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But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don't care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come—with the people who respect you for who you are. That is the only kind of popularity that really counts.

60.In this passage, the author wants to tell ________.

A.teenagers to try to pursue their real selves           

B.readers to try to be popular with people around

C.parents to try to control and guide their children   

D.people to try to understand and respect each other

61.The author disapproves of rebelling teenagers ________.

A.growing away from their parents           B.following the popularity trend

C.walking a new way on their own           D.turning to their friends for help

62.The phrase “larger cocoon” at the end of the second paragraph refers to ________.

A.the distractive and variable society         B.the dazzling(眼花缭乱的) music world

C.the parental care and love                            D.the popularity wave in the society

63.What does the author think of advertisements?

A.Convincing.  B.Instructive.        C.Influential.  D.Authoritative.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省瑞安市安阳高级中学2010-2011学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Did you ever want to see Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey in 15 minutes?Then BA London Eye, is the one for you.

  British Airways London Eye, formerly called as the Millennium Wheel, is situated on the south bank of the River Thames on the Jubilee Gardens.It is situated between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Footbridge in Lambeth and adjacent to(比邻)Old County Building.It stands opposite to Houses of Parliament.

  It started with a vision of Architect couple David Marks and Julia Barfields, who had competed for millennium ideas contest conducted by Sunday Times, a British newspaper in 1993 to welcome year 2000 splendidly.Regrettably, the contest was scrapped, but the couple persisted with their dream project by forming a company for this undertaking, eventually grabbing the attention of Evening Standard, another British newspaper.British Airways, after noticing this widely publicized article, agreed to fund, foreseeing the vital contribution of this project to London's skyline and its tourism, giving a spectacular view of this fascinating city that was otherwise not visible to the Londoners.

  The entire construction resembles a giant cycle wheel, with a diameter of 135m(443 ft)and weighing 1,700 tons of steel and 2,000 tons at the foundation reaching almost 30m deep!It is the largest observation wheel built so far, making even Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, St.Paul's Cathedral, look up to it.It is the 4th highest structure in London.Canary Wharf Towers, BT Tower and Tower 42 are the higher three.

  The whole structure was designed in parts in various countries, later fully assembled on Thames bank.With the dedication of 1,700 workers, this structure was realized in 16 months, just in time to welcome the millennium.Tony Blair inaugurated(为……举行开幕式)it on December 31st, 1999 and a minor safety concern regarding clutching delayed its opening to public, which finally happened 3 months behind the schedule in March 2000.


Opposite British Airways London Eye is ________.

[  ]


Westminster Bridge


Hungerford Footbridge


Old County Building


Houses of Parliament


British Airways London Eye was funded by ________.

[  ]


David Marks and Julia Barfields


Sunday Times


Evening Standard


British Airways


British Airways London Eye is higher than ________.

[  ]


Big Ben


Canary Wharf Towers


BT Tower


Tower 42


We can learn from the third paragraph that David Marks and Julia Barfields ________.

[  ]


had wanted to complete their dream project on their own


won the first prize in millennium ideas contest


asked for another newspaper for help


would have given up their idea without British Airways


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省抚顺一中2009-2010学年度高一下学期3月月考 题型:阅读理解

A new computer treatment is being used to deal with obesity in children. Connected to a small dining set, consisting of (包括) scales and a plate, a mini computer teaches children how to eat and reminds them when to stop.
“In very fat people, hunger signals from the stomach to the brain stop functioning. But the new computer system teaches the children how to receive these messages again,” says Dr. Julian Hamilton-Shield, the Bristol University senior lecturer leading the treatment trials.(实验)。
The computer , called a Mandometer, records and stores the weight loss from the plate when children eat. As the food is leaving the plate , a curve( 曲线)is produced on the computer screen suggesting whether the child is eating too quickly.
“Children with weight problems often eat too quickly. We want them to eat steadily稳定地) and slowly and the system teaches them to slow down. It’s a bit like retraining, ” says Hamilton-Shield.
Obesity now represents (代表) one of the major threats to the future health of children. About one in five boys and one in four girls aged two to fifteen in England are overweight. But so far no treatments have proven effective in treating children.
The Mandometer was developed in Sweden, but at present is experiencing further development at the University of Bristol, with $ 224,400 in funds from BUPA-a global health and care organization. The system could be on the market in two years’ time. At first, it would be managed by medical clinics(诊所).
40. The text is mainly written to explain____________.
A. how a new computer treatment dealing with obesity works.
B. why child obesity becomes a topic of people
C. how to lose weight with the help of computers.
D. why a computer is effective(有效的) in dealing with child obesity.
41. The word” functioning” in paragraph 3 probably means________.
A.  eating    B. working   C.  lasting   D.  losing
42. Obesity threatens the health of children , which__________.
A. people have not cared about 
B. is nothing compared with other diseases.
C . has led to many deaths           
D. is very serious
43. What can we learn from the text?
A. The Mandometer will be put into market once it proves effective.
B. The Mandometer is cheap enough for every family to afford
C. The Mandometer is still not perfect
D. Slow eating is sure to make people lose weight.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届辽宁沈阳二中等重点中学协作体高三领航高考预测(十一)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Elite Lessons
Experienced music performer is offering one-on-one drum lesson. As the winner of the Drummer Contest, the largest drummer contest in Canada, I can teach you secret techniques that only an elite group knows, but the group doesn't share them with the public. The result is instant improvement in your speed and ability to play the drum. Lessons are taught in French or English, $25 an hour. Call at 514-585-5054 if you want to know more information.
Private Tutoring
Professional French tutor is offering French tutoring, $15 an hour. I possess a BA in translation from Concordia University and have over 5 years' teaching experience. The course consists of conversational French, grammar, reading comprehension ,etc. Courses are given in the downtown area. For more information please call at 514-835-1834.
Customized Tutoring
Hello, my name is Christopher Marion. I am a graduate students at Concordia University, 21 years of age. I was born and lived in France for 17 years. I will be happy to provide customized help in French writing or speaking. The lesson's style can be whatever suits your needs. I am charging $19 an hour. I live in downtown Montreal. Feel free to contact me at 514-785-5654.
Basic Lessons for Beginners
Always wanted to learn the guitar? This is your chance and it only costs $14 an hour. I can teach you to play any style of music you like in a fun and relaxed way. I start from the basics, showing you how to play the songs you love, and improving your technique as we go along. If you don't already have a guitar, that's not a problem. Please call at 514-880-8872 or email to tarungeo@gmail.com if interested. Thanks!.
【小题1】From "Elite Lessons" you can learn _____.

A.how to teach lessons in French or English
B.what the largest guitar contest in Canada is
C.more information about the Drummer Contest
D.skill in drumming that only a few people possess
【小题2】Since James is weak in French reading comprehension he may choose _____.
A.elite Lessons B.private Tutoring
C.customized TutoringD.basic Lessons for Beginners
【小题3】How much shall you pay for a basic guitar lesson?
A.$14 an hourB.$15 an hourC.$19 an hourD.$25 an hour
【小题4】The article can be found in _____.
A.daily newsB.education reports
C.telephone directoriesD.classified advertisements


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年高考预测试题英语(二) 题型:阅读理解

A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television , the more likely they are to develop depression (抑郁)as young adults. But the extent to which TV may or may not be to blame is a question that the study leaves unanswered.
The researchers used a national long-term survey of adolescent health to investigate the relationship between media use and depression . They based their findings on more than four thousand adolescents who were not depressed when the survey began in 1995.
As part of the survey, the young people were asked how many hours of television or videos they watched daily. They were also asked how often they played computer games and listened to the radio.
Media use totaled an average of five and one-half hours a day. More than two hours of that was spent watching TV.
Seven years later, in 2002, more than seven percent of the young people had signs of depression. Their average age at that time was twenty-one.
Brian Primack at the Universtiy of Pittsburgh Medical School was the leading author of the new study . He said every extra hour of television meant an eight percent increase in the chances of developing signs of depression.
The researchers say they did not find any such relationship with the use of other media such as movies, video games or radio. But the study did find that young men were more likely than young women to develop depression given the same amount of media use.
Doctor Primack says the study did not explore if watching TV causes depression . But one possibility, like sports and socializing. It might also interfere with sleep, he says, and that could have an influence.
The study was just published in the Archives of General Psychiatry. In December, the journal Social Indicators Research published a study of activities that help lead to happy lives. Sociologists from the University of Maryland found that people who describe themselves as happy spend less time watching television than unhappy people. The study found that happy people are more likely to be socially active, to read, to attend religious services and to vote.
60.The average age of the depressed young people should be_______when they began to receive the survey.
A.21           B.15              C.14                D.20
61.According to the passage, which of the following can possibly lead to depression?
A.Swimming                           B.Attending a party
C.Attending religious services             D.Watching TV for a long time.
62.We can learn from the passage_______.
A.the survey lasted a short time
B.over 280 teenagers who received the survey became more or less depressed in 2002
C.men are more likely to become depressed than women
D.the study about the relationship between media use and depression was published in the journal Social Indicators Research
63.What is the best title for the passage?
A.Teens, television, depression
B.Depression—the common problem of teens
C.Problems of watching TV
D.Teens—a group enjoying watching TV


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁沈阳二中等重点中学协作体高三领航高考预测(十一)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Elite Lessons

Experienced music performer is offering one-on-one drum lesson. As the winner of the Drummer Contest, the largest drummer contest in Canada, I can teach you secret techniques that only an elite group knows, but the group doesn't share them with the public. The result is instant improvement in your speed and ability to play the drum. Lessons are taught in French or English, $25 an hour. Call at 514-585-5054 if you want to know more information.

Private Tutoring

Professional French tutor is offering French tutoring, $15 an hour. I possess a BA in translation from Concordia University and have over 5 years' teaching experience. The course consists of conversational French, grammar, reading comprehension ,etc. Courses are given in the downtown area. For more information please call at 514-835-1834.

Customized Tutoring

Hello, my name is Christopher Marion. I am a graduate students at Concordia University, 21 years of age. I was born and lived in France for 17 years. I will be happy to provide customized help in French writing or speaking. The lesson's style can be whatever suits your needs. I am charging $19 an hour. I live in downtown Montreal. Feel free to contact me at 514-785-5654.

Basic Lessons for Beginners

Always wanted to learn the guitar? This is your chance and it only costs $14 an hour. I can teach you to play any style of music you like in a fun and relaxed way. I start from the basics, showing you how to play the songs you love, and improving your technique as we go along. If you don't already have a guitar, that's not a problem. Please call at 514-880-8872 or email to tarungeo@gmail.com if interested. Thanks!.

1.From "Elite Lessons" you can learn _____.

A.how to teach lessons in French or English

B.what the largest guitar contest in Canada is

C.more information about the Drummer Contest

D.skill in drumming that only a few people possess

2.Since James is weak in French reading comprehension he may choose _____.

A.elite Lessons                           B.private Tutoring

C.customized Tutoring                     D.basic Lessons for Beginners

3.How much shall you pay for a basic guitar lesson?

A.$14 an hour       B.$15 an hour        C.$19 an hour       D.$25 an hour

4.The article can be found in _____.

A.daily news                             B.education reports

C.telephone directories                    D.classified advertisements


