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 If _______, I bet, Milinski will burst into tears.

    A. praising         B. praised          C. being praised        D. having praised



科目:高中英语 来源:2011届辽宁省大连市第24中高三模拟考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

完型填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
My mother attended college during the day while my sister was in school and I was in daycare.One day at daycare I   36  a tired mother attempt to   37  her daughter.The mother refused her little girl’s request to go to McDonalds for dinner and the daughter immediately  38 over the floor, kicking and screaming, "I want to go to McDonalds."_39_her mother tried stopped her crying.Finally her mother gave in, the girl stopped crying and they left.To say I was amazed would be   40  ,I was delighted that 41  I wanted could be got in the same way.
That day my mother picked me up early from daycare  42  we were collecting our - Christmas shopping.As we walked through the toy section, I saw a  43  I had to have.It was a white and red telephone whose bells   44  as it was pulled along on a string.
45  lovingly at my mother, I asked, "Mama,   46  I have that telephone?" She replied, "Not now, but if you are a good girl maybe Santa will bring it to you." As I insisted, her eyes narrowed and her hand 47  on mine.
By now we were standing in the long line, and I figured it was _48_.I lay down on the ground and began screaming."I want that telephone." Tired Christmas shoppers looked as my mother   49 said, "Becky, you ’d better get up by the count of three  50 ."
Nothing happened.So then she lay   51  me on the floor, and began kicking and screaming, "I want a new car, I want a new house, I want some jewelry, I want…" _52_ , I stood up.
"Mama, stop.Mama, get up," I   53  said.
She stood, and   54  herself off.At first astonished, the others waiting in line began to clap.And as they were leaving, they said with a smile, "Your mom got your good.I bet you’ll never try that again."
And I didn’t, because it left a lasting mental picture more effective than any   55 _ mark.

A.pick upB.hold upC.make upD.hang up
A.Looking upB.Holding upC.Carrying onD.Going through
A.more or less B.again and againC.now and thenD.now or never
A.at lengthB.and so onC.or somethingD.or else


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年福建省漳州市七校高三第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If _______, I bet, Milinski will burst into tears.

A. praising????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. praised????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. being praised????????????? ????????????? D. having praised



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省协作体高三领航高考预测(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

One day at the day care centre(日间托儿所)I watched a mother try to pick up her daughter. The girl wanted to go to McDonald’s. The mother replied, “Susie, not tonight. Maybe we can go tomorrow.”. Susie  16 dropped to the floor, kicking and screaming. “I want to …”

Her mother tried to  17  Susie’s tantrum(发脾气). Finally her mother  18 . I was surprised that we could have almost anything we wanted by throwing a tantrum.

That day my mother 19 me up early because we were going to a department to do the shopping for 20  Day. I was excited to see a toy telephone. Looking lovingly 21 at my mother, I asked, “Can I have that telephone?”

She replied, “Baby, not now, but  22 you are a good girl, maybe Santa Clause will 23 you.” “But Mama, I want that telephone right now,” I said. My mother’s eyes   24 and her hand tightened(紧握)on mine. “Becky, you   25 have that telephone today, and if you  26 you can have a spanking(打屁股).”

We were standing in the long   27 ,and I knew from my experience that it was now or   28 . So I lay down on the ground and began screaming, “I want that telephone.” Tired Christmas   29 looked as my mother calmly said, “Becky, you’d better get up by the   30 of three or else.” “One…Two…Three.” But I was   31 in full tantrum. Then she lay down beside me on the   32

and began screaming, “I want a new car, I want some jewellery, I want…”

  33 , I stood up. “Mama, stop, Mama, get up,” I tearfully 34 .

She stood up. The others waiting began to laugh. The next thirty minutes was complete  35 for me. Then one parent said to me with a smile, “I bet you’ll never try that again”.     

1.                A.heavily         B.immediately     C.directly   D.hopelessly


2.                A.cover          B.free           C.resist D.stop


3.                A.gave in         B.gave off         C.gave out  D.gave up


4.                A.carried         B.picked          C.held D.sent


5.                A.Mother’s      B.Children’s      C.Christmas D.National


6.                A.down          B.up             C.over D.out


7.                A.if             B.unless          C.until D.while


8.                A.praise          B.believe         C.love D.help


9.                A.opened        B.closed          C.narrowed D.shone


10.               A.won’t         B.daren’t       C.mustn’t  D.can’t


11.               A.lie            B.risk            C.scream    D.steal


12.               A.line           B.street          C.row  D.passage


13.               A.never          B.ever           C.later  D.then


14.               A.managers       B.sellers         C.families   D.shoppers


15.               A.noise          B.count          C.voice D.word


16.               A.again          B.even           C.still   D.more


17.               A.bench         B.mat            C.counter   D.floor


18.               A.Frightened      B.Satisfied        C.Embarrassed   D.Amused


19.               A.begged         B.resigned        C.explained  D.promised


20.               A.luck           B.discomfort      C.complaint  D.anger




科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年辽宁省大连市高三模拟考试英语试题 题型:完型填空

完型填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


My mother attended college during the day while my sister was in school and I was in daycare.One day at daycare I   36   a tired mother attempt to   37   her daughter.The mother refused her little girl's request to go to McDonalds for dinner and the daughter immediately  38  over the floor, kicking and screaming, "I want to go to McDonalds."_39_her mother tried stopped her crying.Finally her mother gave in, the girl stopped crying and they left.To say I was amazed would be   40   ,I was delighted that 41   I wanted could be got in the same way.

That day my mother picked me up early from daycare  42   we were collecting our - Christmas shopping.As we walked through the toy section, I saw a  43  I had to have.It was a white and red telephone whose bells   44   as it was pulled along on a string.

45   lovingly at my mother, I asked, "Mama,   46   I have that telephone?" She replied, "Not now, but if you are a good girl maybe Santa will bring it to you." As I insisted, her eyes narrowed and her hand 47   on mine.

By now we were standing in the long line, and I figured it was _48_.I lay down on the ground and began screaming."I want that telephone." Tired Christmas shoppers looked as my mother   49 said, "Becky, you 'd better get up by the count of three  50  ."

Nothing happened.So then she lay   51   me on the floor, and began kicking and screaming, "I want a new car, I want a new house, I want some jewelry, I want…" _52_ , I stood up.

    "Mama, stop.Mama, get up," I   53   said.

She stood, and   54   herself off.At first astonished, the others waiting in line began to clap.And as they were leaving, they said with a smile, "Your mom got your good.I bet you'll never try that again."

And I didn't, because it left a lasting mental picture more effective than any   55 _ mark.

1.A.looked             B.found            C.observed             D.watched

2..A.pick up          B.hold up          C.make up          D.hang up

3..A.knocked          B.fell             C.came             D.took

4..A.Anything         B.Something        C.Nothing          D.Everything

5.A.enough             B.abrupt           C.impossible       D.inaccurate

6.A.however            B.whenever         C.whatever         D.whichever

7.A.where              B.because         C.though           D.after

8.A.toy                B.bell             C.ring             D.doll

9.A.hung               B.burst            C.stayed           D.rang

10.A.Looking up        B.Holding up       C.Carrying on      D.Going through

11.A.must              B.can't           C.shall           D.will

12.A.tended            B.accumulated      C.tightened        D.approved

13.A.more or less      B.again and again  C.now and then     D.now or never

14.A.calmly            B.angrily          C.anxiously        D.disappointedly

15.A.at length         B.and so on        C.or something     D.or else

16..A.beside          B.against          C.besides          D.over

17.A.Shocked           B.Excited          C.Angry            D.Amused

18.A.excitedly         B.tearfully        C.smilingly        D.jokingly

19.A.lift              B.polished         C.breathed         D.brushed

20.A.arbitrary         B.worthy           C.physical         D.Necessary




科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年郑州市高一下学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

It was Sunday. I had one last patient to see. I approached her room in a hurry and stood at the doorway. She was an old woman, sitting at the edge of the bed, struggling to put socks on her swollen(肿胀的)feet. I entered, spoke quickly to the nurse and examined her chart. She was getting better.

    I looked down at her. She asked if I could help put on her socks. Instead, I said something like this:“ How are you feeling? Your sugars and blood pressure were high but they’re better today. The nurse mentioned you were anxious to see your son who’s visiting you today. I bet you really look forward to seeing him.”

    She stopped me with a serious voice, as if she was giving an order. “ Sit down,Doctor.This is my story,not your story. ”

    I was surprised and embarrassed. I sat down. I helped her with the socks. She began to tell me that her only son lived around the corner from her, but she had not seen him in five years. She believed that her health problems really had something to do with it. After hearing her story and putting on her socks, I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She shook her head and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to listen.

    Later on, I often thought of what that woman taught me. Everyone has a story and each story is different. Some have a beginning, middle and end. Others wander without a clear conclusion. Yet all those things do not really matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard—without interruption or judgment.

1. The writer went to visit the older woman to     .

 A. 1isten to her story        B.tell her good news

    C. help her put on her socks   D.see if she was getting better

2.What problem did the old woman have?

A. She ate too much sugar.

B. She had high blood pressure.

C. She had too many visits. 

D. She liked telling others stories.

3.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to the older woman’s     .

A. not having seen her son for long       B. having no one to look after her

C. serious voice when giving orders       D. struggling to put socks on her feet

4.What does the story mainly tell us?

    A. Everyone should learn to listen to others.

    B. Children had better stay with their parents.

    C. We all have a story and each one is different.

    D. Older women are good at telling their stories.



