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       Edmund Halley was an English scientist who lived over 200 years ago. He studied the observations of comets(彗星)which other scientists had made. The orbit of one particular comet was a very difficult mathematical problem. He could not figure it out. Neither could other scientists who dealt with such problems.

       However, Halley had a friend named Isaac Newton, who was a brilliant mathematician. Newton thought he had already worked out that problem, but he could not find the papers on which he had done it. He told Halley that the orbit of a comet had the shape of an ellipse(椭圆形).

       Now Halley set to work. He figured out(解决,计算出)the orbits of some of the comets that had been observed by scientists. He made a surprising discovery. The comets that had appeared in the years 1531, 1607, and 1682 all had the same orbit. Yet their appearance had been 75 to 76 years apart.

       This seemed very strange to Halley. Three different comets followed the same orbit. The more Halley thought about it, the ore his thought that there had been three different comets as people thought. He decided that they had simply seen the same comet three times. The comet had gone away and had come back again.

       It was an astonishing idea! Halley felt certain though to make a prediction(预言)of what would happen in the future. He decided that this would appear in the year 1758. There were 53 years to go before Halley’s prediction could be tested. In 1758 the comet appeared in the sky. Halley did not see it, for he had died some years before. Ever since then that comet had been called Halley’s comet, in his honor.


5 Edmund Halley figured out the orbit of ____.

       A. some different comets appearing several times

       B. the same comet appearing at different times

       C. three different comets appearing at the same time

       D. several comets appearing at the same time

6. Halley made his discovery ____.

       A. by doing experiments

       B. by means of his own careful observation

       C. by using the working of other scientists

       D. by chance

7. Halley made a surprising, but correct prediction in the year____.

       A. 1704          B. 1705     C. 1706           D. 1707

8. This passage in general is about ____.

       A. Halley and other scientists

       B. the orbit of a comet

       C. Newton and Halley

       D. Halley and his discovery

9. Which of the following is TRUE?

       A. Edmund Halley was an American scientist.

       B. Halley made his discovery by doing experiments.

       C. Isaac Newton was a famous mathematician.

       D. The orbit of a comet had the shape of an around.

5. B

解析:这是一道综合判断题。根据文章的第四段“He decided that they had simply seen the same comet three times.”及上文提到的看彗星的时间分别是1531年、1607年、1682年可判断正确答案为选项B。

6. C

解析:这是一道细节理解题。根据文章第一段“He studied the observations of comets which other scientists had made.”可知,哈雷的发现是在研究其他科学家们的观察中得出来的。

7. B

解析:这是一道计算题。文中的“He decided that this would appear in the year 1758. There were 53 years to go before Halley’s prediction could be tested.”这句话告诉我们:他预言彗星出现的时间是1758年,而这个预言还要经过53年才能验证,由此可以推断出哈雷做出这个预言的时间是1705年。

8. D


9 C



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Agnes Miller was one of the earliest leaders of the Women’s Liberation Movement in the United States. She was born on a farm in Missouri in 1892. Strangely enough she had a very happy life as a child. She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five. Her parents and her brothers always treated her as their favorite.

In 1896 the family moved to Chicago. Three years later they moved back to St. Louis where Agnes spent the rest of her childhood. She enjoyed her years in school and was an excellent student of mathematics. She also was quite skillful as a painter.

It was when Agnes went off to college that she first learned that women were not treated as equals. She didn’t like being treated unequally but she tried not to notice it. After graduating from college she tried to get a job in her major field―physics. She soon found it was almost impossible for a woman.

Agnes spent a full year looking for a job. Finally she gave up in anger. She began writing letters of anger to various newspapers. An editor in New York liked her ideas very much. He specially liked her style. He asked her to do a series of stories on the difficulties that women had in finding a job. And there she began her great fight for equal rights for women.


61. Where did Agnes spend her childhood?

  A. Missouri.           B. Chicago.

  C. New York.        D. St. Louis and Chicago.

62. At school, Agnes was good at      .

  A. physics and painting

  B. maths and painting

  C. writing and maths

  D. physics and writing

63. What happened in Agnes’s life when she was in college?

  A. She learned to accept the fact that men and women were unequal.

  B. She learned that it was impossible for a woman to be a scientist.

  C. She came to know of the inequality between men and women.

  D. She developed her personal way of writing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    People often say that the Englishman’s home is his castle. They mean that the home is very important and __16__. Most people in Britain live in houses __17__ flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them individual; they can __18__ them and change them in any way they __19__ . In a crowded city the individual knows that he or she has a private space which is __20__ for himself of herself and for __21__ friends.
    People usually like to __22__ their space. Are you sitting now in your home or in a library or on a beach or a train? If you are on the beach you may have spread your __23__ around you; on the train you may have __24__ your coat or small bag on the seat beside you; in a library you may have one __25__ or chair which is your own.
Once I was traveling on a __26__ to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man on the __27__ side to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no __28__ on my side of the table at all. I was made rather __29__, I thought he thought that he owned the __30__ table. I took various papers out of my bag and put them on __31 __! When I did this he stiffened and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I had __32__ his space! A few minutes later I took my papers __33__ his case in order to read them. He immediately __34__ his case to his side of the table. (Of course , it is __35__ that he just wanted to be helped to me ! )


A. helpful 

B. personal 

C. necessary

D. useful


A. rather than 

B. as well as

C. as a result of 

D. or rather


A. buy 

B. leave

C. paint 

D. offer


A. make

B. clear

C. like

D. prepare


A. only

B. already

C. ever  

D. even


A. unwanted

B. close

C. sick

D. invited


A. mark 

B. decide 

C. choose

D. keep


A. towels

B. sands

C. papers

D. flags


A. find

B. give

C. put

D. store


A. book

B. corner

C. companion 

D. meal


A. plane

B. train

C. way 

D. street


A. opposite 

B. back

C. wrong

D. good


A. matter

B. weight 

C. light 

D. space


A. angry 

B. hurt

C. fearful

D. busy


A. right

B. only

C. small

D. whole


A. the table

B. his case

C. the seat 

D. his side


A. invaded

B. shut

C. separated

D. shared


A. into

B. for 

C. off

D. out of


A. hid 

B. set 

C. moved

D. kept


A. possible

B. true 

C. wonderful

D. ordinary


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

由于缺乏耐心,这位护士陷入了困境。(lack; patience; get into trouble)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The __________(气候) is very pleasant in Kunming all the year round.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

_____________ you did yesterday is right.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It is still doubtful _________ he will show up or not.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It’s            accepted that men like playing football more than women.

  A. especially         B. generally           C. simply        D. totally


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

--I hear Jane fell off her bike and had her arm hurt.

--________ , why not go to see her ?

   A. If so              B. If it              C. If not            D. If ever

