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【题目】 Getting along with people can be tough. The following are some suggestions that can help you in some way.

Accept human nature. Humans make mistakes. People aren’ t always nice. They also have all of the problems that you have in your life. 1 This is important to remember when you’ re trying to get along with people who are very difficult or seem to be ignoring you; everyone is just doing the best that they can.

2 People are all very different: that’ s what makes life interesting. And just like people are all different, the world is also very complex. Every situation is different, always. Just because someone doesn’ t make the choice that you would make or just because they take a less efficient or smart path to get where they’re going doesn’t make them wrong.

Practice forgiveness. Forgive people when they do make mistakes. Sometimes you just have to stop and give people the benefit of the doubt ( to believe someone even though you are not sure whether what the person is saying is true). They might really be sorry or they might really not know that what they did was bad. 3

Keep an open mind. Sometimes you have to give people the benefit of the doubt. 4 For example, when people invite you to parties, really consider going instead of just brushing the invitation aside because you don’ t think they’re serious.

Do something together. 5 You can work together on a project for school or work. You can also try a new activity together. These activities will give you more to talk about and lots of chances to interact and get to know each other.

A. Think about what your words really say.

B. Respect that there are lots of valid choices.

C. Everyone is dealing with their own set of problems.

D. Doing things together is a great way to bond with people and make friends.

E. You have to forgive them so that you can move on to happier feelings.

F. You might think that they hate you but they might be honestly trying to be nice to you.

G. Even when someone’ s making you mad, thank them for their effort to help or their suggestions.








这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了与人交往时的建议。1. 接受人类的本性。每个人都会犯错误,也会有着和你相同的问题,但要记住每个人在和别人相处的时候有可能已经是做到他的最好了。2. 尊重合理的选择。每个个体都是不同的,这也是生命的有趣之处。和你选择不一样也不代表别人是错的。3. 练习宽恕。在别人犯错的时候要学会原谅。他们可能真的会感到抱歉或者不知道自己做的是错的。4. 保持心胸开阔。有时候你觉得别人可能不喜欢你,但别人可能在试着对你好。5. 共同完成某事。共同做事是将你和其他人连在一起的纽带。这些活动也能让你们能有共同的话题。

1在第二段第二句提到“Humans make mistakes.”是人都会犯错的,而这是人类的本性,你有的问题别人也会有。选项C“每个人都在处理自己的事情承接上文。该选项中的problems与前句中的problems前后呼应。故选C项。





分析本文的语篇结构,可以知道第一段是文章的主题句,然后接下来各段的语篇结构都是主题句(总)+支撑句(分)(分述主题的具体内容/说明原因/举例证明等)。本文第二段主旨句应为Just because someone doesn’ t make the choice that you would make or just because they take a less efficient or smart path to get where they’re going doesn’t make them wrong.别人和你做不一样的选择,或者别人选了低效率的或其他的道路也不代表别人是错的,B选项中的choice与该主旨句中的choice相呼应,故选B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.

—I________it,but I was busy preparing for a job interview.

A. attended B. had attended

C. would attend D. would have attended


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There's only one for learning oral English: Practice. You can't improve your oral English if you don't speak, just like you can't learn how to swim on the bed.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】你们学校英语爱好者俱乐部良好饮食习惯这一话题进行了讨论。请根据下表中的内容提示, 用英语写一篇发言稿。


不吃早餐, 爱吃零食, 偏食, 饮食过量


饮食多样化, 饮食定时定量


良好的饮食习惯很重要, 有助于身体健康

注意: 1. 词数120个左右;

2. 开头已为你写好, 内容可适当发挥, 注意行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇: 偏食be picky about food 零食snack 定时定量regularly and properly

Dear friends,

As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it’ s important for us to form healthy eating habits.


As far as I’ m concerned, I think it is important to keep a healthy diet, which contributes to building up a strong body. Only in this way can we have enough energy for our study.

That’ s all. Thank you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Internet is 1 (big) source of information in the world, consisting of millions of pages of data. In 1969, DARPA, 2US defence organization developed a way for all their computers to “talk” to each other through the telephone. They created a network of computers and only the US army could use 3in the following 15 years. Then in 1984, the US National Science Foundation started the NSF network, also known 4 the Inter-network or “Internet”. It then became possible for universities to use the system as well. The World Wide Web, 5(invent) in 1991 by an English scientists, Tim Berners-Lee, is a computer network that makes the information from millions of websites accessible to computer users. At the moment, about 80% of web traffic is in English, but by 2020, Chinese could take the lead. Obviously, it was Berners-Lee 6 made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just the universities and the army. He designed the first “web brower”, 7allowed computer users to access documents from other computers. With the web and the Internet 8(grow), the number of Internet users rose 9 (rapid) from 600,000to 40 million within 5 years.

So far, the Internet 10 (create) thousands of millionaires all over the world, but Berners-Lee is not one of them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Some day, our world may 1 (fill) with driverless cars. But.2 will we communicate with them if there’s nobody in the driver’s seat?

At present, drivers can make gestures like3 (nod) when they let us cross the street.4 self-driving cars don’t have this ability.

The US car maker Ford and its partner Virginia Tech 5 (try) to solve this problem. The team is testing a method 6 uses light signals. For example, a slow-blinking tight shows the car is coming to 7 stop, and a rapidly flashing light tells passers-by that the car is about to speed up.

8 (test) the method on real roads, the team has designed a special suit that looks like a car scat. When a driver wears it, it appears as if the car were driverless.

The team has 9 (successful) collected more than 1,500 hours of data, which has recorded how people interacted with a “driverless” car. Ford says it plans to share the data 10 11 other car makers, which should lead to a signaling system that will be used in every driverless car.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to ______ a good researcher.

A. make B. turn

C. get D. grow


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Do you like to flaunt your expensive items? You could find yourself without friends! Scientists prove that expensive status symbols make you look less socially attractive.

Items such as a fancy car and a Rolex watch are often thought to increase our social standing and often come with a high price tag(标签).According to the latest research, however, it has the opposite effect and people would prefer to be friends with someone who places less value on material objects.

“Often we think that status symbols will make us look more socially attractive to others, “says Stephen Garcia, the study's lead author from the University of Michigan. He adds, “However, our research suggests that these status signals actually make us look less socially attractive.

The researchers conducted six studies which assessed how people presented themselves and how people viewed strangers. People who chose to wear higher status items tended to get a negative response, but people wanted to be friends with people who preferred lower status symbols.

The study took the role of the luxury item to see if it was possible that the expensive item itself played a part in people's reactions. The definition of a status symbol changed based on a person's socioeconomic status, but the same effect of keeping off potential friends was seen regardless of social position.

"At a social level, we may be wasting billions of dollars on expensive status symbols that finally keep others from wanting to associate with us, "says Kimberlee Weaver Livnat at the University of Haifa. She says, "And to the extent that close friendships are important to well-being, we may be unintentionally hurting ourselves.”

However, Patricia Chen of the National University of Singapore said this does not necessarily mean status symbols are a bad thing. She says, "Our findings right now only apply to the formation of new friendships, Status symbols may be beneficial at other times and in other settings, such as when trying to establish new business contacts.”

1What does the underlined word "flaunt" in paragraph I mean?

A.Show off.B.Get rid of.

C.Give away.D.Hand in.

2Which is the negative influence of expensive status symbols?

A.Lowering people's social status.

B.Preventing people from making friends.

C.Doing harm to people's health absolutely.

D.Changing people s consumption concept.

3Who may be more popular among friends according to the text?

A.People who are very rich.B.People with high social status.

C.People who keep a low profile.D.People with charming appearance.

4What attitude does Patricia Chen have towards status symbols?


C.Critical .D.Casual.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the general topic of the discussion?

A. Doing homework and taking tests.

B. Organizing and planning for school.

C. Managing tasks in class.

2Who is the woman talking with?

A. Her classmate. B. Her teacher. C. Her father.

3What advice does the man give the woman?

A. Copying all notes in one notebook.

B. Using different colored notebooks.

C. Using a calendar to remember due dates.

