精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

1. How old was Miss Jenkins?

A. Less than twenty.

B. Thirty.

C. More than thirty.

2. Why did Miss Jenkins get fatter?

A. Because something was wrong with her.

B. Because she liked fat and sugar very much.

C. Because she never had any sports.

3. Why couldn’t Miss Jenkins get on well with her workmates?

A. Because she was richer than her workmates.

B. Because she was fatter than any of her workmates.

C. Because she was often laughed at.

4. With whom did Miss Jenkins go to the restaurant?

A. With her servants.

B. By herself.

C. With her friends.



Miss Jenkins was born in a rich family. She liked all the foods which were rich in fat and sugar. So she got fatter and fatter. Her workmates often laughed at her for it. She was angry with them and couldn’t get on well with them. But her weight brought her some trouble. No young man liked a fat girl like her and now she was more than thirty, she had to live alone. She went to see the doctors. They gave her a list of the healthy diets and advised her to lose weight and of course it was difficult for her to do so. For example, it was her birthday on day. She went to a restaurant and bought a nice cake. The waiter asked her how many pieces she wanted him to cut it into. She thought for a while and said she was losing her weight so the cake would be cut only into two, not into six.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  A woman president? Many American women have bravely but unsuccessfully run for President of the United States: Victoria Woodhull, Shirley Chisholm and Geraldine Ferraro to name a few. But when an American woman named Janet Jagan ran for president of Guyana, she actually won.

  Janet Jagan was a trained nurse from Chicago. In 1943, when she was twenty-three, she went to Guyana to work in the dental(牙科) office of Dr. Cheddi Jagan. Janet Jagan immediately became involved in the Guyanan labor movement, and in 1946 helped to found the Women's Political and Economic Organisation(W.P.E.O.) and the Political Aflairs Committee(P.A.C.), and began editing the P.A.C. newspaper. In 1950 she co-founded the People's Progressive Party along with her husband, Cheddi Jagan. This party was instrumental in achieving Guyana's independence from British rule.

  While her husband gained fame in the P.P.P., Janet Jagan continued as a leader in the struggle for workers' rights. In 1970, she was elected president of the Union of Guyanese Journalists(UGJ), and from 1973 to 1997, edited the Mirror, a national newspaper.

  The People's Progressive Party had refused to cooperate with the government for many years to protest the dishonest control of elections. In 1992, after the first free presidential election, Dr. Cheddi Jagan became president of Guyana.

  In 1997 President Jagan died, and Janet Jagan ran successfully for president. On Dec. 19, 1997. Janet Jagan was sworn in as the first woman president of the Republic of Guyana. Unfortunately, she was only able to serve for 20 months. On August 8, 1999,Janet Jagan resigned from her ground-breaking post for health reasons.

1.Which of the following is true about Janet Jagan?

[  ]

A.She was the only woman who had successfully run for President of the U.S.

B.She was such a good nurse that she won the Guyanese people's respect.

C.She was a woman with strong interest in politics.

D.She became president of Guyana a few years after her husband's death.

2.How old was Janet Jagan when she became president of the country?

[  ]

A.75.   B.30.

C.50.   D.77.

3.The underlined word“resigned”most probably means _____.

[  ]

A.辞职   B.病倒

C.倒台   D.再起


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050


  A woman president? Many American women have bravely but unsuccessfully run for President of the United States: Victoria Woodhull, Shirley Chisholm and Geraldine Ferraro to name a few. But when an American woman named Janet Jagan ran for president of Guyana, she actually won.

  Janet Jagan was a trained nurse from Chicago. In 1943, when she was twenty-three, she went to Guyana to work in the dental(牙科) office of Dr. Cheddi Jagan. Janet Jagan immediately became involved in the Guyanan labor movement, and in 1946 helped to found the Women's Political and Economic Organisation(W.P.E.O.) and the Political Aflairs Committee(P.A.C.), and began editing the P.A.C. newspaper. In 1950 she co-founded the People's Progressive Party along with her husband, Cheddi Jagan. This party was instrumental in achieving Guyana's independence from British rule.

  While her husband gained fame in the P.P.P., Janet Jagan continued as a leader in the struggle for workers' rights. In 1970, she was elected president of the Union of Guyanese Journalists(UGJ), and from 1973 to 1997, edited the Mirror, a national newspaper.

  The People's Progressive Party had refused to cooperate with the government for many years to protest the dishonest control of elections. In 1992, after the first free presidential election, Dr. Cheddi Jagan became president of Guyana.

  In 1997 President Jagan died, and Janet Jagan ran successfully for president. On Dec. 19, 1997. Janet Jagan was sworn in as the first woman president of the Republic of Guyana. Unfortunately, she was only able to serve for 20 months. On August 8, 1999,Janet Jagan resigned from her ground-breaking post for health reasons.

1.Which of the following is true about Janet Jagan?

[  ]

A.She was the only woman who had successfully run for President of the U.S.

B.She was such a good nurse that she won the Guyanese people's respect.

C.She was a woman with strong interest in politics.

D.She became president of Guyana a few years after her husband's death.

2.How old was Janet Jagan when she became president of the country?

[  ]

A.75.   B.30.

C.50.   D.77.

3.The underlined word“resigned”most probably means _____.

[  ]

A.辞职   B.病倒

C.倒台   D.再起


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修四英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




M:What jobs do women do in your country?

W:All kinds of jobs.There are women doctors,teachers,engineers,farmers and so on.

1.What are they talking about?




M:I know you once worked in this company.

W:Yes,I began to work in this company in 1988.Four years later I stopped working here because of my illness.

2.When did the woman stop working in this company?

A.In 1990.

B.In 1991.

C.In 1992.

M:Yesterday Mrs.King hurt her legs badly when she was repairing a machine.Now she is in hospital.Let’s go to see her.

W:Does her husband know it?He’s in the country.We’d better call him to tell him about it.

3.Where is Mr King?

A.In hospital.

B.In a factory.

C.In the country.

M:What are you going to do this evening?

W:I’ll go to visit Mr.Little at nine and go to see a film at eleven.But I won’t go out before eight o’clock.

4.What time did the woman go to visit Mr Little?

A.At 8∶00 p. m.

B.At 9∶00 p. m.

C.At 11∶00 p. m.

M:Do you think Mr.Pattis will be late for the meeting?

W:Well,If you think Mr.Pattis will be late,you are completely wrong.

5.What conclusion can we draw from this talk?

A.Mr Pattis will be late.

B.Mr Pattis will be here on time.

C.Mr Pattis makes mistakes.




M:Susan.What do you do for exercise?

W:I run and ride a bicycle every day and go swimming once a week.What about you,Tom?

M:I used to go swimming and skating a lot in high school.But now I don’t have any time.

W:That’s too bad.Exercise is really important.

M:I know.What do you enjoy doing most of all?

W:I enjoy swimming.Well,I’m going swimming tonight.Would you like to go with me?

M:OK.I’ll be glad to.

W:Then let’s meet at eight outside the park gate.

6.How often does Susan go swimming?

A.Every day.

B.Once a week.

C.Twice a week.

7.What exercise does Susan like most of all?


B.Riding a bicycle.


8.Where will they meet that night?

A.Outside the swimming pool.

B.Outside the park.

C.Outside the garden.


W:Are you going to the gym now?

M:No,I’ve got a soccer game tonight.

W:Oh! Do you play on a team?

M:Yeah.We play every week.We are not very good but have a lot of fun.How about you?Do you play any sports?

W:I play basketball once or twice a week.

9.What’s the man going to do?

A.Play a soccer game.

B.Watch a soccer game.

C.Watch a basketball game.

10.What sports does the woman play?




11.How often does the man play?

A.Every week.

B.Once a week.

C.Twice a week.


W:Listen to the song!

M:Hmm,it sounds familiar.What’s its name?

W:Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.

M:Speaking of smoke,I smell smoke,don’t you?

W:It must be a cigar.It smells awful.

M:I think it’s coming from the kitchen.

W:Your steak,sir.It will be ready in a few minutes.

M:Well,it is well done.

12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a kitchen.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At a concert.

13.What produces the smoke?

A.A fire.

B.A cigar.

C.The meat.


W:Hi,John,I haven’t seen you for a few weeks.

M:Oh,hi,Mary.I’ve been studying a lot for my final exam.

W:Well,the term is almost over now.

M:Yes.My brother’s coming for a visit this summer,and we’d like to see some of the country.But traveling is so expensive.

W:Have you thought about camping?

M:Camping?I’ve never done that.

W:I think you’ll really like it.It’s much cheaper than staying at a hotel.And being close to nature is a good way to forget about our school for a while.

M:What a good idea! We can go by bike until we find a nice place and just camp.

14.Why hasn’t Mary seen John lately?

A.He went to a camping trip.

B.He was visiting his brother.

C.He’s been studying.

15.Who will go camping with John?

A.John’s brother.


C.John’s classmates.

16.What does John think of Mary’s idea about camping?

A.It’s wonderful.

B.It’s is unsafe.

C.It’s expensive.


  Miss Jenkins was born in a rich family.She liked all the foods which were rich in fat and sugar.So she got fatter and fatter.Her workmates often laughed at her for it.She was angry with them and couldn’t get on well

  with them.But her weight brought her some trouble.No young man liked a fat girl like her and now she was more than thirty,she had to live alone.She went to see the doctors.They gave her a list of the healthy diets and advised her to lose weight and of course it was difficult for her to do so.For example,it was her birthday one day.She went to a restaurant and bought a nice cake.The waiter asked her how many pieces she wanted him to cut it into.She thought for a while and said she was losing her weight so the cake would be cut only into two,not into six.

17.How old was Miss Jenkins?

A.Less than twenty.


C.More than thirty.

18.Why did Miss Jenkins get fatter?

A.Because something was wrong with her.

B.Because she liked fat and sugar very much.

C.Because she never had any sports.

19.Why couldn’t Miss Jenkins get on well with her workmates?

A.Because she was richer than her workmates.

B.Because she was fatter than any of her workmates.

C.Because she was often laughed at.

20.With whom did Miss Jenkins go to the restaurant?

A.With her servants.

B.By herself.

C.With her friends.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



81.I show my sincere congratulations on your g_____________ from Beijing University.

82.I quite like living alone, because it makes me more _______________(独立).

83.John and Mike are twins, but the l___________ is taller than the former.

84.An English girl will feel ____________(尴尬的) when you ask how old she is.

85.They got married in 1999 but surprisingly d______________ the next year.

86.It’s rare that rain is ________(缺少的) in spring in the southwestern provinces of China.

87.Are you a__________ of the problem that your son has difficulty in studying at school.

88.One w__________ claimed to have seen the process of the traffic accident and he was questioned by the police.

89.He said he had never come___________ such a funny person.

90.The ______________(关系) between the two countries is being improved.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

M: I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been?

W: I went to New York to visit my sister and stayed there for two months. Actually, I really went to meet my new nephew. (www.nmet168.com)

M: That’s great! How old is he?

W:  Well. He was five months old when I got there. And he could possibly be the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.

M: What did you do in your sister’s home?

W: I helped the baby and played with him a lot, which was nice. But what I enjoyed most was feeding him.

6. Why did the woman go to New York?

   A. To spend some time with the baby.

   B. To look after her sister.

   C. To find a new job.

7. How old was the baby when the woman left New York?

   A. Two months.                  B. Five months.            C. Seven months.

8. What did the woman like doing most with the baby?

  A. Holding him.                   B. Playing with him.         C. Feeding him.

