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14.-Lily always thinks that we speak ill of her in her absence.
-It's just her to be so _____.(  )

分析 --Lily总是认为在她不在期间我们说她的坏话.

解答 答案是A.本题考查形容词词义辨析.sensitive敏感的;humorous幽默的;attractive有吸引力的;confident有信心的;根据语境,总认为别人在说她的坏话,说明她"太敏感",所以答案选择A.其它选项语义不符.

点评 辨析形容词要在识记常见形容词及其搭配的基础上理解语境,根据具体语境推断合理的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.When I arrived,I found everything_____ in order.(  )
A.arrangedB.to arrangeC.being arrangedD.arranging


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.A new computer program is being praised as a life-changer for blind people.The new program is known as the KNFB Reader app.It can help users listen to an audio read-back-the sound-of printed material including restaurant menus to studying papers in the classroom,which will make the blind people's life much easier.
The application software program costs$99.It is the product of a 1ong relationship between the National Federation of the Blind and Ray Kurzweil,a computer scientist and an employee of Google.One user,named Gordon Luke,said that he was able to use the app to read his voting card for the recent election.
The KNFB Reader makes use of new pattern recognition and image-processing technology,and new hardware for smartphones.People using the app can adjust,or change the position of the camera and read printed materials out loud and that gives some people greater independence.
Mr.Kurzweil started working on what he called"reading machines"in the early 1970s.The idea came after speaking with a blind person who expressed frustration with the lack of technology to assist blind people.The first reading machine was the size of a washing machine.It cost$50,000.The technology has continued to improve over the Dast 20years.The new reading app can recognize and take printed material in one language and change it to another language.But it was not available on a mobile device until now.In the past,it cost more than$1,000to use the software app with a camera and a mobile phone.

33.With the KNFB Reader,the blind can do the following exceptA.
A.drawing a picture    
B.1earning in the school
C.reading menus 
D.voting in the election
34.After years of hard work,Kurzweil managed to make his reading app moreB.
A.complex    B.practical   C.expensive  D.fashionable
35.What's the best title of the passage?C
A.What led to the invention of the first reading machine
B.Why the KNFB Reader app is developed
C.Smartphone app gives"sight"to the blind
D.How a reading app benefits all the disabled.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Efficiency and productivity are the key factors in the workplace.Being noticed is essential for the employee to progress.What if you are shy?People often make assumptions that being shy means you can't complete a job as well as others and this can seriously hold you back.
A shy person is likely to be the one who works hard and struggles for a quiet life rather than being put in an awkward (令人不舒服的)) situation.Unfortunately it means that you may be the one who misses a promotion.Being shy means your boss is less likely to remember you despite your ability.You end up with the"reliable"one who will riot compete with others.
Communication is essential and while you may be a good listener it is important to make your voice heard.Shy people may have a lot of thoughts,but keeping their ideas to themselves is only to punish themselves when someone else receives praise for the same idea.Bosses may assume that you haven't the ability to think of ideas despite the fact that you have plenty but feel afraid to say them.If deals have to be made,your boss may think you won't be able to win over customers.
If you are unsure of carrying out a task and afraid of being laughed at,you will feel depressed.This could cause you not to complete the task effectively enough,Asking for help will ease the pressure.
Being shy can lead to missing a promotion and pay increase because you are afraid to ask.It could be the opportunity for the company to provide extra training for you.If you don't ask you will miss out on greater expertise (专业知识).
Find strategies to overcome your fears.The challenges may be something such as being the first one to speak to a colleague.The sense of achievement will be inspiring.Later on it could be suggesting at least one idea the next time there is a meeting.If you feel you have serious problems with shyness then try confidence training to help you.Making that decision to try could change your life.
53.According to the passage,a shy personB.
    A.often has low efficiency at work
    B.will not be regarded as abler than others
    C.will feel embarrassed in the workplace
    D.will be regarded as the most reliable employee
54.What can we infer from the passage?B
    A.People often look down upon a shy person.
    B.Shyness will prevent our career advancement.
    C.Bosses will never give important tasks to a shy person.
    D.A shy person will not ask for help when meeting difficulties.
55.To overcome our shyness at work,we canA.
    ①greet our colleagues actively
    ②declare what we're capable of to everyone
    ③get trained to increase our self-confidence
    ④put forward at least one idea during a meeting
56.What's the best title for passage?D
    A.How to overcome shyness?B.The character of a shy person
    C.The effects of being shy on people     D.Disadvantages of being shy at work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Li Hua,who was busy preparing a report,couldn't _____ the loud noise so he kept all the windows shut all day long.(  )
A.come up withB.put up withC.catch up withD.keep up with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unless     used in everyday communication.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.After his journey from abroad,Alice returned home,__________.(  )
C.being exhaustedD.having exhausted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.The _______ boy made the police and his family _______.(  )
A.gone; puzzledB.missing; puzzled
C.missing; puzzlingD.lost; puzzling


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.A:She is a student            
B:           (  )
A.so am IB.so I amC.neither am ID.nor I am

