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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) .中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Mexican President Vicente Fox was once invited to a university to give a lecture. A student asked him, In your experience in politics have you 21 ?”

        Fox said, “No,never.”

        The students were (轻声地笑) 22 every politician always said so.

        Fox wasn’t 23 . He said, “In this society,perhaps it is very 24 to prove that T m an honest man, 25 you should believe that in this world there's 26,which is always around us. I want to tell you a 27 which means a lot to me.  .

        “There was a father who was ready to dismantle(拆除) the pavilion(亭子) in the garden. His son said to him, ‘Daddy,I want to 28 how you dismantle the pavilion,so can you not dismantle it 29 I come back from school?’ His father 30 . However,after the boy 31 ,he asked some workers to dismantle the pavilion. After the boy returned from school,he found the old pavilion tiad 32 . Therefore,he said 33 to his father, 'Dad,you told me a lie/ His father was embarrassed and said, ‘My boy,I was 34.'The father called in the workers again and had them rebuild a pavilion in the 35 of the old one. After the pavilion was rebuilt,he called in his son and said to the workers ,‘Please dismantle it.’

           “I know the father. He was not rich,but he kept his 36. ”

         Hearing this,the students said ,“What,s the father's name? We hope to 37 him."

         Fox said, “He has died,but his son is still 38.”             “Then,where's  his son? He must be an honest man.”

         Fox said, “His son is 39 here. It's me. I'd like to treat this country and everyone in it like my father 40 me.”

         A storm of applause thundered in the audience. 

         Dismantling and rebuilding a pavilion restored the boy's faith in honesty.

21. A. failed   B. lied   C. feared   D. dreamed

22. A. if   B. once   C. because   D. although

23. A. angry   B. careful G. excited   D. shy

24. A. simple   B. hard   C. useful   D. possible

25. A. and   B. or   C. so   D. but

26. A. selflessness   B. knowledge   A. power   D. honesty

27. A. method   B. book   C. story   D. view

28. A. show   B. prove   C. see   D. discuss

29. A. until   B. unless   C. after   D. for

30. A. apologized   B. agreed   A. changed   D. succeeded

31. A. forgot   B. refused   C. left   D. arrived

32. A. finished   B. disappeared   C. shined   D. improved

33. A. proudly   B. impolitely  C. patiently   D. unhappily

34. A. wrong   B. tired   C. satisfied   D. clear

35. A. middle   B. shape   C. face   D. interest

36. A. record   B. secret  C. promise   D. appointment

37. A. help   B. attract G. criticize   D. know

38. A. brave   B. alive   C. bright   D. alone

39. A. standing   B. travelling   C. running   D. regretting

40. A. trained   B. needed   C. treated   D. praised

21. B 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. D 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. B 39. A 40. C



21. B.根据第四段中的honest可知,一个学生问福克斯:“在你从政的经历中有没有撒过谎(lied)?”

22. C.该空前后为因果关系,故用because。

23. A.根据下文描述可知,福克斯并不生气(angry) 。

24. B. 

25. D. 

26. D.福克斯对学生们说:“在这个 .社会上,也许我很难(hard)证明自己是个诚实的 人,但是(but) 你们应该相信,这个世界上还有诚实(honesty X它永远都在我们的周围。”

27. C.根据下文引用的内容可知,此处指福克斯讲的一个故事(story) 。

28. C. 

29. A.儿子对父亲说:“爸爸,我想看看(see)你们怎么拆掉这座亭子,直到(until) 我从学校回来再拆好吗?”

30. B.根据下文中的Dad,you told me a lie可知,这位父亲答应(agreed)了儿子的请求。

31. C.根据语境可知,此处指儿子离开(left) 去上学了。

32. B.根据前一句中的dismantle the pavilion可知,儿子发现那个旧亭子己经不见(disappeared )了。

33. D.根据儿子所说的话可知,儿子很不高兴 (unhappily)。

34. A.该空指这位父亲承认了自己不守承诺的行为 是错误的(wrong) 。

35. B.根据该空前后内容可知,这位父亲重新召来工人,让他们按照旧亭子的模样(shape) 再建了一座亭子。

36. C.根据上文对父亲的描述可知,这位父亲信守诺言(promise)。

37. D.根据该空前一句可知,学生们希望认识 (know) 这位父亲。

38. B.根据前后对比可知,该空填alive符合语境。

39. A.根据该空后一句可知,His son指福克斯本人,他正站在(standing) 这里。

40. C.根据该空前的treat提示可知,该空填treated。 

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第28期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。



2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

            Ted wanted to have a strong body. In order to achieve that,he joined a gym and start to work out there. He visited to the gym every day and worked out there for at least two hour each time.However,one week later,she was almost unable to get up because a lot of pain in his body. Later,he hired the personal trainer. To his surprise,instead of ask him to work out every day,the man asked him to rest the follow day after he worked out each time. He was telling this could help him as his body needed time to recover after exercise. When we're working out,getting enough rest is real important.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。  

       People used to write a lot of letters, 21 they hardly write letters today. Instead,they write e-mails,send text messages and chat online 22 (communicate) or keep in touch with each other. But I love writing letters,which is 23 great way to store our memories.

       Before my grandmother died,she left all the letters between her and my grandfather to me. She also wrote me a letter.24 (grandmother) letter began, “Dear David,I am leaving you one of my most precious treasures — my memories. These memories 25 (be) the letters your grandfather wrote to me when he was away. Please read them. To me,they are priceless and you may find them 26 (value)...”

       I started reading the letters one by one. after the funeral of my grandmother. Through the letters,I learned about their lives and their thoughts. Their letters 27 (teach) me many good life lessons. After 28 (read) the letters,I decided to write letters instead 29 sending e-mails or text messages to keep in touch with my family or friends. One day I want to leave my memories to my grandchildren,too.

       Do you like writing letters? If you don't,30 not consider  making a change?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、c和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。


                           ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

          Collecting any sort of item makes a person unique. It can be stamps,baseball cards,snow globes,or even coins. What you collect can also show who you are as a person. My husband has a wonderful collection handed down from generation to generation. He has a massive collection of coins. The tradition started from his great grandmother,who handed her coins down to her daughter,who in turn,handed them down to my husband's mother. The tradition was supposed to stay within the daughters of the family. However,my husband had more interest in the collection than his sister and brother. So,his mother handed over her collection to him.

           It was given to him about ten years ago,and since then,the collection has doubled. He has coins from Roman times and World War II!Just recently he got a whole collection from Europe and Mexico. Collecting them alone is amazing. However,the way he takes care of them is even better. He cherishes every one of his coins. He keeps all of them in a small bag also given by his mother,and stores it away safely" in a small drawer. No matter where he travels,or where he visits," he always comes home with a coin in his hand. Each one of those coins has a story behind them. Each time he holds a coin in his hand,a story comes out about how he got it.

             Many people would think the coin collection is fun and typical. For my husband,it has so much more meaning. It is a true passion that he hopes to pass on to our child in the future. Anything that can create a story,a memory,or a happy thought makes it worthwhile. A collection of any sort makes a person unique. For me,my husband is someone who has a unique hobby.

1. The coin collection should have been handed down to.

   A. the author's brother

   B. the author's husband

   C. the sister of the author's husband

   D. the brother of the author's husband

2. The underlined word “cherishes” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by.

   A. loves     B. misses .

   C. carries   D. cleans

3. What's the author's attitude towards her husband's hobby?

   A. Critical.       B. Supportive.

   C. Disappointed.   D. Unconcerned.

4. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The popularity of the coin collection

   B. Why do people collect coins?

   C. How to collect foreign coins 

   D. My husband and his hobby


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


               In my junior year of college I came to a university in Madrid,Spain. The experience of studying abroad has changed my life greatly. Here is how.

              My Spanish phone has no access to the Internet. It isn’t  easy for me. But without Google to answer my questions,I often ask my teachers for help. When I need directions,I look up at street signs instead of looking down at my phone. It turns out that I have absorbed more when my eyes aren't  glued to my screen.

              In my hometown,if I wasn't in a quiet library,I could not focus on studying. However,here,without a library nearby,I have to find other locations to study. I choose to study in the darkest comer of a cafe,determining to stay away from anyone who wants to chat. As time goes by,I’ ve become habituated to the laughter and light. Now when I face a problem,an encouraging smile is all I need to get back on track. What starts off as a method of survival has changed into a love of cafes and the ability to work anywhere.

              My freshman year of college was a race to find friends. I worried if I didn't immediately join a group,I would be alone for the next four years. In fact,relationships have developed more naturally abroad. With wonderful friends waiting for me back in Atlanta,I feel no pressure to make as many friends as possible. If I discover someone isn't  my cup of tea,no sweat; I have the freedom to develop quality over quantity.

              Before a family or school trip,my mom used to plan every detail. But in Madrid,every aspect of the trip—transportation,lodging activities,and food — is my responsibility and anxiety runs high. But while I lose a peaceful pre-trip night of sleep,my uncertain adventure is well worth the price. Traveling on my own gives me a cultural awareness that I would never understand when I blindly followed someone else's  plan. I am a traveler and the trip is my own. 

1. When the author is studying in Madrid,he .

   A. often goes to the library

   B. Seldom relies on technology

   C. hardly ever asks others for help

   D. sometimes gets lost when he is alone

2. The underlined part “ become habituated to ”in Paragraph 3 probably means.

   A. kept away from      B. got interested in

   C. thought poorly of   D. got accustomed to

3. How does the author react now if he doesn't  like someone that much?

   A. He chooses to go away.

   B. He tells the person his real thoughts.

   C. He misses his old friends even more.

   D. He still keeps the relationship now and then.

4. Compared to the past,now the author is most probably.

   A. more caring       B. less easy-going

   C. less confident    D. more independent


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          About Panera Bread 

           Panera Bread is an American chain of bakery-cafe restaurants which serve different kinds of bread,cold sandwiches,soups,salads,coffee and teas.

           Teen jobs at Panera Bread 


           The youngest age to apply as a baker at Panera Bread is generally 18 years old. Having 1-2 years’ experience as a baker or a bakery background is preferred.

           Experience is not so necessary and they will train you for 1st shift baker (Day) . However,previous third shift experience and baking experience are preferred. High school experience is required,too. Night baker's schedule is 3rd shift (10 pm to 7 am) .

           Bakery-cafe associate 

            You must be at least 16 years of age and must understand and practice basic food safety. Some food service or retail experience in the past is preferred. All Panera Bread associates enjoy a 65% meal discount with a vacation available for full-time positions. All positions are very flexible with all shifts avanaDie,iangm6 5:30 am to 9 pm,and from 5-40 hours /^week.

           Catering coordinator (宴会协调员) 

            This position’s  duties include sales and production of catering orders,delivering and setting up coring orders to local businesses for breakfast and lunch,and working with catering guests in person and over the phone.

            Some food service or retail sales experience is preferred. The minimum age for this position is 16 years old but we believe two years older is the correct age since you must have your own vehicle. You must have a perfect driving record,be organized and always punctual. 

           Panera Bread job application 

           Since their bakery-cafes are focused on taking care of guests,you should apply online after which a manager will get in touch if an opportunity matching your qualifications becomes available.

13. If you want to become a shift baker at Panera Bread.

   A. you should be able to give training

   B. you should have attended high school

   C. you’re required to work from 10 am to 7 pm

   D. you must have previous third shift experience

14. What do we know about Panera Bread associates.

   A. They must be over 18 years old.

   B. They must work 40 hours each week.

   C. They aren't allowed to change shifts with others.

   D. They don't need to pay full price when dining there 

15. Those who want to be catering coordinators at Panera Bread must have.

   A. their own cars

   B. two mobile phones

   C. food service experience

   D. perfect employment records

16. To apply for a job at Panera Bread,you'd better.

   A. send a fax         B. apply online

   C. call its manager   D. visit it in person


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 今天要完成这项工作似乎不可能。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 31. John,I found a good way my weekend. I will volunteer to work in the neighborhood.

   A. to spending   B. spending

C. to spend   D. spend


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

73. 这条河里的许多鱼死于水污染。

Many fish in the river water pollution.

