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18.John _______ in his room when he heard screaming.(  )
A.was studyingB.studied
C.had studiedD.has been studying

分析 当约翰听到尖叫时,他正在房间里学习.

解答 答案:A.根据when he heard screaming可知当约翰听到尖叫时,他正在房间里学习,所以前句用过去进行时,答案是A.D项是现在完成进行时,表示从过去开始一直到现在.

点评 考查过去进行时.
I have been sitting here all afternoon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Didn't they come to the party last week?
Yes,they didn't want to come with us first,but then we _______ persuade them.(  )
A.wouldB.couldC.were able toD.had to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Britain's most popular lie has been disclosed,with one in four people admitting using"sorry I had no signal"when returning a missed mobile phone call,a survey found.
Researchers found the average Briton tells on average four lies every day or almost 1500 every year.Almost one in six men admitted they were most likely to lie to their wife or girlfriend,on average at least twice a day.The most popular lie was saying you had no mobile phone signal,with one in four people admitting regularly using the little white lie.It usually came after they hit the"ignore"button when their mobile rang.
Three quarters of people think women are better liars.The research found 46 per cent of girls have been caught lying,compared to 58 of men.
The second most common fib(无关紧要的谎言) is"I haven't got any cash on me"when asked for money by tramps (流浪者),beggars and Big Issue sellers."Nothing's wrong-I'm fine"came third followed by"You look lovely"and"Nice to see you".
Modern technology turned out to have contributed to many lies with"I didn't get your text"in 18th,"Our server was down"in 20th and"My battery died"in 26th place.
Other lies to make the top ten included"I'll give you a ring","We're just good friends"and"We'll have to meet up soon"."I'm on my way"and"No,your bum doesn't look big in that"completed the top ten.
Men tell the most fibs,coming out with five every day compared to women who lie just three times.
In many cases perhaps it is better to flatter with a fib than destroy someone with the truth,according to a spokesman for OnePoll,which carried out the research of 4,300 adults.
66.Whether the person being called has pushed the"ignore"button orA,the caller at the other end hears the same tone.
A.really has no signal                                          
B.can't get the text
C.has a battery failure                                     
D.answers the call
67.Most people think women are better liars becauseB.
A.there're more women liars                                     
B.fewer women liars are found out
C.women tell less harmful lies                          
D.women are harder to convince
68."Our server was down"is perhaps a lie told as an excuse for notB.
A.inviting a friend to dinner                               
B.responding to an e-mail
C.coming to a party on time                              
D.cleaning one's room
69."You look lovely"and"I'm on my way"rankCon the popular-lie list.
A.3rd and 8th       B.5th and 10th          C.4th and 9th           D.5th and 12th
70.The OnePoll spokesman seems to think it'sDfor the British to lie so much.
A.puzzling         B.disgusting        C.impossible       D.reasonable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Jiang Nan,a full-time mother in Beijing,keeps a dozen or so cloth bags at home,carefully selecting one or two before heading out to get groceries."Most of them were giveaways from advertising marketing campaigns,but others had been handed out in the street by various environmental protection organizations,"she explained.
Since June 2008 China has forbidden the production,sale and usage of plastic bags thinner than 0.025 millimeter (毫米),and retailers(零售商) are not allowed to provide free plastic bags to their customers,regardless of the thickness.
Many Chinese consumers like Jiang have learned to refuse plastic bags whenever possible in their shopping."A plastic bag may only cost a few jiao,but it's more about how bad they are for the environment,"Jiang said.
The plastic ban is for the most part well carried out in big cities,and has been distinctly effective in reducing white waste.On the first anniversary of the plastic ban Global Village of Beijing,an NGO environmental organization,shows that during the year of the ban the consumption of plastic bags fell by about 40 billion pieces in chain supermarkets alone,saving more than 1.2 million tons of petroleum.
However,enforcement shows considerably less muscle in smaller cities,towns and country-side.In a remote town like Lichuan,the awareness of environmental protection is not as strong as that in big cities.Street vendors(街头小贩) worry that they are likely to lose customers if they charge them for plastic bags.Seeing no significance in the issue,local government often turn a blind eye to banned bag traffic in the market.
There are still those who don't have an interest in living green.Cui Lin,another Beijinger,often forgets to bring a cloth bag when shopping,and has to buy plastic bags."Anyway I think plastic bags are neater and cleaner,and I don't mind paying a couple more jiao,"he shrugged.
Mrs Yu,a vegetable vendor in Lichuan County,Jiangxi Province,recalled that before plastic bags became popular in the early 1990s,Chinese people always carried a bamboo basket when they visited the market."Plastic bags are more convenient,"she comments,and her view might be that of the tens of millions of people in the nation who still cling to plastic bags,paid or free.This is suggested by her trade where piles of plastic bags are still passed out every day.
49.In Paragraph 1,the writer uses Jiang Nan's case toA.
A.introduce a topic                                      
B.tell a story
C.describe a person                                      
D.offer an argument
50.How did Jiang Nan get her cloth bags?C
A.She bought them at a low price.
C.She borrowed them from her relatives.
B.She got them for free.
D.She made them herself.
51.Which is NOT the reason why some people still use plastic bags when shopping?A
A.Cloth bags are difficult to get and heavy to carry.
B.People's awareness of environmental protection is not strong enough.
C.People don't mind paying a couple more jiao for plastic bags.
D.Street vendors worry that they are likely to lose customers if they charge them.
52.What message does the writer mostly convey in the passage?C
A.To reduce white waste is urgent.
B.The plastic bag ban has achieved great success.
C.There is still a long way to go for the plastic bag ban.
D.People's awareness of environmental protection should be stressed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend.She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down to meet me.I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother,scared to look at each other.
    Soon,we lost the shyness and started playing with each other,bike riding to each other's house and having sleepovers.In 7th grade she was going through family problems.However,every summer we would always sit at each other's house and watch movies on TV and talk about all the boys we liked.
    It was last year when I noticed the problem.She suffered from clinical depression(抑郁症),and had to go to a hospital during the day.I was very sorry for her at first.But with the late night calls,and meeting each other halfway up the street at midnight,we still stayed in touch.I wanted to be there for her since her new best friend left her,and I knew I still cared about her like a sister.
    Yesterday she came to me and said this."I never knew what a best friend was until you were the only person that would stop me from cutting myself; the only person that ever made me feel better about myself and my problems.You didn't know this but I was trying to kill myself that very night you called me and I was crying.I owe you so much,and you didn't even know you were helping me."
    We both cried.And I guess a kind of lesson from my life so far is to never give up your friends.Even if they aren't as cool as others,or people think they are crazy,they need someone there.If you leave them,you will only be very sorry.So if friends need you,and you care for them,you should be always there for them.
41.Why did the two girls hide behind their family members when they first met?D
A.Because they were playing a game
B.Because they didn't like each other.
C.Because they quarreled before
D.Because they were both shy.
42.What would have happened to her friend if the author had not cared about her?B
A.She would have lost her new best friend.
B.She would have killed herself that night.
C.She would have run away from her family.
D.She would have stayed in hospital for a long time.
43.What lesson does the author learn from the story?A
A.Always care for your friends
B.Don't care about others'opinions.
C.Never owe your friends too much
D.Try to be as cool as others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.In our culture,the sources of what we call a sense of"mastery"-feeling important and worthwhile-and the sources of what we call a sense of"pleasure"-finding life enjoyable-are not always the same.Women often are told"You can't have it all."Sometimes what the speaker really is saying is:"You choose a career,so you can't expect to have closer relationships or a happy family life."or"You have a wonderful husband and children-what's all this about wanting a career?"But women need to understand and develop both aspects of well-being,if they are to feel good about themselves.
Our study shows that,for women,well-being has two aspects.One is mastery,which includes self-respect,a sense of control over your life,and low levels of anxiety and depression.Mastery is closely related to the"doing"side of life,to work and activity.Pleasure is the other aspect,and it is made up of happiness,satisfaction and optimism.It is tied more closely to the"feeling"side of life.The two are independent of each other.A woman could be high in mastery and low in pleasure,and vice versa(反之亦然).For example,a woman who has a good job,but whose mother has just died,might be feeling very good about herself and in control of her work life,but the pleasure side could be damaged for a time.
The concepts of mastery and pleasure can help us identify the sources of well-being for women,and correct past mistakes.In the past,women were encouraged to look only at the feeling side of life as the source of all well-being.But we know that both mastery and pleasure are important.And mastery seems to be achieved largely through work.In our study,all the groups of employed women were valued significantly higher in mastery than women who were not employed.
A woman's well-being is developed when she takes on multiple roles.At least by middle adulthood,the women who were involved in a combination of roles-marriages,motherhood,and employment-were the highest in well-being,in spite of warnings about stress and strain.

65.It can be inferred from the first paragraph thatD.
A.for women,a sense of"mastery"is more important than a sense of"pleasure"
B.for women,a sense of"pleasure"is more important than a sense of"mastery"
C.women can't have a sense of"mastery"and a sense of"pleasure"at the same time
D.a sense of"mastery"and a sense of"pleasure"are both necessary to women
66.The author's attitude towards women having a career isB.
A.negative         B.positive         C.indifferent          D.realistic
67.One can conclude from the passage that if a woman takes on several social roles,D.
A.it will be easier for her to overcome stress and strain
B.she will be more successful in her career
C.her chances of getting promoted will be greater
D.her life will be richer and more meaningful
68.Which of the following can be considered as a source of"pleasure"for women?A
A.Family life                              B.Multiple roles in society
C.Regular employment                       D.Freedom from anxiety.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.We        have taken so many warm clothes now that the weather in Sanya is hot now.(  )
A.may notB.needn'tC.can'tD.mustn't


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Christopher Thomas,27,was a writer by night and a teacher by day when he noticed he was always tired and was losing weight fast.Diagnosed with diabetes(糖尿病),Thomas would need to inject himself with insulin(胰岛素) three times a day for the rest of his life or risk nerve damage,blindness,and even death.And if that weren't bad enough,he had no health insurance.After a month of feeling upset,Thomas decided he'd better find a way to fight back.He left Canton,Michigan for New York,got a job waiting tables,nicknamed himself the Diabetic Rockstar,and created diabeticrockstar.com,a free online community for diabetics and their loved ones-a place where over 1,100 people share personal stories,information,and resources.
 Jason Swencki‟s son,Kody,was diagnosed with type diabetes at six.Father and son visit the online children's forums(论坛) together most evenings."Kody gets so excited,writing to kids from all over,"says Swencki,one of the site's volunteers."They know what he's going through,so he doesn't feel alone."Kody is anything but alone:Diabetes is now the seventh leading cause of death in the United States,with 24 million diagnosed cases.And more people are being diagnosed at younger ages.
These days,Thomas's main focus is his charity?慈善机构,Fight It,which provides medicines and supplies to people-225 to date-who can't afford a diabetic's huge expenses.Fight-it.org has raised about $23,000-in products and in cash.In May,Thomas will hold the first annual Diabetic Rockstar Festival in the Caribbean.
Even with a staff of 22 volunteers,Thomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cause,while still doing his full-time job waiting tables."Of the diabetes charities out there,most are putting money into finding a cure,"says Bentley Gubar one of Rockstar's original members."But Christopher is the only person I know saying people need help now."
56.Which of the following is true of Christopher Thomas?C
A.He needs to go to the doctor every day.
B.He studies the leading cause of diabetes
C.He has a positive attitude to this disease.
D.He encourages diabetics by writing articles.
57.Diabeitcrockstar.com was created forA.
A.diabetics to communicate         
B.volunteers to find jobs   
C.children to amuse themselves      
D.rock stars to share resources.
58.According to the text,KodyB.
A.feel lonely because of his illness
B.benefits from diabeticrockstar.com
C.helps create the online kid's forums
D.writes children's stories online
59.What can we learn about Fight It?A
A.It helps the diabetics in financial difficulties.
B.It organizes parties for volunteer once a year.
C.It offers less expensive medicine to diabetics.
D.It owns a well-known medical website.
60.The last paragraph suggests that ThomasC.
A.works full-time in a diabetes charity     
B.employs 22 people for his website
C.helps diabetics in his own way          
D.ties to find a cure for diabetes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

8.Tip for Chinese Students Studying Abroad
As living conditions in China are getting better,parents who want their children to have a bright future invest large sums of money to send their children to study abroad.However,there are countless difficulties that students have to face and solve when they study abroad.Therefore it is necessary for Chinese overseas students to be aware of certain things to which they must pay attention.
Safety issues before and after studying abroad have been one of the focuses of parents.However,all experts consider psychological preparation as the most important thing for students studying abroad to consider.They believe that students must have a clear picture of their position and know that they are going abroad to study and receive training and not for leisure.And they should not have the opinion that everything abroad is good and all things from China are bad.Students should prepare themselves for the differences.
Chinese students have got accustomed to the domestic exam-oriented education style that is completely different from the more open foreign education mode.They will face changes in the educational system while studying abroad.So students should learn about the differences between the domestic and foreign education styles and try to find more solutions to adjusting to the open education in order to be well prepared for their overseas studies both mentally and practically.
Students should ask related teachers to help make plans consistent with their practical condition.There should be both macro and detailed learning plans.Macro learning plans require students to hold on to the primary direction of their overseas studies and detailed learning plans require them to arrange learning content for each course and semester.After the plan is made,they should strictly keep to them.Otherwise,the plan will have no effect.
As Chinese students are not familiar with the place and people,and have no relatives by their sides,the first feeling they will feel is loneliness,which makes it especially important to learn to develop relationships with people around them.They may meet all kinds of fascinating people abroad.They should go out of their way to be friendly and strike up conversations.The most important thing is to pluck up enough courage to open your mouth and talk with others.Foreigners really like children of this kind and are willing to help them.
Foreign children are used to learning by themselves in or after class,but Chinese children are used to teacher-centered education.Guided and supervised by parents and teachers,Chinese students don't have much learning space.They may score high in exams,but they may lack independent learning skills and tend to be in a state of passive learning.So the most basic thing that children need to know is that studying abroad requires that they should adapt to overseas studies as soon as possible and try their best to learn actively and independently.

A.Adjust mental attitudes
B.Be willing to communicate
C.Pay attention to safety issues
D.Adapt to new learning methods
E.Make and stick to learning plans
F.Develop self-motivation for learning.

