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The CASS said the scores were based on corporate responsibility and financial reports,. But some people raised__________ about whether the information was reliable.

A.problems B.doubtsC.handsD.heads


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




People unhappy with the rich: Poll

  There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people, according to a new online poll. The poll by the China Youth Daily in collaboration(与…合作) with Sina.com has highlighted the apparent discontent (不满)over the country's widening income gap. Nearly 8,000 people filled in online questionnaires last week, and when asked to use three words to describe society's rich, the top responses were "extravagant"(奢侈的), "greedy" and "corrupt".About 57 percent of those polled said that "extravagant" was the best word to describe the rich, followed closely by "greedy".Ironically, despite their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of those polled wished they could be rich too, and that richer people should be "socially responsible".Some 33 percent of respondents also praised rich people for being "smart".Nearly 90 percent of respondents agreed that most people in society, including themselves, were willing to speak up for the poor but were reluctant to take action and actually do something for them.The survey comes on the heels of a heated debate over comments made by renowned economist Mao Yushi, who said he was "speaking for the rich and working for the poor".A report released by the Asian Development Bank last Wednesday revealed that China's Gini coefficient - an indicator of the wealth divide - rose from 0.407 in 1993 to 0.473 in 2004.

An earlier CASS report said that the richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than 40 percent of all private assets, while the poorest 10 percent share less than 2 percent of the total wealth.The country's income disparity(悬殊) is close to that of Latin America, the report which came out in January, said.


People unhappy with the rich

The poll by China Daily

Nearly 8,000 people filled in(36)_____ on the (37)_____last week.

There is an(38) _____ dissatisfaction tendency toward rich people.

Ironically, in (39)_____ of their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of the polled wished they could be rich too, and rich people should take “(40)______ responsibility”.

(41)______ ,Mao Yushi, said he was “speaking for the rich and working for the poor.”

A report (42)______ by the Asian Development Bank

The richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than 40 percent of all (43)_____ assets, while the poorest 10 percent (44)_____ for less than 2 percent of the total wealth.

The country’s income disparity is close to that of Latin America, the report came out in (45)______.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届安徽省高二下学期期中考试英语题 题型:其他题






People unhappy with the rich: Poll

There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people, according to a new online poll.

The poll by the China Youth Daily in collaboration(与…合作) with Sina.com has highlighted the apparent discontent (不满)over the country's widening income gap.

Nearly 8,000 people filled in online questionnaires last week, and when asked to use three words to describe society's rich, the top responses were "extravagant"(奢侈的), "greedy" and "corrupt".

About 57 percent of those polled said that "extravagant" was the best word to describe the rich, followed closely by "greedy".

Ironically, despite their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of those polled wished they could be rich too, and that richer people should be "socially responsible".

Some 33 percent of respondents also praised rich people for being "smart".

Nearly 90 percent of respondents agreed that most people in society, including themselves, were willing to speak up for the poor but were reluctant to take action and actually do something for them.

The survey comes on the heels of a heated debate over comments made by renowned economist Mao Yushi, who said he was "speaking for the rich and working for the poor".

A report released by the Asian Development Bank last Wednesday revealed that China's Gini coefficient - an indicator of the wealth divide - rose from 0.407 in 1993 to 0.473 in 2004.

An earlier CASS report said that the richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than 40 percent of all private assets, while the poorest 10 percent share less than 2 percent of the total wealth.

The country's income disparity(悬殊) is close to that of Latin America, the report which came out in January said.


People unhappy with the rich



The poll by China Daily

1. Nearly 8,000 people filled in __1.__ on the ___2.___last week.

2. There is an __3.__ dissatisfaction tendency toward rich people.

3. Ironically, in __4._ of their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of the polled wished they could be rich too, and rich people should take “__5._ responsibility”.

4. ___6.__ ,Mao Yushi, said he was “speaking for the rich and working for the poor.”


A report ___7.__ by the Asian Development Bank

1. The richest 10 percent of Chinese families now on more than 40 percent of all _8.__ assets, while the poorest 10 percent ___9._ for less than 2 percent of the total wealth.

2. The country’s income disparity is close to that of Latin America, according to the report which came out in ___10._.




科目:高中英语 来源:0110 期末题 题型:阅读理解

                                         Poll (民意测验)-People unhappy with the rich
     There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people, according to a new online poll.
     The poll by the China Youth Daily in co-operation with Sina.com has shown the obvious discontent over
the country's widening income gap.
     Nearly 8,000 people filled in online questionnaires last week, and when asked to use three words to describe
society's rich, the top answers were "extravagant" (奢侈), "greedy" (贪婪) and "corrupt" (堕落).
     About 57 percent of those polled said that"extravagant" was the best word to describe the rich, followed
closely by "greedy".
     However, despite their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of those polled wished they could be rich too, and that
richer people should be "socially responsible".
     Some 33 percent of the people also praised rich people for being "smart".
     Nearly 90 percent agreed that most people in society, including themselves, were willing to speak up for the
poor but were reluctant (勉强的) to take action and actually do something for them. The survey comes into a
heated debate over comments made by a famous economist Mao Yushi, who said he was "speaking for the rich
and working for the poor".
     A report made by the Asian Development Bank last Wednesday showed that China's Gini coefficient (基尼系
数)-an indicator of the wealth divide (财富差异)-rose from 0.407 in 2000 to 0.473 in 2010.
     An earlier CASS (财务结算系统) report said that the richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more
than 40 percent of all private wealth, while the poorest 10 percent share less than 2 percent of the total wealth.
     The country's income disparity (悬殊) is close to that of Latin America, the report which came out in January, said.
                                                Poll-People unhappy with the rich
Forms of investigation Results and detailed facts
The poll by China Daily ▲ Nearly 8,000 people filled in 1______ on the 2______ last
▲ There is an 3______ dissatisfaction toward rich people.
▲ However, in 4______ of their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of
     the polled wished they could be rich too, and rich people should
     take "5______ responsibility".
▲An 6______, Mao Yushi, said he was"speaking for the rich
    and working for the poor."
A report 7______ by the
Asian Development Bank
▲ The richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than
     40 percent of all 8______ wealth, while the poorest 10 percent 
     9______ less than 2 percent of the total wealth.
▲ The country's income disparity is 10______ to that of Latin
     America, the report came out in January.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People unhappy with the rich: Poll

There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people, according to a new online poll. The poll by the China Youth Daily in collaboration(与…合作) with Sina.com has highlighted the apparent discontent (不满)over the country's widening income gap. Nearly 8,000 people filled in online questionnaires last week, and when asked to use three words to describe society's rich, the top responses were "extravagant"(奢侈的), "greedy" and "corrupt”. About 57 percent of those polled said that "extravagant" was the best word to describe the rich, followed closely by "greedy”. Ironically, despite their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of those polled wished they could be rich too, and that richer people should be "socially responsible”. Some 33 percent of respondents also praised rich people for being "smart”. Nearly 90 percent of respondents agreed that most people in society, including themselves, were willing to speak up for the poor but were reluctant to take action and actually do something for them. The survey comes on the heels of a heated debate over comments made by renowned economist Mao Yushi, who said he was "speaking for the rich and working for the poor”. A report released by the Asian Development Bank last Wednesday revealed that China's Gini coefficient - an indicator of the wealth divide - rose from 0.407 in 1993 to 0.43 in 2004.

An earlier CASS report said that the richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than 40 percent of all private assets, while the poorest 10 percent share less than 2 percent of the total wealth. The country's income disparity(悬殊) is close to that of Latin America, the report which came out in January, said.


People unhappy with the rich



The poll by China Daily

Nearly 8,000 people filled in(1)_____ on the (2)_____last week.

There is an(3) _____ dissatisfaction tendency toward rich people.

Ironically, in (4)_____ of their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of the polled wished they could be rich too, and rich people should take “(5)______ responsibility”.

(6)______ ,Mao Yushi, said he was “speaking for the rich and working for the poor.”

A report (7)______ by the Asian Development Bank

The richest 10 percent of Chinese families now on more than 40 percent of all (8)_____ assets, while the poorest 10 percent (9)_____ for less than 2 percent of the total wealth.

The country’s income disparity is close to that of Latin America, the report came out in (10)______.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解





People unhappy with the rich: Poll

There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people, according to a new online poll.

The poll by the China Youth Daily in collaboration(与…合作) with Sina.com has highlighted the apparent discontent (不满)over the country's widening income gap.

Nearly 8,000 people filled in online questionnaires last week, and when asked to use three words to describe society's rich, the top responses were "extravagant"(奢侈的), "greedy" and "corrupt".

About 57 percent of those polled said that "extravagant" was the best word to describe the rich, followed closely by "greedy".

Ironically, despite their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of those polled wished they could be rich too, and that richer people should be "socially responsible".

Some 33 percent of respondents also praised rich people for being "smart".

Nearly 90 percent of respondents agreed that most people in society, including themselves, were willing to speak up for the poor but were reluctant to take action and actually do something for them.

The survey comes on the heels of a heated debate over comments made by renowned economist Mao Yushi, who said he was "speaking for the rich and working for the poor".

A report released by the Asian Development Bank last Wednesday revealed that China's Gini coefficient - an indicator of the wealth divide - rose from 0.407 in 1993 to 0.473 in 2004.

An earlier CASS report said that the richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than 40 percent of all private assets, while the poorest 10 percent share less than 2 percent of the total wealth.

The country's income disparity(悬殊) is close to that of Latin America, the report which came out in January said.


People unhappy with the rich



The poll by China Daily

1. Nearly 8,000 people filled in ___1__ on the ___2___last week.

2. There is an __3__ dissatisfaction tendency toward rich people.

3. Ironically, in __4__ of their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of the polled wished they could be rich too, and rich people should take “__5__ responsibility”.

4. ___6___ ,Mao Yushi, said he was “speaking for the rich and working for the poor.”

A report ___7___ by the Asian Development Bank

1. The richest 10 percent of Chinese families now on more than 40 percent of all _8__ assets, while the poorest 10 percent ___9__ for less than 2 percent of the total wealth.

2. The country’s income disparity is close to that of Latin America, according to the report which came out in ___10___.


