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5.---What do you think of the songs?
---As a matter of fact,________ of them sounds beautiful.(  )
A.no oneB.not allC.not every oneD.not everyone

分析 ---你认为这些歌曲怎样?

解答 答案C.考查代词.no one特指没有人.not all,不是所有,谓语动词要用复数,但此处sounds为单数,排除B.everyone指每个人,后不加of,排除D.故选C every one of.

点评 考查代词的题,要注意谓语动词的单复数形式.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Fortunately,he escaped being killed in the traffic accident yesterday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

16.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的作文. 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
Ten years ago,I had worked as a night guard in a factory.On a rainy night,all the lights of factory went out all of a sudden.I rushed out and could see nothing.Lucky for me,the warning system was directly connected with the police station.Three or four minutes late,four police car arrived at the front gate.They searched for the factory carefully,tried to find something unusual.In the end,I am told that the rain had brought about the short circuit,that caused the accident.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.The police ____the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.(  )
A.is searching forB.were searching for
C.are searching forD.were searching


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Alan:Oh,Jessie.How did you find your trip to China?
Jessie:Impressive indeed.(61)Travelling (travel) by car,my husband and I visited a number of cities,(62)where the scenery was wonderful and the food was great.We quite enjoyed ourselves there.Actually,we're considering paying (63)a second visit to China.
Alan:What are the hotels like there?
Jessie:Excellent,and not as expensive as we (64)had expected (expect).
Alan:Did you have any language problem in China?
Jessie:Sometimes.Only then did we realise (65)how important it is to master a foreign language.Anyway,though we don't know a single word of Chinese,we were always able to make ourselves (66)understood (understand) through body language.
Alan:Well,body language plays an important role (67)in communication,particularly when we try to communicate across cultures.But it varies from culture to culture.
Jessie:Your're right.Even the same gesture may express different meanings to people from different cultures.So it might cause (68)misunderstandings(misundertand) and sometimes even conflicts (冲突).
Alan:You must have picked up some (69)spoken (speak) Chinese,right?
Jessie:Of course,such as"ni hao","zai jian"and"huan ying guang lin".
Alan:A (70)truly (true) nice trip.I'd like to take the same trip one day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

10.People say it is Canada's most beautiful city,surrounding by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.surrounding改为surrounded.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

My father took me out camping for the first time when I was seven.He wanted teach me about animals,insects and trees.My uncles all come along with bows and arrows for hunting.
One evening at sunset,we sat by the fire,have our barbecue.Just then a bird was flying over us.My uncles immediate jumped up and shot their arrows on the bird.Neither of the arrows hit the target.Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us from the sky-they were looked like rain!We ran to escape but fortunately no one was injured.
That day I didn't learn much about animals,insects or trees,but I learnt a impressive lesson about gravity!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

14.Go down this street and then turn right at the first crossroad.crossroad---crossroads.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches(路沟) along the  highway I travel daily to work.
    There is one particular blue flower that has alwayscaught my eye.I've noticed that it blooms only in the morning hours,the afternoon sun is too warm for it.Every day for  approximately two weeks,I see those beautiful flowers.
    This spring,I started a wildflower garden in our yard.I can look out of the kitchen  window while doing the dishes and see the flowers.I've often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would look great in that bed alongside other wildflowers.
    Every day I drove past the flowers thinking,"I'll stop on my way home and dig them.""Gee,I don't want to get my good clothes dirty…"I had wanted to stop and dig them but I didn't make it anyhow.My husband even gave me a folding shovel(钎)one year to be used for that expressed purpose.
    One day on my way home from work,I was saddened to see that the highway  department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were gone.I thought to  myself,"Way to go,you waited too long.You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring.''
    A week ago we were shocked and saddened to know that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor(脑瘤晚期).She is 20 years older than my husband and unfortunately,because of age and distance,we haven't been as close as we all would have liked.
    I couldn't help but see the connection between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husband's sister and us.I do believe that God has given us some time left to plant some wonderful memories that will bloom every year for us.
    And yes,if I see the blue flowers again,you can bet I'll stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.

56.What's tile best title of the passage?(No more than 10 words)Value now and don't lose chances.
57.Please explain the underlined phrase"caught my eye" in English.(No more than 5 words)drew my attention
58.According to the passage,what does the author mean by saying"I had wanted to stop and dig them but I didn't make it anyhow."(No more than 10 words)To tell us catch chances
59.What did the writer think to do with those lovely blue flowers from the ditch this   spring?(No more than l0 words)transplant them to my wildflower garden
60.What do you learn from the passage?(No more than 20 words)Charish what we own and never lose chance.

