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15.He was chosen _________ of the company.(  )
A.managerB.a managerC.the managerD.as a manager

分析 他被选为公司的经理.

解答 答案选A.此题考查不用冠词的情况.he为主语,was chosen为谓语,剩下的manager of the company 做主语补足语,即解释说明主语he的情况.manage为职务名词,意为"经理".英语中表示职务及头衔的名词做表语、补足语、同位语时,其前不用冠词.

点评 涉及职务头衔名词前冠词的用法,注意分析句子成分和句意.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Lindsay Binegar of Greenfield,Ohio,made her first﹩100at the age of four,when she won a prize for showing a pig from her family's farm to the local 4H Club.Most kids would be thrilled to spend that money on toys,but not Lindsay."I didn't get the money; it went to the bank,"she told the Columbus Dispatch.
Over the years,Lindsay kept on raising and showing pigs,and kept on winning prizes.Some were﹩100 for small wins,but she won thousands of dollars for championship prizes at county fairs.Before long,she earned an impressive amount of cash-but,aside from a purse when she was 14,Lindsay had never spent a dollar of her savings.By the time she was 18,she had got more than﹩40,000,which she planned to put towards her college education at nearby Ohio University.
But her parents said that if she continued living at home while attending school,they wouldn't have to pay for her dorm housing,and would be willing to cover the entire cost of her education.It sounded like a good deal to Lindsay.But what should she do with her savings?
Her father had an idea:buy a house,just as he'd done when he was young.He used the house's sale to help him buy the family farm where Lindsay had grown up and raised all those lucrative(赚大钱的) pigs.Lindsay was able to buy a house in Greenfield,paying for the entire purchase in cash.She did a bit of painting and then rented it out for﹩450a month.
After finishing college,Lindsay plans to marry Heath McNeal,and use the income from her house to buy a block of land and build a new house.But she'll never move too far from home."I would like to stay in Greenfield,"she said."I just love everybody here."
At her current rate,she'll probably be the town's biggest real estate tycoon(房地产大亨) by the age of 25.

21.What did Lindsay do with her first prize?D.
A.She kept it as pocket money.
B.It was spent on toys.
C.She used it to buy more pigs.
D.It was put in the bank.
22.By the time she was 18,Lindsay had got more than 40,000byA.
A.winning prizes for raising and showing pigs
B.selling pigs
C.getting the interest from the bank
D.trading houses
23.Lindsay's father advised herC.
A.to pay for her college education with the money
B.to pay the money for her dorm housing
C.to buy a house with the money
D.to save the money for her future life
24.What can we learn about Lindsay's parents from the passage?B.
A.They are very rich.
B.They are considerate.
C.They don't know how to manage money.
D.They don't care for money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.Why are people speaking ill of that famous actress?Why is that famous actress being spoken ill of (by people)?.(本句改为被动语态)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.-Could I borrow the book by Mo Yan?
-_________.(  )
A.By all meansB.You're welcomeC.Yes,you couldD.I am afraid so


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.The Great President
As the f (25)founder of the republic,the president had many good q (26)qualities.Before coming to p (27)power,he was a g (28)generouslawyer.He was willing to selflessly help everyone who turned to him.He accepted no fee to offer legal g (29)guidance and opinions to those who were out of work or uneducated.Later,believing all mankind to be e (30)equal,he d (31)devoted himself to stopping the unfair anti-black laws.He set up the Black Youth League and was voted to be the leader.However,though he kept peaceful principles without v (32)violence or terror,his mean enemies still blew up his house and a (33)attacked his relatives,and he himself couldn't escape being s (34)sentenced to 30years in prison.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.It's an easy and convenient way to get      latest fashions online,but online shopping has        Major problem-you can't see whether they fit or not.(  )
A.a; theB.the; aC.the; the′D.a; a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.When a big boat,like a cruise ship,goes through the ocean,it often creates waves.This happens when the large engines on the back of the cruise ship cause the water on the ocean's surface move up and down violently.These waves move out from the boat in both directions.If you are captaining a smaller boat,you'd better steer clear of a ship's wake,so that your boat is not surfing on the waves,causing it to overturn
A wave is a pattern of motion.When you look at a wave,it may appear as simply water moving across the surface of the ocean.In fact,this is false.The water is actually not moving in the same direction as the wave.While the wave itself--the pattern of motion-is moving across the surface of the ocean,the water is actually moving in a circular motion,which brings the water molecules back to their original position.The water merely gives the appearance of moving forward.
If this is confusing,think of the kind of wave you do at a baseball stadium.Viewed from a distance,the wave is clearly moving across the stadium.But the thing that makes up the wave-the people-are not moving across the stadium,they're just moving up and down in their seats.This is just like the water in an ocean wave.A lot of water is moving up and down,which gives water the appearance of moving along with the wave.
Surfers pay a lot of attention to waves.If you're not in an area where the waves are suitable for surfing,then you can't surf.Usually,surfers gather in areas known for big waves-waves that rise high off the ocean's surface.If the wave is bigger,then the surfer is often able to surf for longer distances and perform more tricks.The height of a wave is known as its amplitude.If you could make a wave freeze,then you could measure the wave's amplitude by running a tape measure from the ocean's surface to the very peak of the wave.
All waves can be measured using amplitude and wavelength.While the waves created by a boat have very small amplitude-sometimes as small as a few centimeters-the wavelength can be very short,as lots of waves are being generated.By contrast,a tsunami has very high amplitude,sometimes more than 100feet,but a relatively long wavelength,as it's a high wave.
Waves generated in the same way can have great differences in amplitude and wavelength.For example,think back to the cruise ship.While each ship creates waves caused by the movement of the boat,the properties of each of the waves may be very different.For example,a larger cruise ship,with powerful engines,may create a wave that has high amplitude and a short wavelength.However,if the ship's engines slow down,they may then start creating less powerful waves at a slower rate.This would cause the waves'amplitude to decrease,but its wavelength to increase.

74.What does the phrase"steer clear of a cruise ship's wake"in the 1st paragraph meanC?
A.keep awake while steering a ship
B.get a clear view of what is ahead
C.keep away from the cruise ship
D.follow the cruise ship very closely
75.The author gives an example of wave people do in the stadium in order toD.
A.illustrate how excited people are in a basketball stadium
B.clear the confusion over measuring the wave's amplitude
C.demonstrate how to make waves in a basketball stadium
D.explain why the water appears to move along the waves
76.The last paragraph gives us the impression thatB.
A.the wave's amplitude may vary,but its wavelength remain the same
B.the move powerful the ships engines are,the higher the waves they generate
C.the amplitude of a wave depends on the direction the water moves forward
D.measuring the amplitude and wavelength of waves is not quite easy
77.What is this passage mainly aboutA?
A.How waves are created and measured.
B.What makes the sea water move forwards.
C.Why people create waves in the stadium.
D.How to steer a cruise ship in the rough sea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Dear David,
I'm glad you would like to share your feelings with me.It's hardly surprising that your feelings of not being"grown up"have come on strongly at this point in your life,just before you're about to become a father.You are asking:will I make a good father?How will I cope?Should I have brought another little person into the world?Can I provide for it?Heeelp!I think nearly every sensitive about-to-be-parent must have these occasional feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy (不适) before the birth and it would be most unusual if you didn't share them.
It's difficult,honestly,to feel grown-up unless you have something less grown-up to relate to.A hen-pecked (惧内的) boss may feel like a seven-year-old when he's at home.But as he walks through the office door,and knows he's going to be surrounded by staff looking to him for advice,he grows into a fully mature man.And I think it's a mistake to imagine that we all feel,as we age,a kind of progression of states,from the baby to the adult.Most people feel,on Tuesday,about three years old,and on a Wednesday,around 80.I remember feeling very grown-up at eight,a time when I was weighed down with responsibility.These days,much older,I can,in the company of people I feel at ease with,feel like a young girl.
There's a common remark that"all men are little boys",but it's not true.It's more true that men often behave like little boys.But nearly all people,at some moments in their lives,are capable of great maturity.
Once your baby arrives,you'll soon feel less childlike,or rather,less often.When your child tries to put its fingers into the electric plug,the adult in you will rise up to prevent it.You'll see you have very little in common with a needy child,particularly if it's looking to you for comfort and support.
Comfort yourself,David,with two truths.One is that your friends laugh when they talk about this subject because they,like you,feel frightened.And remember that people who haven't grown up don't go around talking about the fact that they don't feel grown-up.
Hope my advice will be helpful and good luck to you and your little one.
Sincerely Yours,
Miss Advice
43.According to the passage,Miss Advice thinks David's self-doubtB
A.valuable     B.natural          C.unusual      D.bearable
44.From Paragraph 2,we can learn that people's sense of maturityC
A.will increase with age
B.is obviously seen at home
C.changes with different situations
D.becomes stronger with familiar people
45.Miss Advice holds thatC.
A.all men behave like little boys
B.people tend to laugh at the subject
C.men with a baby feel more grown-up
D.people enjoy talking about their immaturity
46.Miss Advice wrote the letter toB.
A.teach people how to grow up
B.offer suggestions to a future father
C.encourage people to be responsible
D.solve problems of the less grown-u.

