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阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。



          Often called a strange genius(天才) ,Syd Barrett (1946-2006) formed the supergroup Pink Floyd in 1965 and wrote,sang and played guitar on all their early hit records,including the 1967 masterpiece Piper at the Gates of Dawn.He left the band in '1968 after experiencing some kind of breakdown due to the pressures of stardom (明星身份) and touring. He made two solo albums(个人专辑) ,The Madcap Laughs and Barrett,hoth released in 1970,which continue to sell well.

          Barrett then left the music business completely,deciding a musician's life was not for him. He did not make any music at all after 1974. Once a household name,he is now more or less forgotten except by his fans. He moved back to his home town of Cambridge and started to use his original name of Roger Barrett. He lived alone,quietly spending his time painting,and gardening. He received a six-figure income from his Pink Floyd royalties(著作权使用费) ,but his contact (联系) with the outside world was extremely small. Although he hadnt appeared or spoken in public since the mid-1970s,fans and journalists still attempted to contact him.

           In 1971 a journalist tracked him down. Syd told the reporter that he walked a lot,painted,wasted time and feared getting old. Another journalist reported that a fat man answered the door and said that Syd couldnt talk. In 1992, Atlantic Records offered half a million dollars for any new Syd Barrett recordings.

           Barrett was really a famous recluse. His family reported that he was satisfied and reasonably healthy. More recently,when fans or journalists called on him he was polite,but unwilling to discuss his. past as a famous rock star. Talking to one journalist on his doorstep in 2001,Syd asked him to leave as he didn't do interviews any more.

21.Why did Syd Barrett leave Pink Floyd?

   A. He felt stressed as a star.

   B. He suffered from a serious disease.

   C. He was worried about his personal safety.

   D. He was offered higher pay by another band.

22.According to Paragraph 2 ,Syd Barrett  .

   A. moved to another country

   B. ended his life as a musician

   C. continued to write music for Pink Floyd

   D. was forgotten by his fans and the media

23. The underlined word “recluse” in the last paragraph refers to someone who  .

   A. has anxiety disorders

   B. avoids media attention

   C. comes back after a long time

   D. sticks to his dreams and beliefs

21. A 22. B 23. B


本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了因缔造了 Pink Floyd乐队而著称于世的英国歌 手西德•巴勒特。

21. A. 细节理—题。由第一段中的出left the band in 1968 after experiencing some kind of breakdown due to the pressures of stardom and touring 可知,西德•巴勒特由于明星身份和巡回演出所带来的压力曾一度崩溃,所以他于1968每高开了 Pink Floyd乐队。

22. B. 细节理解题。由第二段中的Barrett then left the music business completely,deciding a musician’s life was not for him 和He lived alone,quietly spending his time painting and gardening 可知,西德•巴勒特结束了作为音乐人的生活。

23. B. 词义猜测题。由最后一段中的 when fans or journalists called on him he was polite ... Syd asked him to leave as he didn’t do interviews any more 以及文中对Syd Barrett的描述可知,西德•巴勒 特过着隐居的生活,不想被媒体关注。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第37期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Our newspaper aims to                (表达当地人民的心声) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节(.共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

Frank: I wonder 61. you could help me with my vacation plan.

Travel agent: Have you chosen your destination,sir?

Frank: I havent decided where to go yet. My wife would like to enjoy a tropical (热带的) climate,and my daughter would like to go diving 62. (see) the sea animals.

Travel agent: Let me see …Well,you can take 63.  three-day vacation to the seaside this weekend. Diving is one of the activities there. I believe your daughter would enjoy it.

Frank: Yes,I think so. But my wife would be 64. (scare) to death at the thought of 65. (attack) by sharks. Do you have any other destinations?

Travel agent: Of course. But we can ensure (保证) there will be no sharks iii the waters 66. . you will be diving. Why don't you look at these brochures? They might help you make 67. your mind. Besides diving in the 68. (deep) of the beautiful sea,we have other vacatjons such as a cruise.

Frank: That would be nice for my wife and me.

Travel agent: Have you thought about how 69. you would like to spend on this vacation?

Frank: About one thousand dollars.

Travel agent: OK.I'11 be 70. (true) happy to help you make a reservation whenever you decide upon a destination.

Frank: Thanks a lot.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第—节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                        ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

              It was my birthday. My husband and I spent the day going on some adventures,and 41 to have dinner in th£ Philadelphia,Pennsylvania area. At dinner we were 42 at a table with another gentleman and his eight-year-old son. We shared some 43 conversation through the meal and,afterwards,we parted friendly.

               44 my husband and I were walking through the parking garage I heard someone calling us from the level above. I 45 to see the man and his son standing there waving us down. I went over to where I could look up and see him and he 46“do you have jumper cables (跨接引线) ?”

               As it was 47 to hear him,my husband and I walked up to the second level to speak with him. 48 his car had decided that it didn t want to turn on and after 49  it'we had come to the 50  that the battery (电池) was indeed dead. didn't happen to have cables on us so we asked a few more passers-by,all of whom ignored our small group and simply 51 walking.

               So,we 52 to drive him in our car to the 53 store where we could get cables. He said he didn't want to 54 us,apologizing repeatedly because he knew it was my birthday. I told him that there was no better 55  than helping out another.

               We got into our car and drove to a 56 nearby. After we got the cables,we drove back to the parking garage to 57 the gentleman's car.I helped watch the boy as my husband and his father set to work,quickly bringing his car back to life. We 58 the man's offering of money and waved away his apologies as we were just 59 that he and his son would be able to get home safely and weren’t 60 in a parking garage all night.

41. A. asked   B. promised   A. decided   D. managed 

42. A. booked   B. seated   C. invited   D. ordered

43. A. formal   B. serious   C. private   D. polite

44. A. As   B. Until   C. Though   D. Since

45. A. looked out       B. looked up 

    C. looked forward   D. looked around

46. A. greeted   B. doubted   C. shouted   D. demanded

47. A. difficult   B. possible   C. interesting   D. special

48. A. Simply   B. Obviously   C. Fortunately   D. Especially

49. A. driving   B. opening   C. checking   D. repairing

50. A. conclusion   B. result   C. solution   D. point

51. A. stopped   B. avoided   C. enjoyed   D. kept

52. A. pretended   B. offered   C. hoped   D. struggled

53. A. largest   B. cheapest   C. best   D. closest

54. A. disappoint   B. miss  C. trouble   D. change

55. A. chance   B. way   C. game   D. gift

56. A. restaurant   B. hotel   C. station   D. supermarket

57. A. start   B. park   C. wash   D. build

58. A. earned   B. refused   C. accepted   D. forgot

59. A. sorry   B. afraid   C. surprised   D. happy

60. A. lost   B. involved   C. stuck   D. locked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task II. Read Paragraphs 4-9 and fill in the blanks in the chart, trying to understand how Jo felt during her visit to the village.

a remote village,a(n) 1. walking; Tombes 2. and all the villagers

a low bamboo hut with 3. sticking out of the roof,no windows, narrow 4.  , dark inside, newly made 5.  and a fireplace

building a fire,laying 6.  , putting the stones in a drum, covering the 7.  with banana leaves,eating round the fire

8.  over the fire, thrown out of the doorway, heated to 9.  the leftovers

many 10.  and handshakes,11.  muscles,shaking knees,falling into 12. happily


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Unfortunately the animals are often caught in fishing n .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. To get the plant out of the pot,turn it and give it a gentle knock.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. His story was published in a(n) (每周的) newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. His written French is very good but he needs to (练习说法语) .

