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  Everyone needs friends.A friend can give us help and share our sadness and happiness.When there is a friend with us, we feel secure, happy, and comfortable.But how to make friends?

  Learn to smile.To make friends, you must be nice to others.Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return.The more you smile, the more natural your smile will be.Wearing a smile usually means you are approachable(易接近的), and you should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be.Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.

  Be fun to be around.In order to make friends, you don't have to be a superstar.To be fun, you do need to be positive and friendly, so that people feel good when they're around you.During the conversation you have with someone, you should use body language to convey(表达)that you are approachable, laugh often and make eye contact.If you want other people to like you, make them feel important and do it sincerely.

  Be trustworthy.One of the main things about having a friend is that you have someone with whom you can talk about anything, even secrets that you hide.The key to being a friend is the ability to keep secrets.Before people feel comfortable opening up to you, however, you need to build trust.Be honest about yourself and your beliefs.

  In conclusion, a great secret to have good relationships with other people is to understand that everyone has their shortcomings.A friend is our small world, and it is in our hands, as long as you open your eyes to look at the beauties.











科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省2010年高三下学期教学质量检测英语试卷(三) 题型:其他题





A student tries to figure out a major that suits her.

Bored by the Chinese courses he was majoring in, Zuo Cheng, 18, couldn’t imagine having to drag himself into class day after day, week after week, for four years. After rounds of examinations and interviews, he managed to transfer to the Department of International Accounting.

“It may seem like I’ve wasted a year and have to start college all over again, but now that I’ve settled on a field I’ll be able to concentrate,” Zuo said.

Zou is not alone.

“When we were in high school very few of us understood how maajor relates to career. Many students picked colleges before majors, only to discover their mistake a few weeks after arrival on the campus,” said Jiang Xin, 20, who was able to switch to electrical engineering and automation from physics. He said that physics graduates had few other options besides going into teaching. He added that a career in education just didn’t suit him.

“I should have better job prospects(前景)and the chance to earn more money once I graduate,” Jiang said.

A new survey, of 2,500 students nationwide starting in September this year, suggests that as much as 35 percent of the students are disappointed by their courses. The least happy are those majoring in bioengineering, traditional Chinese medicine and math, while students of architecture, economics and foreign languages are the happiest, owing to good career prospects.

However, Shao Yanfang, who works at the admissions office of University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, advised students to consider both short-and long-term goals.

“After graduation do you want to find yourself in a job very specifically related to your college major? Or, would you like to posses the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas? There are the questions students need to consider. Above all, your choice of major should be based on your own interests, abilities and personality.” Shao said.

The reasons for students to  76  to other majors

◆  77  interest in his own major

◆See few career   78  in his original major

◆Hope to earn more money after  79 

Results of a survey

◆35% express their  80  to their majors

◆The least happy are those  81  in bioengineering, traditional Chinese medicine and math

◆Students of architecture, economies and foreign languages are the happiest,   82  of good career prospects

Advice given by the   83  from admissions office of a university

Students should consider:

◆  84  you want to find yourself in a job very specifically related to your college major or posses the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas

◆You have to make your choice on the  85  of your own interests



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



第一节 任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


A student tries to figure out a major that suits her.

Bored by the Chinese courses he was majoring in, Zuo Cheng, 18, couldn’t imagine having to drag himself into class day after day, week after week, for four years. After rounds of examinations and interviews, he managed to transfer to the Department of International Accounting.

“It may seem like I’ve wasted a year and have to start college all over again, but now that I’ve settled on a field I’ll be able to concentrate,” Zuo said.

Zou is not alone.

“When we were in high school very few of us understood how maajor relates to career. Many students picked colleges before majors, only to discover their mistake a few weeks after arrival on the campus,” said Jiang Xin, 20, who was able to switch to electrical engineering and automation from physics. He said that physics graduates had few other options besides going into teaching. He added that a career in education just didn’t suit him.

“I should have better job prospects(前景)and the chance to earn more money once I graduate,” Jiang said.

A new survey, of 2,500 students nationwide starting in September this year, suggests that as much as 35 percent of the students are disappointed by their courses. The least happy are those majoring in bioengineering, traditional Chinese medicine and math, while students of architecture, economics and foreign languages are the happiest, owing to good career prospects.

However, Shao Yanfang, who works at the admissions office of University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, advised students to consider both short-and long-term goals.

“After graduation do you want to find yourself in a job very specifically related to your college major? Or, would you like to posses the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas? There are the questions students need to consider. Above all, your choice of major should be based on your own interests, abilities and personality.” Shao said.

The reasons for students to  76  to other majors

◆  77  interest in his own major

◆See few career   78  in his original major

◆Hope to earn more money after  79 

Results of a survey

◆35% express their  80  to their majors

◆The least happy are those  81  in bioengineering, traditional Chinese medicine and math

◆Students of architecture, economies and foreign languages are the happiest,   82  of good career prospects

Advice given by the   83  from admissions office of a university

Students should consider:

◆  84  you want to find yourself in a job very specifically related to your college major or posses the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas

◆You have to make your choice on the  85  of your own interests


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省2010-2011学年高三英语一轮过关测试(6) 题型:任务型阅读



There are many stereotypes about the character of people in various parts of the United States. In the Northeast and Midwest, people are said to be closed and private. In the South and West, however, they are often thought of as being more open and hospitable (好客). Ask someone from St. Louis where the nearest sandwich shop is, and he or she will be polite to give you directions.

A New Yorker might eye you at first and after deciding it is safe to talk to you, might give you a rather unexpected explanation. A person from Georgia might be very kind about directing you and even suggest some different places to eat. A Texan just might take you to the place and treat you to lunch.

American stereotypes are abundant. New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful. Southerners are known for their hospitable and warmhearted character. People from the western part of the United States are often considered very outgoing.

These differences in character can be traced to different factors such as climate, living conditions, and historical development.

When traveling from place to place, Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States.





科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省2010届高三第三次质检 题型:任务型阅读



A student tries to figure out a major that suits her.

Bored by the Chinese courses he was majoring in, Zuo Cheng, 18, couldn’t imagine having to drag himself into class day after day, week after week, for four years. After rounds of examinations and interviews, he managed to transfer to the Department of International Accounting.

“It may seem like I’ve wasted a year and have to start college all over again, but now that I’ve settled on a field I’ll be able to concentrate,” Zuo said.

Zou is not alone.

“When we were in high school very few of us understood how maajor relates to career. Many students picked colleges before majors, only to discover their mistake a few weeks after arrival on the campus,” said Jiang Xin, 20, who was able to switch to electrical engineering and automation from physics. He said that physics graduates had few other options besides going into teaching. He added that a career in education just didn’t suit him.

“I should have better job prospects(前景)and the chance to earn more money once I graduate,” Jiang said.

A new survey, of 2,500 students nationwide starting in September this year, suggests that as much as 35 percent of the students are disappointed by their courses. The least happy are those majoring in bioengineering, traditional Chinese medicine and math, while students of architecture, economics and foreign languages are the happiest, owing to good career prospects.

However, Shao Yanfang, who works at the admissions office of University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, advised students to consider both short-and long-term goals.

“After graduation do you want to find yourself in a job very specifically related to your college major? Or, would you like to posses the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas? There are the questions students need to consider. Above all, your choice of major should be based on your own interests, abilities and personality.” Shao said.

The reasons for students to  1.to other majors

  2.interest in his own major

◆See few career   3.in his original major

◆Hope to earn more money after  4.

Results of a survey

◆35% express their  5.to their majors

◆The least happy are those  6.in bioengineering, traditional Chinese medicine and math

◆Students of architecture, economies and foreign languages are the happiest,   7.of good career prospects

Advice given by the   8.from admissions office of a university

Students should consider:

  9.you want to find yourself in a job very specifically related to your college major or posses the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas

◆You have to make your choice on the  10.of your own interests



