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The Olympic Games offer a way for man to surpass himself,and the essence of the Games lies in the spirit of competition and sense of honour.We have a lot of slogans¡ªthe Green Olympics,the Humanist Olympics,and the High Technology Olympics.The event definitely conforms to the core values of mankind,and expresses our Chinese determination to merge with the rest of the world.?

The 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing are such a good chance for us to introduce Chinese food to the whole world.China is one of the countries in the world known for its rich culinary culture,but it seems many foreign epicureans only know the tip of the Chinese cuisine iceberg.We are duty bound to make Chinese food delicious in any language.?

The Olympic Games will be a good opportunity to promote the spirit of teamwork among children.I strongly feel that in recent years children have become more and more ¡°individualconscious¡±while lacking team spirit in their school lives.Teachers are trying to design various games and activities in middle school to foster a spirit of ¡°united to achieve a goal,¡± as it is vital for one's success when he or she grows up.But none of the games we designed can compare with power of the Olympic Games.By then,the children now in middle school will be the main force of volunteers and thus they can feel how important the united spirit is in such a big international event.


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1£®±êÌ⣺Competition and Cooperation(ºÏ×÷)

2£®¿ªÍ·£ºIn today¡¯s society, competition and cooperation are equally important¡­




confidence£­ÐÅÐÄhuman resources£­ÈËÁ¦×ÊÔ´


¡¡¡¡Competition is common in our daily life now, and it is existing everywhere£®We always expect to do better than others in study, sports, business and so on£®It is believed that in a certain sense competition can propel the advancement of our society£®

¡¡¡¡In actual fact, cooperation and competition exist at the same time£®Take a football game for example£®During the match, one team is competing against the other while the members of a team must cooperate with their teammates£®No matter how perfect one¡¯s personal skill is, if he didn¡¯t cooperate with his partners, he would lose the game at last£®

¡¡¡¡Now, we are living in a more peaceful world, and we need cooperation more urgently than before£®In modern society, most things are successfully done with the cooperation of each other£®We should never forget cooperation when we are in competition£®

¡¡¡¡Let¡¯s cooperate with each other together and make our world better and better£®


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¡¡¡¡The Olympic Games offer a way for man to surpass himself, and the essence of the Games lies in the spirit of competition and sense of honour£®We have a lot of slogans£­the Green Olympics, the Humanist Olympics, and the High Technology Olympics£®The event definitely conforms to the core values of mankind, and expresses our Chinese determination to merge with the rest of the world£®

¡¡¡¡The 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing are such a good chance for us to introduce Chinese food to the whole world£®China is one of the countries in the world known for its rich culinary culture, but it seems many foreign epicureans only know the tip of the Chinese cuisine iceberg£®We are duty bound to make Chinese food delicious in any language£®

¡¡¡¡The Olympic Games will be a good opportunity to promote the spirit of teamwork among children£®I strongly feel that in recent years children have become more and more ¡°individualconscious¡± while lacking team spirit in their school lives£®Teachers are trying to design various games and activities in middle school to foster a spirit of ¡°united to achieve a goal, ¡± as it is vital for one¡¯s success when he or she grows up£®But none of the games we designed can compare with power of the Olympic Games£®By then, the children now in middle school will be the main force of volunteers and thus they can feel how important the united spirit is in such a big international event£®


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¡¡¡¡As is obviously revealde in the bar chart above, over the past seven years(1998-2004), the proportion of free blood donation in clinical blood collection has been climbing and rocketed to over seventy percent in 2004, which is a welcome development to our whole society£®

¡¡¡¡The implied meaning of the bar chart above can be illustrated as follows£®To bengin with, the increasing percentage indicates that great changes have taken place in terms of people¡¯s spirtual civilization£®Most people want to make contribution to our society in one way or another which is a way to realize self-value£®The spirit of selflessness is more pervasive than ever before£®What¡¯s more, the statistics betray that modern people, especially the young, jave a better understanding of medical knowledge£®Most people have abandoned their old idea that blood donation is most harmful to human body£®In one word, word our spirtual progress and rich medical knowl-edge have resulted in such a positive result£®

¡¡¡¡In my view, effective measures should be taken to encouragefree blood donation£®First of all, a nation wide education campaign should be launched to spread the necessity and knowledge of free blood donation£®Besides, we should be set up to protect those who donate blood£®Only in this way can we create a harmonious and healthy society£®


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Attention, please! I¡¯m going to give you a summary of today¡¯s discussion about going online£®






¡¡¡¡With the development of the Internet, more and more Chinese have accesses to it£®According to statistics, students compose a large part of the online population consists of a large part of students£®But the influence of the Internet stretches farther than figures suggest£®The Internet has great impact on students¡¯ life£®As far as I am concerned, the Internet is good for students£®

¡¡¡¡Firstly, the Internet provides students with many chances to broaden communication with others and improve their relationship with friends£®

¡¡¡¡Secondly, the Internet brings a particular opportunity for students to obtain a large amount of information that helps with their study£®

¡¡¡¡Thirdly, through the Internet, students can download data, which are necessary for their studies, such as textbooks, reference materials and surveys on current ?events£®

¡¡¡¡Though the Internet has its obvious advantages, everything has two sides£®The Internet also has its negative influence, which asks students to utilize it in a wise way£®As long as students keep this in mind, the Internet¡¯s advantages will always outweigh its disadvantages£®

