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How to be a good listener

Everyone loves a good listener. But there are more reasons to develop the skill of listening than to win hearts or popularity contests.

Listening heals hurts and builds bridges. It gives us the ability to understand and empathize, to view the world from our own point. It can bring us wisdom over and above mere intelligence. But most importantly, it allows us to give the people around us the gifts they crave (渴望) most—a sense of worth.

As it turns out, there’s more to good listening than just keeping quiet and allowing someone to speak. Effective listening is actually a combination of two key communication skills: listening and verifying (确认).

Even when we’ve managed to hear a person’s entire message, we often interpret it wrong—according to our own understanding, experience, or prejudice.

As an effective listener, your goal is to hear and absorb what another has to say……in exactly the way they mean it to be understood. Only then can you respond properly.

This is much easier read than done, so here are a few helpful tips:

1.Give the speaker your full attention.

Stop talking and remove all distractions. Turn off the TV, your phone, or computer. Watch your body language. The way you look at the speaker, or the way you stand or sit, makes a huge difference. The right listening body language communicates that we are listening openly and attentively, and puts the other person at ease.

2.Be patient.

Not everyone is a gifted speaker. Some people take longer to find the right word to make a point. Others are too worried to get their message across properly. If necessary, ask the speaker to explain further. It will help him / her speak more exactly and it will help you hear and understand better.

3.Keep your emotions in check.

If what someone is saying creates an emotional response in you, make an extra effort to listen carefully. When we’re angry, frightened or upset, we often miss key parts of what is being said.

4.Hold your fire.

Don’t jump to conclusions immediately. A good listener doesn’t react until comprehension is complete. If you respond in a way that makes the other person defensive, even if you “win” the argument, you may lose something far more valuable.

5.Even if you think you understand. VERIFY.

Never assume you got the message right. Pause, think about what was said, and then ask “Is this what you meant?” or “Am I understanding this right?”


Take a moment to stand in the other person’s shoes, to look at the situation from his / her point of view……especially when you’re being told something personal or painful, or something you strongly disagree with. The more shoes you are able to successfully stand in within your life time, the less puzzled you’ll find your life and relationships to be.


(71)_____________ of good listening

● (72)__________ hurts.

● Building (73)___________.

● Allowing us to (74)___________ and empathize, and viewing the world in an all-round way.

● Bringing us wisdom over and above mere intelligence.

● (75)_________ the people around us feel worthy.

  Components of effective


●Good listening consists of two key communication skills: (76)__________ and verifying.


(77)__________ to be a

good listener

● Listening to the speaker (78)___________.

● Trying to be a ___________ listener.

● Avoiding being affected by your emotions.

● Waiting before you take (80)_________.

● Verifying.

● Empathizing




71.Effects/Advantages/ Benefits     72. Healing       73. bridges     74. understand 

75.Making    76.listening   77. Ways/Tips  78. attentively   79. patient   80. actions




科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省高考冲刺试题(八) 题型:其他题


A technical secondary school in Nanjing, east China’s Jiangsu province, planned to order Korean-style school uniforms for students, but parents opposed the move, believing that the new uniforms looked too good and would encourage early romances among the students, the Jinling Evening Paper reported Monday.


“My daughter was so excited about the Korean-style uniform, saying it’s her dream to wear mini-skirt to school every day,” a mom surnamed Cheng complained. “My daughter also called her classmates to talk about how handsome the boys looked in the uniform!”

Cheng looked on the Internet and found that most Korean schoolboy uniforms are similar to western suits. “They are so handsome! My daughter is a fan of Korean fashion, that’s why she is crazy about the uniform!” Cheng said. “If the students wear such beautiful uniforms, how can they study well? I prefer the sports wear which makes me think of health and positive thinking.”


“The plan to change the current school uniform from sports wear has been cancelled,” an employee of the school told the Jinling Evening Paper.

“The students dislike the current uniform, so the school took advice from the students last November, knowing that most of students prefer Korean-or Japanese-style school uniforms. We know cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou have changed their sports wear school uniforms to more fashionable uniforms,” an employee surnamed Lin said.

“However, we had to stop the plan because many parents are strongly against it. Some parents think it’s just a way for the school to make money, and others think the new uniforms will take students’ attention away from their studies,” Lin said.

When asked about the possibility of problems with early romance between students because of the more fashionable uniforms, Lin said he hadn’t considered it. He, however, agreed that the Korean-style uniform makes the students more charming.


The students are very disappointed about the school’s final decision. They think the sports wear uniforms make them look androgynous (难分性别).

They said the Korean-style uniform has many advantages such as raising interest in class; lifting confidence; improving solidarity and creating good temperaments.

As for concerns about romance, the students believe that love is love and bears no relationship to the uniform.

Education department

“We don’t have a unified (统一的) standard for school uniforms. The schools can choose their own styles. Either sports wear or uniforms are ok,” an official from the Nanjing Bureau of Education said.


Do pretty school uniforms lead to early romance?


A technical secondary school planned to order Korean-style school uniforms for students.

Different (71)_____ to it

Parents are strongly (72)______ the move.

◆With such beautiful designs, the new uniforms might

(73)__________ early romances between boys and girls.

◆In the new uniforms, students will fail to focus their

(74)_________ on their studies.

◆It is just a way for the school to make money.

Students are

in 75)______ of the move.

◆The sports wear uniforms make them look androgynous.

◆Korean-style uniform can make them more (76)_________

and more interested in class as well as improving

solidarity and creating good temperaments.

Two responses

From the school

◆The students dislike the current uniform.

◆More (77)__________ school uniforms are allowed in

some big cities in China.

◆The school spokesman Lin said they hadn’t taken the

possibility of early romance into (78)_________, though

he agreed the Korean-style uniform would make the

students more charming.

From the education department

There is no unified standard for school uniforms, so the schools can choose their own styles.


The school had to (79)________ the plan and the students felt (80)_________.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省高考冲刺试题(二) 题型:任务型阅读


第三部分 任务型阅读(二)(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Fairview Elementary School, Modesto, California, with some 1,000 students from kindergarten through sixth grade (about 80 percent of them Latino), has long suffering from discipline problems, poor test scores, and a near total lack of parental involvement. The difficulties aren't surprising given that many of the parents -- immigrants who work on farms or in factories -- speak little or no English.

    Since 2002, Fairview Elementary School has been a First Amendment School, one of 97 developed across the country by the First Amendment Center. The idea behind the five-year-old program: To keep America strong, children must be trained to respect many points of view, weigh complex issues, and understand the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution(宪法) .As students learn good citizenship, the theory goes, they'll develop the skills and attitude to do well academically.

    Fairview students enjoy "freedoms" other kids might envy (they voted to abolish school uniforms, for example). But the children don't just exercise rights. They also accept such responsibilities as speaking up during class discussions, and keeping the school clean and safe (Fairview is rated the cleanest of 33 schools in its district). In one departure from tradition, there's no hand-raising in class. "Instead," says teacher Deborah Supnet, "we teach them to listen for when the other child stops talking," Call it an exercise in respect.

     Last year, the number of students evaluated advanced in math increased, from 15 to 30 percent. And Fairview graduates in their first middle-school mid-term exam averaged B grades; 96 percent passed all subjects. Particularly encouraging to Principal Rob Williams, the school now has an active parents' group, Parents With a Voice. One of those parents, Laura Malagon, praises the program for convincing her to play a more active role in her children's school life.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




How to be a good listener

Everyone loves a good listener. But there are more reasons to develop the skill of listening than to win hearts or popularity contests.

Listening heals hurts and builds bridges. It gives us the ability to understand and empathize, to view the world from our own point. It can bring us wisdom over and above mere intelligence. But most importantly, it allows us to give the people around us the gifts they crave (渴望) most—a sense of worth.

As it turns out, there’s more to good listening than just keeping quiet and allowing someone to speak. Effective listening is actually a combination of two key communication skills: listening and verifying (确认).

Even when we’ve managed to hear a person’s entire message, we often interpret it wrong—according to our own understanding, experience, or prejudice.

As an effective listener, your goal is to hear and absorb what another has to say……in exactly the way they mean it to be understood. Only then can you respond properly.

This is much easier read than done, so here are a few helpful tips:

1.Give the speaker your full attention.

Stop talking and remove all distractions. Turn off the TV, your phone, or computer. Watch your body language. The way you look at the speaker, or the way you stand or sit, makes a huge difference. The right listening body language communicates that we are listening openly and attentively, and puts the other person at ease.

2.Be patient.

Not everyone is a gifted speaker. Some people take longer to find the right word to make a point. Others are too worried to get their message across properly. If necessary, ask the speaker to explain further. It will help him / her speak more exactly and it will help you hear and understand better.

3.Keep your emotions in check.

If what someone is saying creates an emotional response in you, make an extra effort to listen carefully. When we’re angry, frightened or upset, we often miss key parts of what is being said.

4.Hold your fire.

Don’t jump to conclusions immediately. A good listener doesn’t react until comprehension is complete. If you respond in a way that makes the other person defensive, even if you “win” the argument, you may lose something far more valuable.

5.Even if you think you understand. VERIFY.

Never assume you got the message right. Pause, think about what was said, and then ask “Is this what you meant?” or “Am I understanding this right?”


Take a moment to stand in the other person’s shoes, to look at the situation from his / her point of view……especially when you’re being told something personal or painful, or something you strongly disagree with. The more shoes you are able to successfully stand in within your life time, the less puzzled you’ll find your life and relationships to be.


(71)_____________ of good listening


(72)__________ hurts.

Building (73)___________.

Allowing us to (74)___________ and empathize, and viewing the world in an all-round way.

Bringing us wisdom over and above mere intelligence.

(75)_________ the people around us feel worthy.

   Components of effective


●Good listening consists of two key communication skills: (76)__________ and verifying.

(77)__________ to be a

good listener

Listening to the speaker (78)___________.

Trying to be a ___________ listener.

Avoiding being affected by your emotions.

Waiting before you take (80)_________.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第错误!未找到引用源。卷  非选择题(三部分,共35分)




Many people think dreams are full of messages that may not be clear to us common people. But if we think about what is going on in our lives, we can usually come up with an answer. Let’s look at some of the most common dreams. What do these dreams mean?


You’re falling, falling, falling… and then you wake up. This dream is said to mean you are afraid of something or worried about something. There may be something in your life that is out of control and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Another explanation is that you may fail in something. Maybe you’re not doing well in school or work.

Taking an exam(or forgetting that you have one)

You suddenly realize you have to take an exam at that very moment. You might be running here and there to find your classroom. Experts say this dream may mean you’re being tested about something or maybe you are facing a challenge.


Dreaming that you are flying means you are on top of things. You are in control of the things that matter to you. It may also mean you have confidence in yourself and think no one and nothing can beat you.

Trying to run, but going nowhere

You’re trying to run, but either your legs won’t move or you simply aren’t going anywhere. Some experts think this dream means you’re trying to do too many things at once and can’t catch up or move forward.

    In fact, unlike these dreams, there are also many strange dreams that experts may not be able to explain.

Topic: What do dreams mean ?

