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I helped a friend in need last week. I helped her by explaining something we don't learn in school,but something we learn after years of experience.

When she came to see me,my friend was visibly upset about having to ask for help. I,on the other hand,was honoured that such an intelligent young lady would ask me for my opinion and help. Telling her how much I appreciated her confidence in me did not seem to make her feel better at all.

I was struck at the irony (讽刺) of the situation. This lady is one of the most giving people I know. She never hesitate (犹豫) to help others,but clearly having to ask someone else to help her makes her very uncomfortable.

Why? Why is asking for help so difficult? Why are we so gracious about offering help to others,but not about giving someone else the opportunity to help us?

I did a little soul searching after this experience and realised that most of my success has come from others helping me when I needed it. Sure,being hardworking,stubborn and occasionally smart has something to do with it,but the fact is that I could not have made it this far without some serious help from others.

Today,I am just as likely to ask for help as I am to give help. Both make me feel good. It's rewarding to help others and I want to grab every chance I can to do that. And unlike in my younger days,I am more at ease in asking for help. I know it makes others feel good and I get new insight into whatever challenge I'm struggling with.

I hope my friend continues to become more comfortable at asking for help and to give help every chance she gets.

41. What do we know about the author's friend?

   A. She is quite self-centred.

   B. She always asks others for help.

   C. She is always ready to help others.

   D. She feels comfortable to ask for help.

42. The author probably owes his success partly to.

   A. his good luck

   B. others’ kind help

   C. his great parents

   D. his being good at seizing opportunities

43. In his younger days,the author .

   A. asked others for help often

   B. didn't want to help others

   C. was not willing to ask for help

   D. felt at ease when asking for help

44. The author would agree that .

   A. one must learn to solve a problem independently

   B. we should ask for help only when it is necessary

   C. it's quite natural for us to ask others for help

   D. it's difficult to get help from others 

45. What would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Help People in Need

   B. Smart People Ask for Help

   C. Hard Work Leads to Success

   D. Help Each Other as Much as You Can

41. C 42. B 43. C 44. C 45. B

41. C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二、 三句可知,作者的这位朋友非常乐于助人。

42. B解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第三段 最后一句可知,作者认为自己的成功离不开他人的帮助。

43. C解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段 倒数第二句可知,作者现在找别人帮忙时 比年轻的时候感到更自在了,这说明他年 轻的时候也羞于寻求帮助。

44. C解析:推理判断题。文章强调的是寻 求别人的帮助的必要性,由此可推知,作者 认为寻求帮助是件很自然的事情。

45. B解析:标题概括题。本文主要讲了在 我们需要帮助时,应该大方地向别人求助, 作者强调了向别人求助的必要性和重要 性,因此B项最适合做本文标题。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修4外研版 > 周测月考卷7 Module 6综合测试


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


15. What are the two speakers talking about?

   A. Their stay in England.

   B. A kind of humour.

   C. How to change into swimming costume.

16. What does Mr. Bean do to make people laugh?

   A. He does everyday activities in a funny way.

   B. He often walks with the help of a funny stick.

   C. He always changes his clothes on the beach.

17. Who is Mr. Bean?

   A. The man. B. The woman's father.

   C. A character in a film.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

12. Although the old man was death,he still fought with the disease bravely.

   A. at the end of   B. at the edge of

   C. at the bottom of   D. on the top of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. She greater progress,if you had given her more chances.

   A. might have achieved   B. couldn’t have achieved   C. may achieve   D. need have achieved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. Most of your errors in the paper are your carelessness but not your ability.

   A. due to   B. as a result

   C. since   D. because


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题 中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷 的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来 回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. How much will the woman pay if she buys two pounds of tomatoes?

   A. $0. 80.   B. $2. 20. 

   C. $0. 30. 

2. How long does it take the woman to drive home when it isn’t the rush hour?

   A. Twenty minutes.

   B. Twenty-five minutes.

   C. Fifty minutes.

3. What does the man mean about Betty?

   A. She doesn’t like going shopping.

   B. She went shopping yesterday.

   C. She prefers shopping to studying.

4. What do you know from the conversation?

   A. The man had to work overtime.

   B. Henry failed to meet the man.

   C. The man had a traffic accident.

5. What does the woman mean?

   A. She doesn’t believe the man.

   B. They are not going to land.

   C. She isn’t afraid.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


When my three children were young,there was very little time that wasn’t filled with stress,business and term papers.

“Can we go on a picnic,Mama?” my six-year-old daughter,Becky begged. “Please."

I had said no so many times in recent months. To her surprise,I agreed. I prepared a few sandwiches and other food and called Roy at work. “Meet us at the college pond for a picnic at twelve o’clock sharp,” I said excitedly.

Becky and I spread the tablecloth on the picnic table while Brad and Chad threw a football back and forth. In no time,the ducks joined us. Becky came with delight as the ducks begged for pieces of bread. When I got the lunch spread out on the table,Roy arrived on the scene.

That was one of the happiest meals we ever shared together. The gentle wind touched our face,as the sunshine warmed my heart. We felt a closeness that had been hidden by work for so many months. Having finished the food,Roy and the boys skipped rocks on the lake. Becky continued to feed the ducks,and I sat quietly on the picnic table,enjoying such a wonderful family.

Soon,Roy had to go back to work. When we got into the car,Becky climbed to the front seat with me. “Here,Mama!” she said. She was holding a yellow wildflower. Happy tears came to my eyes. That night as I tucked (盖好被子) our children under their covers,I kissed their cheeks and realised what a wonderful life I had.

“Thank you for the picnic,” Becky whispered. “My pleasure”’ I whispered back.

Even though the kids have now grown up and moved away from home,I can still remember how I felt that day while sitting on the picnic table. Since life is like potato salad,let's make it a picnic.

41. Why did the author often refuse her children's advice for a picnic?

   A. It was difficult to prepare the food.

   B. The place for a picnic was hard to find.

   C. She and her husband had their own work.

   D. Her husband worked far away from home.

42. When Becky asked for a picnic,it was natural that.

   A. she was refused

   B. her mother would be angry

   C. her mother was happy to accept

   D. she would be asked to do homework

43. Who was the last to come to the picnic?

A Becky. B. Chad. C. Brad. D. Roy.

44. Which of the following might move the author most that day?

   A. Preparing for the picnic.

   B. Receiving gifts from her husband.

   C. Receiving her daughter's flower.

   D. Having a rest on the picnic table.

45. According to the passage,the author may advise.

   A. finding more time for the family

   B. making a best picnic of your life

   C. remembering the past now and then

   D. having a family picnic every weekend


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7 . the future,care the environ- ment will become very important as earths natural resources run .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Which is TRUE about the clothes mentioned in Changing Times Magazine?

   A. They are made from wool.

   B. They are made from cotton.

   C. They can last for a long time.

   D. They will be thrown away for they are made of paper.

