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I have to remind myself that some birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you ________ knows it was an offence to lock them up does feel happy.

A. thatB. whoC. where


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东省高三第二次模拟考试(押题卷)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Traditional Chinese Wedding

Traditional Chinese wedding customs have been around for thousands of years. They may vary from place to place and time to time, but have been holding 1. important position in the lives of Chinese people, 2. (cause) a far-reaching impact on the way the Chinese lead their lives. The traditional Chinese marriage usually 3. ( involve) some necessary procedures, such as match-making, engagement, meeting the bride, and three bows. 4. Addition, a typical Chinese wedding nowadays goes like this: when a new couple in engaged, what follows is a 5. (choose) of the date of their marriage. Most people would favour a bank holiday or special Chinese festival for their relatives and friends 6. (attend) the wedding. However, quite a few others, especially those in the countryside, would fix a lucky date so 7. their marriage would have “Double Happiness”. The wedding ceremony is usually hosted 8. (warm), and the wedding ceremony very often ends with a very great banquet. Toasts 9. (make) to wish the new couple long life, everlasting love and happiness, early birth of a 10. (health) baby and so on.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届福建省高三模拟考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

To be successful in any aspect of life, you need to know when to use the carrot or the stick.

Here are a few tips to help you decide whether it’s better to use the carrot or the stick.

With the kids

The carrot

When it comes to raising a kid, the carrot or the stick dilemma is quickly disappearing as too many parents take the carrot approach to the extreme. In child raising, the carrot should never be materialistic things. If you want to ask for good behavior with a reward, it should be with something that can’t be bought, say, trust. The stick Nowadays, no one likes to use the stick any more, or in my father’s case, the belt. I’m not overlooking child abuse, if you ever want to call it that, but I am encouraging parents to toughen up a bit. You don’t want your kid to test your limits only to find out he can get away with it. If you want to raise a kid, raise the hand and let him know it comes down on the second offense.

At the office

The carrot

People need encouragement and motivation to perform well. However, the carrot only really works well with employees who have already proved themselves. If you’ve got someone who can’t show up at the office before noon, the promise of a raise isn’t going to do much. On the contrary, if there’s a guy with a good work moral, he’ll thrive (grow stronger) when you add a promotion to the picture.

The stick

When considering the carrot or the stick in the office, remember that, overall, the stick is the more practical method in the office. A wise man, who just happened to be an Italian, once said “It’s best to be both loved and feared.” It’s nice to have everyone love you, but running a business isn’t like running a family. You need to have the stick constantly raised.

With the wife

The carrot

When it comes to marriage, always use the carrot. I’ve had a lovely marriage for many years, and I’ve always stuck to the carrot approach.

Sometimes you catch more flies with honey, and sometimes it’s the crack of a whip(鞭子) that gets the horse moving. Try not to use too many sticks at home; the carrot is much more fun.

1.What is the best title of this passage?

A. The Carrot or the Stick?

B. The Introduction to the Carrot and the Stick

C. Tips in the Daily Life

D. The Advantages of the Carrot and the Stick

2.In kids raising, the author prefers ________.

A. the carrot approach

B. the stick approach

C. both the carrot approach and the stick approach

D. neither the carrot approach nor the stick approach

3.Which do you think is the best to be a good boss at the office?

A. Always using carrots.

B. Eating a lot of carrots.

C. Being both loved and feared.

D. Using too many sticks.

4.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The author often gives more carrots to his wife to eat at home.

B. The carrot is much more fun when it comes to marriage.

C. On different occasions, the carrot or the stick is effective.

D. You need the stick to get your horses to move faster occasionally.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏无锡高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Members of the post-1990 generation looking for work apply for multiple positions. They hold high _________ of the jobs, a reflection of young people's changing attitudes in the country's development, a recent research showed.

When fresh graduates do land a job interview, they are also more likely to miss it,_________offers and have no qualms(不安)about quitting if the work is not _________

These were some of the main _________ of the research conducted by leading Chinese recruitment (招聘) website 5ljob.com. Of those _________ , 45.1% of the employers said more than half of job candidates _________ to turn up on time for interviews. More than 60% of the fresh_________ also felt they needed help from their parents to look for work, the research showed.

Liu Jinjin, deputy director of the human resources department at the Social Sciences Academic Press, said members of the post-1990 generation are _________ about employment and it was _________ for them to break appointments for job interviews.

“Most of the post-1990 generation are the only child in the family.Their living conditions have greatly _________ from that of the post-1980 and post-1970 generations. They don't experience much _________ in life so they pay closer attention to personal_________ and interests when hunting for a job.The post-1990 generation also does not care about the amount of money they make. _________ the working environment, the happiness they get from their work and respect from others are what _________most.”Liu said.

“The post-1990 generation does not think twice about leaving in their first year of work. If they lose interest in a job or are not clear about their future career path, they will _________ easily,” Liu said. Members of the generation are also more self-centered.They want more time for themselves and are not willing to work _________. Their attitude to life is more casual, Liu said. Zhang Gao, the campus brand director of Chinese Internet search giant Baidu, said a survey it conducted this year found that the post-1990 generation focus on work-life_________ ,“They need some space when they work and don't want to be managed too _________.”Zhang said. _________ that members of that generation often choose to work according to their interests and have their own ideas and views about work.

_________ this generation is very sensitive and has a lot of self-respect, so employers need to be concerned about their temperaments(性情) and ways of communication,” she said.

1.A. goalsB. dreamsC. standardsD. expectations

2.A. bring downB. turn downC. put downD. let down

3.A. to their tasteB. in their favor

C. for their benefitD. at their convenience

4.A. effectsB. solutionsC. plansD. findings

5.A. employedB. admittedC. surveyedD. recruited

6.A. attemptedB. failedC. managedD. agreed

7.A. employeesB. graduatesC. intervieweesD. students

8.A. pickyB. seriousC. concernedD. tolerant

9.A. unusualB. strangeC. commonD. appropriate

10.A. changedB. promotedC. strengthenedD. improved

11.A. pressureB. sorrowC. curiosityD. sympathy

12.A. informationB. situation

C. preferencesD. majors

13.A. ThereforeB. AnyhowC. BesidesD. Instead

14.A. matterB. meanC. requireD. remain

15.A. discourageB. quitC. complainD. criticize

16.A. sometimeB. fulltimeC. part-timeD. overtime

17.A. issueB. entertainmentC. routineD. balance

18.A. casuallyB. gentlyC. strictlyD. deadly

19.A. sayingB. speakingC. addingD. assuming

20.A. In factB. In shortC. In contrastD. In total


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏无锡高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It's strange that some fundamental professions in our society rarely receive the respect or acknowledgement they ________.

A. matchB. acceptC. reserveD. deserve


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北省高三下期三模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








In recently years, the sandstorm has occurred a lot of times, doing great harm to our daily life. Some people would rather to stay at home for fear of the dirty air caused by the sandstorm. Diseases relate to sandstorm get more and more people to hospital. What’s worse, many flights have to put off.

It’s an urgent task for us to take actions to stop sandstorms from happen. All citizens should raise our awareness of protecting the environment. We should plant more trees and don’t cut them down or dig up grass, where can contribute for land protection. Only in this way can we had a bluer sky and a better world to live in.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北省高三下期三模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

2016 Exhibitions in the British Museum

Sunken cities: Egypt’s lost worlds

19 May - 27 November 2016

Sainsbury Exhibitions Gallery

Adults£16.50, Members/under 16s free

Sunken under the sea for over a thousand years, two lost cities of ancient Egypt were lately rediscovered. Their amazing discovery is transforming our understanding of the deep connections between the great ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece. Their story is told for the first time in this exhibition.

Francis Towne’s watercolours of Rome

21 January - 14 August 2016

Room 90/ Open late Fridays

Free, just drop in

Come and experience 18th-century Rome through an astonishing series of watercolours not displayed together since 1805.

Sicily: culture and conquest

21 April - 14 September 2016

Room 35

Tickets: Adults£10, Members/under 16s free

This exhibition tells Sicily’s fascinating stories - from the arrival of the Greeks and other settlers, to the extraordinary period of enlightenment(启蒙) under Norman rule in the 11th to 13th centuries.

Early British exploration of the classical world

14 March - 27 July 2016

Room 90a/ Open late Fridays

Free, just drop in

This small display features a remarkable selection of drawings by British explorers and architects, who discovered and documented some of Sicily’s best surviving classical sculpture and architecture.

1.Which place are Francis Towne’s works picture about?

A. Egypt.B. France.C. Rome.D. Sicily.

2.What art works are housed in Room 90a?

A. Drawings. B. Buildings.

C. Sculptures. D. Watercolours.

3.Which exhibition can you attend in October?

A. Sicily: culture and conquest

B. Sunken cities: Egypt’s lost worlds

C. Francis Towne’s watercolours of Rome

D. Early British exploration of the classical world


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州思南中学高二下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There are two factors which determine an individual's intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual—the sort of environment in which he is reared. If an individual is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.

The importance of environment in determining an individual's intelligence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark X. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities. Mark was reared in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. Mark's I.Q. was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level.

1.A person’s intelligence ________.

A. stays unchanged in a certain environment

B. develops with the change of environment

C. is born at the same level as anyone else’s

D. is affected by the environment as well as the sort of brain he is born with

2.What is meant by “he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.”?

A. He will never fail to develop his intelligence.

B. He won’t become so intelligent as he should.

C. He is able to reach a high level of intelligence.

D. It is impossible for him to develop intelligence.

3.Which of the following statements is true concerning the twins?

A. The sorts of brain they are born with differ greatly.

B. They set up an example for studying the environment.

C. They became orphans once they were born.

D. They were adopted boys.

4.According to the text, the environment in which the twins were reared differs in the following aspects except ________.

A. intelligence level of the parents

B. family economic status

C. the age of their parents

D. community surroundings


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中等五校高二下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Inside the classroom, some learners seem to take ________ of what’s going on more than others. It looks as if they are more engaged with the process of ________ than their classmates. Teachers are ________ of this too. They will ________ say that successful students possess some or all of the following characteristics.

A willingness to ________: good learners listen to what’s gong on—not just in the sense of paying attention, but also in terms of really listening to the English that is being used, soaking(吸收) it up with ________ and intelligence.

A willingness to experiment: many good learners are not ________ to “have a go”. They are ________ to take risks, to try things out and see how it works. Of course, not all successful language learners are extroverts(性格外向的人), but the ________ to use the language is an important one.

A willingness to put forward questions: ________ some teachers can become irritated by students who are constantly ________ difficult question, the urge to ________ why is part of a successful learner’s equipment. Good teacher frequently invite students to ask if they don’t ________ something. Good learners do this, judging when it is ________ to do so and when it is not.

A willingness to accept correction: good learners are prepared to be corrected if it ________ them. They are keen to get feedback from the ________ and act upon what they are ________. But this only works where teachers can offer constructive criticism ________ castigating(惩罚) them for being wrong. Giving feedback involves ________ students for things they do well, and offering them the ability to do things better where they were less ________. It involves teachers in judging their students’ responses to correction so that they can act accordingly.

1.A. chargeB. controlC. advantageD. place

2.A. travellingB. learningC. shoppingD. working

3.A. sickB. tiredC. awareD. proud

4.A. frequentlyB. suddenlyC. graduallyD. immediately

5.A. reviewB. listenC. writeD. repeat

6.A. worryB. angerC. eagernessD. surprise

7.A. anxiousB. confidentC. afraidD. lucky

8.A. preparedB. ashamedC. disappointedD. puzzled

9.A. ideaB. reasonC. opinionD. urge

10.A. unlessB. untilC. althoughD. since

11.A. solvingB. answeringC. discussingD. asking

12.A. carry outB. find outB. make sureD. make up

13.A. understandB. explainC. predictD. remember

14.A. strangeB. easyC. expensiveD. appropriate

15.A. bothersB. helpsC. changesD. hurts

16.A. teacherB. deskmateC. parentD. assistant

17.A. blamedB. announcedC. toldD. persuaded

18.A. less thanB. other thanC. rather thanD. more than

19.A. comfortingB. greetingC. ignoringD. praising

20.A. successfulB. importantC. attractiveD. popular

