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【题目】Directions : Translate the following sentences into Englishusing the words given in the brackets.

1这是他第一次回老家过年,是吗? (time)









1This is the first time that he has gone back hometown to spend the Spring Festival, isn’t it?

2Once the domestic electrical appliance was released / emerged / came into being / existence, it sold very well.

3I think it impossible to avoid some mistakes, what matters / is important / is the key point is that we should learn a lesson from them.

4To offer / build / create a comfortable dinning / eating environment, smoking is forbidden in many restaurants, which is a piece of good news to most consumers.



1考查固定句式。句式this is the first time that+现在完成时,故译为This is the first time that he has gone back hometown to spend the Spring Festival, isnt it?

2考查固定用法。短语come into being/existence“产生;出现”;本句为once引导的时间状语从句,时态应用一般过去时。故译为Once the domestic electrical appliance was released / emerged / came into being / existence, it sold very well.

3考查固定用法。think后跟形式宾语it指代下文不定式真正宾语,形容词impossible做宾语补足语。短语what matters / is important / is the key point“重要的是……”。故译为I think it impossible to avoid some mistakes, what matters / is important / is the key point is that we should learn a lesson from them.

4考查非谓语动词和动词时态语态。本句不定式做目的状语,主句主语smoking与谓语动词forbid构成被动关系;且非限定性定语从句修饰上文整个句子,关系代词应用which。故译为To offer / build / create a comfortable dinning / eating environment, smoking is forbidden in many restaurants, which is a piece of good news to most consumers.



当不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句在复合宾语结构中作某些动词的宾语时(如think, make, find, consider, feel, suppose等);


一、动词+ it + that-从句。如:

1sb find/ believe/ think/ feel/ consider/ make + it +n+to do/that从句,如:I take it (that) he will come on time. 我认为他会准时来的。

He makes it a rule never to borrow money.(他立志决不向别人借钱。)

I think it no need talking about it with them.(我认为没必要跟他们谈。)

2sb find/think/make + it + adj. + to do sth/that 从句(宾语从句)如:

I don’t feel it difficult to understand the Special English.(我觉得理解英语特别节目并不难。)

I find it interesting to learn English.


二、动词 + prep + it + that-从句。如:

I can’t answer for it that he will come. 我不能保证他会来。

You may rely on it that he’ll come to meet you. 你放心,他会来接你的。

You may depend on it that we shall always help you.(尽管放心,我们会随时帮你的。)

说明:能用于此结构的动词不多,常见的有see to, look to, insist on, stick to, depend on, answer for 等。

注意: that引导的宾语从句不能直接作介词的宾语

三、动词 + it + 介词短语+ that-从句。如:

We owe it to you that there wasn’t a serious accident.(多亏了你才没有发生严重事故。)

I took it for granted that he would help us. 我认为他会帮助我们的。

注意:由及物动词与介词组成的固定搭配中,宾语从句若作该动词的宾语时,须借用it。常见的有take it for granted, bring it to sb’s attention, owe it to sb 等。

四、动词 + it + when /if/that-从句。如:

(1)sbhate / dislike / love / likeitwhen-从句

I hate it when my mother asks me to eat eggs.(我讨厌母亲要我吃鸡蛋。)

I dislike it when you whistle. 我不爱听你吹口哨。


I really appreciate it if you could help me with my math.

I’d prefer it if I didn’t have to do so much work. 要是我不必做那么多工作,好就太好了。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the man doing?

A.Looking for a job.B.Applying for a degree.C.Signing up for a course.

2What does the woman want to know about the man?

A.His family.B.His interest.C.His address

3What special skills does the man have?

A.Speaking Japanese.B.Teaching English.C.Doing business.

4When will the interview start?

A.At 10:00a.m.B.At 11:00a.m.C.At 1l:30a.m.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1John is very _______ (rely) if he says he’ll do something he will do it .

2The jewellery firm is making their _____ (legal) trade in diamonds, which is forbidden by the state.

3Good books are of great _____ (valuable) to students.5

4Try to _____ (simple) your explanation for the children .

5She had a chance to see the _____ (compete) before the interview.

6He showed his _____ (poor) in his knowledge of agriculture.

7_____ (definite) speaking , a university degree can give you a flying start in life .

8Who can make a _____ (predict) what painting style there will be in the future ?

9Smoking is not _____ (permission ) in the workshop.

10I can’t understand the _____ (hide) meaning behind the body language.

11She lived in a mountain village with ____ (satisfy).

12Jane spent many years _____ (observation) their daily activities.

13Children can get a lot out of being ____ (involvement) in volunteer work.

14In early January this year , the rate of UFO reports was ____ (steadily) around three per week .

15There are no _____ (permanence) displays in this museum and exhibitions change all the time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The critics’ top four books of 2018 are based on Christmas selections in national newspapers, the London Evening Standard, The TLS, The Spectator and the New Statesman.

Normal People by Sally Rooney Faber 14.99

Sally Rooney’s debut novel, Conversations with Friends, was one of last year’s most talked-about books. The response to the Irish writer’s follow-up has, if anything, been even more ecstatic. The 27-year-old was praised for her ability to convey subtle modulations of emotion. The novel was long listed for the Man Booker Prize — but many felt that it should have done better.

Vietnam by Max Hastings William Collins 30

This long-awaited historical blockbuster follows the Vietnam War over three decades,from the French “dirty war” of 1946—54 to America’s capitulation to the Vietcong in 1975. Hastings, who reported from the battlefield in Vietnam as a young British journalist, was praised for his encyclopedic knowledge of the conflict.

The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker Hamish Hamilton 18.99

Pat Barker’s novel is a retelling of The lliad — but with women at the heart of the action. The central character is Briseis, who appears only glancingly in Homers original. Best-known for her First World War Set Regeneration trilogy (1997). Barker, in her fifties, again focuses on the traumas of war. Reviewers praised the novel’s subversive energy even if it was judged conventional in places.

A Certain Idea of France by Julian Jackson Allen Lane 35

This biography by British historian Julian Jackson — born in 1954 chronicles the life of Charles de Gaulle who is regarded as one of the greatest ever Frenchmen. While acknowledging that de Gaulle wasn’t very likeable, Jackson salutes his imagination and boldness- qualities that helped him steer France through its liberation from the Nazis and the war in Algeria. Critics suggested it would become the standard biography.

1Which author of the four books is the youngest according to the text?

A.Sally RooneyB.Max HastingsC.Pat BarkerD.Julian Jackson

2Which book may people who are interested in a political leader’s life choose?

A.Normal PeopleB.Vietnam

C.The Silence of the GirlsD.A Certain Idea of France

3What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To remember the four great novelists.B.To promote the values of the four novelists

C.To encourage studies on the four novelsD.To introduce the yearly top four novels.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A Marked Shift in Toy Boxes

Sometimes the smallest of things have the biggest of impacts. Last week Lego showed its first ever wheelchair-using mini-figure at a toy fair in Germany. For an inch-tall plastic boy, he's been making big waves, inspiring global press coverage and online celebrations from Lego fans, parents and disability groups.

“But he’s just a little guy” some may say, “a plastic guy out for a wheel in the park with his dog and a bunch of other mini-figures. What's the big deal?”

1 His birth in the toy box marks a significant shift within children’s industries. There are 150 million children with disabilities worldwide, yet until now they have scarcely ever seen themselves positively reflected in the media and toys they consume.

In her recently published book Disability and Popular Culture , Australian academic Katie Ellis writes: “Toys mirror the values of the society that produce them... ” 2 Whether intentionally or not, it has sent out a powerful message of inclusion.

The toys, TVfilms, games, apps and books that entertain and educate our children barely feature children with any kind of impairment or difference. When did you last see disability represented positively in a children's film, cartoon, or computer game? Have you ever seen a set of emojis that reflect the disabled experience? Then, how could disabled children gain positive self-esteem when the culture around them appears to place no value on their existence? 3 There is a danger that these children will feel like permanent outsider in the world.

4 However, it seems no one knows quite how to fix it. We dance delicately around disability, scared to offend or get it wrong, so we don't do it. This exclusion is causing damage to millions of children, yet the answer is quite simple. Let’s hope that one day, positive representations of disability are included so seamlessly across children’s industries that they cease to be noteworthy at all.

A. If Lego is mirroring, it’s reflecting a better world.

B. Lego is behind disabled kids and they are part of the cultural mainstream.

C. Everyone knows there’s something wrong with how we represent disabled people.

D. Has Lego been prepared for the excitement its wheelchair-using boy would cause?

E. Their hopes, dreams, imaginations and experience are ignored.

F. The message behind Lego’s wheelchair boy is so much larger than his tiny stature.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 课程的开设目的;

2. 教师简介;

3. 报名时间、地点和方式。

注意:1. 词数100左右,开头和结尾已给出;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:中国书法Chinese calligraphy;交换生exchange students

Dear John,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1.推荐光明语言学校(Guangming Language School);




注意:1. 词数100左右;


Dear Smith,

I’m_glad_to_hear_that_your_daughter_will_come_here_to_learn_Chinese.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Three weeks ago, we were living paycheck to paycheck. We survived on my husband’s low-paid job and my disability. We have kids. Also, I was experiencing a terrible tumor (肿瘤)on my neck, leaving me staying in bed in extreme pain, but the operation was to be $8,000, out of pocket, because Medicare only covers 80%.

To take me to the hospital, my husband took a day off work. At 7 am, his boss called. He was being placed on paid leaving, waiting for an investigation into a mistake he had made at work.

We both panicked. Having slowly worked our way out of poverty (贫穷) for 8 years, we were so close to being OK and it was ail falling away. As my husband was a great worker, we decided to stay positive and hope for the best. However, two days later he received the official phone call-he was fired.

Having no savings to pay bills, we cried hopelessly. We went to the welfare office only to be told that he couldn’t collect unemployment for 8 weeks, meaning he had the possibility of having $0 income for two months. It was terrifying.

With only enough food to last for about a week, we applied for food stamps and Medicaid. Then we worked together- diving into job applications. After sending out resumes (简历)to everywhere in the field, he came across some promising companies. We kept our fingers crossed. Hopefully, we could get out of trouble as early as possible.

Soon I got a phone call-my neck operation was going to be free now that we were poor again. And my husband got an email invitation for a video interview and it went great. He would be paid $3 more an hour than his last job. What a roller coaster ride!

1What was the family like before the husband got fired?

A.They showed little concern for each other.

B.They lived in an extremely poor area.

C.They could hardly make ends meet.

D.They led a rich and comfortable life.

2Why did the boss call the husband?

A.To ask him about the truth.B.To tell him about a decision.

C.To persuade him to quit his job.D.To warn him to mind his work attitude.

3What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?

A.We were uncertain about our future.B.We waited hopelessly.

C.We felt more and more nervous.D.We wished ourselves good luck

4What life lesson has the author learned from her experience?

A.Many hands make light work.

B.Actions speak louder than words.

C.When one door shuts, another opens.

D.One false step makes a great difference.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How does the woman feel about her son's behavior at school?


2Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the kitchen.B.In the study.C.In the dining room.

