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3.[1]If you offered gifts to someone with enthusiasm but he or she turned you down without giving any reason,would you be annoyed?Would you think him or her rude?What if he or she was a foreigner?
[2]I once attended a Model United Nations conference in Beijing. Students from over 30 countries gathered there to play the roles of diplomats. At an event called Global Village,my friends and I showed some special products from our hometown Yangzhou to the international students
[3]0ne of the things we presented was a kind of candy.  At the end of the event,we had some candies left over.Some Pakistani students were passing by,so I asked them:"Do you want some candies?"To my surprise,they all just smiled,waved their hands and said"no,thanks",without giving any reasons.I thought:"They are so rude!Even if they don't like candies,they should at least accept them out of politeness."
[4]The next day,during our lunch break,a Chinese student offered a Pakistani student some cookies.Again the latter refused.The Chinese student then asked:"Why not?They are delicious!"Standing next to them,I thought:"Of course he refused.Pakistanis don't know how to be polite."However,the Pakistani student said:"We are Muslims(穆斯林).We don't usually cat food offered to us in foreign countries because we don't know what's in it.The food we eat has to be made according to certain customs."I was dumbstruck. The Pakistani students had refused our food because of',not because they were rude.  I felt sorry about my rushed judgment.
[5]This incident taught me not to reach quick conclusions when facing cultural differences.By simply making an effort to understand different cultural practices,we can improve mutual understanding and become more tolerant of others.
66.What did the author present to the international students at Model United Nations conference?( no more than 6 words)

67.What was the author's first impression of Pakistani students?(no more than 4 words)They are very rude   
68.What does the underlined phrase"the latter"refer to?( no more than 3 words)a Pakistani student
69.Fill in the blank with proper words in paragraph 4.  (no more than 3 words)their religious belief 
70.What lesson did the author learn from the incident?( no more than 8 words)Don't reach quick conclusion.

分析 本文主要讲述了不同文化的人有着不同的宗教信仰,我们要持宽容理解的心态面对彼此.

解答 66 题.Some special products from his hometown.细节理解题.第二段I showed some special products from our hometown Yangzhou to the international students这句话说,在交流时,我给他们展示了家乡的特产.关键词为showed some special products.
67题 They are very rude.细节推理题.第三段描述一个事例,我热情地送糖果给巴基斯坦的学生,但他们拒绝接受而且没有理由.I thought:"They are so rude.私下对他们的印象可以概括为:rude/impolite.
68题 a Pakistani student  猜测词意题.a Chinese student offered a Pakistani student some cookies.一个中学生给一个巴基斯坦学生饼干,Again the latter refused可以得出,the latter 代指前面提到的巴基斯坦的学生.
69题 their religious belief 细节概括题.The food we eat has to be made according to certain customs这位巴基斯坦学生解释不接受我们礼物的原因是处于某种风俗故可以概括为宗教信仰.
70题 Don't reach quick conclusion.主旨概括题.最后一段的第一句话This incident taught me not to reach quick conclusions when facing cultural differences.是对全文的总结.通过实例表明不同文化的人宗教信仰不同,我们要宽容对待.即不要过于匆忙下定论.

点评 本文是叙述类的阅读表达,要求学生在阅读理解的基础上,根据短文后的题目,在文中找到相关的内容,并用简洁、准确的句子,将理解的内容,书面表达出来.做题时,注意表达的内容不要超出规定的字数.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Through superior production techniques the factory is able to gain the competitive ________ in the
international market.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Don't worry.As the evidence begins to ______,the truth will come out.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.She and her husband ______ the same primary school.(  )
A.joinedB.attendedC.joined inD.took part in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.It's really true what people say about English politeness:it's everywhere.When squeezing (挤过去) past someone in a narrow passage,people say"sorry".When getting off a bus,English passengers say"thank you"rather than the driver.In Germany,people would never dream of doing these things.After all,squeezing past others is sometimes unavoidable,and the bus driver is only doing his job.I used to think the same way,without questioning it,until I started traveling to the British Isles,and here are some more polite ways of interacting (交往) with people in UK.
People thank each other everywhere in England,all the time.When people buy something in a shop,customer and shop assistant in most cases thank each other twice or more.In Germany,it would be exceptional to hear more than one thank you in such a conversation.British students thank their lecturers when leaving the room.English employers thank their employees for doing their jobs,as opposite to Germans,who would normally think that paying their workers money is already enough.
Another thing I observed during my stay was that English people rarely criticize (批评) others.Even when I was working and mistakes were pointed out to me,my employers emphasized several times but none of their explanations were intended as criticism.It has been my impression that by avoiding criticism,English people are making an effort to make others feel comfortable.This also is showed in other ways.British men still open doors for women,and British men are more likely to treat women to a meal than German men.However,I do need to point out here that this applies to English men a bit more than it would to Scottish men!Yes,the latter are a bit tightfisted.

48.What is the author's attitude towards English politeness?C
A.He thinks it is unnecessary.
B.He thinks little of it.
C.He appreciates it very much.
D.He thinks it goes too far.
49.What can be inferred from the passage?D
A.German men never treat a woman to dinner.
B.The author think it's unnecessary to say"thank you"to the bus driver.
C.In Germany,employers often say"thank you"to employees for their job.
D.Germans think it is unnecessary to thank workers because payment is enough.
50.We can learn from the last paragraph that Scottish menD.
A.like to fight with each other
B.treat women in a polite way
C.are as generous as English men
D.are unwilling to spend money for women
51.The author develops the text through the method ofA.
A.making comparisons 
B.telling stories
C.giving reasons 
D.giving examples.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.A.When did you realize you wanted to be a singer?
B.What do you think of the TV shows you did while in America?
C.What does your new single"Chasing pavements"actually mean?
D.What unique ways do you employ to write these"sad love songs"?
E.Has winning the award added to the pressure you are experiencing?
F.You studied at the Brit School.Why do you think if S produced so many stars in recent years?
Yeah,I did"Letterman"and"The Today Show".I have no idea what they were equal to because obviously we don't have them here.I like the two shows which are like"Imagine GMTV"but on a much bigger scale.It was live and there were about 50 million people watching,so I literally express myself!"Letterman"was pre-recorded so I wasn't quite nervous,but I forgot that during my performance.I got halfway through the song and couldn't remember whether it was live or not.
Obviously when I was little,but mainly from when I was 16 onwards.I first remember singing when I was really little,probably when I was about six.I did a Spice Girls tribute in my room for my family.And then I went to study at the Brit School,the performing arts school in Croydon.To be honest,I really enjoyed my time there,where I did actual lessons,but they didn't force anything onto you.They just aimed to help you develop.They nurtured you,you know.
I was thinking about this the other day,because,before this year,the Brit School didn't actually produce anyone.All this money was being pumped into it,and nobody was coming out of it and doing well,so I think they were getting a bit worried.I think the Brit School's produced loads of great people that nobody knows yet,but off the back of Amy Winehouse,who earned six nominations,including Best New Artist,Record of the Year and Song of the Year for her hit"Rehab"and Album of the Year for"Back to Black",it's been getting more support.Suddenly all these great girls came forward in this great outburst of talent--I think ifs just luck and timing,to be honest..
In the past years I've tried to sit down and think"Right,this is what Fm going to write about",but I can't because you can't force it.AU my songs are a bit sad and full of drama because when Fm happy I haven't got time to write songs,you know.When I've had my heart broken,I end up feeling sorry for myself and writing songs."Therefore,there wasn't really a specific process to it.I just sort of happen to sit and wait patiently until I'm ready to write the record.I can't really plan it very well.If I try to plan,it never works out well.
It doesn't really make sense,does it?"Chasing Pavements"is about chasing a boy-even if you know something's going to go wrong,you really want it to go right,so you just don't give up.I can't write other people's drama,and I can't glamorize a microwave or anything like that,so I end up writing songs about things I've experienced.Then,I got a whole album's worth of songs out of them!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.He is so ____ in writing his report that he has no time to take a walk.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.I walked in our garden,______ Tom and Jim were tying a big sign onto one of the trees.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.Many people are willing to give away their money to the children in poor areas,most of ____are hardworking and thirsty for knowledge.(  )

