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Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it ________ live is another.

A. being performed B. performed

C. performing D. having been performed


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年云南昆明第三中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market. The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town, but it was raining hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold out, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village.

On his way home he saw a person lying on the ground. He placed his baskets on the ground and was going to help the person to get up. At that time he found it was a dead man and there was much blood on his body. He was so afraid that he ran away quickly, without taking his baskets.

The next afternoon the farmer was sent to the police station. Having shown the baskets, an officer asked, “Are these yours? ” “Yes, sir. ” The farmer answered timidly(胆怯地). “Have you killed the man?” “No, no, sir.” The farmer said in a hurry. “When did you see the dead man?” “About seven last evening. ” “Did you see who killed the man?” “No, sir. ” The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet?” “No, sir. ” The officer became angry and told the policemen to beat him up and sent him into prison(监狱)。

That evening the officer went on trying. Pointing to the knife, he asked again, “Have you seen it yet?” “ yes, sir.” The officer was happy and asked, “When and where?” “I saw it here this afternoon, sir.”

1.Why did the farmer decide to sell the vegetables?

A. To go to the market.

B. To go to see the doctor.

C. To buy some food for his family.

D. To buy some medicine for his wife.

2.The farmer didn’t sell out his vegetables until the evening because ________.

A. they were too bad

B. they were very expensive

C. it rained hard that morning

D. people wouldn’t go out on such a bad day

3.Why did the farmer run quickly?

A. He was afraid to see a dead man.

B. His wife was waiting for him at home.

C. The policemen were coming towards him.

D. It was so late and he had to buy some medicine.

4.The officer tried(审讯)the farmer to _______.

A. ask if he had seen the knife

B. know who had killed the man

C. ask when he saw the dead man

D. know if he had seen the dead man


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

All the materials have been posted to you. I’m looking forward to the chance to meet you __________ to discuss the present situation of our company.

A.in peaceB.in return

C.in troubleD.in person


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西南昌第二中学高三上第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It is widely known that any English conversation begins with The Weather. Such a fixation with the weather finds expression in Dr.Johnson’s famous comment that “When two English meet, their first talk is of weather.” Though Johnson’s observation is as accurate now as it was over two hundred years ago, most commentators fail to come up with a convincing explanation for this English weather-speak.

Bill Bryson, for example, concludes that, as the English weather is not at all exciting, the obsession with it can hardly be understood. He argues that “To an outsider, the most striking thing about the English weather is that there is not very much of it.” Simply, the reason is that the unusual and unpredictable weather is almost unknown in the British Isles.

Jeremy Paxman, however, disagrees with Bryson, arguing that the English weather is by nature attractive. Bryson is wrong, he says, because the English preference for the weather has nothing to do with the natural phenomena.” The interest is less in the phenomena themselves, but in uncertainty.” According to him, the weather in England is very changeable and uncertain and it attracts the English as well as the outsider.

Bryson and Paxman stand for common misconceptions about the weather-speak among the English. Both commentators, somehow, are missing the point. The English weather conversation is not really about the weather at all. English weather-speak is a system of signs, which is developed to help the speakers overcome the natural reserve and actually talk to each other. Everyone knows conversations starting with weather-speak are not requests for weather data. Rather, they are routine greetings, conversation starters or the blank “fillers”, In other words, English weather-speak is a means of social bonding.

1.The author mentions Dr.Johnson’s comment to show that________.

A. most commentators agree with Dr.Johnson

B. Dr.Johnson is famous for his weather observation

C. the comment was accurate two hundred years ago

D. English conversations usually start with the weather

2.What does the underlined word “obsession” most probably refer to?

A. An emotional state

B. An unknown phenomenon.

C. A historical concept.

D. A social trend.

3.According to the passage, Jeremy Paxman believes that________.

A. Bill Bryson has little knowledge of the weather

B. English people talk about the weather for its uncertainty

C. the English weather attracts people to the British Isles

D. there is nothing special about the English weather

4.What is the author’s main purpose of writing the passage?

A. To convince people that the English weather is changeable.

B. To analyze misconceptions about the English weather.

C. To find fault with both Bill Bryson and Jeremy Paxman.

D. To explain what English weather-speak is about.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东广州执信中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


I quit my office job in 2012. At that time, a strong sense of ________bothered me. I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do with my life. So I committed myself to ________ . I took acting classes, traveled, volunteered on farms, and so forth. After a period of time, I realized my problem had ________ changed. My idea bank was full of ________ . I had countless ideas for what I could perform to ________ a meaningful life. However, the number of the choices I had made me ________ . Being passionate about so many things, I didn’t know what I should ________ to find a way forward.

By chance, I read a book written by Stephen Covey, in which he ________ that people “begin with the end in mind” when they need to make choices. The idea means knowing your final goal ________ , and then you can more________ make the choices and take the steps ________ to reach your goal. Thanks to Covey, I knew what I should ________ . I showed an interest in________ at an early age, and hoped to make a difference some day. So my interest ________ my final goal. And fortunately, after about two years of effort, now I have devoted myself to this ________work---a professional dancer.

In daily life, a large number of people may have the same ________ — not knowing which to choose when they have lots of ________ for many things. According to my own experience, I have realized that in order to ________ the uncertainty about choosing, knowing the final goal first really matters. Not only did it help me know ________ what I should pursue, but it also functioned as a firm belief that ________me to take action to make it.

1.A. selfishnessB. aimlessnessC. weaknessD. madness

2.A. waitingB. complainingC. exploringD. escaping

3.A. slightlyB. completelyC. randomlyD. frequently

4.A. pressureB. conclusionsC. disappointmentD. choices

5.A. createB. understandC. preserveD. control

6.A. satisfiedB. shockedC. excitedD. confused

7.A. agree withB. take inC. focus onD. get through

8.A. advisesB. refusesC. observesD. predicts

9.A. in detailB. on purposeC. in advanceD. by accident

10.A. easilyB. casuallyC. strangelyD. normally

11.A. convenientB. necessaryC. amazingD. obvious

12.A. acceptB. observeC. reflectD. pick

13.A. travelingB. speakingC. teachingD. dancing

14.A. changedB. separatedC. determinedD. replaced

15.A. difficultB. idealC. worthlessD. popular

16.A. discussionB. assignmentC. opportunityD. challenge

17.A. passionsB. regretsC. excusesD. requirements

18.A. considerB. removeC. believeD. criticize

19.A. graduallyB. rarelyC. clearlyD. probably

20.A. expectedB. forbadeC. inspiredD. commanded


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东广州执信中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is wise to have some money ________ for old age.

A. put aside B. kept up C. given away D. laid up


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东广州执信中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The WHO ________ eat less bacon and other preserved meat because they can cause cancer.

A. appeals people to B. appeals to people to

C. calls in people to D. calls on people


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西南昌二中高二上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

People say one man's trash (垃圾) is another man's treasure. That ________comes to my mind as I looked through the house purchased in 1962 by my parents. My mother________ in 1996. My father left the house ________ my sister and me when he died a few months ago.

After Dad was ________ , we looked around the house________we grew up and that Dad loved so much. At first we felt so ________ all the stuff left. Like so many of their generation, my parents ________ everything. And like many in my generation, we faced anxious _______ about what to abandon and what to keep.

As we started throwing out old phone books and every medical bill from every ________ my parents ever saw, I also________ many hidden treasures. Mom's pocketbook was in their bedroom closet, which had everything in it, ________ her hairbrush with hair, as if she were still here. And Dad, who was a World War II veteran (退伍兵) and a world traveler, ________ everything --- from little spoons from all over the world to every letter he wrote to his parents while in the ________ . The letters he wrote during the war ________ his thoughts as a young man. Later, in the basement, I ________ our old kitchen table, which brought back________ of my parents and sister and me having breakfast together.

I'm realizing all these things________ my parents' life journey. Each time I go to the ________ , I find something that reminded me of my childhood or teaches me something about my parents I ________ knew. ________ , from the shabby furniture to all the hidden treasures, means more to me than all the money in the world.

1.A. coincidence B. thought C. principle D. goal

2.A. passed by B. passed down C. passed on D. passed away

3.A. for B. with C. to D. by

4.A. gone B. retired C. ill D. injured

5.A. which B. that C. when D. where

6.A. pleased with B. familiar with C. astonished at D. disappointed at

7.A. saved B. enjoyed C. purchased D. designed

8.A. bargains B. decisions C. challenges D. responsibilities

9.A. doctor B. person C. neighbor D. child

10.A. bought B. discovered C. buried D. lost

11.A. just B. even C. only D. yet

12.A. liked B. bought C. lost D. kept

13.A. countryside B. school C. army D. college

14.A. receive B. direct C. sense D. describe

15.A. repaired B. cleaned C. spotted D. set

16.A.memories B. introductions C. descriptions D. communications

17.A. recognized B. represented C. instructed D. confirmed

18.A. supermarket B. church C. office D. house

19.A. never B. always C. really D. merely

20.A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江实验中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Without enough food, many birds didn’t ________ the winter.

A. serve B. surf C. surprise D. survive

