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13.I've often wondered if I might do more good as a travel agent rather than as a psychologist.It seems that I have been more dramatically affected by certain kinds of travel experiences than I ever have.
My trip to Iceland is a fine example of that.The plan was to spend two days in a remote mountain hut in Iceland.I was working on a photographic book about winter in Iceland and needed to capture images of this amazing region of high mountain peaks,smoky volcanoes,and lakes with floating icebergs.
The moment after we arrived,the weather turned extreme making visibility impossible.It snowed so much and the wind blew so hard that we couldn't leave the tiny hut.To stay warm,we walked around in circles much of the day inside the tiny hut.We tried to call for help but the radio did not work.Day after day,we watched our supplies of food and fuel grow dangerously short.We got acute cabin fever (幽居病) and started going for walks and ski expeditions outside.Even when the weather finally broke,nobody came to get us even though it was three days beyond our scheduled pickup.By the time the rescue team came to pull us out,we had all given up hope.
From then on,the world looks different to me,as does my life.It would have taken me years of psychotherapy to get to the same point.
Almost everyone has a story to tell,and interestingly,most of these experiences were not altogether pleasant at the time.In fact,it appears that the most constructive life-changing journeys were those that involved some sorts of awful and uncomfortable events that forced the person to develop new resources,increase confidence,and solve problems in new ways.

21.The writer went to Iceland toB.
A.enjoy the natural beautiful floating icebergs
B.take photos about the region for a book
C.collect materials for psychological research
D.challenge the high mountains there
22.During the trip in Iceland,those travelers faced difficulties EXCEPT thatA
A.they got lost in the mountain
B.they were short of food and fuel
C.they couldn't see the surroundings clearly
D.they failed to get in touch with the rescue team
23.From Paragraph 3,we learn that the travelersA.
A.were in despair before they were rescued
B.stayed in the hut for three days altogether
C.got sick because of going for ski outside
D.got rescued immediately the weather turned fine
24.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?D
A.The writer is a travel agent who loves difficult challenges.
B.In Iceland the weather is always extreme and it snows a lot.
C.The travellers were so depressed that they needed psychotherapy.
D.Awful journeys may become life-changing events that inspire people.

分析 本文介绍了作者的一次险些丧命的旅行经历,绝处逢生的经历使作者用新的眼光看待世界,看待生活,变得更加自信,说明历经磨难的旅程可以改变人生、激励人们.

解答 21-24 BAAD

21.B   细节理解题.根据第二段第三句I was working on a photographic…this amazing region…可知作者在编写一本关于冰岛冬天的画册,需要去那里拍摄照片,所以B项正确.
22.A  细节理解题.根据第三段可知作者冰岛之行所面临的困难:第五句our supplies of food and fuel grow dangerously short(对应B项);第一句the weather turned extreme making visibility impossible(对应C项);第四句We tried to call for help but the radio did not work(对应D项).由此可知,A项并非他们面临的困难.
23.A    细节理解题.根据第三段最后一句By the time the rescue team came to pull us out,we had all given up hope.可知A项正确;由第三段第六句We got acute cabin…outside可知B、C两项错误;由第七句Even when the weather…pickup可知D项错误.故选A.
24.D  推理判断题.本文介绍了作者的一次险些丧命的旅行经历,绝处逢生的经历使作者用新的眼光看待世界,看待生活,变得更加自信.反映了"历经磨难的旅程可以改变人生、激励人们"这一主题.故选D.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.It was my first job aftergraduation (毕业).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.I'm sorry to bother you,     can you direct me to the railway station?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Don't read in poor light _______ your eyesight will be damaged.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Why Doesn't Anybody Copy Apple?
Apple's products are the envy of the world.They have beenspectacularly successful and are widely imitated,if not copied.The
minute Apple crystallizes a product,everyone knows how to compete.
This idea that the basis of competition is set by Apple and then the
race is on to climb the path of improvement is unquestionable.When
Apple releases a product that defines a category or dramatically
changes the structure of an industry,it becomes obvious what needs to be built.But what I wonder is why everyone wants to copy Apple's products but nobody wants to copy being Apple?
I can think of two reasons.Firstly,Apple is not worth copying because it's not successful; secondly,Apple's success cannot be copied because it is a magical process.
There is a great deal of evidence for the first hypothesis.The idea of Apple being successful is not something reflected in its stock price.Being valued lower than the average company in the S&P(标准普尔)500indicates that to whatever degree Apple was successful in the past,it's not seen by the vast majority of observers as successful in the future.Why should one bother copying Apple if it results in being punished with a low valuation?If one works really hard at innovation and then that innovation becomes commoditized(商品化) very quickly,why should one bother?
When innovation practitioners are asked what makes Apple successful,the answers regarding the cause of this success border on the mythical.The climax of this hypothesis is the"chief-sorcerer"theory of success which places one magician,like Steve Jobs,in charge of casting all the right spells (符咒).
What about Apple's own opinion of what makes it tick?Tim Cook refers to a great team and integration of hardware,software and services as unique Apple advantages.It's a better explanation. Integration is something that can take a long time,but it is possible with great effort.A few companies are starting to make moves in that direction,but efforts are half-hearted.There is no"move the Earth"panic to become an integrated company from Samsung,Google or Microsoft.
My own suspicion is that Apple is more aware of wliat makes it special than it lets out. However,as Tim points out,it's not a formula.It's complex,it's subtle,but it's not magic.It's a process that requires a degree of faith and courage.

67.When a new product of Apple comes out,often itB.
A.ruins an industry dramatically
B.starts a revolution of an industry
C.puts itself in an unbeatable position
D.is soon overtaken by imitated products
68.According to the passage,other companies don't"copy being Apple"becauseD.
A.Apple is not a successful company
B.they have no access to relevant resources
C.it's hard to find a magician like Steve Jobs
D.being Apple takes more than time and efforts
69.We can infer from Para.5thatC.
A.other companies are dedicated to integration
B.Apple itself is fully aware of its unique advantages
C.Apple will hold the leading position in this industry
D.other companies don't have a great team as Apple does
70.What does the author think of Tim Cook's statement?D
A.Convincing.      B.Disappointing.
C.Unquestionable.  D.Acceptable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.When           what they needed most,the kids said they wanted to be felt important and loved.(  )
A.askingB.to be askedC.askedD.to ask


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-Shall I tell your best friends what happened to you yesterday?
-_____ they ask you(  )
A.Not unlessB.Not ifC.Not exceptD.No though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.A nickname is a shortened form of a person's name.A nickname can also be a descriptive name for a person,place or thing.Many American cities have nicknames.
Los Angeles has several nicknames.One is simply the city's initials,L.A.It is also called the City of Angels because Los Angeles means"the angels"in Spanish.
Los Angeles often has warm,sunny weather.So another nickname is City of Flowers and Sunshine.New York is called The Big Apple.So Los Angeles is sometimes called The Big Orange because of the fruit that grows in that city's warm climate.
The American motion picture (电影) and television industries are based in Los Angeles.So it is not surprising that it is called The Entertainment Capital of the World.Many films are made in the area of Los Angeles called Hollywood.Millions of people visit the area.No trip to Los Angeles is complete without seeing the word"Hollywood"spelled out in huge letters on a hillside.
Many movie stars live in Los Angeles.The city is sometimes called Tinseltown.This nickname comes from the shiny,bright and often unreal nature of Hollywood and the movie industry.
Another nickname for Los Angeles is La-La Land,using the first letters of Los and Angeles.This means a place that is fun and not serious,and maybe even   out of touch with reality.
The city of Los Angeles is part of Los Angeles County.There are many smaller cities in the county.Beverly Hills,with its rich people,is one of them.So is Pasadena,with its Rose Parade each New Year's Day.
A good place for watching unusual-looking people is Venice,an area on the west side of Los Angeles.A system of waterways designed after the Italian city of Venice has been built there.

46.What's the purpose of the first paragraph?C
A.To tell us what a nickname is.
B.To prove that nicknames are popular.
C.To lead us into the topic to be presented.
D.To tell us some people's nicknames.
47.Which of the following is NOT the nickname for Los Angeles in the passage?D
A.L.A.                 B.City of Flowers and Sunshine.
C.The City of Angels.   D.The Big Apple.
48.Why is Los Angeles called The Entertainment Capital of the World?D
A.Because Los Angeles often has warm,sunny weather.
B.Because many movie stars live in Los Angeles.
C.Because there are many smaller cities in the county.
D.Because the American motion picture and television industries are there.
49.The underlined part"out of touch with reality"in Paragraph 6can probably be replaced by"C".
A.real            B.false  
C.fantastic       D.practical
50.Which of the following statements is NOT true?B
A.Pasadena is famous for its Rose Parade each New Year's Day.
B.If you want to watch unusual-looking people,you can go to the Italian city of Venice.
C.The word"Hollywood"spelled out in huge letters on a hillside is popular with people.
D.Because of the unreal nature of Hollywood and the movie industry,Los Angeles is called Tinseltown.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.We've all had that moment when we are in the middle of sorting old clothes,or walking down the street and passing a restaurant,or someone hugs you and their pleasant smell go slightly and you're instantly transported to a past memory or you feel an emotional response to that smell.
For me,the smell of bubble bath will always make me think of long soaps in the big claw-footed bath and my grandma's house in the UK!If this sounds like you too,there is a reason for it.Psychologist Sabina Read explains,"Fragrance is commonly linked to our mood and behavior via learned emotional responses associated with smells and past experiences.If we smell roses while visiting a sick loved one in hospital,the smell may arouse sadness or grief (哀伤); however if we first smell roses after giving birth,we will most likely associate that smell with feelings of joy and love.Therefore fragrance plays a powerful role in mood and emotion across our life."
And it's this understanding which Imperial Leather has used in creating their new fragrance range.The brand undertook a survey of 2,200Australians on fragrances and smells---and some of the results might surprise you.
*A huge 97percent of people feel more confident just by wearing a fragrance.
*Women feel most attractive wearing a floral (花香的) scent.
*Floral fragrances are the most attractive scent with men voting it as their favorite scent for a partner.
*Over half the nation,51percent,have used the same fragrance for five years or more.

5.When we are sorting old clothes,their pleasant smell mayD.
A.be always full of our memory
B.drive us to change for new ones
C.have a positive effect on our emotion
D.remind us a certain past memory or feelings on it
6.By giving examples,the writer makes us learn thatB.
A.roses are always connected with joy and love
B.fragrance plays an important role in our mood and emotion
C.the big claw-footed bath calls up the memory of his grandma's house
D.Imperial Leather conducted a survey to create their new fragrance range
7.What would be the best title for the passage?A
A.The Truth Behind Fragrances and Feelings
B.Smell Associated with Emotion
C.A Survey by Imperial Leather
D.My Past Memory of Smell
8.What can you do if you want to make yourself attractive?C
A.Wear some old clothes full of memories.
B.Take a bubble bath every day.
C.Wear some kind of fragrance.
D.Avoid visiting people in hospital.

