.every time


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.There is nosuch thingas a free lunch(天下没有免费的午餐),so you cannot expect achieve success without much effort.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.Before you quit your job,you should think about how your family would feel about your decision.
Before you quit your job,take how your family would feel about your decision intoconsideration/account.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.It is necessary but difficult for English beginners to memorize new words,and long lists of words seem to make the mission impossible.They are puzzled why they try to memorize words with great ef-forts but forget them easily.That's why there are often inquiries about how to memorize new words.
(36)EHere are some tips to help.
  (37)BWe too often separate the process of new words memorization from pronunciation.In fact these two can be combined and each will enhance the other.Saying the word to ourselves helps acti-vate aural(hearing) memory,which helps the memory.(38)GThe more familiar we are with the word,the greater chance we will have to keep it for the rest of our life.
    Never memorize single English words.(39)FRelate the word to terms we already know,either as synonym or antonym.For example,the word"gargantuan"is similar in meaning to words"gigantic","huge"and"large".Make a sequence of words:"small,medium,large,gigantic,and gargantuan".
Create a mental image of the word that involves strong emotions.Think,"The gargantuan whale is go-ing to swallow me whole".
    Learning English words requires action.Complaining how difficult it is to memorize new words will be of little help.(40)AHave a try with ten words a day and you will see what a difference you will make in our English learning.

A.So take action right now.
B.Speak the word while memorizing it.
C.Memorizing new words is very important.
D.Actually,some have given up learning new words.
E.In fact,learning new words needn't be that difficult.
F.Make as many associations and connections as possible.
G.The sound of word helps us recall the spelling and familiarizes us with the word.

