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When I am feeling down, I listen to uplifting music to lift my spirits. When I want to calm down, I listen to Indian classical instrumental music. Many times, I look at contemporary Indian art - either in real art galleries or in virtual art galleries on the Web to improve my mood. I particularly like the paintings with vibrant(鲜明的)colors or ones which present a calm landscape using gentle colors.

Art therapy (治疗) uses the creation or viewing of art to help people discover and express their feelings. Unlike art for art’s sake, which focuses on the finished piece, art therapy focuses on the process of creation itself. Art therapists believe that the act of making a piece of art triggers internal activity that contributes to physical, emotional and spiritual healing. For people who are not able or ready to create art, going to an art museum or looking through art books or virtual art galleries can also be helpful. Simply viewing art refreshes the spirit and promotes relaxation.

Art therapy is helpful in healing in various ways. The aesthetic(审美的)quality of the work produced can lift a person’s mood, boost self-awareness, improve self-esteem and increase self-confidence. Also, research shows that physiological functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration(呼吸), become slow when people are deeply involved in an activity they enjoy.

Because art therapy uses a language other than words, it is often employed in treating patients with physical or emotional illnesses who have difficulty talking about their fears or hopes, or about their anger and other strong emotions. The creation of art helps people get in touch with thoughts and feelings that are often hidden from the conscious mind.

Stress reduction is also a significant benefit. Studies have shown that repressing strong feelings can lead to a buildup of stress, and that stress can intensify pain and the symptoms of various diseases. Because art therapy helps people access their unconscious mind and release pent-up(被抑制的) emotions, it has been found to be very useful in treating those suffering from stress and stress-related illnesses.

1.How does the author start the passage ?

A. By describing his own experiences.

C. By explaining a certain term.

B. By presenting a certain fact.

D. By giving figures.

2.The underlined word “triggers” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “___________ ”.

A. ignoresB. causesC. decreasesD. prevents

3.All of the following are helpful in healing EXCEPT _____________.

A. going to an art museum

C. surfing on the Internet

B. going to the virtual art galleries

D. reading art books

4.Why is art therapy useful to patients with physical or emotional illnesses?

A. It lets them forget about their fears.

C. It helps improve their social skills.

B. It helps them release their hidden feelings.

D. It helps them hide their feelings.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西余江第一中学高三上模拟2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Though problems are a part of our lives, it certainly doesn’t mean that we let them rule our lives forever. One day or the other, you’ll have to stand up and say, “Problem, I don’t want you in my life.”

Of course, we’ve been fighting troubles ever since we were born. Problems with friends, parents, girl friends, husbands, and children---- the list goes on. Apart from these, the inner conflicts within ourselves work, too. These keep adding to our problems. Problems come in different shapes and colors and feelings.

But good news is that problems can be dealt with. Now read on to know how to solve your problems.

Talk, it really helps. What most of us think is that our problem can be understood only by us and that no talking is going to help. But the truth is that when you talk about it, you are setting free the negative energy that’s been gathering within you. Talking helps you move on and let go.

Write your problems. Having a personal diary can also be of huge help if you don’t want a real person to talk with. When you write down your problems, you are setting free all your tension from your system. You can try throwing away the paper in which you wrote your problems. By doing this, imagine yourself throwing away the problems from your life.

Don’t lose faith and hope. No matter what you lose in life, don’t lose faith and hope. Even if you lose all your money, family…, you should still have faith. With faith and hope, you can rebuild everything you lose.

Your problems aren’t the worst. No matter what problem you get in life, there is another one million people whose problems are huger than yours. Tell yourself: when they can deal with them, why can’t I? Your problems might just seem big and worse, but in reality they can be removed.

Go about and solve your problems because every problem, however big or small, always has a way out.

1.According to the passage, the first paragraph is trying to ______.

A. upset the readers. B. encourage the readers.

C. laugh at the readers. D. please the readers.

2.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A. There are different kinds of problems.

B. Problems are too difficult to deal with.

C. We have to fight problems in the whole life.

D. We have more and more problems.

3.According to the passage, when you talk your problems to others,________.

A. you will be completely understood by others.

B. you can find a way out from others.

C. you will create another problem

D. you can live on easily.

4.Throwing away the paper with your problems means________.

A. you have solved your problems.

B. you don’t need anyone to talk with.

C. you are throwing away your problems

D. you’ll have no problems any longer.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水市高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


War started in our house in late July with a month to go before my first day of college.It was a battle of wills over what college I was to attend.Mom wanted me to attend a famous .school, and I wanted to go to a small writing college.Every night for two weeks, we argued, shouted and gave treatments until both sides went to bed with regrets.

It was mostly my .Since my junior year of high school, I had at being a nurse.I took all the science courses, and even worked as a in my town’s local hospital.My was to help the sick and be superwoman to the world.

Yet, graduation and college neared, it all changed.Treating the sick was , but not what I was meant to do for the of my life.I could picture myself in hospitals, making rounds, and taking , but I couldn’t picture myself happy.It wasn’t the .I wanted.

Then, I realized I had been creating and writing stories for as long as I could .I loved it, and writing was what I had been doing as a .It was going to be my career.And it had to be.

On August 1st, Mom and I sat down at the dinner table and I told her that she had every .to choose where to spend her money, just like I had every right to decide where I wanted to go to school.If it was her choice not to any of my college education, then I would take a year off to work and earn money so I could go to the college I wanted.

Standing by my decision to be a writer had my firm belief to my mom.Finally we were at , and she decided to support me, which the world to me.

Before that time, I had never stood up my parents on any major decision.Choosing which college to attend me to become a separate and complete adult.I am now finished with my first semester as a Professional Writing major and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

1.A.cooking B.gardening C.nursing D.writing

2.A.medical B.warm C.mental D.silent

3.A.success B.duty C.fault D.turn

4.A.wondered B.aimed C.pointed D.looked

5.A.student B.volunteer C.graduate D.doctor

6.A.goal B.job C.task D.post

7.A.before B.after C.until D.as

8.A.rough B.noble C.mild D.tough

9.A.rest B.part C.whole D.half

10.A.notices B.examinations C.temperatures D.drugs

11.A.future B.effect C.drill D.idea

12.A.see B.wait C.find D.remember

13.A.process B.hobby C.rule D.business

14.A.chance B.time C.right D.ability

15.A.finance B.expect C.raise D.offer

16.A.doubted B.followed C.shaken D.proven

17.A.peace B.war C.ease D.play

18.A.attached B.applied C.devoted D.meant

19.A.for B.against C.over D.by

20.A.forced B.promised C.allowed D.Reminded


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南长沙长郡中学高三下学期第六次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Tayka Hotel de Sal

Where: Tahua, Bolivia

How much: About $ 95 a night

Why it's cool: You've stayed at hotels made of brick or wood, but salt? That's something few can claim. Tayka Hotel de Sal is made totally of salt-including the beds (though you'll sleep on regular mattresses and blankets). The hotel sits on the Salar de Uyuni, a prehistoric dried-up lake which is the world's biggest salt flat. Builders use the salt from the 4,633-square-mile flat to make the bricks, and glue them together with a paste (糊) of wet salt that hardens when it dries.

When rain starts to dissolve the hotel, the owners just mix up more salt paste to strengthen the bricks.

Green Magic Nature Resort

Where: Vythiri, India

How much: About $ 240 a night

Why it's cool: Taking a pulley(滑轮)-operated lift 86 feet to your treetop room is just the start of your adventure. As you look out of your open window-there is no glass! -you watch monkeys and birds in the rain forest canopy(罩篷). Later you might test your fear of heights by crossing the handmade rope bridge to the main part of the hotel, or just sit on your bamboo bed and read. You don't even have to come down for breakfast-the hotel will send it up on the pulley-drawn

“elevator" .

Dog Bark Park Inn B&B

Where: Cottonwood, Idaho

How much: $ 92 a night

Why it's cool: This doghouse isn't just for the family pet. Sweet Willy is a 30-foot-tall dog with guest rooms in his belly. Climb the wooden stairs beside his hind leg to enter the door in his side. You can relax in the main bedroom, go up a few steps of the loft(阁楼) in Willy's head, or hang out inside his nose.

Although you have a full private bathroom in your quarters, there is also a toilet in the 12-foot-tall fire hydrant(消防栓) outside.

Gamirasu Cave Hotel

Where: Ayvali, Turkey

How much: Between $ 130 and $ 450 a night

Why it's cool: This is caveman cool! Experience what it was like 5,000 years ago,when people lived in these mountain caves formed by volcanic ash. But your stay will be much more modern. Bathrooms and electricity provide what you expect from a modern hotel, and the white volcanic ash, called tufa, keeps the rooms cool in summer. (Don't worry-there is heat in winter. )

1.What do we know about Tayka Hotel de Sal?

A. It is located on a prehistoric lake.

B. It should be protected against the rain.

C. Everything in the hotel is made of salt.

D. You have to cross a rope bridge to the hotel.

2.How are the hotels similar?

A. Expensive. B. Comfortable.

C. Natural. D. Unique.

3.What do the underlined words “Sweet Willy" refer to?

A. The name of the hotel.

B. The name of the hotel owner.

C. The building of Dog Bark Park Inn B&B.

D. The name of a pet dog of the hotel owner.

4.Which of the hotels gives you a feeling of living in the far past?

A. Tayka Hotel de Sal.

B. Green Magic Nature Resort.

C. Dog Bark Park Inn B&B.

D. Gamirasu Cave Hotel.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东汕头金山中学高三上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



Here You Grow Again

“You’re having problems? No problem.”That’s what I try to tell myself when I begin to feel overwhelmed. And then I________myself that the only people I am________ who don’t have_______are gathered in peaceful neighborhoods. There is never a________, never a moment of stress to ruin a day. All is calm. Most_______have at least one such worry-free zone. We call them cemeteries (墓地).

But if you’re still________, you have difficulties. It’s the way of life. And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be________for you than you think. Let me explain.

Maybe you have seen the Great Barrier Reef, ________some 1, 800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Tour guides regularly take visitors to________the reef. On one tour, the guide was asked a question. “I notice that the lagoon(浅水湖) side of the reef looks________and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful, ”a traveler observed. “________is this?”

The guide gave an interesting answer, “The coral(珊瑚) around the lagoon side is in_______water, with no challenge for its survival. It________early. The coral on the ocean side is constantly being_______by wind, waves, storms—surges of power. It has to fight for________every day of its life. As it is challenged and tested it changes and________. It grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces.”Then he added this telling note, “That’s the way it is_______every living organism.”

Like coral______by the sea, we grow. ________demands can cause us to grow stronger. Mental and emotional stress can produce strength and determination. Spiritual testing can produce ________of character and faithfulness.

1.A. warn B. remind C. inform D. persuade

2.A. aware of B. ashamed of C. concerned about D. worried about

3.A. purposes B. troubles C. plans D. opinions

4.A. wonder B. miracle C. care D. wish

5.A. campuses B. halls C. countries D. towns

6.A. worrying B. breathing C. thinking D. working

7.A. bigger B. smaller C. better D. heavier

8.A. covering B. running C. reaching D. stretching

9.A. view B. dig C. protect D. find

10.A. healthy B. pale C. strong D. colorful

11.A. how B. when C. why D. what

12.A. dirty B. cold C. deep D. still

13.A. grows B. dies C. rests D. settles

14.A. tested B. washed C. cleaned D. killed

15.A. nutriment B. development C. survival D. energy

16.A. enlarges B. breaks C. disappears D. adapts

17.A. for B. with C. on D. in

18.A. struck B. flooded C. swallowed D. supported

19.A. Social B. Emotional C. Spiritual D. Physical

20.A. feature B. result C. strength D. influence


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江大庆实验中学高二下开学考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--What do you think of cloning?

--No doubt it’s a great invention. But ________, it may have some side effects.

A.if not properly handling B.if properly not handled

C.if not properly handled D.if properly not handling


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年海南文昌中学高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Friday, Just before the 66th National Day holiday, I conducted interview with James Watson, a famous American scientist, talk about how to become a successful scientist. On his opinion, to be a scientist, we needed to be very fond of science. What’s most, we have to keep practicing as well as learn from other successful scientist. If we want to be a successful one, besides hard-working, we are supposing to set up for a clear goal as well. James Watson also suggest that every child who is curiously about science should make your effort to realize the dream of becoming a scientist.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西樟树中学、高安二中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


阅读下列短文, 从每篇短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

No one likes the “old people” smell. No one, not even the ________ people. Trust me, I know.

I volunteer at a hospice of Alzheimer’s Care(老年痴呆患者临终安养院). My health book ________ a pretty picture of hospices, describing them as homes where family members and the sick can work together in ________ incurable illness. It shows pictures of ________ patients speaking to doctors, with, of course, loving ones around them.

That’s ________ what a hospice is. There aren’t family members, only cards sent periodically during the year. The ________ I help seldom smile because they’re struggling to________ where they are, what year it is, ________ their own names.

And they don’t like the “old people” smell—the smell of disease, of medicine and sweat, or of the lost self-respect. They don’t like it. But they ________ in it.

Next week is my ________ . I’m moving soon and I won’t have to________ that hospice. I won’t have to ________ a woman who can’t even close her mouth, or ________ a man who’s crying because he can’t stop shaking ________ enough to tie his shoes. I won’t have to run for a nurse when Evelyn falls out of her wheel-chair.

But I feel far from ________ . After four years of volunteering, the place is the same as the day I started. All the ________ remains fresh, never to be cut through by youthful spirits.

Some visit. Some bring cake and puppy dogs and flowers. But only ________ . When you were born, loving arms held you. Shouldn’t you ________ that way too? Shouldn’t the elderly, who’ve lived their lives, raised their ________ and contributed to society be cared about? Shouldn’t they end feeling loved? Why don’t ________ ?

1.A. oldB. youngC. poorD. sick

2.A. paintsB. writesC. publishesD. reads

3.A. curingB. examiningC. testingD. accepting

4.A. cryingB. sufferingC. fightingD. smiling

5.A. certainlyB. maybeC. notD. hardly

6.A. hospitalsB. patientsC. doctorsD. nurses

7.A. sayB. recognizeC. rememberD. forget

8.A. everB. evenC. onlyD. however

9.A. playB. liveC. talkD. work

10.A. dutyB. turnC. firstD. last

11.A. feelB. seeC. smellD. taste

12.A. feedB. openC. stopD. keep

13.A. blameB. cureC. calmD. find

14.A. fastB. frequentlyC. shortlyD. long

15.A. light-heartedB. absent-mindedC. badD. sad

16.A. hopefulnessB. hopelessnessC. carelessnessD. desire

17.A. someB. fewC. meD. them

18.A. actB. liveC. dieD. speak

19.A. plantsB. childrenC. foodD. money

20.A. IB. weC. theyD. you


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届黑龙江哈尔滨第六中学高三第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Babysitter(保姆) Wanted

I am seeking a babysitter for my 6-month-old son. A few hours on Saturdays and Sundays to help me and then other times as needed. He or she should be over 18, responsible, loving, warm, and have some experience in caring for babies. This position also suits a college student with experience looking for a part-time job. The pay is $10 an hour.

If this sounds like a good job to you, please reply to rebecharv@aol.com or call 800-4964.

Office Manager Wanted

Our company is looking for a full-time experienced manager to run the business. Strong skills in organization and business management are required for this position. The office manager will be responsible for keeping financial (财务的) records, so he or she should be familiar with computers.

Please reply to jim@californiaaquatics.com or call 800-6978 to apply.

Waiter/ Waitress Wanted

A restaurant is looking for an experienced waiter / waitress. Knowledge of wines and experience in dining are necessary. Must work well under pressure and understand the basics (基本要素) of fine dining and customer service.

If you’re interested, please contact us at job-tkupe-1329358152@craigslist.org to apply.

This is a part-time job.

Office Cleaner Wanted

Looking for a Part-time job? A position in the Mississauga area needs an office cleaner! Part-time 4 hours a day from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Duties include:

●Cleaning the washrooms

●Cleaning the furniture

●Sweeping the floors

●Other general cleaning experience is necessary. Pay: $15 per hour

Reply to:job-p3b7u-1365632206@craigslist.org or call 800-8197.

1.Which of the following position is a full-time job?

A. Babysitter. B. Office manager.

C. Waiter / waitress. D. Office cleaner.

2.If a college girl with some experience caring for children wants to apply for a job, where should she send an email?

A. job-p3b7u-1365632206@craigslist.org

B. job-tkupe-1329358152@craigslist.org

C. jim@californiaaquatics.com

D. rebecharv@aol.com

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The office cleaner has to work three hours each day.

B. One can apply for a waiter or waitress by telephone.

C. A babysitter earns $5 more than an office cleaner per hour.

D. Experience is necessary for all these four jobs.

4.Which of the following is necessary for a waiter / waitress?

A. Being familiar with computers.

B. Having knowledge of wines.

C. Knowing more about menus.

D. Working well with others.

