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He laid off his sweat suit on a bench and went into the shower room.




科目:高中英语 来源:高考三人行·英语 题型:050


  For almost three years now, Mary Rodas has been a vice president at a company in New York City. Mary works in a big office, is driven in a car and makes important business decisions.

  But she still has to do her homework every day. That’ s because Mary is a 16 - year - old high school student.

  How did a teenager get to be a vice president? It all started when she was a little girl in Union City, New Jersey. One day, she was watching a worker, Donald Spector, put in new tiles (瓷砖). He laid the tiles in the correct pattern everywhere but behind the kitchen door.

  “Mister,” she said, walking right up to him. “You’re doing it all wrong.”

  “It’s okay, Mary,” Spector said “Nobody will see the tiles behind the door.”

  “But it’s wrong,” Mary insisted. “You have to do it right even if nobody sees it.”

  Spector was impressed she spoke her mind. Mary and Donald became friends that day, and it changed their lives. Donald Spector is an inventor and one of the founders of a company that makes toys. As Mary got a little older, Spector started to show her his ideas for new products. He wanted Mary’ s opinions. And she gave it to him straight.

  Mary has come up with a lot of good ideas for the company. Take, for example, Balzac. This is a cloth ball with a balloon inside it that can be filled with air or water. In 1989, it became one of the hottest toys in the U.S. It was Mary’ s idea to fill a Balzac partly with water so that it would fly crazily (疯狂地) when you threw it. And it was Mary who thought of putting pennies or rice inside so it would make noise when it bounced (弹起) around. She also told Spector that she didn’t like its color.

  “I was 13 when Donald showed it to me,” Mary says. “It was fun to play with, but I thought the colors were boring. I told him to use neon (氖)colors, and to put them in crazy patterns.”

  When Balzac hit the market, the results blew Spector away. It did so well, now stores are selling a whole bunch of Balzac products.

  Donald Spector knew how much Mary was helping his company. So on Christmas Day in 1989, he gave her a present. He asked her to be the vice president of marketing in his company.

1.Why did Spector ask Mary to be the vice president of his company?

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A.Because she was a teenager.

B.Because she liked playing with all kinds of toys.

C.Because she had offered him many helpful suggestions.

D.Because she asked for less pay than anyone else.

2.Which question is not answered in the passage?

[  ]

A.How did Mary meet Donald?

B.How much money does Mary earn?

C.What does Mary do at work?

D.What was Balzac?

3.You can infer from the passage that Mary ________.

[  ]

A.is very shy

B.does not go to school

C.is smart

D.doesn’t like any colors

4.Which of the following can be chosen as the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.You Must Do Everything Right

B.Toys in the United States

C.The Success of Balzac

D.A Young Vice President


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省沈阳二中2010-2011学年高二10月月考英语试题 题型:017

-Lucas is ________.Don't trust him.

-I cannot believe he ________ to me by making ________ such a stupid excuse.I always consider Lucas as my own brother.

[  ]

lying; lay; of


lieing; lied; up


lieing; laid; of


lying; lied; up


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年辽宁省高二10月月考试卷 题型:单项填空

– Lucas is _________. Don’t trust him.

-- I cannot believe he ________ to me by making ______ such a stupid excuse. I always consider Lucas as my own brother.

A.lying; lay; of

B.lieing; lied; up

C.lieing; laid; of

D.lying; lied; up



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:写作题

    A little boy was walking down a path where he came across a rattlesnake.The snake asked, “Please
little boy, can you take me to the top of the mountain? I hope to see the sunset one last time before I
die.” The little boy answered, “No, Mr.Rattlesnake.If I pick you up, you'll bite me and I'll die.” The
rattlesnake said, “No, I promise.” The little boy thought about it and finally took the rattlesnake close
to his chest and carried it up to the top of the mountain.
     They sat there and watched the sunset together.Then the little boy took the rattlesnake to his home to
give him some food and a place to sleep.The next day the rattlesnake asked, “Please little boy, will you
take me back to my home now? It is time for me to leave this world, and I would like to be at my home
now.” The little boy felt he had been safe all this time and the snake had kept his word, so he would
carried him back to the woods as asked.
     Just before he laid the rattlesnake down, the rattlesnake turned and bit him in the chest.The little boy
cried out and threw the snake upon the ground.“Mr.Snake, why did you do that?” The rattlesnake
looked upon at him and ginned, “You knew what I was when you pick me up.”
1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容;
2. 以约120词就“遵守承诺的重要性”发表你的看法,内容包括:
1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

– Lucas is _________. Don’t trust him.

-- I cannot believe he ________ to me by making ______ such a stupid excuse. I always consider Lucas as my own brother.

A. lying; lay; of                                    B. lieing; lied; up   

C. lieing; laid; of                                    D. lying; lied; up

