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Men sometimes say, “We are cleverer than women.” It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things:the machines, rockets, and guns, too.But scientists now agree that women invented one very important thing, that is, agriculture(农业).Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters.Sometimes they killed animals, but life was difficult and dangerous.Women had to go out every day too, collecting roots, fruit and grass.Then one day, more than 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds near her home in the Middle East.They grew and the first wheat was born.Women also looked after baby animals at home:dogs, cows, sheep and goats.Then their husbands did not have to do hunting for meat.They built villages and cities, and began civilization(文明)-only after women invented agriculture.


Which of the following is RIGHT?

[  ]


Women invented agriculture only by chance


Women were taught how to invent agriculture


Men helped women with the invention of agriculture


Women had had the idea of growing food and keeping animals for years


Agriculture was invented ________.

[  ]


soon after civilization came into being(文明形成)


in the middle of the slave(奴隶)society


before villages and cities were set up


in 10,000 B.C.


Where was the first wheat born?

[  ]


In Asia


In Africa


In America


In Europe


The best title for this passage is ________.

[  ]


Who Are Cleverer, Men or Women


When Was Civilization Developed


Why Was Hunting Dangerous


How Did Women Change History


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050


Shakespeare’s or Someone Else’s?

    Every once in a while you will read some article about a so-called scholar discovering material that is supposed to prove that William Shakespeare did not really write the works attributed to him. Many alternative authors have been suggested-most prominently, Christopher Marlowe and Francis Bacon. One proponent of Bacon as author of Shakespeare's plays actually looked for words like “fat and lard” and calculated how their places in the texts of the plays proved that Bacon authored them.

Any schoolboy can see the fallacy(谬误) of such an argument and yet many adult readers of newspaper articles, written by men who have never done any research on Shakespeare, are taken in by the arguments proposed against Shakespeare's authorship. It is true that we have no manuscripts(手稿) of the plays as they came from Shakespeare's hand. After all, he wrote the plays to be acted and the actors used the author's manuscripts.  However, almost half the plays appeared in print under the author's name during his lifetime-which ended in 1616. A few years later, in 1623, two of Shakespeare's name appeared on the title page. They even got Ben Johnson, Shakespeare's great rival playwright, to write a poetic introduction for the folio volume(对开本的书卷).

There are other arguments I might present to prove Shakespeare's authorship. My own argument is simply this, if Shakespeare did not write the plays attributed to him, it was someone else by the same name.

1. The first paragraph tells us that some so-called scholars________.

   A. have proved that Shakespeare's works were his own

   B. have already proved that Shakespeare's work were not his own

   C. try very hard to prove that Shakespeare's work were useless

   D. try to prove that Shakespeare's works were not his own

2. Some people suggested that certain writers other than Shakespeare himself were the authors of his plays. One of them did so by ________.

   A. discovering words such as “fat and lard” in Bacon's plays

   B. checking up every word in Shakespeare's words

   C. comparing the use of words in Shakespeare's works with others

   D. examining the whole text of Shakespeare's works

3. According to the message, Shakespeare________.

   A. died in 1616

   B. never had any manuscripts for his plays

   C. often wrote plays together with Ben Johnson

   D. published a great folio volume with 36 plays

4. In his final conclusion, the writer________.

   A. believe that someone else had written the plays for Shakespeare

   B. states that it is logical that Shakespeare's plays were written by Shakespeare

   C. does not think that Shakespeare could have written all the plays by himself

   D. believes that some of Shakespeare's friends had published their own works under the name of Shakespeare



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:051


Shakespeare’s or Someone Else’s?

    Every once in a while you will read some article about a so-called scholar discovering material that is supposed to prove that William Shakespeare did not really write the works attributed to him. Many alternative authors have been suggested-most prominently, Christopher Marlowe and Francis Bacon. One proponent of Bacon as author of Shakespeare's plays actually looked for words like “fat and lard” and calculated how their places in the texts of the plays proved that Bacon authored them.

Any schoolboy can see the fallacy(谬误) of such an argument and yet many adult readers of newspaper articles, written by men who have never done any research on Shakespeare, are taken in by the arguments proposed against Shakespeare's authorship. It is true that we have no manuscripts(手稿) of the plays as they came from Shakespeare's hand. After all, he wrote the plays to be acted and the actors used the author's manuscripts.  However, almost half the plays appeared in print under the author's name during his lifetime-which ended in 1616. A few years later, in 1623, two of Shakespeare's name appeared on the title page. They even got Ben Johnson, Shakespeare's great rival playwright, to write a poetic introduction for the folio volume(对开本的书卷).

There are other arguments I might present to prove Shakespeare's authorship. My own argument is simply this, if Shakespeare did not write the plays attributed to him, it was someone else by the same name.

1. The first paragraph tells us that some so-called scholars________.

   A. have proved that Shakespeare's works were his own

   B. have already proved that Shakespeare's work were not his own

   C. try very hard to prove that Shakespeare's work were useless

   D. try to prove that Shakespeare's works were not his own

2. Some people suggested that certain writers other than Shakespeare himself were the authors of his plays. One of them did so by ________.

   A. discovering words such as “fat and lard” in Bacon's plays

   B. checking up every word in Shakespeare's words

   C. comparing the use of words in Shakespeare's works with others

   D. examining the whole text of Shakespeare's works

3. According to the message, Shakespeare________.

   A. died in 1616

   B. never had any manuscripts for his plays

   C. often wrote plays together with Ben Johnson

   D. published a great folio volume with 36 plays

4. In his final conclusion, the writer________.

   A. believe that someone else had written the plays for Shakespeare

   B. states that it is logical that Shakespeare's plays were written by Shakespeare

   C. does not think that Shakespeare could have written all the plays by himself

   D. believes that some of Shakespeare's friends had published their own works under the name of Shakespeare



科目:高中英语 来源:2007年河北省邢台市高考英语模拟考试卷 题型:050


Asia’s Apatanis

  Who are they?

  The Apatanis are one of the several major groups in Arunachal Pradesh, a state in northeast India on China’s Tibetan border.The Himalaya Mountains go into Arunachal, creating deep, narrow valleys and hills.One of the few flat places is the Apatani Valley, where the Apatani people live.

  Where did they come from?

  Apatani stories say the group moved from southern China hundreds of years ago.They are said to have carried the blue pine trees with them and planted them along the way.

  What is the valley like?

  It’s lovely-complete with bright green fields and flowering trees, especially apple trees, but it rains a lot in the valley.Arunachal is one of the wettest places on the earth.

  How many Apatanis are there?

  There are about 20,000-40,000 Apatanis living in the valley and another 20,000 outside, mostly in other parts of Arunachal.In the last 20 years, many Apatanis have gone to college and gotten professional degrees.Quite a few are doctors or work for the state government.

  How do Apatanis dress?

  They sometimes wear Western clothes, but they’re very proud of their traditional clothes, too.The women used to wear short one-piece skirts called Gullahs that were circled around and tied, without tops.Now ,the Gullahs are ankle-length and worn with Western-style coats.Men used to wear loincloths(缠腰带)and vests(背心).Now they wear long trousers and colored jackets.


Which country does Apatanis live in?

[  ]








Arunachal Pradesh


What is the climate like in the valley?

[  ]


It’s hot and dry


It’s windy


It rains a lot


It’s cold and dry


How many Apatanis live outside the valley?

[  ]










How do men Apatanis dress now?

[  ]




Western-style coats


loincloths and vests


long trousers and colored jackets


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      China's "Little People's Kingdom"is a theme park,where little people dance and sing in fairytale
costumes,drawing both curious groups and criticism.The theme park,near Kunming City in Yunnan
Province,employs 108 dwarfs from across the country,who gather on an artificial hillside twice a day to
dance and sing for tourists.And all pretend to live in a tiny hilltop village.
     The guests can watch shows like comedies,group dance and acrobatics.The show's centerpiece,a
funny performance of Swan Lake,sees performers dressed in special pink costumes and pretending to be
little swans."The first time I performed it (Swan Lake)I felt a bit embarrassed.I had never worn a skirt like that before.But later,once I got used to it,I found I could do it very well,"said Chen Ruan,21,from Hunan
Province who joined the park when it opened.
      For many of the employees,the park offers a rare opportunity to find work.As unlikely as it seems for men and women doing daily funny performances of Swan Lake,they think that it feels good to live in
dormitories that look like caves while living with people with similar experiences.In addition,the life facilities in the park are made according to their special needs.Besides,performers in the park earn 2,000 yuan a
month,around twice the salary of a high school graduate.
      The founder of the park,Chen Ming,made his fortune by producing electronics and investing,but said
he had always wanted to help the disadvantaged groups in the community.People,like human right activists for the disabled,think that such a park only encourages the discrimination against little people.
The only requirement for participants to be employed at the theme park is to be shorter than 51 inches and be able to take care of themselves in daily life.The youngest employee is 18,and the oldest 48.

1.According to Chen Ming,he founded the park to ________.

A.do good for society
B.invest money and increase his fortune
C.create a ballet show of Swan Lake
D.let people know more about the dwarfs

2.After living in the"Little People's Kingdom"for some time,many employees feel ________.


3.Which qualifications should the employees in the theme park meet?
a.Having the ability to look after themselves.
b.No taller than 51 inches.
c.Aged between 18 and 48.
d.Being a high school graduate.


4.What can be learned from the text?                 

A.The employees perform for tourists in nature.
B.The employees perform twice a day.
C.The 108 employees come from all over the world.
D.The park lies in the city of Kunming.

5.What is the author's attitude towards the park?




科目:高中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Richard's father died when he was five. Later on he lost his mother. An old woman felt sorry for the
poor boy and often helped him. Of course he had no money to go to school. He had to work for a rich
farmer. The man paid him nothing except food and clothes.    1    He found  some old books near the
school and taught himself to read and write.
        2      It connected the village and the town. One morning people found there was a big stone on it.
It stopped them from going to town. They had to move it away, or they had to cross the mountain if they
had something to do in the town. But the stone weighed thirty tons  at  least  and  the  strongest  young 
 men couldn't do that.     3   
     Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said, "I have a way to move it away." But few men
believed him.      4    Night fell and people went home. Only the boy stayed there. To their surprise, the
villagers found  the stone was gone the next morning. They didn't know which spirit had moved it away.      5      
     "How could he?" the rich farmer called out, "He's only fifteen! He couldn't move it at all!"
     "He dug a big hole beside the stone, "said the old woman, "And then he could easily push it into the
hole !"
     Looking at each other, the farmers couldn't say a word.

A. There seemed to be nothing strange in the village.
B. The old woman said Richard had done it all.
C. There was a narrow path between two mountains.
D. But the boy didn't lose heart.
E. Some farmers even laughed at the boy.
F. The boy hoped he could do something for the  villagers some day.
G. They discussed for a long time, but nobody knew  what to do.

